Read Christmas Choices Online

Authors: Sharon Coady

Christmas Choices (12 page)

BOOK: Christmas Choices
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She parted her lips as he slowly invaded her mouth. Her tongue mingled with his and he tasted so good, it took her a moment to realize she had moaned out loud. She moved closer, feeling his desire for her as he moved his lips down to her neck. She tilted her head enough to allow him room to kiss the sensitive area below her ear. Her thoughts returning, she placed her hands on his chest and said with more force this time, “Dante stop.” She pushed away from him. “I’m not ready for this.”

“I’m sorry.” He threw his hands in the air. “Why did you kiss me back?”

“Can you take me home?”

“It will be dark soon, mia bella. We will stay here tonight, and I will return you to the villa tomorrow. Pick whichever room you like.” He strode out of the room without looking back.

Chapter Twenty-Five

ellen and Denny were making good progress on the café. They finished up priming the drywall just as Rhian’s grandfather arrived to see how the job was coming along.

“Hey Denny,” Harry called. “I hear I owe you my life and a lot more for saving the café. Thanks for your quick thinking.” He shook the big man’s hand and slapped him on the shoulder. “Free lunch anytime you want, my friend.”

Denny smiled from ear to ear. “Mr. Harry, thank you. I’m so glad you’re okay. Ms. Rhian was so worried about you and I was too. Do you know Mr. Kellen?”

“Not officially. We haven’t met in person yet,” Harry said as he turned to Kellen to shake his hand. “So, I heard you are good at your job. I must tell you, from what I see so far, it looks like the stories are true. I’m impressed with your work. Rhian said you designed the new kitchen and she helped pick out the appliances. She has always had a good eye.”

Kellen looked at him, not knowing what to say. “Yes sir, she helped me pick everything out.” He looked over at Denny and raised his eyebrows.

“Oh, Mr. Harry, don’t you know Ms. Rhian left? She went to Italy for a while.”

Harry looked at both of them. “I know. We’ve been texting back and forth and she’s called me a few times. I was a bit alarmed that she felt it necessary to leave without saying goodbye or leaving an address. But I understand why she did it.”

“Yeah, I was surprised when she left so quickly,” Kellen said. “I figured she would have told you in person.”

Harry’s shoulders drooped and his face went pale. Kellen rushed to his side and helped him sit down on one of the benches. “Are you okay, sir? Do I need to call someone?”

“No. I just get a bit tired still. I’m not really supposed to be out doing too much yet.” He looked up at Kellen, pain etched across his face. “She has never done anything like this before—always so reliable since her mother and grandmother died. She knows we depend on her.”

“Maybe she just needed to get away, sir.” He glanced over his shoulder at Denny trying to catch his attention. Denny cocked his head and raised his eyebrows as Kellen gestured towards Harry.

“Oh, Mr. Harry I talked to her. She said she just needed some time to figure out some stuff about herself. I guess she just wanted to be alone. I told Mr. Kellen, I bet she is paintin’ and just being quiet. That’s all she is doin’. She ain’t tryin’ to hurt no one.”

Relief washed through Kellen as he placed his hand on Harry’s shoulder. “I guess she just needed a break, sir.”

“Where did she go in Italy? Did she say?”

“No, not really. Just that she was staying in a villa. But she probably didn’t tell nobody because she didn’t want no one talking her out of going.”

Kellen bent over Harry, examining him closely. “Would you like me to take you home, sir? You still look rather tired.”

“No, I want to see your plans for the kitchen.” He stood up and waited for Kellen to get out the pictures and drawings.

Kellen watched the old man as he explained his design and saw a bit of color come back into his face. “Here are the pictures of the appliances Rhian and I picked out. This is the diagram of the layout. What do you think?”

“These look good. You both did a nice job. I like the way the new kitchen will be laid out. You put a lot of thought into it.”

“Thanks. I worked off the vision Rhian had of the kitchen. Does she do a lot of cooking?”

Harry snorted. “Rhian cook? Oh my Lord. That girl is too busy working to ever cook. Now, her grandmother was the best cook I ever knew. But Rhian never picked it up. She moves to the beat of a different drum, I guess.”

Kellen laughed. “From her excitement when we picked out the appliances, I assumed she loved to cook. She even offered to make me something to eat one day.”

Harry’s brows drew together. “Just how well do you know my granddaughter?”

“We spent some time together because of this job, that’s all. She’s a very nice girl.”
Fuck, I don’t need tension with you, old man. I just want to get the job done.
He ran his hands through his hair and put his baseball hat back on.

“Well, I hope she comes home soon. I haven’t told her father she’s gone—he thinks she’s still in town. I just tell him things are going great with the renovation. He likes to try to make it look like he’s not checking on her so he asks me. The man tries to keep her under his thumb. I don’t think I realized how we were both smothering her until she did this. I hope you won’t blow her cover if you hear from him. He won’t be happy when he finds out.”

“I have no intention of saying anything to him, sir.”

Harry looked at Kellen, cocked his head, and studied him. He raised his brows and a smile spread across his face. “You like her.”

Kellen sat back. “What?”

“You like her, don’t you, son?

Denny grinned. “I told him that yesterday Mr. Harry. She likes him, too. You could see it in the way they look at each other.”

“I told you I don’t feel that way about Rhian, remember?”

“I know what you said, but I can see it in your eyes. See, Mr. Harry? They just don’t want to admit it.”

“I think you’re right.” Harry turned toward Kellen. He leaned closer and spoke softly so only Kellen could hear him. “Denny was in an accident a few years ago. He was a handy man, doing odd jobs wherever he could. But he always had a sense about these things, guess he still does.” He winked at Kellen.

“That explains a lot,” Kellen muttered under his breath.

“Why haven’t you called her, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“She told me not to and I’m trying to follow her request.” He ran his fingers through his hair again and paced back and forth. “If I call her, she’ll think I don’t respect her wishes.”

“If you avoid calling her, she’ll think you don’t care. Is that what you want?” Harry placed a hand on Kellen’s shoulder.

“I’m not good enough for her, sir. Her father expects more. I saw it in his eyes when he hired me. He thinks I’m beneath them.”

“Son, Rhian’s mother was a ‘regular person’. The St. Clairs thought her beneath their family as well. It didn’t stop Rhian's father. He seems to have forgotten that since she died. My only concern is your reputation as a ladies' man. Yes. I’ve heard all about it. I think you have sowed more oats than most, and I wouldn’t want her to be another conquest.”

Kellen hung his head. “I’ve done a lot of things I’m not proud of. I don’t know if I could ever be the person she needs or if I even deserve her.”

“If she isn’t enough for you son, walk away from her now before this goes any further.”

Kellen looked at him. “Good enough for me? That’s a laugh. I’m the one who isn’t good enough for her.”

Harry placed his hand on Kellen’s shoulder. “If you care for her then fight for her. I’ve had my say. Now I’m going home to rest for a bit.” He headed out the back door, turned and said, “I think you would be good together. Your actions from here on can make you the man she deserves, son.”

Kellen watched him go and thought back to the last time he had seen Rhian. He wondered if she could ever forgive him for his past. “Denny!”

“What Mr. Kellen?” The man rocked from foot to foot again.

“Did Rhian tell you where she was when you talked to her the last time?”

“Sure. She’s in Italy over there paintin’. Why?”

Kellen sighed, “Italy is pretty big, did she say where in Italy?”

“No. Want me to call her and ask?”

“No, I don’t think so Denny.” Kellen thought back. She had asked him to leave her alone. He ran his fingers through his hair and replayed what her grandfather had said. Over the past few weeks, he discovered he didn’t want to go out with other women; he no longer had the same desire. His thoughts focused on her. Fragments of the man he used to be seeped back into his soul. He was falling for her.

“I might try to get in touch with her later to go over some details about the restaurant.”

“Okay, Mr. Kellen. If you say so.” Denny grinned from ear to ear and walked away shaking his head. “Man don’t know he is fallin’ in love.” He laughed out loud as he peeked back over his shoulder at Kellen. “You’re really funny, sir.”

Kellen stood with his hands on his hips and watched Denny laugh at him. Smiling, he picked up his tools and went back to work.

Chapter Twenty-Six

hian woke abruptly and lay still to get her bearings. The room was dark, so it wasn’t morning yet. She felt for the lamp on the bedside table and flipped it on.

She climbed off the bed and went into the bathroom to wash her face. She heard a soft knocking on the door.

“Mia bella, are you okay? Would you like something to eat?”

“I’m fine. I’m going to take a shower. Something to eat would be wonderful.”

“You’ll find everything you need in the corner cabinet. I will place a robe on the bed for you. See you shortly. Do you remember where the kitchen is?”

“I think so.” She walked to the corner cabinet, opened the door, found towels and a multitude of soaps and shampoos, lotions, and face creams. Rhian stood, her mouth agape taking in the cabinet contents, and then her heart sank. This must be something he did often. Why would he have so many different items for women in the cabinet? No assortment of soaps and lotions for men.

What a mess I’ve made.
She wanted to scream as loud and as long as she could.

Adjusting the water, she climbed in and scrubbed her skin until it stung. Sighing, she put her head under the water and lathered the sweet smelling shampoo into her hair.

Wrapping herself in the towel, she opened the bathroom door. There on the bed was a soft robe of Robin egg blue and a pair of matching slippers. She put the robe on and wrapped the towel around her hair.

The bedroom door opened. “Did you have a nice shower, mia bella?” he asked with a smile

She nodded her head, pulling the robe tighter as she saw lust flare in his eyes.

“I hope you’re hungry, I’ve made a wonderful meal for us.”

She shrugged her shoulders and turned away from him.

“Is something wrong?” he asked as he hurried to kneel by her side. He took her hand in his and stroked her palm gently. “Please, tell me what is wrong.”

“I’m just upset. Did I do something to make you feel it was all right to try that last night?” She tugged her hand out of his.

“Mia bella, I have never known someone like you before, so lovely and so lost. I just wanted to make you feel unique.” He gazed into her eyes as if seeking the answers there.

“But did I do something to lead you on? You bring a lot of women here, don’t you?”

He sat back. “Oh, I see.” He laughed. “You American’s see lovemaking so differently than we do here. You don’t have to be
love with someone to
love to them, Rhian. What is wrong in finding and giving pleasure to each other? Why do you want to complicate it?”

She looked up into his eyes and saw his truth in them. “Could you ever love just one woman and be faithful to her? Could you do that?”

“Why would I? So many beautiful women have not even learned the pleasures of the body and soul. Why would I limit myself to just one?” He leaned close, whispering in her ear, “You could learn in time to accept this about me. I am very good at pleasing the body and the soul, no? You could learn to share me, especially if I made you my priority.” He drew back and smirked at her.

Rhian stiffened. Did she just hear him correctly? Was he asking her to be a part of his life along with whomever else he decided to share it with? She pushed her hands against his chest and shoved as hard as she could. Anger flashed across her face. “You want me to be with you but accept that you will screw other women?” She threw her head back and burst into laughter. “Oh, you give yourself way too much credit, Dante. A handsome face and skill in lovemaking does not give you the right to ask a woman to share you with others. What an ego!”

“Mia bella, it is not my
that is big. I have never had complaints from my women before.” His expression hardened. ‘Come, let’s go eat before it gets cold.” He turned and walked out the room.

Rhian stood, counted to ten and followed. There was nothing she could do at the moment. She had no car and couldn’t walk back to her villa. She strode into the hall and followed her nose to the kitchen. Her stomach growled, reminding her she had not eaten since yesterday.

Dante had made a large meal of fresh fruits, eggs, sausage, biscuits, and gravy. She glanced over at him. “Is there anything missing?” he asked.

“Yes, a gentleman,” Rhian mumbled under her breath.

“Did you say something?” Dante asked as he came back to the table with two cups of coffee. He placed one on the table in front of her.

“Nothing worth repeating. Thanks for the coffee.” She took a sip and marveled at the rich taste. “What kind of coffee is this?” she asked to get her mind off the last twelve hours.

“It’s a special blend my Uncle makes. You can’t buy it anywhere. Would you like me to send some to your villa?”

“No, I wouldn’t want to trouble you.” She couldn’t look him in the eyes so she reached for the bowl of eggs and fixed a small plate of food.

“What’s wrong, Rhian? Why won’t you look at me?” He reached across the table to take her hand.

She pulled it away. “Don’t touch me, Dante.”

“I don’t understand. I thought you would like the attention.”

BOOK: Christmas Choices
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