Choose Wisely (3 page)

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Authors: Michele V. Mitchell

BOOK: Choose Wisely
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She tried
putting her arms around me. I pushed her away.

“You don’t want me. If you d
id you would have never cheated,” I stated.

She batted her eyes
moving closer to me.

“Baby I said I was sorry. How long you going to hold that against me?”

I grabbed her by her jacket pulling her towards the front door.

“You need to understand this. I don’t want you! I tolerate you because of our daughter. Wait don’t you have a date tonight? Don’t keep the man waiting,”

Trina picked up her purse and opened the screen door.

              “You need to stop kidding yourself because you know as well as I do,” she said her next statement slowly.

“You still want this!” I was too tired to respond.

I closed the door behind her and ran upstairs to change my clothes. I made my lunch, called Jade to wish her goodnight, and then headed to my car. Before I could get in I noticed something on my windshield. I walked around to the front of the car to take a better look.
Trina left me a note on my windshield with her lipstick, which read;

You will always be mine, Love your wife Tee.

Crazy broad!’
I thought. I would have to clean her mess up later. I was already running behind. I started up my car and texted Dontae. We were meeting for breakfast after I got off work. With Aunt Karen gone he needed someone to lookout for him. He was my blood. I had to make sure he was straight.



I woke up feeling empty. I just couldn’t believe my mom was gone. She was my best friend, my rock. How was I going to make it without her? My mother raised me in church. I was taught to believe in God. But I wasn’t sure I believed anymore. If there was really a God why would he take the sweetest woman I knew away from me? I felt like there was a big boulder sitting on my heart and I couldn’t get it off. First I find out the only woman I ever loved cheated. Now my mother is gone! What’s next? I thought.

I picked up my cell and noticed I had three missed calls. Two calls from my Pastor and one call from Sandy. They were the last two people I wanted to hear from. I was not in the mood to hear Pastor Hill preach to me about my mother being in a better place or hear Sandy crying about how sorry she was. As far as I was concerned I didn’t need them or God. All my life I did what I was told. I was in church every Sunday, Bible School every Wednesday and even helped with Bible Camp every summer since I was twelve. It was time to do me.

I slowly got out of bed so I wouldn’t wake Lexi. I scanned her entire body. She was fine. She was about 5’5 and thick in all the right places. Her caramel complexion complimented her hazel eyes. She told me her mother was Spanish and her father was black. Her mother raised her so she spoke fluent Spanish. When she called me Papi It brought chills up my spine. She was definitely a dime and I wanted her on my team.

I picked up my phone vibrating on the dresser. It was Darius reminding me about breakfast. I went in my walk-in closet to find something to wear. I decided on my red and black Scottie Pippen Throwback Jersey and a pair of jeans. I searched my closet for my red and black Jordan’s. Once I found them I headed to the bathroom. It was filled with things that reminded me of my mother. I stepped in the shower and let the water run down my body. I wished I could wash the pain away. I closed my eyes and wept in silence.

I made my way back to my room. Before I could open the door I heard Lexi talking on her phone.

“Stop stressing me these things take time!” I opened the door and Lexi jumped.

“You ok?” I asked. She looked nervous.

“I’m fine Papi. She took the phone away from her ear.

“My sister is just tripping about some work stuff,” she put the phone back to her ear.

“Listen I gotta go. My man just got out the shower and we need to talk,”

              She paused for a minute. I assumed she was listening to her sister on the other end.

“Ok I’ll call you later. Love you too,”

She hung up and crawled towards the end of the bed. My man immediately stood at attention, when she motioned for me to come closer.

“So what’s your plans for today?” She asked.

“Nothing much, I have to meet with my cousin Darius for breakfast. Other than that I’m free. Why what you got planned for me?”

“Come back to bed and find out,”

I quickly removed my towel from my waist. She poured me a glass of Hennessey from the bottle on my nightstand. I swallowed the drink and clenched my teeth as it went down. I
wasn’t really a drinker. But I was quickly learning how fast things can change.

Lexi took the glass and softly kissed my neck. I didn’t know what this girl was doing to me and I honestly didn’t care. All I knew was when I was with her the pain I felt would somehow disappear. She walked into my life at just the right time and I had no intentions on letting her go.

A few hours later I walked into the Keystone Diner on the Third Street. Darius was at our usual table reading the paper and drinking a cup of coffee. I approached him and gave him a pound. He called over the waitress so we could order. I told the waitress I needed a minute and just to bring a cup of coffee. Darius ordered his food and handed the menu back to the waitress.

“So how you doing?” He questioned.

I wanted to ask him. How do you think I’m doing? I just lost my mother. But instead I just said I was fine. I knew he really didn’t know what to say to me considering his parents were both alive and well. We sat for about five minutes in an awkward silence. I was relieved when the waitress came back with my coffee. I knew
my cousin very well. He wanted to say something. But for some reason he was beating around the bush, which was irking me because I could have stayed in my bed with Lexi.

I finally broke the silence.

“What’s good brah? You got me up here and you ain’t saying shit,”

He looked shocked that I was talking to him in such a manner. I was always the quiet one. The one he would always have to protect. Those days were over. I no longer needed him or anyone else to fight my battles. I was a grown man and I could take care of myself.

              He wiped his mouth with his napkin and took a swig of his orange juice. I was getting impatient. Because there were hundred things I could have been doing besides sitting there waiting for him to speak.

“Look man I just wanted to make sure you was alright. Sandy said she’s been calling you and you won’t pick up,”

“Did she ever think I wasn’t picking up for a reason? I really don’t have nothing to say to her. Is that why you brought me here? So we could talk about Sandy?”

“Nah brah I brought you here because we’re concerned about you. But since were on the subject of Sandy. Don’t you think you’ve punished the girl enough?”

“Well maybe I should be asking you the same question. I don’t see you running back to Trina,” I stated.

“First off those are two different situations. We both know I only got with Trina when I found out she was pregnant with Jade. You and Sandy have something worth fighting for,” I laughed.

“Once you cheat on me it’s a wrap,”

“So you telling me you have no more feelings for her?”

So much had happened in the past few months I didn’t know how I felt about her. What I did know was I use to love Sandy with all my heart. But now I was confused
, one minute I wanted to forgive her than the next I couldn’t stand the sight of her.

“Listen Brah I ain’t trying to talk about her right now. I’ll talk about her when you ready to talk about Melissa,”

Darius looked confused.

              “What you mean by that?”

I shook my head.

              “Come on man you and Melissa have been digging each other for years now. It’s just sad neither of you are willing to admit how you feel,”

“You tripping! Melissa is like a sister to me,”

“Whateva man, life is too short for you to not to go after what you want,”

I could tell he was getting uncomfortable. I guess the truth hurt. I looked at my watch. I was ready to go I had to meet with Lexi and her brother in an hour. He
had just come home from up state and needed to get back on his feet. I told her I would see what I could do. But I couldn’t make her any promises.

I waved for the waitress to come over.

“Can I get you boys anything else?” I looked at Darius,

“Are you good or do you want something else?” I asked.

“You didn’t even eat,” he stated.

I actually hadn’t
ate anything since my mother died. I wasn’t trying to starve myself. I just didn’t have an appetite. I figured it was part of the mourning process. I knew my appetite would come back eventually.

“I’m good but I really got to go. I placed a twenty dollar bill on the table. Darius pushed the money towards me.

“Brah keep ya money I got this,”

He started pulling on his goatee, which meant he was thinking.

              “Hold on a sec, where you say you were going again?”

“I actually didn’t. Why what’s up?” I asked.

“I thought we were going to hang for a while. What you in such a rush for?”

I knew he wasn’t going to let it go until he got an answer he was satisfied with.

              “I’m meeting up with Lexi and her brother,”

“Damn Brah you ditching me for some broad you barely even know. What do you really know about this girl anyway? I mean ya just hooked up what a few weeks ago,”

“Actually I meant her right after Sandy and I broke up,”

“Exactly she’s a rebound chic,”

He was starting to piss me off. I mean I just lost my mother. I didn’t have the energy or time to be explaining myself to him or anyone else for that matter. I was done with the conversation. I got up from the table and walked away without saying a word.

              “So you just gonna roll out and not say shit huh?”

I was heated. I bumped into some dude on my way out. I gave him a look like please say something I dare you. My cell rang it was Darius. I didn’t answer. I noticed the Wine and Spirits was opened
, next to the diner. I grabbed me bottle of Hennessy and headed to my car. I knew my mother wouldn’t be pleased with my actions. But she was gone and it was time to live my life on my own terms.


              I was talking to my co-worker Virginia when Mr. Sexy walked into the bank. That’s what all the ladies at my job secretly called him. This man was at least 6’5 and resembled the actor Shemar Moore. He even had the same body type. I often wondered what he looked like without his shirt. I worked at Metro Bank on Second Street. I had been a teller there for the past three years. I was on my way to lunch with my co-worker Vicki when Mr. Sexy strutted towards me. For the past three month he would only come to my counter. Even if another teller was available he would wait for me until I was free. His real name was Tyrone Banks. He was some sort of promoter and he traveled a lot.

“How can I help you today?” I smiled.

“Just seeing your beautiful face has already helped me,” he grinned.

I knew I was blushing. There was just something about him that made my whole body feel warm all over. Every time I looked into his big brown eyes I would become speechless. Vicki had to nudge me to bring me back to reality.

              “I’m sorry I just lost my train of thought for a second. How can I help you?”

He advised me
he needed to withdraw a thousand dollars from his personal checking account. I pulled up his information and found his account. I asked him did he want his money back any particular way. He said no. I counted his money out loud so he could hear me. Put it in an envelope and told him to have a great day. I had been at my job for years and I tried my best to stay professional at all times. But whenever he came around I would somehow always lose my composure.

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