Read Christina's Tapestry Online

Authors: N. J. Walters

Tags: #General Fiction

Christina's Tapestry (9 page)

BOOK: Christina's Tapestry
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Sighing with pleasure, she slipped beneath the water and laid her head back against the smooth rim. The bathing room was small, but cozy. A bench sat against the opposite wall and a small fireplace sat against another. A series of shelves were stocked with cloths, towels and various soaps. A small ledge was bolted into the wall just above the tub and contained a bar of fragrant soap and a soft washcloth. Closing her eyes, she relaxed and allowed the heat to soothe her aching body and the lavender scent to calm her mind. Various scenes replayed over and over in her mind. Having sex with Jarek while on the back of a horse. Marc fucking her last night as she sucked Jarek to completion. Jarek and Marc fighting in the courtyard below, both of them spectacular in their fighting prowess.

Groaning, she sank beneath the water. Just the images were making her feel hot and needy. She’d never felt this sensual or aroused in her life. It was frightening and liberating at the same time.

Sitting up, she grabbed the soap and rubbed it over her scalp, lathering her hair from root to tip. Placing the soap back on the shelf, she continued to scrub her scalp and work the soap through the thick mass. When she felt that it was clean enough, she lowered herself back down into the tub to rinse the suds from her hair. 64

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Rising once again, water sluiced down her body as she pushed the mass of wet hair out of her face. Her hand groped towards the shelf, reaching for the cloth and the soap, but felt only wood.

Wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, she squinted towards the shelf. They had to be there. She’d just seen them.

Strong, warm hands wrapped around her shoulders drawing her back against the side of the tub. “Relax, Christina.”

She wasn’t startled or surprised by Marc’s voice. Deep inside, she knew she’d been waiting for him and Jarek. Expecting them.

Jarek was crouched by the bottom of the tub, the soap and cloth in his big hands. His hair was damp, as if he’d already bathed. He loomed over her, a determined light in his eye.

She caught a whiff of sandalwood as Marc shifted behind her, but she couldn’t take her eyes off Jarek. As she watched, he tossed the cloth into the water before plunging her hands deep. Still holding the soap, he lathered his hands until they were covered with fragrant bubbles.

“We will bathe you?” It was at once an order and a request. Jarek cocked an eyebrow and waited for her reply.

She could feel Marc’s hands tightening on her shoulders as she relaxed back against him. Her lips parted on a sigh and she gave Jarek her answer. “Yes.”

The corners of his mouth turned up in a slow smile and he nodded. “Yes.” His deep voice rumbled over her and she shivered, her whole body alive with sensation, waiting to see what he would do.


N.J. Walters

Chapter Eight

She looked like some mythical siren of the sea with the water lapping at her breasts. Jarek’s cock throbbed as Christina lolled back in Marc’s arms with a sexy smile on her face. Her long blonde hair stuck to her body like silken ropes. He longed to see the mass of it spread across his pillows.

The water didn’t quite cover the tops of her breasts and the pale mounds bobbed every time she moved, their rosy tips peeking above the waterline. She had large nipples that just begged to be sucked by a man’s mouth. He licked his lips in anticipation of the coming feast and smiled when her blue eyes widened with desire. She was so responsive, so giving of herself. Jarek placed one knee on the floor and thrust one hand beneath the water. His fingers wrapped around her slender ankle and drew it out of the water, propping it on the smooth rim of the tub. Then he did the same with the other one. She gasped as she slid deeper, but Marc hooked his arms underneath hers, supporting her.

Gripping one of her feet in his hands, Jarek began to rub his soapy fingers over the sole of her foot. His fingers dug deep, massaging all tension away. Her entire leg jerked when his fingers first touched her foot, sending a wave of water over them both. Marc chuckled and gripped her tighter, but Jarek just kept running a firm pressure on her foot. Slowly, she relaxed and settled back. By the time he was working on her other foot, she was practically purring. Her eyes were half-closed and a small smile played about her lips.

Marc held out his hand and Jarek passed him the bar of soap. Wrapping his arms further around her, he wet his hands and soaped them. Jarek caught both her ankles in his hands as Marc pulled her higher in the tub.


Christina’s Tapestry

She gave a yelp of surprise as they shifted her so that her breasts were above the waterline and her legs were spread wide and draped over the sides of the tub. Marc covered her breasts with his soapy hands and began to move them around in slippery circles. Moaning softly, she arched up into his fingers. Jarek had to reach down and undo his pants. The pressure around his engorged cock was too much to bear. It sprang free and he bit back a groan of pleasure. He gripped it in his hand and pumped several times as he watched Marc’s fingers pluck at Christina’s tight nipples. He made himself a promise that he’d taste them before this bath was over.

Adjusting his balls so that the material of his pants didn’t squeeze them tight, he moved closer to the tub. Placing his hands on her legs just inside her knees, he slid them up the inside of her thighs. His hands disappeared beneath the water, but he didn’t stop.

When he reached the top of her thighs, he traced the creases there. Christina’s hips bucked towards him. Ever so slowly, he allowed his thumbs to slip across the sensitive folds of her sex.

Marc bent over and swallowed her cry of delight in a long, lingering kiss. One of her wet hands groped towards Marc, grabbing him by the hair and holding him tight as his mouth plundered hers.

His brother would not outdo him. Without warning, Jarek plunged two fingers straight into her pussy, driving them deep. A low keening sound came from Christina as her hips pumped into the air sending a sheet of water over the side of the tub. Pleased with the results, Jarek continued to thrust his fingers in and out, loving the way her hot pussy clasped tight around his fingers. His other hand moved lower and he pushed against the tight opening of her ass. The soapy water made it easier for him push one finger past the resistance and slip into her other opening. Working both hands at once, he finger-fucked her pussy and ass as Marc fondled her breasts and fucked her mouth with his tongue. Moaning and crying, she thrashed 67

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about in the water, but neither brother stopped. They both pushed her hard, wanting her to come apart in their hands.

Jarek’s cock ached and he could feel his balls pulling up tight to his body as he gritted his teeth and concentrated on Christina. There was no way he was going to come on the floor like some callow youth. He would pleasure his woman before he sought his own release.

Jarek could feel her inner muscles gripping his fingers tight. Her movements became more frantic as he drove them deep and hard. She stiffened suddenly as he brushed her clit lightly with his thumb. Pulling away from Marc, she screamed her release.

Marc pinched her nipples and rolled them between his fingers as Jarek kept up the pressure with his hands. Christina shook and shuddered as her release gushed over his hands, hot and long.

“No more. No more.” She gasped for breath as she tried to pull away from them. Easing up, Jarek removed his finger from her behind before doing the same with her pussy. Aftershocks of pleasure shook her and she gasped for breath. Marc’s hands had moved lower onto her stomach and his face was buried in the crook of her neck, his shoulders heaving.

Jarek took a deep breath, trying to regain his control. He was so damn close to coming and knew that Marc had to be just as close.

Ever so carefully, he lowered her legs back into the tub. He shuddered as he stood, his cock jerking in the air. Grunting, he adjusted himself, but didn’t try to redo his pants. That was impossible at the moment.

Leaning over, he wrapped one of his arms under her legs and another around her back. Marc reluctantly released her and sat back on his heels. Jarek lifted Christina from the water and stood her on the floor. Plucking a towel from the shelf, he began to dry her body.


Christina’s Tapestry

A droplet rolled down the slope of her breast and Jarek bent over and licked it off. Christina arched her back, pushing her breast towards his mouth. Dropping the towel, Jarek went to his knees in front of her, tugging her down with him so that she was on her knees facing him. Covering her nipple with his mouth, he sucked the sweet bud, rasping the sensitive tip with his tongue.

Jarek’s whole body jerked when he felt her small hand wrap around his cock. He tilted his head back slightly and enjoyed the sensual torture. A second hand joined the first one and she pumped his erection from root to tip.

Marc knelt behind Christina, gripped her hips in his hands and pushed his erection against her back. She began to undulate her hips and Marc’s fingers dug into her flesh, pulling her closer to him.

Jarek sifted his fingers through her tresses and gripped them tight. Tugging her head back, he lowered his head until their foreheads were almost touching. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was ragged as she continued to pleasure him with her hands.

“Look at me.” His voice sounded loud and harsh. Christina’s eyes popped open, almost blind with need. “Know who is kissing you.”

“I know, Jarek.” Her softly spoken words made his cock swell even larger in her hands.

“Keep them open.” Using his tongue, he traced the outline of her lush lips. They opened for him, but he resisted and continued to tease her mouth. Unable to resist, he gripped her lower lip between his teeth and nipped the plump flesh. Her tongue came out to tease him and the rasp of it against his lips drove him wild. He plunged his tongue into her waiting mouth, taking it, and claiming it as his own. She tasted vaguely of cider, but underlying that was the heat and unique flavor of woman. This woman. Sweet and spicy, she was an addiction that he needed to sate. He wanted to take his time, to savor every inch of her mouth, but her nimble fingers continued to caress his cock and then moved lower to massage his testicles. Jarek lost all 69

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pretense of finesse as he plundered her mouth with his tongue and pumped his hips against her hands.

Her fingers tightened against his length and he shouted as he came, spewing his cum all over her fingers. It coated both their stomachs as she continued to stroke him until he was done.

Jarek sighed with relief and his kiss became gentler. Softer. Christina sighed and shivered before suddenly jerking back against Marc. Her hands released his cock and gripped his shoulders for support as Marc came against her back. Jarek sank back on his haunches, tugging Christina onto his lap. She slumped against his shoulder even as Marc slumped against her back. Jarek laughed as he imagined the debauched picture they must make piled on the floor in a tangled heap. He kissed her temple and caressed her bottom with his hand. Marc sat back on the floor and leaned against the tub. Gathering his strength, Jarek lifted Christina and lowered her back into the water.

“That’s cold.” She shivered as she reached for the washcloth.

“I’m sorry, little one, but you need another bath.” He knew he didn’t sound very sorry about her predicament.

“That’s only because the two of you interrupted this one.” There was a twinkle in her eyes and her cheeks were rosy as she blushed.

Jarek swiped the cloth from her and washed his belly and genitals before wringing it out and tossing it to his brother. Marc’s hand shot out to catch the cloth and he began to clean the cum from his stomach.

Feeling sated and content, Jarek rose and stretched. He could feel Christina’s eyes on him, admiring his muscular form. Unable to resist, he raised his arms over his head and stretched again, knowing his muscles would ripple as he moved.

“Show-off.” A dry towel hit his chest and he caught it. He gave his brother an unrepentant shrug and grinned as he dried his torso and redid his pants. 70

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His pants already redone, Marc leaned over the tub and kissed Christina gently.

“I’ll be back to escort you to supper.”

Jarek waited patiently until his brother was finished and then it was his turn. He traced his thumb against her swollen lips and growled with pleasure when her tongue snaked out to taste it.

“We will be back to escort you to the feast tonight.” Lowering his head, he placed a kiss on her forehead, her nose and finally her lips. “Until then, rest.”

They disappeared as quickly as they’d come, leaving her as they found her, lolling in a tub of water with her head against the rim and her eyes closed. This time however, there was no mistaking the look of satisfaction on her face. 71

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Chapter Nine

Christina tugged at the rich fabric of her new gown. It was a dark blue velvet and fit her perfectly, but it felt strange to be wearing a dress that went straight to her ankles. The sleeves were long and ended at her wrists, converging in a point that extended to the center of her hand. The bodice laced up in the front and pushed her breasts high. She was showing quite a bit of cleavage, although her chest was well-covered. The strangest sensation of all was walking around fully dressed without any underwear on. It was silly, because she hadn’t worn any panties with the nightgown, but that felt different because it was bedtime wear.

Going out in public without underwear felt like she was only half-dressed. There was a chemise that went under the dress, but that was it. The air flowed under and up her dress, making her feel exposed. Mara had laughed away her concern, assuring her that it was perfectly normal.

She’d never realized just how much her underwear felt like protective armor against the world until she didn’t have it anymore. She tried to ignore it as she trailed behind Mara who was giving her a tour of the castle. It was late afternoon and the sun was sinking in the west when they finally gained the top of a long set of stairs and stepped out on the battlements.

BOOK: Christina's Tapestry
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