Choose Wisely (13 page)

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Authors: Michele V. Mitchell

BOOK: Choose Wisely
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I could feel myself ready to get on the defensive.

              “Actually, she was concerned about you. That’s just the type of person she is. So are you going to tell me what happened to your eye? Because when you left me the other night with your brother you were fine. Is he hurting you?  I can come through if you need me to,” I was really worried about her.

“Dontae I’m fine and no he didn’t hurt me. I was playing with my son and he hit me in the eye with one of his toys,”

“Well why did you lie to Sandy?”

“Because it was none of her business, she just wanted a reason to see you!”

Our conversation wasn’t going how I planned. I needed to let her know that
, Sandy and I were back together and whatever we had going needed to come to an end.

“Are you home? I need to talk to you,” I asked.

“No I’m in Philly. I had a family emergency,”

“Is everything all right?”

“Yes my mother was overreacting as usual,” she stated with a slight attitude. The call went silent for a moment. I didn’t want to say what I had to say over the phone. But I felt like I had no choice. Sandy meant the world to me. I had to clear up any loose ends before the two of us could move forward.

“How long are you going to be in Philly?”

“I’ll be back Monday before my shift. Is something wrong?” She questioned.

I figured she could hear in my voice that something was bothering me. I knew she had feelings for me and I didn’t want to hurt her. I closed my eyes and

“Sandy and I are back together,” I blurted out.

Things went silent for a brief moment.
The only reason I knew she was still on the line, was because I still could hear her breathing. I didn’t want to hurt her. She was a sweet person. But I knew it would be wrong to lead her on. Besides, Sandy wasn’t going for us remaining friends. There was bad blood between them.

“Are you still there?” I asked.

I was relieved when she finally spoke;

              “I’m here Darius. What do you want me to say?”

I honestly didn’t know what I wanted her to say. I just needed her to understand.

“I want you to tell me, how you feel,”

“Listen, you don’t need to feel guilty. I always knew there was a chance this would happen. Trust me when I say, I will bounce back. I promise
that,” She said with a slight attitude.

I could feel my head starting to hurt. I just wanted
this conversation to be over.

“Could you hold for minute?” She asked.

Before I could respond, she was off the line. I looked at time on my car stereo.
I was going to be late getting to Sandy’s. I knew she would understand once I explained things to her. I heard music and children crying when she returned to our conversation.

“Dontae, do you think you could do me one last favor?”

“What do you need?” My jaw tightened.

“My mom’s disability still hasn’t kicked in. Do you think you could cover her rent once last time?” She sweetly asked.

I relaxed, once I realized that all she wanted.

              “You need seven hundred right?”

“Yes,” she quickly responded.

“Okay I got you,”

“Can you wire the money tonight?”

“Nah I can’t I got plans. I’ll do it in the morning. Text me the information,” I sighed.

“Is everything all right?” She questioned.

“Yeah, I’m cool. I just need you to know this has to be the last time you come too me for help,”

“Wow!” It’s like that?”

I didn’t answer her. I mean what did she think this call was about?

              “You know what Donate? You’re absolutely right. I will not ask you for anything else,” she hissed.

I didn’t mean to get her upset. But how would it look if I still was giving her money, and trying to make it work with Sandy.’
I thought.

“I need you to understand. We need to distance ourselves from each other for a while. I’m not trying to hurt you. You can still keep your job at the club. I know you can use the money,”

“Gee thanks,” she said sarcastically.

“I have another call coming in. I’ll text you the information. Thanks I gotta go,” she hung up before I got the chance to utter another word.

I stopped by my house to grab a few things before I headed to Sandy’s. I was actually nervous once I stepped out my car. I tossed my overnight bag on my shoulder, and sprinted up the steps. Once I reached her door, I paused. I knew she said she wanted to work things out.
‘But what if she changed her mind?
’ I thought.

“Man up!” I mumbled to myself.

I knocked on the door, and she appeared with open arms. I loved this woman. All of our mistakes were a thing of the past. We were moving on and there was no stopping us.

“Where’s little man?” I asked.

She put her index finger over her lips.

              “Be quiet. I just got his hyper behind to sleep. He was jumping all over this place. Thanks to you and all that candy you gave him,”

I laughed.

              “My bad,” I took her hand and lead her to the sofa.

“Are you hungry?” She asked.

ignored her question, kissing her lips and pulling her towards me.

“I’m so glad you decided to give us another chance,” I stated.

“Baby, we both made mistakes. It’s over let’s move on,”

I glanced over at my coat.

              “Remember how I use to always get you cards, to express how I felt,”

She started nibbling on my ear
. I was starting to lose focus.

“Yes I remember,” she whispered in between nibbles.

I pulled away.

              “What’s wrong?” She asked.

“Nothing I just need to get something,”

I walked across the room and reached inside my coat pocket. I pulled out the card. I had gotten earlier and handed it to her. She grinned, while opening the card like a child at Christmas. I watched her lips closely as she read the card quietly.
She looked up with tears and shock on her face. She repeated the last sentence I wrote on the card.

“Will you marry me?” She cried out, not believing what she had just read. She placed her hand over her chest in shock. I decided to tease her a bit.

“Yes I will marry you,” I stated boldly.

She looked confused.

              “Huh?” She responded.

“You just asked would I marry you. Didn’t you?” I asked.

“I was reading what you wrote!” She jumped up.

“Okay let me stop playing with you,” I kissed her lips, and then pulled out a 2.5 karat diamond ring. I got down on one knee and popped the question.

“Will you marry me?” I smiled.

She threw her arms around me
, while crying with what I assume were tears of joy.

“Oh my God! Yes I will marry you!”

She stood back, and I placed the ring on her finger. She was definitely excited, her hand wouldn’t stop shaking. I took her hands and placed them next to my heart.

              “Thank you baby for believing in a man like me, I’m going to give you the world,” she placed her hands on my cheeks.

“I know you will,” she agreed.

The next thing I knew we were kissing and rubbing on each other like we use to do in the old days.
Her body was so soft. I had missed her. I was ready to make up for lost time. I pulled on her belt. Leading her to the bedroom, she suddenly smacked my hand away. My heart sunk.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

She leaned in and kissed me on the mouth.

              “Nothing is wrong. Finally everything is the way it’s supposed to be. I just want us to do this right,”


“Meaning that if we’re both serious about this and about our roles at the church, we need to wait to have sex until we’re married,”

Man, she just said the words, I wasn’t trying to hear right now. I closed my eyes, and pulled her back towards me.

“Ugh! If you want to wait until we’re married, then that’s what will do,”

I took a step
back, my eyes were roaming her entire body.

“Somebody help me! Cause I need a cold shower!” I groaned.

She laughed.

              “I’ll run you some water,” she smiled and gazed into my eyes.

“I love you,”

“I love you more,” I confirmed.

While in the shower I found myself singing. I hadn’t sung since my mother passed. She was gone and I couldn’t change that. All I could do was live my life the way she taught me. I was good man, and a good person because of her. I had lost my way for moment. I was thankful God and Sandy hadn’t given up on me.

I got out the shower and headed to Sandy’s room. She was sleeping with her cell phone still in her hand. I wondered how many of her friends knew we we’re engaged. My thought was disturbed, by the ringing of my cell phone. I hurried out the room to answer the call.

“Hello,” I whispered.

“Are you busy?” Lexi asked.

What did she want? I thought I had made myself clear.

              “Yeah I am. What’s up?”

“I’m sorry if I interrupted your evening. I just wanted to apologize for how I acted earlier,”

“It’s cool,” I replied, as I tried hurrying her off the phone.

“Well I’m not going to keep you. Thank you for everything. I’ll text you in the morning,”

“Goodnight Dontae,”

“Goodnight,” I hit the end button on my cell, and quietly made my way back to the bedroom.

I slid under the covers next to Sandy. It had been
an emotional day. I was exhausted. I placed my cell phone on the nightstand. I hoped that would be the last call from Lexi. Sandy and I were in a good place, and I didn’t want anything or anyone to ruin that.




I opened my eyes, said a small prayer and hopped out of bed. It was nine o’clock in the morning, and church started at eleven. I picked up my cell phone, hitting the power button. I had turned it off after I spoke with Sandy yesterday. I didn’t want to deal with talking to Tyrone or Darius. I still couldn’t believe Darius wanted to be with me. I was so confused. There was only one thing to do. I would give my problems to
Through Him all things were possible.

“Dear Lord, I know I already prayed this morning. But I still need you. Lord, you are understanding and know all things. I need to know what to do. I have two great men wanting to be with me. I’m not sure what to do. Lord I want to please you by making the right choice. I ask for your guidance and wisdom today. I love you Lord I need you Lord. In Jesus name I pray amen.”

I noticed my cell phone was blinking, which meant I had messages. I sat on my bed and placed my cell phone to my ear. I had four messages. Two calls from Tyrone, one call from Darius. The last message came from my sister. She sounded excited. She said she had some big news, and wanted to wait to tell me in person. I was curious to find out what had my sister so happy. I hurried to get ready.

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