Choose Wisely (4 page)

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Authors: Michele V. Mitchell

BOOK: Choose Wisely
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I was about to head back to lunch area. But before I could log off my computer Tyrone was back at my counter.

“I’m on my way to lunch did you need something else?”

I was hoping he didn’t because I forgot to eat breakfast and I was starving. He looked like he was nervous. If I could of I would have shook whatever he had to say out of him. That’s how hungry I was! Instead I waited patiently until he spoke.

              “I ------ just wanted to know if I could take you out,” he stuttered.

Wow he caught me off guard. I thought. I always assumed I was out of his league. Now it was my turn to speak
, and I was the one standing there with a stupid look on my face. I guess I took too long to respond because he continued talking.

“It wouldn’t be a date. I’ll be in town Friday to see some Old School Rappers perform at a club called Next Level.  I just thought you might want to join me,”

“So you’re not asking me out?” I hoped I didn’t look too disappointed when I asked that question.

“Yes I mean No, wait give a second,”

He wiped his forehead with his hand.  I thought it was cute that he was so nervous.

“Yes I’m asking you out if your answer is yes. If your answer is no then please forget this entire conversation,” 

I hadn’t been asked out in so long. Now I was starting to get nervous. Should I say yes, but what about Darius? What would he think? I knew we weren’t a couple but he was the only man I was close too. I searched for a piece of paper and scribbled my number on it.

“Here’s my number just call me and I’ll let you know,”

He smiled and took the piece of paper. I was happy with my decision not to say yes right off the bat. This gave me time to make sure I was ready to date. I also didn’t want to look to eager. I watched him as he walked out of the bank. I hurried to find Vicki before it was too late for us to talk.

When I entered the break room Vicki was on her cell phone. I went to the fridge to grab my sandwich and chips. I looked up to see Vicki smiling and waving for me to come over. Before I could sit down, she was grilling me with questions.

“So what did Mr. Sexy have to say?”

“Girl he asked me out!”

“Stop lying!”

“I’m not lying! You act like it’s impossible for me to get a date or something,”

“I never said that, stop being so sensitive. I was just surprised because he has been coming to your counter for months. Why would he wait until now?”

“I don’t know,” I frowned.

“It’s probably nothing,” she smiled.

“So what did you say?”

“I told him I would let him know. What would Darius think?”

“Darius!” She laughed.

“What does he have to do with this? From what you told me he doesn’t look at you like that anyway. Besides none of us are getting any younger,”

I was almost thirty. I guess she had a point. It was time to let the dream of me and Darius being together go. He was my best friend and that’s all he would ever be. When Tyrone –aka- Mr. Sexy called my answer would be yes.




              I couldn’t believe I started classes to become an officer three days! My girls were taking me out to celebrate. They thought I needed one last bang before I officially became the law. I searched my closet and decided on my black sleeveless Chanel dress. It showed off my long legs perfectly. Dontae always said I had a body like Serena Williams. I was very athletic. The dress fit me well. Dontae brought it for me last year on my birthday. I was saving it for a special occasion and tonight was the night. It wasn’t easy passing the test to qualify to become an officer. But I did it! And I was proud of myself.

I walked over to my dresser and picked up a picture of me, my mom, and sister, I wiped a tear that rolled down my cheek. I was happy and still sad at the same time. I wondered how my mother would have felt about me becoming a cop .I was three when she was killed. She was coming home from work one night and was shot in a drive-by shooting in Jersey. Once I learned how she died I was determined to become a police officer. I wanted to make a difference in the world and help prevent another child from losing their mother. I kissed my picture and placed it back on the dresser. I barely knew my mother but I felt in my heart she was looking down on me giving me her stamp of approval.  I looked out my window and saw my friend Shay pulling into my apartment complex. I threw my keys into my purse and headed to out the door. I really wanted to be celebrating with Dontae; he was the one who pushed me to follow my dreams.  I knew he still loved me. But he was hurting and things just weren’t the same.  I sighed and walked to the car. I loved him. But tonight was my night and I was going to enjoy myself with or without him.

I was surprised when we pulled into The Next Level’s parking lot. This was one of Dontae’s mother’s establishments
. ‘Why would they bring me here?’
I thought. Before I could ask any questions my girl Tara leaned over the back seat and touched my shoulder.

“I know what you’re thinking. But Dontae is not going to here tonight. You can't stop living because you two broke up. Remember this use to be one of your favorite spots. Plus we purchased the tickets months ago,” she stated.

I had almost forgot tonight there would be some of the best Old School Rappers performing in the club I immediately got excited.

              “Ya didn’t tell me ya brought tickets to the show!” I smiled.

“We got them months ago,” Shay confirmed.

I loved my friends they knew this was just what I needed. I had been so depressed about me and Dontae I had shut them out. They both gave me my space and I appreciated it. We had been friends since middle school. We always knew what the other needed. I checked myself out in my compact mirror. My skin was flawless. Not a pimple in sight. My father called me his black china doll. I had his dark complexion and my mother’s slanted eyes and straight dark hair. Being Chinese and black got me into countless fights growing up. Girls hated the fact my sister and I had good hair and that the boys in the neighborhood gave us so much attention. I was pretty but everyone around my way knew I didn’t play. I was well respected in the Burg and I earned it.

              I followed Shay and Tara to the front entrance. We ignored angry comments from the large crowd who were pissed we didn’t have to wait in line. Shay tried to walk pass the bouncer. But he grabbed her. She angrily jerked her arm away.

“What do you think you’re doing? Don’t put your hands on me!” She yelled.

“I’m trying to do my job and you need to be searched,”

“I’m a regular and you’re not searching me,” she hissed.

I could see that the bouncer was getting frustrated with Shay’s attitude. I didn’t come out for this. I stepped in front of Shay and smiled.

              “Is there a problem?” I asked.

“Yeah ya friend feels like she don’t gotta get searched and I ain’t losing my job for her or anyone else,”

I glanced over my shoulder. I could tell the
crowd behind us was getting impatient. I needed to defuse the situation before it got ugly. People paid their money and they wanted to see the show.  I took the bouncer by the hand and pulled him to the side. He was very attractive. His dreads were neatly done and pulled back into a ponytail. I could tell he wasn’t from here by his accent and his lineup was perfect. My guess was he was from Philly born and raised. It was something about those Philly boys that made them stand out.

I cleared my throat before I spoke I needed time to think of something quick to say. I also knew most people would put down their defenses with a compliment.

“You’re doing your job very well. My friend didn’t mean any harm. We’re all very close with the owner. We don’t normally have to get searched. I moved in closer and touched his forearm.

“I promise we’re not hiding anything in our purses. Do you think you could let us slide this once?” I smiled.

“I will let you and your friends through if I can get your numb— before he could finish his sentence. I saw someone pushing through the crowd in our direction. I recognized who it was before she got to us. It was the chick I beat down a few weeks ago at Dontae’s house.

“Lou what’s going on here? What are you doing talking to her?” She shouted.

Lou looked confused. He pulled her to the side but I could still hear their conversation.

              “Girl what’s wrong with you? I’m just doing my job,”

“You don’t need to be all up in that bitch’s face to do your job,” she snarled.

I was trying my best to maintain my composure. But if she called me
a bitch again, it was going to be a round two. Lou looked in my direction and smiled. He whispered something in the chic’s ear. She pushed him away.

“I don’t care! This is the bitch that attacked me and she ain’t coming up in here!” I took off my earrings and was about to pounce on her a second time. Before I could move Shay and Tara grabbed me.

“What the hell is going on?” Shay asked.

“I’ll explain later just let me go!” I demanded.

“No you need to calm down! Your sister would kill us if we let anything happen to you,” Shay stated.

lus you’re better than this. Don’t let some trick ruin your night,”

reached in her bag and handed me her lip gloss.

“Now use this and put your earrings back in, ain’t nothing jumping off tonight!” She said as she glared in the chic’s direction.

I watched as Dontae’s girl answered her cell phone and looked towards the door. I turned around to see what she was staring at. I wasn’t surprised when I saw Dontae and Darius come walking
through door. Darius immediately walked over to us, while Dontae chose to see what was up with his so –called girl.

When Darius asked us what happened I didn’t answer. I was focused on Dontae and his girl’s conversation. That chic better not be lying on me. My thought was interrupted by the bouncer from earlier.

“Are you ok?” He asked.

“Yeah I’m fine,” I said still not taking my eyes off the couple.

He touched my shoulder.

“Do you mind if I talk to you alone for a second?” I really didn’t want to take my eyes off the Dontae. But I excused myself away from Darius and my girls. I followed him to the other end of the club. While I was walking I spotted Melissa at a table with some dude I didn’t know. Let me find out big sis gotta a new man and didn’t tell me! I smiled to myself. She was a good woman and she deserved to be happy. Good for her I thought. I wasn’t going to interrupt her evening. But I was definitely calling her as soon as I got home!

The bouncer took me by the hand and leaned his back on the wall. I was going to tell him he was bold for grabbing my hand. But it had been enough drama for one night.

“Listen I just wanted to apologize for the way my sister Lexi came off tonight?”

“She’s your sister?” I questioned.

“Don’t take this the wrong way. But ya don’t look nothing alike,”

He laughed.

              “Yeah I know we get that a lot. We have the same dad but different mothers,”

My mind started racing. I didn’t trust Dontae’s girl at all. But I knew if I got close to her brother. I could find out
what was really good with her. Even as a child I could read people. I knew that it would come in handy for what I had planned. I talked with him for about ten more minutes. I watched Darius walk Shay and Tara to our table. Lexi’s brother told me his name was Lou. We exchanged number and he told me he would call me later. He also apologized for his sister’s behavior one last time, before he walked me to my table.

Despite the evenings earlier events, I was having a good time. The show was off the chain. I still couldn’t believe the music I listened to as a teen was now considered old school. I glanced at my watch. I was getting tired and I knew I had to get up for church in the morning.  I never missed a Sunday. My father would have a fit if he knew my sister and I were out partying the night before and didn’t make it to church. He believed if we could dance all night in the club, then we sure as hell could dance and praise the Lord the next day. I remember one Sunday I was so hung over I could barely stand. He opened my front door with his spare key and literally dragged me out of bed and through me in the shower with my clothes still on. That was my first and last time getting drunk. Especially knowing where I had to be in the morning.

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