ChristmasisComing (6 page)

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Authors: Shelley Munro

BOOK: ChristmasisComing
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Chapter Six


Liam wrapped his arms around Gaby and
continued with the lazy kissing. Long, sensuous kisses. Gentle suction as their
tongues swirled together in a silent dance of desire. Quick nibbling kisses
that made the blood roar through his veins, made his cock pulse with renewed

A hungry sound escaped her and his emotions
rocked in victory. Physical attraction was half the battle, and they already
had the friendship to bolster the blooming sensations between them.

“You two going to keep up with that all
afternoon or are we going to test some sex toys?” A faint snap cloaked Fletch’s
words and Liam smirked against Gaby’s lips.

She lifted her head and grinned over her
shoulder. “Just keeping warmed up.”

“You wanted us to work out the toys
ourselves?” Fletch asked.

“Yes. I want to make sure my instructions
are clear.”

Liam watched Fletch closely. Normally he
could tell Fletch’s mood with a quick glance. Not today. His friend has
instigated two kisses with him, and he wasn’t sure how to feel or what to think
about the physical contact with a man he called friend. He should probably
punch Fletch’s lights out and go from there, yet he couldn’t seem to build up a
good head of indignation. He found himself scowling in the direction of
Fletch’s mouth and ripped his gaze away. Confusion didn’t begin to cover the
emotions blindsiding him today.

At a crossroads, he didn’t know which way
to turn. A part of him wanted to sprint back down the road he’d already
traveled, while his adventurous soul wanted to stride bravely forward,
following the route he and Fletch discussed the previous day.

“Here,” Fletch said, snaring Liam’s full

Gaby lifted away from him, separating their

Liam dealt with the condom before accepting
the vibrator. He studied the toy, smoothing his fingers over the penis-shaped
attachment. “Looks simple enough.” He hit the power button. Instantly a low
drone filled the room and the attachment started moving forward and back in a
thrusting motion.

Fletch grinned. “At a guess, I’d say that
bit is the substitute penis and goes in the vagina or tickles the clit.”

“Good.” Gaby clapped her hands together, a
beam of satisfaction on her face. She never confided details of her work—a
confidentiality clause, so she said—and Liam found this glimpse fascinating.

“Can we try it?” Fletch plucked the vibe
from Liam and switched the power off. “What do the other attachments do?” He
reached over to grab the bag of attachments.

Liam followed the move, his gaze fixing on
Fletch’s ass. When the urge to touch struck out of the blue, a croak of shock
burst from him. He ripped his gaze away, his heartbeat galloping in echo of his
shock. He was ogling his best friend’s backside.

Fletch turned back to them and, unbidden,
Liam’s attention fixed on his friend again. Their eyes met. Hell. Liam wanted
to look away yet, contrarily, he craved the intimate connection with Fletch.
His friend didn’t seem to hold the same scruples or doubts. He stared right
back, comfortable in his own skin. His lips curled upward and he winked.

“I vote we go for this attachment.” Fletch
held up one with a little roller.

“One of my personal favorites,” Gaby said.
“I got the inspiration from the massage chairs at the mall. This roller bit
stimulates either side of the clit. There’s another bottle of lube. Can you
pass that to me?”

Liam climbed off the bed to do her bidding.
“What’s so special about this lube?”

“Ah, just wait and see,” she said with a
teasing smile.

“Did you realize your music player was in
here?” Fletch asked, still poring through the bag.

Gaby nodded. “Yep.” She commandeered the
lube from him and opened the bottle. She squirted some onto her palm and turned
to Fletch. “You first. Lie back and close your eyes.”

After Fletch closed his eyes, Liam felt
able to study him openly, visually examining the lines of his body, his
muscular build and finally, his cock. Gaby teased Fletch, running her fingers
up and down his length and, as he watched, Fletch grew erect. Then she applied
the lube with languid strokes. Fletch kept his eyes shut, but Liam had no
trouble seeing how Fletch felt about Gaby’s hand massage. His cock lengthened
under her ministrations, his balls drawing up rapidly. His heartfelt moan of
pleasure sealed the deal as did the musky scent of arousal filling the bedroom.

“Hand me the vibe please.”

Liam handed her the vibrator and soon the
low motorized hum filled the room. Gaby used the attachment to add additional
stimulation. She ran it over his balls and lower to vibrate along his perineum.

Until today Liam had never studied another
man so intimately. It wasn’t the done thing to ogle another man’s cock in the
showers after rugby training but, right now, he couldn’t have shifted his gaze
if he wanted to. Part of him wanted to participate, to lean lower and lick the
bead of pre-come from the slit of Fletch’s cock. He shifted uncomfortably,
aware of the echoing arousal in his own body.

He wanted to experience Fletch, in exactly
the same way as Gaby. Swift on the heels of the thought came fear.


God, he’d be the butt of everyone’s jokes
if they ever learned his thoughts. It was bad enough with his mother and the
way she soaked up booze and drugs and jumped into bed with every man who took
her fancy. A shudder worked down to his gut. Thank god, she hadn’t returned to
Sloan for several months. His life was more peaceful when his mother stayed

“Describe the sensations to me,” Gaby said
with a final leisurely stroke, dragging Liam’s thoughts back to the present.
“Do you like them or are they too intense?”

“They feel great now, but I think if you
used the vibrator on me for much longer, the sensation would become painful.”

“Liam, I want your opinion. Lie beside
Fletch. Fletch I’m going to stroke for a bit longer. Tell me when the friction
becomes too much for you.”

Liam settled beside Fletch, his pulse
skittering at the blast of heat coming off his friend. Already his imagination
was doing things to his cock and Gaby hadn’t started.

“Enough,” Fletch said, his eyes popping
open. “I’m gonna come if you do that for much longer.”

“Okay.” She stopped instantly and turned
away to jot a note on her clipboard. “What do you think of the lube?”

“It sort of heats yet chills at the same
time. It’s hard to describe.”

“Too much? Did the vibrator contribute to
that? Or was it solely the lube?” Gaby fired questions like a drillmaster.
“What’s your normal recovery power like?”

Liam listened to Fletch’s honest answers,
fascinated despite himself. When men discussed sex, it was more about the
scoring. They never discussed details like this.

“Your turn now.” Gaby squirted another
dollop of lube on her palm and grinned at Liam. “Ready.”

“Go on. Do your worst.” Fletch rolled over
to his side, bringing him closer to Liam. “Liam can take the torture.”

Desire jolted Liam, and his lids fell to
half-mast in an attempt to screen his reaction. Did Fletch realize the power he
held over him? Maybe he did because he seemed intent on taunting Liam and
pushing him past the point of comfort. Normally, Liam wouldn’t have worried.
They’d challenged each other since childhood, but this was sexual in character.
The possible consequences scared the shit out of him.

“Don’t listen to him,” Gaby said. “This
time I want you to describe the sensations you feel when I apply the lube. If
my touch becomes painful or uncomfortable, let me know.” As she spoke, she laid
her hands on him. Icy tingles shot from the point of contact, so cold his
breath caught. Liam lifted up on his elbows and watched the mesmerizing stroke
of Gaby’s hand. Up and down. Up and down.

Gradually the cold tingles transformed.
“The lube started off cold. So icy-cold it was a shock. It was like the jolt of
a snowball down my back.”

“And now?” Fletch asked.

Liam stilled, his attention shooting to
Fletch. He forced himself not to look away. A flash of heat filled Fletch’s
eyes and he didn’t even try to hide it.
Fuck me
. This weird shit between
them wasn’t his imagination.

“Liam?” Gaby’s determined voice broke the
spell between the two men. “How does that feel?”

Liam swallowed, heat suffusing his cheeks
when Fletch winked at him. “Your hand has heated the lube. The tingling is
sharper. It hasn’t faded even with the heat of your hand. I’m not sure if it’s
the lube or you, but I’m not gonna be able to hold back much longer.”

“Does it hurt?” Fletch whispered next to
his ear.

The puff of warm air zapped straight to his
shaft. Aw, hell.

“Fletch, I want this to work on nipples
too. Liam, is it okay if Fletch applies some to your nipples. You’re not gonna
get funny about him touching you?”

Hell, no matter what he said he was
screwed. Either he disappointed Gaby or he let Fletch touch him and add layers
of experiences, memories to an imagination that didn’t need help thank you very

“Liam, you gonna let me touch you?” The
siren whisper next to his ear sent another jolt straight to his cock.

“Bastard,” Liam muttered.

“Say the words, Liam. I want your

Gaby applied more lube and swished her hand
up and down his shaft. The initial chill pulled him back from the wall, giving
him a semblance of control.

“Go ahead,” he said, tension killing some
of his eagerness.

“Comments?” Gaby demanded.

She was kinda cute in her bossy inventor
role. “When you added more lube, the chill helped me step back a bit. I don’t
feel as if I’m gonna come any second now.”

Gaby released his cock for an instant to
jot a note. The absence of heat from her hand caused another different
sensation—a prickling awareness. Anticipation of good things to come.

“I’m going to use my mouth on you soon to
test the taste of the lube and I want you to describe how my touch feels.
Fletch, you go first. Spread a little lube with your fingers. Give Liam a
chance to catalogue the sensations and describe them to me. Then I want you to
use your mouth.” She must have caught the trace of panic in his expression
because she paused. “You are okay with Fletch touching you? Do you want me to
do it?”

“You worried people are gonna think you’re
gay?” Fletch drawled.

“Don’t be stupid! No one thinks you’re
gay,” Gaby said. “Women have been chasing you since you turned sixteen.”

“Rachel Scott watches you every time you’re
in the same room,” Fletch added with a faint smirk.

“You could do worse,” Gaby agreed. “Helping
me test my inventions won’t get in the way of your relationship, will it?”

“I’m not interested in Rachel.” To his
intense shame, he’d drunk a little much one night two weeks ago and succumbed.
They’d slept together and he’d spent the whole night imagining he was fucking
Gaby. He’d been ducking Rachel ever since, embarrassed by his behavior. Not his
finest moment. Probably time to man up and talk to Rachel, let her down gently.

“Does she know that?”

Liam glared at Fletch. “I’ve been busy

Fletch sent him a mocking grin before
squirting lube into the palm of his hand. Liam’s breath caught. He watched
Fletch dip a forefinger in the lube.

“You ready?” he murmured for Liam’s hearing

“Bring it on.” Fighting words.

Fletch merely grinned and skimmed his
finger around one of Liam’s nipples. A chill swept him, much like the one when
Gaby applied the lube to his cock. Gradually, Fletch changed the pressure and
the way he stroked Liam’s nipple. He swapped between firm and whisper soft.
Pleasure darted through Liam’s body, firing erogenous zones to life all over
his body. Women had played with his nipples before and he’d never experienced
much sensation. Maybe it was the lube, but each touch seemed sharper and did
interesting things to his libido.

He hesitated, trying to put his responses
into words for Gaby. He didn’t want to give Fletch the wrong idea. His throat
worked in a swallow before he could formulate the words.
Go on, get it out,
. “The lube seems to intensify sensations. There was the same initial
shock of ice when Fletch applied it.”

“And now?”

Yeah, she was gonna make him tell her
everything. Liam sucked in a deep breath. “Every time he touches my nipple, it
feels as if there’s a direct pathway to my cock. You’re not touching me now.
Only Fletch. That should make me soften. Instead I feel as if I could hammer
nails with my dick.” There. He’d confessed. Fletch touching him didn’t turn him
off. He obviously wasn’t a normal male.

“Good. Perfect. That’s the response I was
looking for. I had the same reaction when I tested the lube on my nipples.”

Fletch’s head lifted. Mischief sparkled in
him, and Liam guessed the words zapping through his friend’s mind. “You have a
cock? It must be a retractable one because I can’t see a dickie bird.”

“You’re an ass sometimes, Fletch.” Gaby
flashed her pussy in their direction. “See anything retractable?”

“No, sweetheart,” Fletch said.

“Now you know.” She wrapped Ms. Inventor
mode around her again and tapped her pen on the clipboard. “Use your mouth.
Tell me how you like the taste. Tell me if the lube causes any irritation.”

“Yes ma’am.” A verbal salute.

Liam braced himself for the heat of
Fletch’s mouth. His hands clenched at his sides. Fletch spread on a little more
lube, painting some on each nipple this time. Before he could fully catalogue
the sensations, Fletch lowered his head and sucked hard on one nipple. Pleasure
streaked down his body. Sharp like a spear, it cut straight to his cock. His
hips jerked. A moan squeezed past his lips, and before he knew it, his hands
were in Fletch’s hair and he was holding Fletch too him, his cock stabbing into
empty air.

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