Chris & Nancy (22 page)

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Authors: Irvin Muchnick

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Finally, Chris Benoit. “According to
officials, Mr. Benoit was tested four times for steroids prior to his death. He tested positive three times, but each time he received only a warning or no penalty at all. The Committee obtained no evidence that efforts were made to discourage his steroid abuse,” the Waxman letter noted.

Waxman's documentation seemed to be an attempt, in the absence of public hearings, to close the loop on an unresolved topic. The chance that anything substantive would come out of it, in terms of regulation or serious pressure on
to make its drug-testing apparatus truly independent, was low. Eighteen months after the Benoit murders, Congress had made a little bit of noise about the problem but left almost no imprint on a possible solution.


On Election Eve, November
, the two major presidential candidates, Barack Obama and John McCain, were interviewed at halftime of
Monday Night Football
. Each was asked to name the reform in sports that would be his priority if the voters chose him the next day.

Living up to his image as an old-fashioned moralist, McCain said he would work to eliminate steroids in sports.

Obama vowed to advocate to replace the current Bowl Championship Series with a credible playoff system, which every year would guarantee the nation an undisputed national college football champion.

]. columnist Mark Kriegel noted at the time that Stearns' statistics were lifted from the appendix of my book
Wrestling Babylon

]. Maybe the strangest was the self-hanging in Pittsburgh — an apparent copycat suicide — of independent wrestler James Fawcett (“Devil Bhukakan”), thirty-one, who idolized Benoit.

]. In this book, the terms “wellness policy” and “wellness program” are used interchangeably. I intend “policy” in reference to the company's formulation and publication of a plan, and “program” in reference to how it operates, but the distinctions are trivial.

Wrestling Observer
's Meltzer pointed out the hypocrisy of WWE's professed concern for customers when the company adjusts wrestlers' suspensions in order to preserve story lines. The company often pulled star wrestlers from events in order to support story line injuries that didn't really happen — but not until fans had already purchased tickets thinking those wrestlers would be there.

]. Deford confirmed this bizarre story, which took place at a birthday party for John Filippelli, a TV sports producer who at the time was coordinating TV operations for WWE. Pat Patterson, a retired wrestler who was then McMahon's right-hand man, stole one of Deford's shoes and one of his wife's. Patterson and McMahon found this hilarious. “I'm rather amazed McMahon brought this up, but it's a pretty accurate account of him acting like a horse's ass,” Deford said in an email to me.


All the World's a Stooge

about pro wrestling, if delivered by men in tweed rather than spandex, would be recognized staples of academic deconstruction theory. For example, the wrestler-promoter Cowboy Bill Watts once confronted the topic of the sport's fake nature with this puzzler: “Work or shoot — either way, it's still a competition.” Watts meant that just because “sports entertainment” is physical theater rather than a legitimate contest doesn't change the fact that one participant is trying to get the upper hand over the other under some admittedly elusive standard. Or anyway, that's
what Watts meant. Michel Foucault took the final three-count in
. The absence of a pulse got Roland Barthes disqualified from life in
. Neither could be consulted.

You can't talk to a man with a shotgun in his hand. Nor can you argue with anyone who thinks a cluster of avoidable deaths, in a show business in a non-war zone, can be rationalized. Vince McMahon knows this; the rest of us only suspect it. Chris Benoit might have snapped — but the ring ropes guarding his way of life from reality did not. They just got a little more frayed. They will snap next time, or the time after that. Or they won't. In the Western Canada and American South of Benoit, in the New Jersey of Mickey Rourke's Randy “The Ram” Robinson in
The Wrestler
, and at all points in between, young men (and women) are still taking, and will always take, to extremes their ambition to bask in the roar of the crowd. As a society, we have decided that the collective price they pay is
. Similarly, we have decided not to make that big a deal of the inevitability of a “student-athlete” croaking every now and then at a “voluntary” off-season college football practice.


Chris killed Nancy on Friday night, Daniel either very late Friday or some time Saturday, and himself on Sunday morning. What happened?

Most likely, Chris and Nancy had their final fight, spontaneously, and it got out of hand. A false dichotomy of the subsequent debate over steroids was that acts of deliberation across a several-day period could not have been the result of “roid rage.” Such a framing of the events misses two things. One is that the first murder, Nancy's, could very well have been produced by a quick burst of rage, with the other acts being ones of greater calculation — more like desperation — once Chris realized what he had done.

The other thing missed by harping on the 'roid rage straw man is more fundamental: steroids also can cause depression. Whether or not they were the main cause of the crime, steroids and the steroid culture were an important factor.

counted on the enormous capacity of its fans to deny and the enormous capacity of everyone else to shrug. At strategic points, it rolled out the sound bites it needed, such as when beloved
announcer and former company executive Jim Ross attended the funeral of Nancy and Daniel at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Daytona Beach, Florida, on July
. “This is not a steroid issue,” Ross told the media. “That horse has got to be put in the barn and unsaddled.”

Those who read the Georgia medical examiner's toxicology report, which was released three days later, might have been tempted to get back in the saddle. But not good old “


The presence of a small amount of Nancy's blood indicated that Chris banged her head on the floor in the course of a struggle, which, if he were serious, could not have lasted long. “Some type of violence” was evident, the sheriff's report said, including “several impact injuries to her head, and possibly to her body, but it is unclear what type of instrument or object caused the injuries.” Why Chris then felt the need to tie up Nancy, either before or after killing her, takes us to the outer reaches of speculation. One theory is that he considered the possibility of fleeing with Daniel, or in any case somehow making the scene look like a third-party home-invasion crime.

During the dispute between the Benoit and Toffoloni families over the disposition of the estate, a question arose about the order of the deaths. Neither Chris nor Nancy left a will, and the answer had implications under a Georgia slayer statute, whereby the estate claims of a murderer are forfeited. The law would have kicked in if the Toffolonis could establish, as they suggested they would, that Chris killed Daniel first, and Nancy's side could argue for a larger share of the assets.

A handwritten document in the files of the Toffolonis' lawyer, Richard Decker, headed “Leigh's theory,” outlined one possible scenario. (I asked Decker who Leigh was. “Don't know for sure, probably one of our paralegals,” Decker emailed back.) Leigh's notes:

Friday night — all 3 seen at pool

Nobody seen Saturday

Later Fri. maybe Saturday morning Nancy and Chris fight over drugs or some other issue and Chris, all jacked up on his stuff from Astin, hits Nancy on the head and knocks her out, maybe an accident. She had many central nervous system depressants in her system to enforce the unconsciousness. This would explain why Chris tied her up, to keep her contained while he figures out what to do. Daniel finds out what happens and freaks out. Chris sedates Daniel to calm him down but accidentally gives him too much and he dies.

Xanax peak plasma concentration about 1 hr after administration. At this point he loses his mind completely and goes to the office and kills Nancy.

Doesn't make any sense that he would kill Daniel first, chances are he killed Daniel accidentally, to sedate him, gave him too much and died so at that point he knew he was in too deep. While in contact with WWE they may have still been alive, after they told him not to show up Sat he got scared his career over and decided to end it hence leaving the drugs out to be found

Nancy still had alcohol in her blood, why did no other bodies produce alcohol during decomposition

It must be reemphasized that this theory appears to have been drawn up to advance a particular monetary interest. (The theory became moot when the Benoits and the Toffolonis settled the estate dispute by splitting the assets right down the middle, abandoning any claim the latter might have been contemplating of their entitlement to a larger share.) The theory means little more than that. The narrative of any crime, especially one with no surviving witnesses, has open-ended elements. Here the open-endedness was worsened by the poor record created by the authorities.


Since the summer of
, Atlanta's dubious distinction as a capital of wrestling's drug culture hasn't missed a beat. On March
, thirty-four-year-old ex-wrestler Chase Tatum was found dead in his Atlanta home from an overdose of painkillers. Two weeks earlier, Tatum had been recovering from surgery for a degenerative spinal disc. He was a heavy-duty steroid guy at
in the '

The next month the daughter of a preacher in another Atlanta suburb, Locust Grove, came across a stash of at least eight vials of steroids, testosterone, and growth hormone, and more than twenty syringes, in their house attic. The drugs were left by former residents of the house, who included
wrestler Michael Hettinga (“Mike Knox”). Hettinga's
contract and a company memorandum about its dress code were also found.


director Christopher Bell released the critically acclaimed documentary
Bigger Faster Stronger
, which glorified his own steroid use and that of his brothers Mark and Mike.

On December
, “Mad Dog” Mike Bell, who wrestled for both
and the original
, was found dead at Ramona House, a substance abuse rehabilitation facility in Costa Mesa, California. He was thirty-seven.


On January
, independent wrestler Paul Fuchs (“Paul E. Normus”), who had a cameo role in the even more critically acclaimed dramatic film
The Wrestler,
was found dead at his parents' home in Sloatsburg, New York. Fuchs was thirty-three.


Another character in
The Wrestler
was a drug dealer, portrayed by Scott Siegel. It was method acting at its finest, for Siegel was a real-life drug dealer. So exposing himself on the big screen could not have helped him elude the
agents who were closing in on him.

As the website
.com reported on February

Scott Siegel was already under DEA surveillance in Westchester County, NY last night when officers spotted him picking up a package. Feds in four cars moved in, and the raging beefcake allegedly rammed three of their cars — then took off on foot.

Officers caught up with Scott and arrested him for steroid distribution and assaulting a federal officer.

UPDATE: Siegel's bail has just been denied — due to strong evidence against him, along with his 1999 conviction for selling steroids.


A handful of ex-
wrestlers took up Vince McMahon's offer to underwrite alcohol and substance rehab. One of them, Jake “The Snake” Roberts, expressed his undying gratitude before he and his prop, a live cobra, headed back out to independent bookings.

Another old druggie, Lanny Kean, “Cousin Junior” in the '
s, checked out early, from his rehab clinic and then from life. On January
, Kean suffered a fatal heart attack in Jamestown, Kentucky. He was forty-eight.


Early in
, months before the Benoit rampage,
star Andrew Martin failed a wellness program test and was suspended. He was released soon thereafter. Martin was known as “Test.” The handle was an inside joke about drug-testing.

Martin — also at one time the boyfriend of
diva Barbara Blank (“Kelly Kelly”) — became a part-time independent wrestler. In April
the Maryland athletic commission refused to let Martin work his spot in a show because he was under the influence. He also missed numerous other bookings. After his April
arrest for driving drunk and with a suspended license, he accepted
's offer to underwrite rehab. In August he checked himself into the Hanley Rehabilitation Center in West Palm Beach, Florida, for treatment of a painkiller addiction.

On March
, a neighbor of Martin's at a waterfront condo complex in Tampa saw through the balcony window that he had appeared to have been sitting in the same awkward position for more than twenty-four hours. The neighbor called police, who climbed a ladder to the balcony and entered the apartment through an open window. Martin was dead. Steroids and painkillers were found on the property. He was thirty-three.


World Wrestling Entertainment put a lot of hours into the obliteration of all references to Chris Benoit in its
s. A few leaks remained, mostly in side references by announcers in non-Benoit matches.

On the June
show on
, Vince McMahon told Meredith Viera, “There was no way of telling this man was a monster.”

Yet according to company sources,
privately held out hope that, over time, the “monster” of the tale would prove to be Nancy, Chris's image could be rehabilitated, and the marketing of his branded merchandise could resume. Some office flunkies were tasked with helping to bring about this happy day.

In the secondary market on eBay, all things Benoit moved briskly. Out of every three fans, one was creeped out by this, one wallowed in it, and a third experienced the latter while pretending to experience the former.

Shortly before his death, Chris Benoit gave Ray Rawls, the small-time wrestler who made his ring wear, a special token of their friendship: the dark tights with blue piping and design that Benoit wore when he won the championship at
. It was something he wanted to do for Rawls, Chris said. He added, “It's for your use in the future.” Following the murder-suicide, and because of the loss of his star customer and other factors, Rawls was broke. Though he felt guilty doing so, Rawls decided that Chris had been giving him permission to auction the tights on eBay to keep the wolf from the door.

The tights fetched $


On May
, Astin was sentenced to ten years in federal prison. The harsh sentence was dictated by information from the prosecutors that his promiscuous prescription practices had resulted in the deaths of at least two patients — two, that is, other than Chris and Nancy Benoit. (Though not named, both were believed to be ex-wrestlers: Johnny Grunge and “Sensational Sherri” Martel.)

On June
10, 2009
, just before the statutory deadline for a civil wrongful-death lawsuit, Maureen and Paul Toffoloni — the parents of Nancy Benoit and grandparents of Daniel — sued Astin, who was already headed to prison, along with unknown “Distributors X, Y, and Z.” The Toffolonis sought damages stemming from Astin's actions as Chris's physician for seven years, The complaint charged that the doctor's misconduct put his patient “under the influence of
[central nervous system] depressants, opioids and anabolic and androgenic steroids,” in turn impairing him mentally and triggering his homicidal-suicidal rampage. The family apparently was depending on subsequent revelations, during discovery and trial, to establish the identities of the co-defendants — “manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers and/or retail sellers of certain anabolic and androgenic steroids, narcotic drugs and/or controlled substances.”

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