Choices and Illusions (30 page)

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Authors: Eldon Taylor

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am trying to teach them.

For most people, life is like going to the theater where they are

merely spectators. When you learn meditation, you will find that

you are a part of the movie and that you have more control over

how your story unfolds. I believe that meditation and spiritual

awareness can help all of us live much more fulfilling lives. I also emphasize that it is one thing to read about spirituality and meditation and quite another to actually experience it for yourself. I tell my patients not just to talk about it but also to actually go and do it. This way they can become part of the action themselves.

However, I do have to respect my patients’ time. Some people

simply are not ready for such radical thinking. These patients I

simply treat with “traditional” methods, and while I am able to

help them, they do not see the same gains as the other patients.


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You obviously see spirituality as an integral part of self-healing.

How do you explain these ideas to an atheist?

Much scientific work has demonstrated the power of the mind.

Many experiments in physics have shown that the outcome of

experiments is dependent on the expectations of the observer.

You simply cannot reject the practical role of the mind. If someone does not believe in a higher power, then I approach him or her

from a very scientific point of view. The studies on the mind are

reproducible and therefore totally scientific. It is therefore easy for me to change my approach from that of mysticism to hard science.

The studies on the mind are reproducible

and therefore totally scientific.

What advice do you have for our readers?

don’t just believe me—do it for yourself. Once you have your

own proof, then no one can take it away from you.

How do your colleagues respond to your approach?

I knew that I was doing something right, so it did not matter to

me what my colleagues thought. My colleagues are afraid to bring

spirituality into their work. They are afraid of bringing in new

ideas, as they may fail and so lose patients. doctors are generally financially secure, and if they were to believe in InnerTalk and in the power of the mind, then they would have to change. Change

means taking a risk, and generally doctors do not want to take risks with their own security. Very few doctors are open to the power of

the mind. I have had a few patients who were not open to these new

teachings, and some of my colleagues say that I should stop teaching it as I could lose these patients. But I am not a doctor so that I can keep patients; I am a doctor so that I can help people. The fact is, if an American president is elected with 60 percent of the popular

vote, it is considered a landslide victory. If I can get 60 percent of my patients to take some responsibility for their own health, then I have been successful! As it is, my approach is not losing me any patients.

On the contrary, I am doing even better than before!

Change means taking a risk.


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Do you have any specific stories you can share with us?

One patient I was seeing had been suffering from migraines.

Ten different doctors had given her the same medications, and

they had never worked. When I saw her, I prescribed the same pills.

This time they worked. She was surprised. I had to ask her if it was possible that it was not the medications she had taken but rather

the other changes I had asked her to implement. I then suggested

that she discontinue the medications but continue with the other

practices. She is now free of migraines and free of medications.

The InnerTalk programs I had her use were
Forgiving and Letting Go;
Headache Relief; Healing and Releasing Emotional Pain;
from Fears, Doubt, Helplessness, and Hopelessness.

Another patient came to me suffering from multiple sclerosis. I

told her that in order to get better, she needed not only to continue with her medications but also to pay attention to everything else

that I had taught her. She started working with
Powerful Immune,
Self-Healing Is Natural, Freedom from Depression,
I Am Relaxed.

I think that the depression program is particularly important.

Patients are often depressed and expect their condition to get

worse. I believe that self-healing must start with the expectation

that you can get well. This particular patient worked hard to implement all I had taught her. She tried to think positive even while she did not feel any better. Eventually it paid off. She no longer uses her cane and is optimistic about her future. She knows that she will get better, and she tells everyone this. She even went back to dancing, and the quality of her life has improved immensely. now she tells

everyone about the power of the mind!

Self-healing must start with the

expectation that you can get well.

I am also seeing great results with stroke patients. One of my

patients, with weakness in the left side, experienced significant

improvements in his walking and speech after using the Inner-

Talk programs in conjunction with his “traditional” treatment.

His condition improved sooner than similar patients who had not

used InnerTalk.


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I get similar results with patients with Parkinson’s. When they

use InnerTalk while taking their medications, they get better faster, their tremors improve, and their anxiety levels are reduced.

Basically my patients get better faster

when they use InnerTalk in addition to the

rest of their treatments, as compared

with similar patients who use only

the “traditional” treatment methods.

Do you find the doctors or the nurses more open to the concept of
the power of the mind?

nurses are definitely more open to the power of the mind. They

deal with the patients from the practical side. They see that the

patients who are happier get better faster. They hear me explaining the power of the mind to my patients, and it makes sense to them.

doctors, however, start practicing after a very long training,

and they are already mentally tired and want to finally relax.

Because of this, they are less inclined to embark on another type

of training, a training that is totally different, the training in

spirituality, even though this may be the most important training

of their lives.

There is a gradually increasing pressure on the medical profes-

sion from insurance companies and the malpractice crisis. The

system has become so complex and so sophisticated and is draw-

ing all the energies toward the material aspects of their lives. As a result, physicians are less and less inclined to focus on the spiritual aspects of their lives. Also, physicians do not have a clear understanding of what meditation even is. They perceive meditation as

just another way to relax, the same as having a drink by the pool

with friends and family. They simply do not see the training of the mind as being important. They have no idea what they are missing.

Why do you believe meditation to be so important?

We cannot progress with spirituality without learning about

meditation. Meditation is so much more than just relaxing, and

it is different from praying. I was brought up as a Greek Orthodox


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Christian, and they believe in praying a lot. However, I see praying as “speaking to God,” whereas meditation is “listening to God.”

Most people simply do not want to spend time working on some-

thing that seems so ambiguous, but the rewards are there for those

who do.

Which programs do you think everyone should have in his or her

personal library?

I think everyone should learn the true meaning of relaxation.

Once you learn this, you can turn to the deeper levels of spirituality. I would therefore start everyone with the
Deep Relaxation
collection and then follow up with titles such as
Opening Up to a Higher
Connecting with the Force.
I really like the
Platinum Plus
collection, especially
Manifesting Your Vision
Dream Petitioning.

I think that the
Path to Mastership
is the crown jewel in the InnerTalk line. This should definitely be in everyone’s library. It is the most powerful program and works so well for the busy lives we all

now live. I also use
Energy Meditation
Conscious Expansion,
and I think
is a must for everyone.

Are you saying that everyone should work with the spirituality programs, regardless of what their major issues are?

Most of my patients want specific results right away, but I

believe that the true solutions lie in spirituality. I therefore use a combination of programs, some that are specific to a particular

problem and some that deal with spirituality. This way they can

see the immediate results while they work on the long-term solu-

tion that prevents the problem from coming back. It is only by

reestablishing the mind-body connection that we can prevent the

problems from recurring.

Are there any other titles you think we should carry in our line?

Your library is so extensive that I can always find a program

that fits my needs and my patients’ needs. I do not think you need

to add to the line. What we need to do is tell more people about

this technology. I truly believe that InnerTalk has the capability to change human civilization. It is so powerful and so needed that I


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think it should be in every hospital. The doctors would be able to

relax so much more, and the patients would all recover faster. There is no one who cannot benefit from InnerTalk. InnerTalk truly is the tool for self-realization, and it is the best investment you could ever make. It is the best investment I have ever made, as it has changed my family life, my patients, and my professional life. I tell everyone about InnerTalk, but I am also very aware that I can only plant the seeds. I am not responsible for the germination.

Thank you, Dr. Enescu. I am sure that, like me, all of our readers
have found your interview inspiring, enlightening, and educational.

I wish more doctors had your dedication to truly helping their patients. I
for one would be more comfortable about going to see a doctor who lived
by your philosophy.

And here is another success story that you can learn from. This

one is from dede Murcer Moffett, who has also made huge strides

in her life using the principles in this book and the InnerTalk programs. Here is her story in her own words.

DeDe Murcer Moffett

life indeed is a multitude of choices and illusions. In many

cases, the choices we make are derived directly from our illu-

sions. Illusions, by my definition, are unfounded thoughts and

unfounded beliefs that are ungrounded in truth. nevertheless,

those illusions can be powerful motivators or, depending on the

feelings they evoke, “demotivators.” I can promise you, I’ve cer-

tainly had my share of both.

My inspiration has always been music; I was born to be an

entertainer. I started singing publicly at age 13. I performed in

countless shows and musicals throughout junior high and high

school, winning competitions and even performing abroad in

Europe. Music, for as long as I can remember, was never something

I just engaged in; it was something deep inside me. It was a force

with no known origin, for it has always been there. My greatest


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desire was to be on Broadway, to take that creativity inside me and mold it into something beautiful. I wanted the outside world to see, hear, feel, and ultimately find inspiration through my entertaining.

But my own unfounded illusions would trip me up and take

me on a 24-year detour from the real me before I would ultimately

wake up, stand up, and snap out of it!

The turning point came soon after I received my long-sought-

after and highly anticipated vocal scholarship from Oklahoma City

University, the same university attended by Broadway star Kristin

Chenoweth, incidentally.

I Was a “Nobody”!

during my time in college, my deep-seated fears and illusions

began telling me I couldn’t compete; I was a “nobody.” My illusions led me to believe that I was just average, not smart enough, not

pretty enough, and definitely not talented enough. Of course, you

realize that no one was actually saying these things—no one but

me, of course. Each day I faced paralyzing fear and internal torment.

This feeling, coupled with self-hate and self-sabotage, was quickly dimming the lights on my lifelong dream of Broadway. My feelings

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