Read chronicles of eden - act I Online

Authors: alexander gordon

chronicles of eden - act I (90 page)

BOOK: chronicles of eden - act I
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“She’s biting my arm!” Specca whined loudly.

“Then let go of my hair!” Alyssa shouted out.

“Knock it off you two, hey!” Triska yelled as they continued to tumble around on the floor.

Daniel listened to the sound of the three girls fighting then sighed quietly. He gently moved Squeak’s hand as he looked up at the ceiling, the boy then sitting back against the wall with a pillow as he kept his eyes upward. He reached over and grabbed his monster book then opened it in front of his face, calmly reading it while he heard the girls fighting near him. After a moment he blinked then looked up thoughtfully.

“Falla and Luna… I wonder if their names… hm, coincidence?” he asked himself quietly with a shrug, the boy then returning to reading his book.

‘What are the odds they would be named after fallacy and lunacy?’


Sitting high up in a tree the two butterfly sisters were watching the horse and caravan riding off over a hill further into the outerlands. Luna watched them go with eyes of wonder while Falla had a scowl on her face, her arms crossed before her while she tapped a finger on her arm with discontent.

“There they go,” Luna said softly while waving to the travelers as they vanished from sight over the hill.

“That human, he promised to help me then he just weasels out of it. He’s traveling with four other girls for crying out loud, why is him giving his seed to one more too much to ask?” Falla growled with anger. Luna blushed and looked away while holding her hands to her cheeks.

“He was nice wasn’t he? I like him,” she said softly.

“It’s not fair, I worked so hard to setup that ruse and it was all for nothing,” Falla grunted with narrowed eyes.

“It was a good try though, sister, you almost had him,” Luna said gently.

“Yeah, almost, until
blew it for me!” Falla yelled out at her. Luna looked at her curiously then tilted her head slightly.

“Really? I thought I blew it for you, did somebody else ruin your plan too?” she asked curiously. Falla looked at her with exasperation then back toward the horizon with a grunt. Luna giggled then hugged her sister.

“Don’t be so grumpy, Falla, we’ll get a human one of these days. I’ll even share the one I get with you if you like,” she said cheerfully. Falla muttered something as Luna shook her playfully.

“C’mon, sister, it’ll be alright. We still have each other,” she reasoned with a happy demeanor. Falla glanced to her then back ahead with a focused expression. She then stood up on the branch as her wings fluttered behind her, staring off to where the caravan had vanished while Luna looked up at her curiously.

“Let’s go, Luna,” Falla said in a commanding tone.

“Go? Go where? Where are we going?” Luna asked curiously.

“This isn’t over yet. Daniel promised to help me,” Falla said firmly. Luna looked at her for a moment then off into the distance. Slowly a twisted smile formed on her face as she giggled awkwardly.

“Are we going to have SEX WITH HIM? HEE HEE HEE HEE!” she laughed through her teeth as her eyes widened. Falla nodded with a sly smile as Luna stumbled to her feet behind her, the girl’s wings fluttering wildly as she giggled uncontrollably.

“Yes, dear sister, we are. I’m not letting this one get away, not after he insulted me like that,” Falla said with a bite. She chuckled then glanced to her sister, the green eyed butterfly looking at her with a deranged smile.

“A promise is a promise; let’s go hold him to that.”


Chapter 22
A Bad Dream

Dreams are something experienced by both man and monster in the world of Eden. With the more feral and simpleminded monsters they usually aren’t that complex or even memorable, likely focusing on just breeding and that’s it. However, the more sentient monsters and humans have dreams that are more vivid, surreal, and sometimes even haunting. Whether they are fragments of past experiences or the imagination running wild, dreams can be either pleasant or disturbing for all those who experience them. Although not many would think it there was a common factor with man and monster in the world when it came to their dreams.

Even monsters can have nightmares too.


Alyssa stood at the top of a grassy hill as a calm breeze rolled by, looking around at the surrounding landscape while a few clouds floated by overhead. Nearby a white horse was walking around looking at a large patch of tall grass. Alyssa giggled and walked over to her horse with a playful skip.

“C’mon, Lucky, we can’t keep Daniel waiting,” she said brushing the horse’s nose. Lucky grunted and started eating some of the grass while Alyssa shook her head amusingly.

“Lucky, we need to get going. You had your lunch but now it’s time to move on again, Daniel’s counting on us,” she said with an expectant tone. Lucky grunted again as he looked over to Alyssa.

“We need to help him with his quest, he needs us,” Alyssa said gently. Lucky neighed then started eating again, the horse’s tail swishing gently behind him while Alyssa put her hands at her hips with a huff.

“Hey, don’t give me that. Now c’mon, Lucky, I can’t let him down, I just can’t,” she said with concern. Lucky lifted his head while munching on some grass as he grunted again.

“Please, Lucky, I need to do this for Daniel. He means the world to me,” Alyssa said looking down with a gentle gaze. Lucky slowly nudged his nose against her cheek, the witch smiling and gently brushing it.

“You mean the world to me too, Lucky, but this is different. I love him, and I want to make him happy. I can’t let him down with this, he’s placed his confidence and trust in me, in us,” she said softly. Lucky snorted slightly then started walking down the hill towards the caravan that was parked near a dirt road. Alyssa smiled at her horse then followed after while looking at the caravan with hopeful eyes.

‘Daniel, thank you for believing in me. I promise I’ll never be like those other witches again, never ever. I’ll show you that I can be more than the proof to your beliefs, that I can be your mate one day.’

Alyssa walked up to the caravan as Lucky trotted over towards the front, the horse snorting as it turned around and stood ready to be hitched up to the ride again.

“Sorry we took so long, Daniel, Lucky was a bit hungry,” Alyssa giggled as she hopped up onto the front seat of the caravan. She looked inside the cabin then stared with wide eyes. Squeak and Specca weren’t inside, however two other figures were. Alyssa stared with shock as she saw Triska bent over her duffel bag, breathing heavily as she was naked and being thrust into from behind by Daniel. His clothing was also lying off to the side as he held the girl by the hips and vigorously rode her with a focused expression, his eyes watching as she bucked around and moaned while she gripped her bag tightly with both of her hands. After a few more thrusts Triska arched back and cried out as Daniel smiled confidently down at her.

“Daniel…” Triska breathed out, her face having a deep blush while her hair flowed down her shoulders and back. She gasped as he started pushing into her again, the girl falling forward with a short cry as he continued to have his way with her. Alyssa’s mouth dropped as she felt her heart stop, staring with horror at the sight. Triska looked up to her as she was pushed in from behind again and again, smiling slyly as she licked her lips.

“I’m all yours, Daniel,
,” she said with a cold glare in her eyes.

“TRISKA!” Alyssa yelled as she shot up from her dream, breathing heavily while she stared ahead with shock. She blinked then held a hand to her head as she tried to slow her breathing, feeling her heart racing in her chest. Sitting next to her was Specca, who was looking over at her with surprise from being startled by the sudden outburst while as she had a book in her hands. Across from them Squeak was looking at the witch with a curious expression while Triska was watching her with a raised eyebrow, both sitting against the wall causally. After a moment Triska smiled curiously and tilted her head.

“Yes?” she asked innocently. Alyssa slowly glanced to her then around to seeing everybody looking at her. Even Daniel, who was sitting up in the front seat, was looking back to her with wonder while Lucky continued to pull the caravan along the dirt road.

“Alyssa? What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Why did you scream like that just now?” Specca asked as she regained herself. Alyssa breathed out and sat back against her pillow, the witch then looking ahead at Triska who was watching her with a curious smile.

“Bad dream?” Triska asked amusingly.

“Yeah, you could say that,” Alyssa said looking down as she put her hat back on.

“About me?” Triska asked as she feigned surprise. Alyssa glanced to her with a dull expression as Daniel was looking back at the witch curiously.

“You were in it, yes,” Alyssa muttered. Triska nodded with a knowing smile and leaned back on her pillow as she sat against the wall.

“Hm, interesting. Was Daniel in it too? Oh my, were we
in it?” she asked curiously. Alyssa just stared at her with a dull expression while Specca and Squeak looked between the two.

“As a matter of fact, yes you were,” Alyssa said flatly.

“I see, and, what happened to us in your dream?” Triska asked with a sly smile. Alyssa stared at her for a moment longer then looked down.

“I’d rather not talk about it,” she muttered.

“Oh, was it that bad?” Triska asked with a grin as she held in her laughter. Alyssa rolled her eyes then looked over to Daniel, the boy smiling curiously at her.

“You ok, Alyssa?” he asked gently. She nodded and smiled slightly.

“Yeah, I’m fine. How long was I asleep for?” she asked moving up to the front seat next to him. Looking around she saw the clouds above were covering most of the sky. Old trees and fields of tall grass were seen passing by as Lucky pulled the caravan down the path at a brisk pace, with a thin veil of fog beginning to form around the area.

“Only a few hours,” he said casually while looking around. She held her hand back behind her, summoning her staff over to her. As it flew past the other girls and into her hand she looked around slowly, seeing that visibility around the caravan was lower with the darkened skies and fog building.

“So much for the sunny weather,” she said, having a cautious tone as she slowly looked around. The fog seemed to be increasing as visibility dropped even further, the small rays of sunlight above giving the fog a soft bloom effect. Alyssa looked around carefully then glanced to Daniel, the boy just looking ahead with a calm smile still. She looked down as she started to get a bad feeling in her chest, sensing something was off.

“Hey, Daniel,” Triska’s voice came from behind, the boy looking back to her as Alyssa kept staring down at the seat. She drummed her fingers on her staff as Daniel got up and moved back into the cabin, feeling something poking in her mind. She couldn’t quite place it, but she knew something wasn’t right. Looking around again she saw the fog had become extremely thick, with the witch not being able to see anything more than a few feet around them.

“Whoa, slow down, Lucky, slow down,” she cautioned. The horse slowed its pace to a calm stride while Alyssa looked around at the banks of fog around them. The feeling in her chest started to get worse, the witch growing more concerned as something was driving into her mind.

“Something’s wrong, I just know it,” she said quietly. She looked around then back inside the cabin.

“Hey Daniel, I-” she started, freezing in place before staring with wide eyes. She saw Daniel lying on the ground with Triska riding him on top, the girl having her pants removed as she rode atop him vigorously. Squeak was kissing the boy with a passionate embrace while lying next to him, while Specca was holding Triska’s hips from behind her and looking down at Daniel with a seductive smile. Alyssa felt her heart stop as she saw Triska bouncing atop Daniel, her hair swaying about as she gasped and grunted with a flushed face. She arched back and screamed as Specca giggled, the nixie licking her lips while Squeak caressed Daniel’s head while kissing him. Triska moaned loudly then looked to Alyssa with a cold glare and a devilish smile.

“Got him,” she said with a wink.

“TRISKA!” Alyssa screamed as she shot up from her dream, trembling as her senses slowly came back to her. She quickly looked around to seeing her sitting back against the wall again, with Specca staring at her with surprise while Squeak and Triska were sitting across from her. Triska watched her breathe heavily for a moment then tilted her head with a curious smile.

“Yes?” she asked innocently. Alyssa blinked a few times then looked to her with surprise.

“Alyssa? What’s wrong?” Daniel asked as he was looking back to her, riding in the front of the caravan again with a curious expression.

“Why did you scream like that just now?” Specca asked as she regained herself. Alyssa looked around at everybody then over to Triska as the girl was watching her with a curious smile.

“Bad dream?” she asked amusingly. Alyssa stared at her for a moment then looked down while holding her head.

“Yeah...” she said slowly.

“About me?” Triska asked as she feigned surprise. Alyssa looked back up to her then showed a dull expression.

“As a matter of fact, yes,” she said flatly as she put her hat on. Triska nodded with a knowing smile and leaned back on her pillow as she sat against the wall.

“Hm, interesting. Was Daniel in it too? Oh my, were we
in it?” she asked curiously. Alyssa stared at her with a dull expression then showed a bit of caution.

“Yeah… you both were,” she said slowly. Triska giggled and smiled amusingly at the witch.

“I see, and, what happened to us in your dream?” Triska asked with a sly smile. Alyssa watched her with a careful eye then looked down.

“I… don’t want to talk about it,” she said softly.

“Oh, was it that bad?” Triska asked with a mocking tone. Alyssa looked back to her with caution then over to Daniel.

“You ok, Alyssa?” he asked gently. She quickly got up and rushed to the front of the cabin, looking around outside to seeing they were traveling through the same path as before, with the clouds still being dark above while a fog was starting to creep around the area.

BOOK: chronicles of eden - act I
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