Chosen for Power (Women of Power, #1) (9 page)

BOOK: Chosen for Power (Women of Power, #1)
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The coffee in Elle’s hand wasn’t strong enough to get her through the morning. She had to once again convince her mother that the pregnancy story was false. Even her brother, Reid, had called from Europe asking if he needed to fly home and beat the crap out of Drake for getting her pregnant and not standing by her through this media circus.

Then she’d gotten mad. Not at her brother exactly, but everyone. She cared for the people of Simpson Global as if they were all part of her family. And now her own family along with her work family believed these reports enough to call and ask her why she didn’t tell them she was pregnant. All those nights spent alone, then finding happiness and love after all this time with Drake. All those special memories were suddenly being turned ugly and being used to smear the good name she’d spent a lifetime building.

“Shut up, Allegra.” Elle heard her sisters arguing in her office from down the hall.

“Just because you’re older does not allow you to discount my ideas, Bree.” Oh gosh, it wasn’t even six-thirty in the morning and already her sisters were arguing.

“Both of you need to relax and leave this to me,” Mallory’s voice, tight with anger, floated out Elle’s open office door. Elle was supposed to be meeting Mary, but it looked like saving her reputation, along with Simpson Global’s, would be a group effort.

“Girls!” Shirley’s voice rose above the bickering. “Don’t make me call your mother. Y’all are here to help your sister, not fight.”

“Just tell me who I need to knock some sense into. Last night was over the line.” Elle stopped dead in her heels at the sound of Finn’s deep voice.

She should have felt annoyed since she needed to work on a statement instead of walking into a room full of fighting, but they were fighting because of her—for her—with her. Knowing her friends and family were supporting her, she felt a peace surround her as she headed into her office.

“I see I’m late for a meeting I didn’t know I was having.” Elle smiled, suddenly a little more relaxed.

“We’re here to help.” Shirley grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze.

“Thank you all. Now, what have you come up with?” Elle asked as she took a seat behind her desk.

Shirley scooted forward on her walker. Today her walker had a sticker on it that read
Cougar Alert
across the front. “So far we’ve established that Allegra wants to dress you for the conference in a sexy power suit. Bree wants the whole family standing behind you. Finn and Mallory want to destroy the, excuse my French, bastards who are behind this.”

The small sound of a sigh filled the room. “I see you decided you didn’t need me . . . again.”

“Not at all, Mary. They’re just showing their support.” Elle tried not to cringe as Mary’s face filled with silent suffering.

“Well, well, well. Aren’t I just the luckiest man in the world this morning?” Everyone turned to the tall, sharply dressed man leaning against the door with a huge grin on his face.

Mallory stepped forward and gave him a blatant once-over. “Sorry, we’re not interested in what you’re selling.”

“That may be,” he said with a sexy grin, "but I bet you’ll be interested in what he’s selling.”

“Morning. Sorry to interrupt. I’m Drake and this is Phillip,” Drake said with a tight smile to those he didn’t know. “Unfortunately, I come with bad news.”

“Get in line.” Mallory held out her hand. “Mallory Westin, by the way. Nice to meet you, Drake.” She flashed a grin that completely changed her appearance and Elle almost laughed at the way Phillip’s eyes widened in appreciation.

Mary shrank into her seat as Phillip leaned against the wall near her and gave her mousy cousin a wink.

“Okay, will one of you tell me what’s going on?” Elle asked a little nervously. Neither Drake nor Mallory looked pleased. In fact, they looked to be in pain.

“Ladies first,” Drake said chivalrously.

“I knew I liked you,” Mallory tossed over her shoulder before taking out a piece of paper and handing it to Elle who read it and then handed it to Drake. “Hailey’s back. She commented on every news article online and on social media. She bashed you six ways to Sunday and twice on Tuesday for good measure.”

“Who’s this woman? And why does she obviously not like you?” Drake asked as Phillip looked over Mary’s shoulder to read the paper.

“I fired Hailey last month. She was trading sexual favors for sales. She thought she was doing me a favor and wasn't happy that I fired her. Mallory had to threaten her with a lawsuit to remind her of the confidentiality agreement she signed with us. Apparently she’s deciding to ignore that agreement. Bree, can you notify the legal department?”

“On my way,” Bree said as she pulled out her cell phone and headed into the hall to wake the legal team.

“There’s more,” Drake said with a grim look. “I traced the IP address of the email sent to the reporters. It originated from Simpson Global. Not just that, but it came from Elle’s email address.”

“What does that mean?” Mary asked shyly from her seat.

“It means,” Drake started seriously, “that the person who sent the press release did so from your network and from Elle’s account. They could have sent it from any computer in the building or even from the sidewalk if they managed to hack your Wi-Fi password and Elle’s account.”

“Mallory.” Elle didn’t need to say anything else. Her friend was already heading for the doors. She’d be setting her best computer people on the email Drake would forward to them.

Elle felt all the confidence in clearing her name start to plummet. The worried looks on everyone’s face said the same thing. Everything pointed right at Simpson Global and specifically at Elle. How could she clear her name when the reporters had been right? She had issued that press release.

“If you don’t mind, it’s time to get my sister ready,” Allegra said with as much pep as she could. As the baby of the family, everyone spoiled her. Luckily, Allegra took that spoiling and became the happiest, most optimistic child Elle had ever known. At a time like this, she sure needed to borrow some of that optimism from her sister.

“Sure, dear.” Shirley started to shuffle from the room and stopped by Phillip. “I’ll let this fella help me out into the hall.”

“Grrrr,” Phillip growled with a wink as he took in Shirley’s cougar sticker. He walked her out behind Finn and a very reluctant Mary.

Drake leaned over the desk and kissed her lips softly. If only Elle could escape with him. What had felt so right, so perfect, suddenly felt uncomfortable. She was worried a photographer would jump out at them and accuse Drake of knocking her up in an attempt to take over Simpson Global.

“I’ll stand with you during the press conference if you choose. I’ll be right out here if you need anything.”

“Thanks.” Elle fell back in her chair and felt the weight of fear pushing her down.

“Come on, sis. I’ll have you looking so hot, the reporters will be tongue-tied." Allegra unzipped a black garment bag and pulled out an elegant suit. It screamed power but was cut to emphasis Elle’s femininity. It was simply beautiful.

“Allegra, this is perfect. Thank you.”

Her sister blushed. “Thanks. It’s one of my own designs. Kristoff at Elegance made it for me,” Allegra explained. Kristoff had been one of the first up-and-coming designers Allegra had brought into their company.

“Okay, do your damage, Allegra,” Elle tried to tease as she slipped on the dark blue suit her sister had created.


Drake stood behind the partially closed door in the room attached to where Elle was giving her press conference.  He watched Elle read from her prepared statement on a small television as his gut tied itself into knots.

By the time Elle had emerged from her office with Allegra, she looked like an avenging angel in a suit. She had walked onto the podium with complete confidence and demanded respect with her polite, yet firm, authoritative voice. She’d even smiled at the cameras before starting her speech. But Drake felt her fear. He felt the insecurity she hid and it bothered him more than anything to know he was standing here unable to fix it.

Women had come and gone from his life over the years. He had never formed attachments. He’d always been too paranoid to believe a woman would want him for him alone. And usually he’d been right. But the night he met Elle, his world had changed. Where there had been routine, there was now excitement. Where there had been doubt, there was now hope. He loved this woman and he would do anything to protect her—even walking into a roomful of reporters and coming out of his self-imposed public exile.

“Let me assure the public, the shareholders, and all the employees of Simpson Global that the company is not only stable, but it is thriving. We just added over two hundred new jobs this month here in the state of Georgia and look forward to adding more,” Drake heard Elle say through the door. On the screen he saw a reporter raise his hand and Elle nod her head at him.

“Then how do you respond to the allegation that you’re pregnant by a competitor? You say your private life is private, but wouldn’t that risk the stability of the company if you were . . . um . . . close with a rival?”

Drake swallowed hard and buttoned his suit coat with trembling hands. It was time to step back into the spotlight. He strode to the door and opened it. No one looked at him until he stopped to stand next to Elle on stage. From behind the podium, she slipped her hand into his and held on tight. He had to give her credit; she didn’t show the surprise of seeing him on her face.

“As I've said, we believe these reports are being made by a competitor to damage Simpson Global’s reputation,” Elle repeated.

“Who’s that?” a reporter asked as everyone else nodded with their pens poised to write down this sudden revelation.

“I told you I want my private life private, but due to a competitor’s insecurities and unethical tactics, I unfortunately must bring my private life to light. I will only address this once and will not answer any questions on the matter after this point. This . . .” Drake looked down at Elle as she paused and smiled at him. Her hand trembled in his and at that moment being foisted back into the spotlight was worth it if he could help the woman he loved. “. . . is the man I’m dating.”

“What’s your name?” a reporter called out.

“You forgot me so soon?” Drake teased as he slipped surprisingly easily back into his public persona. He put a hand to his heart. “I’m wounded.”

Drake smiled down at Elle as the reporters started whispering to one another. He felt her hand relax in his as the tone of the press conference shifted.

“Aren’t you going to tell us your name?” a young reporter asked. Drake smiled at her and shook his head. Sure, all those years ago he looked completely different with long hair and lanky limbs. Add to it the fact that most of the reporters were younger so they probably had no idea who he was. Therefore he decided to distract them from Elle and have some fun with them at the same time.

“It’s like a dagger to the heart. I can’t believe you all have forgotten me. At least you won’t, will you, dear?” Drake laughed as he put an arm around Elle who laughed at him.

“I’ll try not to, but only if you promise not to torture these kind people.” Drake smiled wider as the reporters cheered their approval. She’d won their favor.

“Fine. Because Elle went to bat for you all, I’ll give you a hint. Ready?” The reporters readied their pens. “Smartphone.”

Elle just smiled and shook her head. Drake realized they were having a good time. Together they were an unbeatable team and no matter what happened at work they had won because they had each other. But that still didn’t mean he was willing to overlook those who wished to harm her or their relationship.

“Drake Charles? You’re
Drake Charles?” an older man said in shock from the back. Suddenly the room quieted down as pens scribbled, keys tapped, and tape recorders were held out.

“Ding ding ding, we have a winner! George, from Peachtree Tech Online, right?” Drake asked as the man’s eyes widened in surprise. He was one of the few reporters who hadn’t asked Drake about his sister. He was more interested in the business of new technologies. He was also one of the few reporters in the room Drake actually recognized. He was getting older and they were getting younger. Some of them might not even remember what a payphone was.

“Right. I can’t believe you remember.”

“As a prize you get three exclusive questions with me after we’re finished. Thanks for playing, y’all. Until next time.” Drake waved his hand to the reporters before linking his fingers with Elle and heading into the back room he’d just come from.

Finn, Mallory, and Shirley were already in the room waiting for them. Bree and Allegra followed them in from where they had stood slightly off the podium, but close enough to show their support for their sister.

He felt a rush of life he hadn’t felt in a long time. He wasn’t a young man without control of his emotions anymore. No, he handled the reporters in the same authoritative way Elle did, just with his own style. It was a relief. He felt as if he didn’t have to hide anymore.

Elle stopped him, pulling him from his thoughts, and threw herself in his arms. “Thank you. I can handle negotiations, but you were perfect in there. I’m so sorry I had to ask you to come out of hiding,” she said into his shirt as he stroked her hair.

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