Read Christmas Choices Online

Authors: Sharon Coady

Christmas Choices (11 page)

BOOK: Christmas Choices
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After they finished cleaning up, Kellen said, “Okay, I’ll pick you up in about forty-five minutes. Meet me in front of the café.”

“Okay, Mr. Kellen, I’ll be there.” He hurried off down the driveway and headed home.


ater, on the way to pick up Denny, he thought about what the man had said. He was not falling in love with a woman as hardheaded and stubborn as Rhian St. Claire. He wouldn’t let himself do that.

When he pulled up in front of the café, he spotted Denny out front, rocking from foot to foot. When he saw Kellen, he waved and yelled, “I’m here Mr. Kellen, I’m here!”

Kellen couldn’t help but smile at the excitement in Denny’s eyes.
I wish I could see the world like you. How much simpler life would be.

Denny opened the door and climbed into the truck. “I can’t wait, where we goin’ to eat?”

“I thought I’d take you to Danny’s Pub. They make a really good burger.”

“I love burgers! I’ve never been there before. Do they have music, too? I love music.”

“Yeah they do. Want me to put the radio on?”

“Sure.” He sat back with a smile and waited for Kellen to turn the knob.

Kellen thumbed the volume loud as “Damn Your Eyes” by Alex Clare blasted out of the speakers. “Shit!” he growled, reaching to change the song.

Denny swatted his hand away. “No, Mr. Kellen, don’t turn that off. I love this song.” He took a deep breath then sang louder than the radio, his face screwed up like a rock star on stage.

Kellen gripped the steering wheel so hard his knuckles went white.
Why did this song have to come on and why does he have to like the damn thing?”
He tried to concentrate on the road instead of the words, but the lyrics drew him in. It took forever for the song to finish, and he felt like he could breathe again.

Denny sighed. “I wish we could play it again. I don’t get to hear it enough. Don’t you love when one of your favorite songs comes on the radio? I sure do. Hey do you know what Ms. Rhian’s favorite song is?”

“No, I don’t. We didn’t spend much time together discussing music. I think we should talk about something else, okay.” He clenched his jaw so hard it throbbed.

Denny looked at him, the corners of his mouth drawn down. “I’m sorry, Mr. Kellen, I didn’t mean to make you sad. I’ll try to remember not to talk about her ‘round you.”

“Thanks. That would probably be for the best. Let’s have some fun tonight, okay?” he said, pulling into the parking lot of the pub. “You’ll like this place.” He turned off the truck and they both climbed out.

“Wow, I can hear the music already. What kind is it?”

“They play mostly Irish music in here. People like to dance to it.” As they walked in the door, Kellen’s thoughts went to the time he had met Rhian for lunch.
Fuck, this wasn’t a good idea tonight. I’ve got to get my shit together.

“Mr. Kellen, you look sad again. Is everything all right?” Denny spun around in a circle taking everything in. “Wow, it’s cool in here.”

Kellen laughed and smacked Denny on the back. “You’re a trip. You kill me how quickly you can go from one subject to the next. Let’s grab that table over there and order a couple of beers. How does that sound?”

“Sound good to me. What kind of beer do they have?” He asked non-stop questions and pointed out different things as they made their way to the table.

Kellen couldn’t help but chuckle again. This may just turn out to be an okay night. He was glad he had asked Denny to come. When he pulled his chair out and sat down, he noticed a redhead at the bar checking him out. Did she know about his reputation, too?

It never failed to amaze him that he could take women home, have sex with them, never call them or see them again, yet they still talked him up to their friends. He winked at her and a smile spread over her face. She walked toward him but he shook his head slightly, nodding toward Denny. Frowning, she stopped and raised her brows then realized he didn’t want to be disturbed. She nodded and went back to her stool at the bar. She wrote something down on a napkin and stopped a waiter. Leaning in close, she whispered in his ear and handed the napkin to him.

When the waiter arrived at their table, he handed the napkin to Kellen and asked if he and Denny were ready to order. Denny watched Kellen to see if he could order something. He nodded at Denny and the man turned to the waiter.

“I’ll have that beer and your burger my friend Mr. Kellen has been telling me about. What was the name of it?” he asked Kellen.

The waiter replied, “The house burger? Sure thing.” He turned to Kellen. “How about you?”

“I’ll take the house burger all the way and a Guiness draft. You can bring my friend the same.”

“No problem sir, I’ll get those orders in now.”

“You goin’ to look at the note the waiter gave you, Mr. Kellen? How come he gave you a note?” Denny leaned closer, trying to see what the note said.

“Settle down, man.” He laughed. “He didn’t give me a note, a redhead at the bar gave it to him to give to me.” He opened the napkin. She had written her number and name with a heart underneath. Glancing over at her, he nodded and turned back to his friend.

“Why’d she give you a note?” he asked his brow furrowed. “Do you know her?”

“No, I don’t, but it happens to me all the time.” He placed the napkin on the table, knowing he wouldn’t call her. He never called any of them.

“That never happens to me! You’re pretty lucky. She’s really good-lookin’. I’ve never been with a redhead.” He blushed and put his head down. “I used to have a girlfriend a long time ago, but we never had sex. I don’t have a girlfriend now.”

“Don’t worry about it. It will happen one day.”

“You goin’ to have sex with her tonight, Mr. Kellen?”

“Nope. Tonight we’re going to have fun, just you and me, okay?”

“That’s great. I’m really happy you’re my friend now,” Denny replied. “Mr. Kellen, are we workin’ tomorrow?”

“No, I think we can take tomorrow off. Let’s just do it up right, tonight. You with me, big guy?”

Denny’s eyes lit up. “I’m with you for sure!”

“Denny, where do you live? I figure it must be close because you walk to work every day.”

“It’s not too far from the café. I have an apartment in a house Rhian’s daddy owns. I got to move there when I got better after my accident. You want to come over sometime and see it? I could make us dinner one night.” Excitement danced in his eyes.

“You know what. That sounds like a good deal, Denny. How about we do it once we get further along with the café? You’re a damn good cook and I would love to see where you call home.”

Chapter Twenty-Four

week later, Dante arrived at Rhian’s to pick her up for their drive to his grandfather’s farm. She had worked daily on the painting of her mother and grandmother. She surprised herself with how much detail she remembered and couldn’t wait for him to see it.

“Come in, Dante, I want you to see my progress. I can’t believe how much I remember!” She was so excited her words ran together.

He laughed. “Hello, mia bella. I’m happy to see you as well.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him over to her painting alcove. He stopped short, his mouth gaping. He moved in front of the canvas, studying every detail she had captured. “Look at the little crinkles around the older woman’s eyes and mouth, the way her eyes dance with love, the way her hair moves in a light breeze.”

His eyes wandered to the beautiful younger woman. “Her eyes sparkle with laughter. She’s waving at someone just out of the picture. Mia bella,” he whispered. “This is a magnificent painting. I feel as if I am witness to a very private moment. I can almost hear the laughter of these two women.” He turned back to her. “You are a most talented artist.”

“You really like it? I can’t believe all these details came back to me.” Tears welled up in her eyes. “I miss them so much.”

“Don’t cry, Rhian. You have so many memories, right here.” He touched her lightly over her heart. “They will never truly be gone.” He pulled her close and held her for a moment.

Rhian wondered how this man seemed to know just what to do or say to make her feel better. She sighed and pushed away from him. “Sorry. I don’t know why I always seem to cry in front of you. I hate wearing my emotions on my sleeve. It is another thing my daddy doesn’t approve of. Let me go freshen up, and we can get on the road.” When she walked back into the alcove, she found him still studying her portrait.

She gently touched his arm. “I’m ready.”

Dante smiled down at her and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Let’s go, mia bella. It should be a lovely day. I have packed us a picnic and some wine. I hope it is to your liking.”

“That sounds lovely.” She paused in surprise when she saw the bright red Ferrari. “We are going to the farm in a race car?”

He laughed. “This one handles the curves better than my little convertible. I think you will find it comfortable, and we will get there quickly.” He winked at her.

When he closed her door, she sank back against the soft leather and glanced around the interior. “Wow, this car is something else.”

“Have you never been in a Ferrari before?”

“Nope. Do I need to hold on?” A smile spread over her face when he started the engine and the low vibration pulsed through her.

Between the rolling hills, winding road, and the feel of the car hugging each turn, the drive was spectacular. As they slowed to go through a little village, she pointed out the window. “Is that an olive grove?”

“Yes it is. They produce wonderful oils in this villa. You see that large old building just there?” He pointed at a two-story stone building, sitting close to the road. “That is the factory where they make and refine the virgin oils. If you would like, we could tour it next week.”

“That would be fun. I’ve never seen olives pressed. How long has the factory produced the oils?”

“Over a century. The same family has been making the oil for generations in that building.”

Rhian thought she had never seen countryside so beautiful in her life. She sat up straighter to look at a lovely old two-story home with a stone chimney. It stood next to the entrance of a vineyard. “How long has that villa been there, Dante?”

“For as long as I can remember. The family owns a couple of smaller vineyards in the region, but that home has been in their family for at least four generations.”

“It’s beautiful. Have we had their wine?”

“Yes, we drank one of their reds at our first lunch together.” He reached over and took her hand in his. “I adore the way you look at everything with such wide eyes, Rhian. You make me fall in love with my country again every time I show you something. Your excitement is contagious.”

She glanced down at his hand holding hers, warm and safe.
I could get used to this.
She relaxed, thinking this day could only get better.

When the car rolled to a stop, Rhian’s eyes opened and she yawned. She glanced over at Dante. “I think I fell asleep. I am so embarrassed.”

“Why are you embarrassed, mia bella? You must have been tired. It was a long drive.” He gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “Come, let’s walk shall we?” He hurried around to her side of the car, opened her door, and extended his hand to help her out.

“It’s so beautiful here. Look at that house!” The large two-story home was made of old flat stones. Steps made of the same climbed upward and ended at a large covered porch. The familiar mixed pots sat around the entrance, and she was sure they would be filled with plants and flowers of a multitude of colors during the spring and summer. Rocking chairs and tables were scattered close to the house. Turning towards Dante, she exclaimed, “This isn’t like any of the other villas I’ve seen so far. It sure isn’t what I pictured a farm house to look like.”

“Come, let me show you inside.” He grabbed her hand as they sprinted up the stairs. Reaching into a flowerpot by the front door, he produced a key. As he pushed the door open, he moved aside and motioned her to step into the foyer.

Rhian walked in and stopped so fast he almost ran into her. The inside was everything she had imagined in a grand Italian home. Their heels clicked on the rich amber marble. She studied the pattern made by the red-brown veins that ran throughout the flooring. As she looked up, the beautiful paintings in the hall caught her attention. She somehow knew this was Dante’s work.

He took her hand and led her down the hall to a handsome living room with a baby grand piano. Fine saddle tan leather furniture sat on burnished, wide planked wooden floors. Rhian thought the end tables and coffee table must be antiques. The mantle on the fireplace was a rich deep mahogany. She was overwhelmed by the grandeur of the room. An enchanting garden waited just beyond a pair of glass doors at the back of the room. “This is breathtaking, Dante.”

“Come, let me show you the bedrooms. My grandmother thought they had to be impressive as well. They each have a fireplace and doors leading to little porches.” He rolled his eyes and laughed. “I could never understand why she did.

Rhian gasped as they entered the first bedroom. “Oh my goodness! This room is larger than my entire apartment. Look at the view,” she exclaimed, striding to the glass doors leading out onto the private veranda. “Is it this exquisite from every room in the house?” The manicured gardens framed a rectangular in-ground pool. Marble sculptures were placed intermittently throughout the gardens.

“Yes, my grandmother made sure of it. What do you think so far?”

“I absolutely love it. When you told me it was a farm, I expected a farmhouse, not something like this. Have you even seen a real farm house?”

Dante laughed. “Of course I have.” He walked up behind her and slid his arms around her waist. Leaning down, he planted a little kiss on the back of her neck. “Mia bella, I never expected someone as beautiful as you to walk into my life,” he whispered.

Rhian’s pulse quickened. Her head fell back and rested against his chest. “Dante, I’m not ready for this,” she whispered back.

He turned her around and pulled her against him, lifting her chin to look into her eyes. “You have been ready for this from the first time we met. You push me away because you are running from something. Rhian, let me love you like you deserve.” He lowered his head and placed a gentle kiss on her mouth, his lips just brushing hers. “Let me show you how your body can respond to a man who wants to please you.” He kissed her again with more passion.

BOOK: Christmas Choices
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