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Authors: Shelley Munro

ChristmasisComing (5 page)

BOOK: ChristmasisComing
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Like the rest of the house, the two men had
decorated this room with style. Not your typical bachelor establishment. Three
walls were painted cream—a sort of a French vanilla color—while they’d made a
feature of the remaining wall, papering it with patterned wallpaper. Twists of
subtle vines and leaves covered the wall and they’d pulled the effect together
by using the chocolate brown, green and cream of the wallpaper with the other

The sturdy wooden king-size bed dominated
the room. Sliding doors connected the room with the garden and there was an en
suite, although Fletch preferred the main bathroom with its huge, open wet room
area. Gaby preferred it too with the double showerheads and efficient
ventilation system that meant she could shower and apply makeup in the one

A moan escaped from one of the men and Gaby
smiled. Time to interrupt their kissing otherwise they’d never get anything
done. “Hey, couldn’t you have kept your erections by using your own hands?”

They parted like a pair of newly released
springs. A trace of red appeared on Liam’s face while Fletch stared at her without

“He dared me,” Liam blurted.

Her brows rose and she sauntered up to the
bed. “Do you accept all his dares?”

The two men exchanged a smirk. “Pretty
much,” Liam said. “He’s a bad influence.”

“Yeah, right. I broke my arm when I jumped
off the roof dressed as Superman. Your idea,” Fletch said.

“Okay.” Gaby picked up her clipboard before
grabbing two sample condoms. “I want to test these unfurl properly and also

“You’re gonna touch our dicks?” Liam asked,

“That’s the usual way sex goes,” Gaby said.
“Parts touch and create friction. I want to make sure the friction is the good
kind. Who’s first?”

“I’ll go first,” Fletch said. “What happens
if I get a bit enthusiastic?”

“You should know how to hold your shit
together by now,” Liam said, challenge in his voice. “We can always bet on who
loses control under Gaby’s skilled hands first.”

Gaby snorted and consulted her clipboard.

“She reminds me of a prim schoolmistress
when she wears her glasses,” Fletch said.

“‘She’ is in the room with you.” Gaby
handed her clipboard to Liam. “Move over so I can straddle Fletch’s legs.” This
situation was something she’d never imagined in all their years of friendship,
yet it didn’t feel wrong. Her instincts weren’t screaming at her to run in the
opposite direction. And spending time with Liam and Fletch was definitely
taking her mind off Marc.

Bother, she hadn’t meant to think about
him. She wouldn’t. “Are you ready for me to touch you?”

“Hell yeah.”

“Then why do you look so nervous?” Liam’s
gaze held distinct challenge.

“You’re both staring at my cock. I’m
starting to feel self-conscious.”

“I’ll make it quick and painless,” Gaby
promised, trying not to snicker at the caution on his face. “Liam, write this
down for me please. Sample BCD5.” She knew the perfect way to reward him. “I’m
going to touch you. Okay?”

“Yeah.” Fletch didn’t sound too confident.

She wrapped her hand around his cock and
stroked him, watching his face carefully at the same time.

“Fuck,” Fletch said, arching up into her

Gaby continued for several more strokes,
letting him become used to her touch. She made a
sound. “Guys are
so easy.”

“We like sex,” Liam said. “Nothing wrong
with that.” He watched the glide of her hand—up and down, up and down as if

Fletch glared at her when she stopped the
motion. “I was enjoying that.”

“Patience, grasshopper.” Gaby slipped the
condom from the sealed wrapper and popped it between her lips. She sensed the
guys’ shock but concentrated on the condom and the taste. Not bad. At least it
didn’t have the rubbery, latex-type taste many condoms held. She’d managed to
get that right. Bending over Fletch’s groin, she held his cock in one hand and,
using her mouth and lips, rolled the condom into place.

“Wow, that’s a talent, Gaby.” Fletch sighed
his pleasure, moaning when she applied suction. “Man, you should feel the heat
from Gaby’s mouth. The latex doesn’t deaden sensation much.”

Gaby gave him one final swipe, part of her
wishing she could taste him instead of the condom. She lifted her head and
winked at Liam. “That’s one tick for the chart.”

“Why are we testing condoms first? I
thought you wanted to test sex toys,” Liam said.

“Liam, can you note down the latex tastes
okay and there’s no appreciable loss of sensation.” Gaby turned to Fletch. “Any
other comments to add?”

“Yeah, can we move this along?”

Gaby ignored his complaint. “My thoughts
were these ultrathin condoms form part of a package especially for Christmas. A
package for lovers or for the one you love. The condoms would be in red and
green. A bottle of the lube would be included plus the sex toy with the basic
attachment. The other attachments come as extras and can be purchased

Fletch rolled his eyes. “Great. She’s gonna
make the dicks of New Zealand men look like candy canes.” He was only
pretending affront, teasing as usual.

“You guys have themes in your decorating,”
Gaby said.

“Why would we care if we’re gonna get off?”
Liam checked the clipboard and jotted down the points she’d mentioned. “What’s

“Your turn.” Gaby plucked another condom
from her box.

“Let me,” Fletch said.

Gaby stared at Fletch before turning to
study Liam. “What’s going on with you two today?”

“Gaby can do it,” Liam said.

“Aw, you’re gonna hurt my feelings.”

A tic sprang to life in Liam’s jaw. His
eyes narrowed on Fletch and he wasn’t smiling. “Gaby can do it.”

Fletch did laugh, as if he were joking, but
she caught a hint of hurt on his face before his normal good humor slid into

Gaby climbed off Fletch and moved across
the bed to where Liam was standing. He’d lost all trace of an erection. She
climbed off the bed and kneeled in front of Liam. Something was definitely
going on between the boys. Twice, she’d watched them kiss and they’d both
appeared into the intimacy. Having her as a buffer might help them find each
other, make them more willing to adventure into the taboo area of sex between
two men.

If exploration was what they wanted.

She lifted her head and licked down his
flaccid cock. Her fingers stroked his balls while she nibbled his abdomen and
teased him. His musky outdoor scent filled every breath as she explored him. To
her relief, he responded quickly to her ministrations. She licked the length of
his cock again, doing a teasing pass over the ruddy crown. When a drop of pre-come
beaded at his slit, she licked it away. Slowly, she pulled away and rocked back
on her heels to glance up at him. “Okay?”

“Yeah.” It was a husky sound. “More?”

Gaby grinned and reached for the condom.
“I’ll do my mouth trick another time. I want to check the fit as I roll the
condom on for you.”

This condom was a leafy green. A smirk
formed as she rolled the latex down the length of his penis.

Fletch let out a snigger. “He looks like an

“I wouldn’t cast stones if I were you.
You’re sporting a candy cane.”

“Stop bickering,” Gaby said. “Okay, how
does that feel? How does this condom stack up against the ones you’re using at
the moment?” She paused to take Liam into her mouth to let him feel the heat of
her mouth through the latex. She licked and sucked until a tremble racked him.
His cock lengthened even farther and a second tremor worked through his body.
His hands drifted down to cup her skull, holding her in place and tugging at
her hair. A surge of lust speared through her at his rough handling. Liam was
always a little quieter than Fletch and not as outgoing. His urgency both
surprised and pleased her.

It told her the sex between them would be
hot, more than mere testing of Fancy Free products. Her stomach tightened and
she hummed around his cock, taking the teasing up a notch. With a final lick,
she fought his grip and pulled away the instant he released her.

She grinned up at him. “How is the condom?”

“Great,” Liam said. “Almost as if I’m
wearing nothing.”

“How robust are they?” Fletch asked from
where he reclined on the bed.

“That’s what we’re about to find out. On
the bed.”

“She’s ordering us around,” Fletch said.

Gaby turned away to hide her smile and
pulled out a plain plastic bottle of lube. One of her inventions. The vibrator
came out next along with a bag of attachments. She extracted the basic one and
clicked it into place. Then, with a deep breath to help contain the renewed
burst of nerves, she stripped off rapidly, returned to the bed and crawled
between the two men.

“Pretty,” Fletch said, openly admiring her

She handed her precious vibe and the lube
to Fletch, waiting in clear expectation for him to switch the toy on or ask

“You expect us to start straightaway? Don’t
we get hands-on privileges?” Liam asked. “You checked us out.”

Gaby controlled her blush with difficulty,
she who never blushed. “You’ll be touching me.” A surge of excitement pulsed
inside her, the pressure of arousal sliding through her lower body. Somehow,
she didn’t think she’d need the lube.

“I can’t decide where to touch first.
You’re beautiful, Gaby.” Liam’s gaze was like the warm stroke of fingers as he
studied her.

“You’ve seen me in a bikini.”

“Yeah, but we didn’t get the full effect,”
Fletch said, setting her vibrator and lube aside.

Gaby raised her brows, valiantly attempting
to control the escalation of arousal. She wanted to jump them. She dampened
further, turning liquid deep inside at the idea of them jumping her.

Liam waded in with his opinion. “Gaby,
we’re guys. We see a beautiful woman and we wonder. It’s our nature.”

“So you keep saying. Let’s get started.
I’ve clicked the basic attachment on for you. Check to see if the removal is
instinctive. Tell me what you think of the workmanship. Is it robust enough?
I’d like to discover if you guys can work the vibrator and the attachments
without me giving you instructions.”

Fletch waggled a forefinger at her in a
chiding manner. “You can’t expect us to jump right into sex without any
foreplay. I thought women liked foreplay.”

“But this isn’t regular lovemaking,” she

“Aren’t we meant to be simulating the real
thing?” Fletch shot back.

His logic took her aback. She was offering
no-strings sex where they didn’t have to romance her or exert themselves much
in the way of foreplay. All she required was a body to do what she requested
when she demanded. Having two such bodies at her disposal was a bonus, but she
hadn’t expected them to prove difficult. Men liked sex and were like dogs
wagging their tails when a woman offered.

“We should do this right,” Liam said in a
firm voice.

Men mystified her—they truly did. “All
right. Do your worst.”

“Our worst? Gaby, we’re good at this,”
Fletch said, showing signs of an insulted male.

“You should be,” she retorted. “Between the
pair of you, you’ve been through most of Sloan’s single women.”

“You asked for our help.” Liam rolled away
from her to glower.

So help her, she had, and she was beginning
to regret her request. “There’s not much happening at present. You’ll both
deflate at this pace, undoing my good work.”

“That’s it,” Fletch said. “Not another word
or we’ll gag you.”

She started to reply but found her words
blocked by his mouth. They emerged as unintelligible garble. Instead of taking
or thrusting his tongue past her mouth and giving her an excuse to shove him
off the bed, he cajoled. He licked and nibbled and sampled her mouth as if it
were an expensive delicacy.

At her side, Liam started his own
explorations. He brushed a trail of kisses over her shoulder and down her arm.
They were delicate kisses, light as a butterfly’s wing until, without warning,
he changed it up. He bit the fleshy part of her arm, hard enough to jolt her.
Gaby groaned into Fletch’s mouth, the shard of pain echoing in her pussy.
Fletch took advantage, deepening the intimacy, tasting her with quick forays of
his tongue.

Oh, these men were good.

They played her body like a musical
instrument. Gaby released the last of her residual tension and let them do as
they wont. She let the pleasure rain down on her body and forgot about testing
her vibrator.

Liam continued to kiss his way down her arm
until he reached the sensitive skin of her wrist. He pressed his lips to the
base of her palm where her hand and wrist met. A shiver worked through her. The
sensations grew, layering one upon another. Nothing but kisses, yet the arousal
soared through her, making her pussy bloom and her breasts swell with
tenderness. She wanted their mouths on her breasts. No, that wasn’t right. She
actively craved their touch.

Empty. So empty.

Marc’s casual dismissal had wounded her
more than she cared to admit. But now, Fletch and Liam were soothing her pain,
stoking fires both inside and out. Oh yes. She couldn’t wait for them to fill
the empty places inside her. Their attention might be a fleeting thing, but
she’d take what they offered.

A win-win situation all the way around.

Chapter Five


The verdict? Even better than he’d expected
and they’d scarcely started. Fletch pulled away from kissing Gaby and absently
smoothed a curl from her face as he cocked his head to learn what Liam was up
to. He witnessed Liam suck one of Gaby’s fingers into his mouth. Despite the
innocence of the touch, Fletch’s heart kicked into a crazy beat. The rhythmic
hollowing of Liam’s checks, the pause when Fletch imagined the swish of tongue
translated to blatant eroticism. He imagined his cock in Liam’s mouth while he
caressed and teased pleasure from Gaby. Yes.

The three of them together worked
perfectly, and this was just the start.

It was the sexiest thing—Liam’s focus on
Gaby giving Fletch the luxury of being able to stare without the need of
censorship. A quick glance at Gaby reassured him. Eyelids screened her sight,
her body slack with pleasure.

His two best friends. Soon his lovers. He
hoped he didn’t fuck up and give either of them a reason to bolt. Fletch ran a
finger over Gaby’s mouth, silently marveling at her softness. Liam’s lips were
soft too, but the contrast of stubble made their kisses different.

He turned his attention to her breasts and,
unable to help himself, he wet his forefinger and drew a circle around one
nipple. As he watched, it contracted, pulling tight.

“Would you like me to suck you,
sweetheart?” He whispered the words, breathing warm air against the whorl of
her ear at the same time. “Would you like me to suck in time with Liam?”

“Yes,” she said, her reply not much more
than a moan of assent.

“It will be my pleasure,” he assured her.

A glance at Liam showed him his friend was
watching him with a heated expression. The attention leaped straight to
Fletch’s cock. Hell, every naughty idea and feeling he’d suffered for the last
six months fired to life with vengeance. All the cold showers and the furtive
masturbating, the guilt and self-loathing for wanting the impossible nipped at
him, jeered at him and bashed away his inner protection.

But this once, he intended to chase what he
wanted and damn the consequences. Ten years from now he wanted to know he’d
done everything he could to ensure his happiness. Even if this one day was all
they had, he’d have no regrets.

Fletch winked at Liam and turned his
attention to Gaby’s breasts. Topped by apricot-colored nipples, they were soft
and fragrant. Instead of heading straight for her nipples, he explored her
shape, he tested the weight of her and licked around the base. He felt the bed
move and Liam joined him. Together they explored. Their gazes caught, and
although instinct suggested Fletch should stare elsewhere, he continued to
watch Liam mirror his actions. He traced around Gaby’s nipple, using fingers,
tongue. At his side, Liam copied, his cheeks hollowing as he sucked and licked

“Oh my stars,” Gaby whispered hoarsely.

Fletch wanted to make a smart-ass comment,
to ask if she could see stars, but he didn’t want to break the connection with
Liam and he sure as hell didn’t want to release her nipple. They hadn’t done
much yet—nothing except a little foreplay—and his cock ached for more. A good
ache, the sort that foretold of mind-numbingly good sex.

A sharp tug on his hair made Fletch wince.
His head jerked up. “Hell, woman. Don’t snatch me bald.”

“I need you inside me now. Now,” she said
in a tight voice.

Liam let her nipple pop from his mouth. It
glistened in the afternoon light. “Both of us?”

“Now,” Gaby gritted out in a harsh voice,
full of need.

Fletch reached for the lube. “Have you done
this before?”

“Anal, yes. Two men, no.”

“Maybe we should go a bit slower.”

Gaby lurched up and grabbed him by the
ears. She yanked his face closer. “I know my body. I want sex. I want sex

“Okay.” To Fletch’s relief, she released
his ears and he moved out of her reach, eyeing her ruefully. He turned to Liam.
“You okay with this?”

“Yes.” Liam’s eyes glittered. “How do you
want to do this?”

Fletch wanted to shout out loud at the
banked passion in Liam. It wasn’t only for Gaby. Some of it was for him. He
cleared his throat, testing the hard knock to his equilibrium. The lingering
fears he’d experienced since the idea first occurred to him eased. This was a
good start. Maybe a threesome between them wouldn’t turn to shit after all.
“You take the bottom.”

Liam gently pushed Gaby away from the
center of the bed. She whimpered in protest at the loss of contact until Fletch
lifted her over Liam. Liam took over, grabbing her by the hips and guiding his
cock to her entrance. Gaby ceased her fighting and sank down with a groan. The
entire time Liam watched Fletch, their gazes holding and feeling like a
tangible contact.

“About time,” she muttered.

“Did you know she was so bossy in bed?”
Liam asked, humor lighting his face.

“It comes with the territory,” Gaby said.
“Since I chose to work at Fancy Free, I needed to lose my hang-ups about sex
and ask for what I wanted. Actually, I promised myself I’d always demand what I
needed after my university boyfriend dumped me. He told everyone I was crap in
bed when I was merely following his lead. He didn’t know his way around a
woman’s body and blamed the fizzer sex on me. I always regret not speaking up.
Women don’t have to lie there and think of England like they did fifty or a
hundred years ago.”

“Wow, a hot button,” Liam said.

“As long as you guys both know where to
find my hot button. If you’re not sure of anything, ask.”

Right. She’d asked for it. “I’m worried
about hurting you. If you weren’t in such an all-fire hurry, we could do this
right and take our time.”

“I told you I’ve designed a butt plug. I’ve
done a lot of research. You know the dresser in my bedroom, the kitset one you
guys spent an entire day putting together?”

Fletch snorted and saw an echoing sentiment
on Liam’s face. “The person who designed the dresser wasn’t a builder.” Sadists
did the designs, and they must laugh their asses off at the mess their
customers made attempting to put the bloody things together.

“We can hardly forget,” Liam said, reaching
up to tweak one pouting nipple. Payback.

“It’s full of sex toys. Butt plugs,
vibrators, nipple clamps, cock sleeves. You name it and I probably have a
version. I’ve used all of them in my research. I might not have had a cock up
my ass yet, but I’ve had plenty of plugs.”

“The woman has hidden talents.” Fletch
checked Liam’s reaction. Their gazes held for a long moment. A jolt went
through Fletch, although he didn’t think Liam noticed. That was the thing. Liam
didn’t have any idea of the way Fletch felt about him.

“Well, this woman wishes you’d stop
flapping your gums and get to the action.” She squirmed a little before rising
and slowly sinking back down. “Ooh, that feels good.”

“Enough of that,” Fletch said, and he
swatted her ass to reinforce the order.

She froze before glancing over her
shoulder, a wicked grin twisting her lips. “Have I mentioned I like a little
pain with my lovin’? I don’t know why but it makes me hot.”

“We’ll keep that in mind,” Liam said, his
tone strained. “Gaby’s right. You need to move things along.”

Fletch opened the plain bottle and squirted
a dollop of lube into his palm. Then, he gently pushed Gaby down into Liam’s
arms for better access. He ran his lube-free palm over Gaby’s butt, a silent
signal to tell her he was about to start. Bearing her impatience in mind, he
didn’t waste time. He slicked the lube over her pucker and carefully pushed in
one finger. Gaby twisted and squirmed at the intrusion, her range of movement
inhibited now that Liam filled her. Fletch pressed a hand to her back.

“Distract her for me,” he said to Liam.

“Good idea. I could do with some
distraction too.” Without another word, he crushed his mouth to hers.

Immediately, Gaby ceased her writhing.
Fletch gradually added another finger, taking things slowly despite her
reassurance she’d take him easily. Hot flesh clamped his fingers and a frisson
of excitement flooded him. Not only would he touch Gaby, he’d experience the
friction of Liam’s cock again. He’d been dying to repeat the experience ever
since Jenny May and he trembled with eagerness. Despite that, he took time to
slick his cock with lube, the warmth of his hand almost searing through the
thin condom.

He sucked in a breath, deep and a little
unsteady, his mouth dry while his heart thudded with anticipation.

“Are you guys ready for this?”

Liam separated their mouths long enough to
answer in the affirmative before kissing Gaby again. Easy to see Liam’s
increasingly urgent hunger. Fletch fastened his hands on her hips and guided
his cock into position. He pushed slowly but with determination, the tight
pucker creating a pressure around his cock that was almost painful. He paused,
retreated a fraction before invading again. This time her sphincter muscles
gave and he sank deep into her heat.

“Okay, Gaby?”

“We’re fine,” Liam answered.

“I can feel you both.” Fletch brushed a
kiss over Gaby’s shoulder then leaned down to aim a kiss at Liam too. Part of
him wondered if Liam might balk at another kiss. He’d pushed his luck enough
already, but to his surprise, Liam’s lips moved against his, the intimacy
shooting an arrow of heat through him. Gasping, he pulled back, mesmerized by
the hunger in Liam’s eyes. “Ready to start moving?”

“Let’s do this,” Liam said.

They started to move in counterpoint. The
cotton quilt rustled faintly each time they moved while the scent of sex and a
faint trace of soap filled the air. Between them, Gaby shuddered and cried out.
He pulled out and Liam pushed into Gaby. On each sweet slide, their cocks met
between the thin barrier separating them. They repeated the move again and
again until Fletch drifted, awash in a world of pleasure. He was vaguely aware
of Gaby coming, the tight squeeze of her channel around his cock almost doing
him in. Damn, this was good, even better than he’d remembered.

“How you doing, sweetheart?”

“I’m good.” She sounded satisfied and sated
like a sleepy kitten.


“Keep moving,” his friend ordered.

Not a problem. Even though he appreciated
Gaby, this time it seemed more about him and Liam. His balls lifted even as he
imagined them together, freely touching and giving pleasure to each other. He
pulled out of Gaby, hissing at the scrape of Liam’s cock against the sensitive
crown of his dick. Oh yeah. He started to move faster, thrusting harder until
he reached the point of no return. His climax burst over him, and he could have
sworn he heard bells ringing, fireworks, the entire extravaganza as pleasure
dragged him under.

A rough growl vibrated through Liam, and
Fletch felt a faint pulse against his cock. He squeezed his eyes closed and bit
down on his tongue to halt the words waiting to spring from his mouth.

It was too early for a confession.

Despite the urgency thrumming through him,
he needed to exercise patience. Only then might he have a chance to fulfill his
goal of hooking up with both Liam and Gaby on a permanent basis.

Aware he was heavy and probably squashing
his lovers, he carefully withdrew. He wasn’t surprised when his legs were a bit
wobbly. It took time for blood to return to the brain, especially after an
experience as phenomenal as the one he’d just encountered.

He waited a couple of seconds, and once
sure of his balance, he headed for the bathroom. Fletch removed the condom and
washed up. He dampened another cloth with warm water, wrung it out and returned
to the bedroom.

He found Gaby and Liam exactly where he’d
left them. With a chuckle, he swatted Gaby over the ass. “Do you need help to

“I’m quite comfortable where I am, thank
you. I’m thinking I might go to sleep like this.”

Fletch stroked the creamy skin of her bottom
then used the cloth to clean her up. She sighed, widening her stance for him.
With the job done, he returned the cloth to the bathroom.

Liam and Gaby were kissing when he returned
to his bedroom. A raft of emotions struck him, twisting in his chest. First the
sense of rightness hit him—they were both in his bed—but swift on the heels of
the initial rush of satisfaction came apprehension, a touch of envy. Then he
reminded himself they were his friends and this wasn’t a competition. Patience.
Trust needed time to develop and cement them together.

He’d told Liam they needed to court Gaby
and woo her to their way of thinking. In truth, his mission was twofold because
he was desperate to convince Liam of the magical possibilities in their future.
A wooing within a wooing.

The woo-woo factor.

BOOK: ChristmasisComing
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