Read Christina's Tapestry Online

Authors: N. J. Walters

Tags: #General Fiction

Christina's Tapestry (13 page)

BOOK: Christina's Tapestry
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Jarek’s cock felt like iron as he pushed it against the supple swell of her hip, trying to find some relief. He could feel the liquid seeping from the tip of his erection and couldn’t quite stifle a groan. Christina moved restlessly against their fingers, thrusting her hips into the air.

He withdrew his finger to the entrance of her heat and then thrust it deep. Marc matched him as he established a rhythm. Using his thumb, he flicked her distended clit. Both he and Marc continued to suckle and lick her breasts as their fingers pleasured her pussy.

Christina was gasping for breath now and her hips pumped frantically into the air as their fingers continued to work in and out of her. Her inner muscles clamped down hard as the spasms started. She tipped back her head and screamed as she came. Damn, but she was beautiful in her desire. So open and giving. It made Jarek greedy to possess all of it. Gradually, he slowed the movement of his fingers and mouth, making them more soothing than arousing. Christina shivered when both he and Marc withdrew their hands from between her thighs.

Her gaze was slightly dazed, but entirely satisfied when he finally raised his head from her breast. As she watched, he raised his hand to his mouth and sucked on his fingers. Christina shuddered.

Marc laid his fingers on Christina’s lips and she opened her mouth, her tongue licking her juices from them. Marc closed his eyes and allowed her to suck his fingers deeper into her mouth.

Jarek placed one of his fingers on her lips and she opened her mouth wider, inviting him inside. It was his turn to shudder now as he slipped his finger into her wet mouth. Her tongue lapped at his finger before her teeth scraped the top. Removing his finger from her mouth, he traced the line of her cheek and jaw. Her round face was flushed with desire as she gave Marc’s fingers one last lick before he withdrew them. Jarek breathed deep as he leaned closer to Christina, inhaling the fresh scent of woman and the heady perfume of her arousal.


N.J. Walters

The time had come to claim her as one.

Jarek turned from her suddenly and rolled out of the bed. His feet slapped against the bare stone as he strode quickly to the bathroom and grabbed a jar off the shelf. By the time he returned to the bedroom, Marc had gathered Christina in his arms and was kissing her. Jarek’s jaw tightened, but he said nothing as he climbed back into the bed. He opened the small jar and scooped out some of the slick substance and coated his cock with it. He was determined to be the one to lay claim to her virgin ass with his cock. It would be him who felt the tight muscles stretch and expand to accommodate his length. It would be him who made her scream with desire and beg him to fuck her ass.

Wrapping his hands over her slender shoulders, he pulled her away from his brother and bent down and claimed her mouth for his own.

Christina didn’t think it was possible to feel such growing desire so soon after such an explosive orgasm, but her skin felt like it was on fire. Her need for both men was allconsuming. She desperately wanted to please them both and have them both fuck her senseless.

It had been incredible to feel both of their fingers inside her sex, stroking and coaxing her to orgasm. Her breath almost stopped at the thought of having both of their cocks thrusting into her.

Jarek’s quick departure from the bed had startled her, but Marc had claimed her lips, quickly driving all thought from her mind. His lips were firm and confident as he kissed her. His tongue had teased hers until she opened her mouth wide for him. Marc’s hands roamed over her body, touching her everywhere. He stroked down her shoulders and over her back. His fingers squeezed her ass before flowing over her thighs and between her legs. She whimpered as he stroked her damp sex and then over her torso to her swollen breasts.


Christina’s Tapestry

She felt the bed give slightly and knew that Jarek was back. His large hands settled on her shoulders and pulled her away from Marc. Before she had time to gasp, his mouth was on hers.

Marc’s kiss had been passionate, but Jarek’s was devastating. He consumed her. His tongue possessed her mouth, leaving no doubt that he considered it his. Her fingers tangled in his hair, tugging him closer. He grunted and wrapped his hand in her hair, chaining her to him.

Marc had knelt beside her. He plumped both her breasts in his hands and stroked the tips with his thumbs. The rough pads abraded her aroused nipples and she moaned into Jarek’s mouth.

She lowered her hand from Jarek’s head and tested the hard muscle that played beneath his chest. She could feel his torso tighten as she shifted her hand lower over his flat belly.

The tip of his cock hit her hand and she could feel the liquid seeping from the tip. She stroked her finger across the tip and was rewarded when more seeped from the head. Wrapping her hand around his cock, she was surprised to discover that it was coated in a jelly-like substance, which allowed her hand to slip and slide easily over his length.

Reaching out with her other hand, she sought out Marc. One of his hands left her breast long enough to capture her hand and guide it to his throbbing erection. Her fingers tightened around him and he hissed out a breath even as he thrust his hips against her hand.

Both men’s erections were huge. Christina could hardly believe that she’d had both cocks in her body. They seemed almost too big, too much for her. But yet, somehow she had and now she wanted them both in her at once and would do whatever it took to make that happen.


N.J. Walters

Using her thumbs, Christina spread the moisture that continued to escape from the slits of both men’s erections. It gave her a feeling of power and satisfaction to know that they both wanted her.

Jarek sucked on her tongue one last time before pulling away. His chest was heaving as he knelt up in bed, carefully disengaging her hand from him. She released her grip on Marc’s erection when his fingers touched the back of her hand. Jarek tugged her into his arms while Marc lay flat on the mattress.

“Come to me, sweetheart.” Marc opened his arms to her, his eyes blazing with lust. His thick cock bobbed towards her and her sex contracted with desire. At Jarek’s urging, she faced Marc and swung her leg over his stomach, straddling his groin. She licked her lips and waited for their next instructions, not quite sure what they wanted her to do next.

She could feel Jarek moving behind her. His breath was hot on her neck and ear as he nibbled her skin. She tilted her head to one side and he stroked the sensitive whorls of her ear with his rough tongue.

“Mount Marc and take his cock inside your pussy.” He bit the lobe of her ear before continuing. “You’re so wet. You know you want it.”

“Yes,” she moaned. Anything. Everything.

Lowering her body, she rubbed her sex against Marc’s cock, reveling in the feel of it pulsing against her hot, moist lips.

“Inside, Christina. Marc wants to fuck you.” Jarek’s hands gripped her hips as he tugged her back up to her knees. He moved his hands over her hipbones and between her thighs. Spreading the lips of her sex wide, Jarek opened her so that Marc could position his cock at her opening.

Marc’s hands wrapped around her hips and pulled her down on his large erection. Her sensitive inner flesh protested for a moment before giving way. He didn’t rush her, but neither did he stop until his cock was seated to the hilt. 100

Christina’s Tapestry

Jarek stroked her clit as he removed his hands. “I want to fuck you too.”

A shiver racked her entire body. She could no longer think. She needed to have them inside her. Her blood felt thick and her heart pumped heavy in her chest.

“Lean over and give Marc your breasts.” Jarek traced hot kisses down her spine.

“That will open your ass wide to me.” One of his fingers stroked the puckered lips of her anus. “Will you let me fuck your ass, Christina?”

“Yes.” The word was little more than a strangled whisper from her throat. She leaned forward over Marc and wrapped her hand around his neck, helping to support him as he latched onto her nipple and began to suckle. She could feel his cock throbbing and flexing inside her pussy.

She jumped slightly when she felt something cold and slick on her butt.

“This will help you to take me.” Jarek pushed his finger past the resistance of her opening and she felt the jelly-like substance coating her. “It will also make you want it.”

Sure enough, the words were barely out of his mouth when she felt a jolt in her behind. She moved her hips back against his finger. It wasn’t enough. She needed more.

“The feeling will travel to your pussy as well. The herbs in the cream will heighten your desire.” Jarek laughed softly as he worked his finger in and out of her tight ass. Christina thought she might go out of her mind. She couldn’t form a single thought or speak a word. A low mewling sound came from deep inside her. She was burning with desire and needed relief. Her pussy and ass were clutching at Marc’s cock and Jarek’s finger, but it wasn’t enough.

Marc bit down lightly on her nipple before dropping his head back to the pillow.

“Ask, Christina.” His hand stroked the side of her face, swiping away a bead of sweat as it trickled down her temple. “Ask us to fuck you and we’ll take you to paradise.”



N.J. Walters

“Ask, Christina.” This time it was Jarek whispering in her ear, promising her completion. She could feel the tip of his erection barely inside the opening of her behind.

She tried to moved, but Jarek held her hips tight in his hands and Marc had her thighs gripped tight in his. Christina felt the burning and need pulsing in her lower body. She tired to speak, but at first nothing would come out. She began to panic. What if she couldn’t tell them and they left her like this? That thought brought a strangled gasp from her. “Fuck me.”

Jarek slowly surged forward. Christina cried out, partly with pleasure, partly with pain. Both men held themselves steady. She didn’t know if she could bear it, but the thought of them stopping was unthinkable.

She could feel both their cocks swelling and growing even larger. Every pulse and throb caused her body to spasm.

“Put your arms on the mattress by Marc.”

She didn’t hesitate, but followed Jarek’s instructions. The motion had her blanketed over Marc, but not quite touching him.

The movement began slowly. With his fingers digging into her waist, Jarek began to move her back and forth on his cock. The motion moved her over Marc’s erection as well.

Marc gripped her hips and began to help Jarek move her over their cocks. She relaxed and let them control everything, allowing herself to just feel. Both men pulled almost out of her, leaving her feeling desperate to get them back inside her. She felt empty without them, on the verge of completion. The relief she felt when they plunged back inside was incredible.

With every thrust it got easier to take them both. She caught the rhythm and began to thrust her bottom towards Jarek with every backwards thrust. Her blood felt like molten lava, ready to erupt. On the next thrust, her body exploded. 102

Christina’s Tapestry

She screamed, unable to stop herself. This feeling was beyond anything. She felt the sting of four hands digging into her sides as both men heaved once more. They came at the same moment and the sensation of their hot cum jetting into her set off another round of convulsions. She vaguely heard their hoarse cries as they both jerked with release.

When the last spasm racked her body, she collapsed on top of Marc. He groaned and then laughed as he wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. She could feel the pounding of his heart against her chest and knew he could feel the pounding of hers.

A soft cry escaped her as Jarek pulled his cock from her behind. Now that the heat of passion had passed, she was feeling rather sore already. He murmured to her. She was unable to make out what he was saying, but his tone was soft and reassuring. Marc slowly withdrew from her as well and she felt strangely bereft. Tears came to her eyes and a sob welled up from deep within her. Her hand went to her mouth but she was unable to keep it inside.

Everything that had happened in the past few days flooded her mind. The life that she’d left behind, the strangeness of this new world, the violence that she’d witnessed and the ordeal of the challenge. That coupled with the intensity of her feelings for both Marc and Jarek and the sheer force of her orgasm overwhelmed her. Marc hushed her as he tucked her back under the furs and laid down beside her. Jarek appeared by her side with a soft, wet washcloth in his hands. He turned back the furs and tenderly cleaned her body before pulling the covering back over her. Then he climbed in beside her. She rolled towards him and was engulfed in his strong embrace.

She could feel Marc’s breath on her back as he heaved a sigh of obvious disappointment, but his hand was gentle as it caressed her back. Under their care, her tears quickly subsided and she began to feel silly about her strange outburst of emotion. Both men were silent until she was calm once again. 103

N.J. Walters

Hands that had been undemanding and caring now became arousing and enticing. Jarek turned her until she was flat on her back once again and it shocked her to see the depth of the lust that blazed in his eyes. She would have been frightened if it were not for the slight glimpse of softer emotions that she’d seen there as well. Marc disappeared under the covers, his mouth spreading kisses down her torso. The night was far from over and Christina reached for Jarek. The look of male satisfaction that filled his face as she did so set her pulse leaping and her blood pumping once again.


Christina’s Tapestry

Chapter Thirteen

Christina wasn’t sure what she expected the next morning, but it wasn’t to wake up by herself. The bed seemed so big and empty without Marc and Jarek. She pushed the tangled mass of hair out of her face and slowly sat up. Every muscle in her body protested the movement.

“Ohhhh,” she groaned and buried her face in her hands. She could hardly believe everything she had done last night with Marc and Jarek. And what they had done to her. Well, there were no secrets left to her anymore where her body was concerned. Both men had touched and tasted her everywhere.

BOOK: Christina's Tapestry
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