Choose Wisely

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Authors: Michele V. Mitchell

BOOK: Choose Wisely
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Copyright © 2014
True Glory Publications

Published by
True Glory Publications LLC

First Edition





This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblances to actual events, real people, living or dead, organization, establishments, locales are products of the author’s imagination. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously.


Cover design/Graphics
: Michael Horne



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The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.



First and foremost I want to thank God because without him none of this would be possible. I also want to thank my church family and my TGP family for all your love and support. I also want to thank my beautiful daughter
Charnae Mitchell for understanding this is what I was born to do. Finally I want to thank everyone who helped me with the research for my novel. Gary Clayton aka Man-Man, Mark Bailey, Audri Singleton, Randa Wise, Author Basil Talib, Tonyka Thomas-Lugaro, Tasha Thomas, Zachary Anderson, Richard Dunbar, and Kita Ambush. Finally thanks to my three favorite women in the world. I love you and all the support you give. My sister Charlene Mitchell and my girls Kena Brown, and Monica Green. If I forgot anyone, I’m truly sorry and please know you are appreciated.




I would like to dedicate his book to four special friends. First my friend Eddie Tate, who gave me the idea to write this novel and three ladies who stuck with me through this entire process; my two cousins Natasha Burris, and Tressina Moore. Finally my friend Ivi Clements.



              It was cold. Was I dead?  I didn’t think so I heard voices and people crying.

“Don’t go! Stay with us! We’re going to get you to a hospital.”

I felt weak. I couldn’t open my eyes. All I wanted to do was follow the beautiful light. But the voices they were so loud. The voices kept my focus off the bright light. Someone cried out.

“Can you hear me?”

I wanted to answer but the words wouldn’t come out. I needed to sleep, just for a little while. My mind started wondering. Was I having flashbacks? I remembered I was seven years old. I was sitting on the school bus.

“Can I sit here?”

“I don’t care”, I stated.

That’s when we first met. We got off the bus.

“Do you know how to get to room thirty-two?” 

“Is that your homeroom?” I asked.


“That’s mine too follow me,

I remember
ed thinking as we walked down the hall. We were going to get married one day. Things were so simple back then. My mind raced to when we were older.

“You can’t leave me I love you!”

“You don’t love me. If you loved me you would’ve never cheated on me,”

“What did you expect when you’re never around?”

“Oh so it’s my fault you couldn’t keep your pants on?”

I remember
ed that night like it was yesterday. Wait!

“Where were all the voices?”

I didn’t hear voices! I need to calm down. I decided to focus on the light. It was so beautiful. I wanted to see where it went. I was tired of all the lies and drama. There had to be something better. I just couldn’t keep my eyes off the light. I saw someone coming towards me. I couldn’t tell who it was. They reached for my hand. I followed the stranger towards the light. For the first time in months I felt a sense of peace. My mind was made up; I was going to follow this stranger into the light. There was no looking back now.



Six Months Earlier…


“Why don’t you go upstairs and make sure he’s ok?” I rolled my eyes
, scanning the room to make sure no one was listening.              

“You know he doesn’t want to see me!”

  “Sis I know ya ain’t on the best of terms, but his mother just died he probably needs you,”

I knew my sister was right. I however was not going to give her the satisfaction of telling her so. She thought because she was older she knew everything.

                “Ok give me a minute,”

I walked over to where the beer was
located, digging deep down in the cooler filled with ice. I grabbed a Corona, figuring the beer would give me the courage to face my ex Dontae.  We had ended our relationship months ago. He found out I was cheating and couldn’t handle it. The funny thing was he cheated on several occasions and I always forgave him. I guess men looked at women cheating differently.

I begged him to forgive me. But he wasn’t trying to hear it. I had
my pride so I stopped calling and coming by his momma’s house. I felt bad not seeing his mother. I really had a good relationship with Ms. Karen. I finished my beer and looked around room. My heart truly felt heavy. How was Dontae going to handle this? It was him and his momma against the world. I knew this had to be killing him. I finished my beer and scanned the room. I made my way through the crowd and slowly walked up the stairs to Dontae’s room. I knocked on his door and took a deep breath. My heart was pounding, I was so nervous .Placing my ear to the door. I heard voices, but he didn’t answer. Something told me to go back downstairs. But of course I didn’t listen to the little voice inside my head. I opened the door and just stood there in shock.

Dontae must have
seen the expression on my face because he quickly called out my name. I ignored him. I was too engrossed with the light skinned heifer riding my man like she was a professional jockey. She even had the audacity to turn around and grin at me. That was it! I jumped on her so fast one of my shoes fell off. Dontae tried his best to break up the fight. He tried grabbing me, but I pushed him with so much force he fell to the floor. The next thing I remembered was my sister our friend Darius pulling me off the girl.

“Get off me!” I screamed.

I wanted to kill Dontae at that moment.

“How you going to disrespect Ms. Karen’s house? You should be ashamed of yourself!”

Dontae stood glaring at me then turned to Darius.

Brah I ain’t got time for this shit. Please get her crazy ass out of here man,”

“Crazy? You
ain’t seen crazy yet!” I snarled.

My sister yanked me by the back of my shirt.

“Let’s go Sandy!”

“Okay stop pulling on me
”, I whined.

quickly broke free from my sister’s grasp, pointing over Dontae’s shoulder at his girl.

ain’t over!”


              I took my sister by the hand and lead her into the upstairs bathroom.

“What the hell are you doing? This is Ms. Karen’s repast for God sakes!”

I could tell Sandy was close to tears. I handed her some tissue.

“I know I was wrong for jumping on that girl. But when I saw them together I just lost it. Can you believe his mother just passed away and he already broke one of her biggest rules! We never had sex in this house! Ms. Karen is probably rolling over in her grave right now!” She exclaimed.

“Listen Sandy you need to calm down.
You two never had sex because you told him you wanted to wait until you were married. Then you turn around and give it away to someone else”, I reminded her.

, you’re going to throw that back in my face!” She hissed.

“Calm down all I’m saying is you two both did things to hurt each other. And this is not the time or place to get into an argument with him. Besides
Pastor Hill and the First Lady are right downstairs pull it together,”

I hated talking to her like she was a child. But if I didn’t who would? Our mother had passed away when I was six and she was three. It was my job to look out for her and it was a job I took seriously.

              I sat on the edge of the tub searching for the right words to say. I could see the hurt in her big brown eyes. She reminded me of a lost puppy. I hated that I couldn’t take her pain away. But she was grown all I could do was try to talk some sense into her.

I’m sorry you had to see that. But you need to really get it together. You have too much to lose. You just passed all three of your test to become a police officer. I know you’re not just going to throw away everything you’ve worked for. When do you start your classes?”

“In two weeks,”                                                                                                                                                                       

“Okay well pull yourself together. Sis I know this is hard. But you have to accept the fact that you two are no longer together. He can sleep with whoever he wants to.
I could see the fire in her eyes as she, snatched her hand away.

you think I know that?” She grumbled.

“Look Sandy don’t
take your frustration out on me”, I stood up and so did she.

There we stood eye to eye. I prayed she didn’t put her hands up. I would hate to have to give her the beat down of her life all up in Ms. Karen’s bathroom.

Thank you Lord
!’ I thought to myself, watching as she sat back down

“Sis I know everything you’re saying is true. But I ain’t trying to hear that mess right now,”

I knew how much she loved him. They use to be more than just your average couple. They were best friends she would ride for him and he would ride for her. Sandy got up and looked in the mirror. I searched in my purse for
my brush. I gently started brushing her hair back into place, smiling because it reminded me of when we were kids.

“You’re lucky that girl didn’t pull any of your tracks out”, I laughed.

“Please if she would of I would be at the county tonight for sure!” I popped her in the back of the head with my brush.

“That’s not funny! I already told you that you
have too much to lose!”

spun around to face me.

“Don’t worry about me. I’m not going to do anything to jeopardize my chances on becoming a cop. I saw girly around the hood before and trust me when I say what happened tonight won’t go no further than this house,”

“What do you mean by that?” I asked.

“It’s not important. Just know that I will be keeping my eyes on her,” she checked herself out in the mirror one last time.

“So what are you about to do now?” I asked.

“I think I’m going to head out in a few,”

“How about you?”

“I came with Darius so I’m going to find him and have him take me home,” I gave my little sister a big hug.

“Are you going to be alright?” I questioned.

“I’m going to be fine. I’ll call you when I get home,”

“You better and sis please stay away from Dontae tonight,”

I knew sh
e probably wouldn’t listen. But at the end of the day she was grown and it was her business.

I headed back downstairs, looking in the living room to see if my Pastor and First Lady had left. There were no signs of them. I prayed they didn’t here Sandy upstairs acting like she had no home training. That’s all my father would need to hear. He was the Deacon of our church. He would have been present for the repast but he went home after the funeral, because he wasn’t feeling well. I decided to go find Darius it was getting late and I was tired.

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