Chronicles of Eden - Act 2 (32 page)

Read Chronicles of Eden - Act 2 Online

Authors: Alexander Gordon

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy

BOOK: Chronicles of Eden - Act 2
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“Squeak… stop… stop, please,” Alyssa moaned while gripping the grass near her head. Squeak continued to lick her legs then lifted them up and started to tend to the lash marks on the witch’s ass, with Alyssa gasping and trembling more while Daniel looked away while closing his eyes.

“Oh god! Oh god! No, stop! Please!” Alyssa cried out before Squeak licked up along between the witch’s thighs, causing Alyssa to then scream out in pleasure as she trembled violently. Triska and Specca watched with blank expressions as Alyssa collapsed and moaned weakly while Squeak continued to lick her thighs to help take away her pain.

“Just what is she doing to her anyway?” Kroanette asked.

“Squeak’s saliva helps heal wounds and relieve pain, she’s helping Alyssa feel better after what you did to her,” Specca replied.

“Squeak… oh god…” Alyssa breathed out with a weary expression, having a large blush on her cheeks as she tried to catch her breath from her climax.

“Yep, Squeak’s one dedicated nurse for our group,” Triska commented. Specca looked to Kroanette then pointed to the dazed witch with a stern expression. The centaur glanced to her then down to Alyssa with a raised eyebrow.

“She looks to be out of her senses right now, would she even hear me properly?” Kroanette questioned.

“Right now, not likely,” Triska said looking down to Alyssa, the witch still just staring up at the sky with a glazed look in her eye. Kroanette nodded then glanced up with a shrug.

“Fine then, I’m sorry. There,” she said plainly. Daniel rolled his eyes to that then looked at the centaur with a dull expression.

“I really doubt you are, but I suppose that will have to do,” he said dryly. Specca shook her head at the centaur then looked down to Alyssa as the witch blinked a few times while murmuring to herself. Squeak stood up and dusted off her knees then looked at Alyssa curiously, not seeming to realize that the witch’s dreamy blissful state was because of her.

“Alyssa? Are you ok now?” Daniel asked. Alyssa just murmured something before drooling again, her legs twitching a bit as she stared up at the sky. Triska nodded then picked the little girl up in her arms.

“I’d say she’s going to be just fine,” she said plainly.


Running at a brisk pace once again Lucky was pulling along the caravan while sticking to the worn trail before him. At the driver’s seat of the caravan Daniel and Specca were seated, with the nixie trying her hand at holding the reins while Daniel watched the sights of passing trees and hills going by alongside them. Inside the cabin Alyssa was rubbing her legs with an annoyed expression, not feeling any real pain anymore yet still bothered by how Kroanette proved to be unstoppable for her even with her magic. She knew if she had time to properly manipulate the nature around her or cast a proper spell she could have defended against the centaur and her magic shielding bracelets, however in that instance she wasn’t able to do so with so little time or anywhere to run to.

“I can’t believe we have to follow her on this stupid delivery, this really sucks,” she whined. Sitting next to her Squeak was looking at her curiously before turning to Triska, the teen sitting across from Alyssa while watching the witch and trying not to show a smile from her amusement.

“Well, it is all for Daniel’s cause, we can’t pass up a chance to meet the centaur empress, now can we?” Triska reasoned with a shrug before she stifled back a chuckle. Alyssa grumbled then glanced to her with a raised eyebrow.

“Something funny?” she snapped while watching Triska trying to hold in her smile and laughter. The teen looked away and shook her head while forcing a firm expression.

“No, just… surprised is all. I mean you always said your magic would be enough to defend Daniel out here, and then we find a centaur who you couldn’t do anything against at all. I mean my
certainly stopped her, but I’m just
that your magic couldn’t. That’s all,” she said before holding a hand over her mouth as a chuckle came out. She glanced back to seeing Alyssa glaring at her while baring her teeth slightly, with Squeak watching her carefully as she scooted away from the witch a bit.

“I may not have been able to move her with my magic alone, but that doesn’t mean I can’t fight back against her at all. She just got the upper hand for a moment back there, that’s it,” Alyssa growled out.

“Really? That’s a relief, for a moment there I was thinking that she had you…
,” Triska said before laughing. Alyssa grabbed her staff and aimed it at her before Squeak reached out and grabbed it, shaking her head as the witch glanced to her then to Triska with frustration. Triska crossed her arms while watching the witch with a smirk on her face.

“Maybe now you’ll show a little more respect for me and my sword,” she quipped. Alyssa growled at her before Triska glanced towards the doorway with concern.

“Still, I’m not crazy about her being with us either,” she mentioned.

“And why is that?” Alyssa asked. Triska looked to her with a dull expression then held her hands under her breasts, with Squeak and Alyssa watching as the girl showed an expectant expression at them.

“Did you not see the
of those things? And she’s out there galloping right next to us as we speak. I don’t know about you but I’m pretty sure Daniel’s going to notice them, especially when they’re bouncing around as she runs,” she hushed with a stern tone. Alyssa and Squeak looked to each other then to the front, all of the girls watching as Daniel was just looking over to the left of the caravan constantly while Specca sat on the right holding the reins. They then realized that Daniel was
looking to the left, never turning his head to the right where there was a centaur running alongside the caravan. Kroanette was galloping right next to them with a calm expression on her face, her hands at her hips, her tail swishing behind her gently, and her large breasts bouncing up and down constantly as she kept pace with the group. Specca glanced over and watched with an uneasy frown as the centaur’s rather large assets were bouncing around in her shirt.

‘How is that not breaking her back? Dear lord, I thought Squeak’s bust size would be problematic for me, but this girl’s way above her in terms of being over-endowed.’

She looked back to the other girls with a troubled expression and shook her head.

“See, even Specca noticed them, and Daniel can’t keep looking away from her forever. He’s trying not to stare, but it’s only a matter of time before his eyes find their way over to those things,” Triska explained with growing concern. Alyssa bit her lip nervously while Squeak showed a worried expression, the ant girl then looking down to her breasts as she held her arms against them, wondering if the centaur really did have her outclassed in that regard.

“But he didn’t stare at her boobs before when we first found her, they were huge then and he didn’t act any differently,” Alyssa reasoned hopefully.

“That’s because they weren’t bouncing around in front of him, they’re obviously more noticeable now as she gallops right next to us. As much of a gentleman as he is he’s bound to see those things waving around now,” Triska pointed out with frustration.

Up front Specca glanced to see Daniel still keeping his eyes on the scenery to the left, the boy not once looking over towards her or the centaur that was running beside her.

‘He’s trying not to notice them, but he can’t avoid seeing such things forever. What if he finds her more attractive than us because of them? We can’t compete with that.’

“Excuse me,” Kroanette called over to her. Specca jumped then looked to see the centaur looking at her with a bored expression while easily keeping pace with them.

“Can your horse run any faster? I can certainly cover more ground if I would actually be allowed to run to my fullest, this is going to delay us in reaching Rystone quite a lot,” Kroanette asked dryly.

“Lucky is going is fast as he’s able, this caravan isn’t even designed for a single horse to pull. If Lucky wasn’t enchanted with magic we wouldn’t be moving at all right now,” Specca said shaking her head.

“This is ridiculous, I would be able to deliver this artifact at a much faster rate than this if I wasn’t forced to keep pace with you,” Kroanette complained.

“I’m sorry, but this is as fast as we can go, there’s nothing we can do about it,” Specca asserted firmly. Kroanette let out an annoyed sigh then looked to Daniel.

“Hey, Daniel,” she called out. The boy jumped a bit while still looking away.

“Yes?” he asked nervously.

“You wish to speak to my mother soon, yes? Then allow me to carry you personally to Rystone then to my home afterwards. We’ll make much better time without having to wait for your friends to get there in your ride,” Kroanette offered. Daniel shook his head with a nervous smile.

“No, no thank you, that’s alright. I’m not going to leave them behind like that,” he said kindly.

“Excuse me, I’m talking to you, you’re being awfully rude by not looking at me when you’re speaking to me,” Kroanette replied with annoyance.

“I don’t know… what you mean,” Daniel replied hesitantly.

“Such horrible manners, my mother is not going to be pleased talking to someone such as yourself if this is how you behave. Face me when you’re speaking, or have you no sense of etiquette?” Kroanette demanded. Specca watched as Daniel slowly turned to face the centaur with a weak smile, his eyes struggling to remain on her face while her large breasts continued to bounce with each gallop she took.

“Sorry, it’s just… I’d rather not… it’s not a problem if… um…” he stammered, with Kroanette watching him with a raised eyebrow while the other girls were showing worried expressions.

“What are you babbling about? If you’re indeed going to be speaking to my mother about your radical beliefs the least you can do is speak coherently,” Kroanette scolded. Daniel closed his eyes and took a calm breath before looking at the centaur with a sincere smile.

“I’m saying, I’m not going to leave my friends, we’re all going to make this trip together,” he said kindly.

“But I have a very strict schedule to keep; this is taking far too long to travel like this. Just hop on my back and we’ll be done with this in no time,” Kroanette argued while waving towards her lower back.

“He said no so the answer is no,” Specca stated firmly at her.

“Yeah, he’s not going out there alone with you,” Triska called out from inside the cabin.

“Give me one good reason why he shouldn’t,” Kroanette demanded.

“Because you have no sense of direction at all, if we let him go with you we’ll never see him again!” Alyssa shouted out from the caravan. Kroanette twitched at that then grabbed her whip and snapped it at her side.

“What was that? How dare you mock my navigational prowess, come out here and say that to my face you little brat!” she yelled out.

“Yeah, go on, Alyssa, get out there and say it to her face,” Triska mocked.

“How about I throw you through the wall at her and call it a day?” Alyssa barked back.

Squeak started squeaking loudly in the caravan while Daniel merely looked down with a hand over his eyes, the boy shaking his head tiredly as all the girls but Specca continued to bicker back and forth. Specca looked over to Kroanette as the centaur was yelling and snapping her whip while running alongside the caravan, then back to see Alyssa and Triska again shouting at each other while Squeak was just squeaking at both of them while pointing around at everyone, then turned to Daniel who was showing signs of aggravation with each passing moment.

“Don’t you dare try to hide from me after saying such nonsense, now get out here and face me!” Kroanette shouted while cracking her whip at her side.

“I’m not afraid of you!” Alyssa yelled out.

“Yeah, she’s not afraid of you. Go on, get out there and show her how much you’re not afraid of her,” Triska insisted mockingly.

“Shut your mouth already, Triska!” Alyssa shouted out at the teen.

Squeak just continued to squeak in a stern tone, obviously not being understood by anyone.

“Stop!” Specca yelled out suddenly, with everyone looking to her in surprise. Kroanette growled at her with a scowl on her face.

“You stay out of this, this is between me and the little witch with the big mouth!” she shouted.

“No, I mean
, Kroanette!” Specca cried out as she pointed ahead of them with urgency. Kroanette blinked once with a confused expression before she dropped down out of view with a scream. Daniel looked over to seeing the centaur having vanished while Specca was looking down over the side and watching Kroanette tumbling down a steep incline that was right next to the trail, the caravan now traveling on the top of a hill while the centaur rolled down the slope.

“WAAAH!” Kroanette cried out before she crashed into a tree at the base of the hill, with Daniel and Specca watching as the branches and leaves shook from the impact while the caravan passed by on the higher ground.

“What just happened?” Triska asked.

“She wasn’t watching where she was going again,” Daniel said tiredly. Specca quickly snapped the reins, causing Lucky to slow down to a stop before she and Daniel looked down towards the tree that had some leaves dropping off of it.

“Do you think she’s alright?” Specca asked.

“Knowing our luck, she’s fine,” Alyssa said flatly.

“What’s the big idea?” a girl’s voice yelled out from the tree down below.

“It’s not my fault; I didn’t want to come down here to begin with!” Kroanette shouted back.

“You could have killed me with your fat ass a moment ago!” the other girl yelled.

? How dare you!” Kroanette shouted before the sounds of whipping and screaming were heard.

“What’s going on?” Daniel asked.

“Someone else is down there,” Specca said curiously. She and Daniel hopped off the caravan while the other girls started to climb out of the cabin, all of them hearing Kroanette shouting, her whip cracking, and another girl screaming.

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