chronicles of eden - act I (73 page)

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Authors: alexander gordon

BOOK: chronicles of eden - act I
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“Yes indeed, like a dream come true.”


Chapter 18
In Search of Allies

In the world of Eden, mankind has established kingdoms across the land, where the rulers of each region reside and control their respected territories. Just as humans have a hierarchy of power so do certain types of monsters. Some have queens that rule over their nests and hives while others have pack leaders that they follow without question. Others have priestesses that guide and lead their kind while some have champions that have proven themselves by being the strongest and fiercest. Although the methods of being in charge of their kind varied from each race, there was one common factor with them all.

When it came to any decision for their kind, their say was final.


"Ok, remind me again why we're out here," Triska said with an annoyed expression, having her arms crossed before her as she tapped her foot on the ground.

Near the dirt road that was off to the side a caravan and white horse were seen next to a few trees, with the horse laying down on a small patch of tall grass that a witch had set for him. The sky above was dark with stars being seen along with a few clouds. Alyssa gently brushed Lucky's nose as she was kneeling down in front of the animal while Triska was standing behind her.

"What are you talking about, we're out here to help Daniel with his quest, why else would we be out here?" Alyssa asked shaking her head.

"Not that, I meant why are
right now with Lucky?" Triska asked waving around at where they had stopped at.

"Well, you were supposed to take a look around to make sure this area was safe while I set up a nice place for Lucky to sleep, I thought we went over this already," Alyssa said glancing back to her.

"That's not what I meant either! And besides, why did he even need to stop, I thought he could go day and night," Triska said looking at the horse that was slowly falling asleep in the bedding that Alyssa had laid out for him.

"It was one thing to have him go nonstop in the safe zone, but out in the outerlands we don't want to be asleep if he runs into trouble. Bandits are more common out here, as well as monsters in case you haven't heard," Alyssa explained, standing up and brushing the grass off of her skirt. She looked over to Triska with a raised eyebrow.

"Out here we stop and rest at night, having him running blind along a trail in the outerlands without us being awake is a very bad idea. We need to be on guard out here, you never know if a monster might show up along the way and try to take Daniel," she pointed out. Triska growled with frustration and clenched her fists.

"We already know of a monster that's trying to take Daniel away, and we just left him and her alone in the caravan," she argued, waving over to the caravan. Alyssa blinked then glanced over to it as Triska slapped a hand over her eyes and looked up with frustration.

"Have you already forgotten about the nixie that not only isn't wearing any underwear but also is interested in Daniel?" Triska asked in disbelief.

"But she's not alone with him, Squeak's in there too," Alyssa pointed out.

"And that should make me feel better
?" Triska demanded, looking to the witch with aggravation.

"She's watching over him while we're out here making sure we're safe for the night, what's wrong with that?" Alyssa asked with a shrug.

"What's wrong with that? How are you ok with leaving Daniel alone with those two? Especially with Specca, you saw the way she was looking at him," Triska said shaking her head. Alyssa showed her a dull expression.

"What exactly do you think is going to happen to Daniel with us being outside like this for a few minutes?" she asked flatly.

The two girls walked back over to the caravan and hopped up onto the front seat, both of them then looking inside the cabin with wide eyes.

Inside a lantern was hanging near the back window, with the soft glow from the flame lighting up the interior and showing the occupants as well. Daniel was lying on the floor with Specca straddling his waist, holding onto his chest as she bounced up and down vigorously on him while his pants were in tatters off to the side. Her tail was coiled around his leg as she was moaning loudly, having a flushed face while she had a blissful smile. Above Daniel was Squeak, the ant girl lying near his head while kissing him passionately, her antennae twitching bit as she squeaked softly while holding his head gently.

"Daniel… yes… yes!" Specca cried out as she arched back, riding faster on him as Squeak wiggled her abdomen, the insect extension giving off a pinkish mist that was spreading throughout the cabin. Specca let out a loud cry as she froze, her hips trembling as her hands gripped Daniel's shirt tightly. She breathed heavily for a moment then looked down with a bashful smile while holding a hand near her waist.

"Thank you… Daniel… my god, that was… amazing," she purred. She giggled softly then looked to Squeak as the ant girl broke from the kiss and looked up to her, with Daniel having a soft blush and glazed eyes as he was breathing softly. Specca smirked then uncoiled her tail from Daniel's leg.

"Ok, your turn," she said sliding up off of Daniel, then crawling around him as Squeak moved over to ride on him as well. Specca caressed Daniel's head as Squeak straddled him with a loud squeak, smiling happily as she started to ride on the boy with him inside of her. Specca smirked then glanced over to Alyssa and Triska as she licked her lips.

"Hey, want some?" she asked slyly.

Alyssa stared at Triska with a dull expression, the two girls standing by Lucky still who was asleep on the grass bedding near the caravan. Triska looked at her expectantly then waved towards the caravan.

"It could happen!" she reasoned urgently.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Alyssa asked flatly. She and Triska started walking back towards the caravan under the night sky.

"Besides, she's probably still showing off for Daniel as we speak," Alyssa muttered with a slight scowl. The two climbed back up onto the caravan in the front and looked inside the cabin. The lantern hanging by the small open window in the back kept the inside of the room lit with a soft light. Squeak was sitting near the front entrance with a dull expression, watching as Daniel was sitting near the back wall with Specca next to him. He was looking at the monster book in his hands with a curious smile while Specca was glancing to him with a small blush. She was sitting on her legs with her tail off to her side, having been careful not to 'reveal' herself while Squeak watched her with a sharp eye.

"Told you," Alyssa muttered quietly as she and Triska went inside the cabin and sat down against the wall opposite of Squeak, the three girls watching Specca with dull glares as she was sitting very close to Daniel. She was leaning over to look at the book with him, though to the girls it was obvious she was trying to be as close to Daniel as possible.

"This is incredible, Specca, this is going to be a very big help to us," Daniel said turning the page. The entries he had already written in were redone by Specca with a few finer details and points while other entries were entirely new as she had seemed to copy all that she had learned from the book back at Ashwood into his from memory alone.

"I'm glad you like it, Daniel, I wanted to make sure these were as clear and detailed as could be for you," Specca said bashfully. The other girls held in their growls of annoyance as they watched Daniel look through the book with an amazed expression. Specca glanced to the girls and smirked then scooted a bit closer to Daniel, much to other girls chagrin. She leaned closer to him and pointed to a page.

"I also made references as to what type of natural surroundings they are found in, at least to those that I could remember. I hope my handwriting is acceptable for you," she said softly.

"Of course it is, it's far better than mine even. It looks like it was professionally written," Daniel praised with a smile. Specca giggled then glanced to the other girls as her tail slid around her and rested near Daniel.

"I'll always do my best to make you satisfied, Daniel," she said with a twitch of her eyebrow. The other girls bared their teeth slightly as they tried to control their anger at the nixie flaunting Daniel's approval in front of them. Specca smirked and looked back to the book as she leaned closer to him, her head near his shoulder as she was looking down at the book with a calm smile.

"Would you mind not getting so close to Daniel like that? You're crowding him," Triska said with a forced smile, her eyes beginning to fail with hiding her anger. Specca looked at her with a curious smile.

"I'm only making sure Daniel likes all the work I put in to help with his guidebook. What's wrong with that?" she asked innocently. She looked back down to the book as she slowly scooted closer to him, her breasts resting against his arm. At this point Daniel noticed just how close she really was, as he could not only feel her warm breath on his cheek but also how soft her breasts really were.

"Um, Specca?" he asked with a slightly nervous smile. She looked up to him through her glasses, her face extremely close to his.

"Yes?" she asked softly. He suddenly jumped in surprise and looked behind him as the other girls tensed up. Specca giggled as her tail slowly coiled back behind her.

"Sorry, that thing has a mind of its own sometimes," Specca mused with a small shrug.

"What did you just do?" Triska demanded as Daniel glanced away with a weak smile.

"Oh, my tail accidently brushed against him. That's all," Specca said with a laugh. Daniel smiled a bit and nodded, choosing not to explain that by 'brushing against him' she was referring to how her tail caressed his rear for a moment.

"Really," Alyssa said with narrowed eyes. Specca looked down with a calm smile as Daniel nodded nervously.

"That's ok, just… surprised me is all," he said with a small laugh. He looked to see the other girls glaring at Specca, then back over to her as she glanced to him again. Her eyes darted back to the book then to him again.

"Well, I'm glad you approve of my work, Daniel. And should you not have your book with you at the time, I'll gladly inform you about any monsters we come across, I have a very good memory after all," she offered gently. Daniel smiled and leaned back against the wall as the other girls narrowed their eyes at the nixie.

"Thank you, Specca, really. It's great to know we have such an educated guide helping us," he said with a nod. Alyssa looked at him worriedly while Specca blushed even more from his compliment.

"But, Daniel, I was going to be your guide out here before, remember?" Alyssa whined with a small pout. Daniel chuckled lightly and nodded.

"I know, Alyssa, and I'm still grateful that you're out here helping us as well. I'm just saying it makes me feel more confident about this journey with Specca knowing so much about the monsters of the world," he reasoned gently. Alyssa nodded slowly then glanced to Specca, using a great deal of self-control to not throw the nixie through the wall out of the caravan with her magic.

"Thank you, Daniel. Is there anything else I can do for you?" Specca asked looking to him with a gentle smile.

"No, you've done more than enough, Specca, thank you," Daniel said as he closed the book. Specca nodded as he started to move towards his bag in the corner, the girl quickly yet gently reaching out and grabbing hold of it.

"Allow me; I can at least help manage your books while out here. I've had lots of experience doing so at the library anyway," she offered with a small laugh. He smiled amusingly as she took the book and leaned over towards his bag, using one hand to hold her skirt down so not to reveal herself to him again.

"Um, sure. Thank you, Specca," he said leaning back against the wall.

"Suck up," Triska growled quietly through her teeth.

"What was that?" Daniel asked glancing to her curiously. Triska jumped a bit with a quick smile and shook her head.

"Nothing, I didn't say anything," she said with a shrug.

Specca packed Daniel's monster book into his bag then looked inside of it curiously, seeing other books inside as well.

"Oh my, what are these?" she asked pulling one out and looking at it.

"Oh, those are just some of my favorites from home. You know, just to read on a rainy day or something similar," Daniel said with a shrug. Specca looked at it then smiled brightly.

"Wow, this is A Lost Light by A.S. Gordon, that's one of my favorites," she said excitedly.

"You've read it before?" Daniel asked with a curious smile. Specca nodded as she flipped through the pages quickly.

"Oh yes, many times. A.S. Gordon is one of my favorite writers. He's the one who wrote Scarred Skies, The Lightmaker's Key, and Brightest Darkness, those are some of my favorite stories. The way he writes about how the Darker Ones of this world aren't to be feared and creates such brave and courageous tales of men that fight those monsters are so vivid and spectacular," Specca explained eagerly.

"You've read Brightest Darkness as well? That's one of my favorites too," Daniel commented with a smile.

"Really? I read it many times in Ashwood. I know it's one of the longer stories out there, but I honestly couldn't get enough of it," Specca said looking to him with a warm smile.

"Haha, yeah, it is one of the longer ones. I couldn't pack it into my bag after everything else though, hopefully I'll get to read it again someday," Daniel said with a shrug. Triska, Alyssa, and Squeak just watched them with blank expressions as they sat together near the cabin entrance.

"You've got to be kidding me," Triska muttered quietly while her hands clenched slightly.

"Ok, here's the plan. Squeak kisses Daniel to keep him paralyzed, I'll throw Specca through the goddamned wall, and Triska can stomp her skull in," Alyssa said under a hushed whisper as she narrowed her eyes at Specca. Triska and Squeak merely glanced to her for a moment before looking back to the nixie with dull glares.

"Well you're welcome to read them here whenever you want, Specca," Daniel offered kindly. Specca looked at him with a bit of surprise then down with a timid expression.

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