Chronicles of Eden - Act V (47 page)

Read Chronicles of Eden - Act V Online

Authors: Alexander Gordon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Fantasy, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Dark Fantasy

BOOK: Chronicles of Eden - Act V
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“Clover was wrong,” Kroanette softly spoke while holding onto him with trembling hands. “I’m not her centaur. I’m yours.”

Daniel remained silent while holding the girl close, feeling saddened about what he was hearing and feeling now. As Kroanette kept crying and saying she was his over and over again he recalled the words of love Luna and Falla also said to him that night, and how they too were brought to tears when he didn’t say them back. He knew he was the cause of their hearts being broken, and he felt conflicted about his own silent responses he had given them when they confessed their true feelings for him. As he held the crying centaur he tried to answer a question that he was starting to doubt himself.

‘I don’t love them; they just mean so much to me. It’s not the same thing, is it?’

Chapter 12
Extended Harem

In the world of Eden many men often fantasied about being a harem king, to have as many beautiful girls that they wanted all to themselves. Either out of insatiable lust for women or indecisiveness with choosing only one to love and be with, it was common for men to dream about the option of having them all rather than only one or none at all. Of course this rarely occurred in reality as women didn’t often prefer to share their man with others. However sometimes a man might get lucky if he happens to find one or two girls that would be alright with such an arrangement.

And sometimes he might think he died and went to heaven with the number of girls throwing themselves at him.


The morning rays of the sun began to shine over the treetops of the expansive forest as a new day began, with the large grove of Flairwood receiving some of the sunlight through the opening in the side while the towering trees over it still provided plenty of shade for the butterfly village. The glowing balls of light that ceaselessly drifted about inside the grand canopy seemed to sparkle with the sun shining upon them, illuminating small areas of the village just a little more brightly than others as they passed by.

Sleeping under a tree on the outskirts of the monster village Daniel was peacefully dreaming while snoring loudly as he usually did. Next to him lying on the grass Kroanette slept quietly, showing no signs of discomfort or aggravation from Daniel snoring right beside her. However something did provoke her ear to twitch slightly, the sound being from a tiny monster that suddenly flew down from the sky with a high pitched cheer right in between her breasts. Almost immediately Kroanette jumped with a yelp and stumbled back against the tree, her senses slowly coming back to her as she realized she wasn’t dreaming anymore and instead was lying against a tree with a little fairy’s legs kicking about while sticking up from inside her bosom.

“Boobies!” Pip muffled cheer was heard from within them.

“Wha- Pip?” Kroanette stuttered out before squealing and stumbling to her feet then hopping about in distress. “What are you doing? Get out of there this instant!”

Pip giggled while squirming about between the centaur’s large assets before popping up between them with a happy smile on her face.

“Good morning!”

“Why are you so enamored by other women’s breasts anyway?” Kroanette demanded.

“So sexy,” Pip purred while leaning forward and hugging the centaur’s chest while rubbing her hands around the top of the girl’s cleavage. Kroanette stared at her with disbelief then sighed with frustration before noticing Daniel was still sleeping on the grass. Pip looked down to him with an eye of wonder and cocked her head curiously as she watched the boy snoring loudly.

“Wow, he’s making a lot of noise. Is he okay?”

“Yes, he’s just a loud sleeper is all,” Kroanette replied with a gentle smile at Daniel before looking up in thought. “Though now that I think about it I don’t recall hearing him at all last night, how very curious.”

“How could you sleep next to him?” Pip asked covering her ears. “He’s so noisy.”

“I just suppose I did,” Kroanette reasoned with a shrug before looking down to the fairy curiously. “Say, didn’t you hear him snoring last night too? You were right next to him as well.”

“No, I just got back now. I didn’t hear him making those sounds before I left.”

“Back? From where?”

Daniel snorted then slowly rubbed his eyes before he yawned and stretched out his arms. Sitting up he rubbed the back of his head while seeing the lights in Flairwood floating about like always before he noticed Kroanette and Pip watching him.

“Oh, good morning,” Daniel said with a small smile.

“Good morning, Daniel,” Kroanette softly replied before looking down and away. “Listen, about last night…”

“Good morning!” Pip greeted as she zipped out of Kroanette’s cleavage and flew over to Daniel, clinging to his shirt with a wide hug while looking up at him with a bright smile. “I did good for you. I did good for you. Yes I did.”

Daniel chuckled and gently held the fairy with one hand before standing up, with her sitting on his palm and bouncing energetically on her legs.

“Good morning to you too,” he kindly said. “And I know you did good. You brought back Triska, Kroanette and the others safely from Rackleholm. I can’t thank you enough for saving them, Pip.”

“Oh, that. Yeah, I did that for you too,” Pip giggled with a shrug. “But I also did something else good for you this morning, you’re going to be so proud of me.”

“You did? What do you mean?”

“Where were you, Pip?” Kroanette asked curiously.

“Where was she?” Daniel repeated at her.

“She said she just got back now from somewhere.”

“What? You just got back now?” Daniel asked Pip.

“Yeah, just now. By the way, do you always make such loud noises when you sleep? Is there something stuck in your throat?” Daniel jumped a bit then smiled weakly to that while Pip hovered up in the air in front of him and watched him with a curious eye.

“I’ve heard bears make noise when they sleep, they’re all like
But you were even louder than that!” she exclaimed waving her hands around wildly.

“I really don’t think I’m louder than a bear when I sleep,” Daniel worriedly defended with a nervous smile.

“I honestly didn’t notice you snoring at all, Daniel,” Kroanette timidly spoke up while raising a hand. “I slept so peacefully next to you.”

“How could you?” Pip questioned while flying around Daniel in quick circles. “It was like he was munching up a whole tree in his mouth!”

“Is it really that bad?” Daniel asked with growing concern.

“No, not at all, Daniel,” Kroanette insisted while walking up to him. “I wouldn’t mind sleeping next to you every night after this-
I mean, I wouldn’t… I mean to say… I wouldn’t be opposed to… um…”

Daniel watched the centaur blush and try to speak clearly while she stuttered every word she tried to say before looking to Pip as the fairy kept circling around him.

“Um, Pip? Where did you go this morning?”

Pip stopped instantly in front of him with shimmering specks flying off to the side from her sudden halt, watching Daniel curiously for a moment before giggling and hopping up and down in the air.

“I made them go away, Daniel! Aren’t you proud of me? Do you love me now? Do you? Do you?”

“Huh? Made who go away?” Daniel asked shaking his head in confusion.

“Hey,” Clover called out. The group looked over to see the elf hopping off the front seat of the cabin, still dressed in her apparel with her quiver again strapped to her back, walking over towards Daniel with a dull expression, then standing before him crossing her arms with a raised eyebrow at the boy.

“I’m hungry,” she flatly reported.

“Are you serious?” Kroanette dryly asked. “Now you expect us to feed you too?”

“It’s the least you could do after you all botched my mission yesterday,” Clover stated with a brief glance to her then back to Daniel. “Let’s go, get me something to eat.”

“Clover, I just woke up,” Daniel tiredly said as he saw the elf watching him with discontent. “We’ll be eating soon once everyone is up as well. And just so you know if you’re going to come with us then you need to adjust your attitude. For starters if you’re hungry you could ask politely for something to eat.”

Clover stared at him with a dull expression for a moment before grabbing his shoulders then kicking straight up between his legs again, striking the boy hard and causing him to cry out with a hoarse yelp before dropping to the ground. Kroanette and Pip stared at him with surprise while Clover scoffed down at the twitching boy.

go get me something to eat,” Clover mocked.

“How dare you!” Kroanette yelled at the elf as she grabbed her whip and snapped it hard to the side. “How dare you touch Daniel like that!”

“Is he okay?” Pip asked as she watched Daniel holding in his whimpers while he kept his hands over his crotch and was lying down on the ground face first.

“Apologize to him this instant!” Kroanette demanded.

“Why? I said please,” Clover scoffed as she turned to walk back towards the caravan. Kroanette growled and got ready to charge after her before Daniel grabbed hold of one of her legs. She looked down to seeing him slowly getting up while shaking his head and coughing a bit.

“Don’t start a fight with her,” he said before she helped him stand up on his feet again. “I’d rather not find out how volatile she can get if provoked.”

“You’re not seriously going to allow that demon to come with us, are you?” Kroanette asked worriedly.

“We do need to talk to the elves still,” Daniel reminded her while cringing in pain. “They could be a big help to persuade the queen if their archers agree to ally with us. Besides, she’s not all
bad, she did save you and helped you and Triska survive in Rackleholm.”

“She saved me so I could be her personal horse,” Kroanette said shaking her head. “And she only helped us in Rackleholm because she was in danger too. She doesn’t care about us.”

“If that’s true she wouldn’t have shot one of the swarm that attacked Falla last night. She’s got a rough exterior, but I don’t think she’s evil at heart.”

“I don’t know about this, Daniel,” Kroanette voiced with concern. “I’m sure we can find others to aid with your quest. Taking her with us seems like a very bad idea.”

“What’s the worst that can happen?” Daniel weakly jested in response.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Clover yelled out from inside the cabin.

“I dare not tempt fate in answering you, Daniel,” Kroanette replied shaking her head.

Daniel quickly ran over to the caravan with Pip and Kroanette following after. He hopped up onto the seat then darted into the cabin while brushing aside the curtain. Pip zipped around him a few times before stopping over his shoulder while Kroanette propped her two front legs up onto the driver’s seat and leaned in through the entryway.

“Put that down right now!” Clover yelled while pointing at Luna, the butterfly girl standing over to the side of the room and holding the elf’s bow while trembling in fear. She was dressed in her normal attire again while she saw the fierce glare Clover was giving her as she carefully held the bow in her hands.

“I was just looking at it,” Luna whimpered before shakily setting the bow back down on the chair next to the sofa.

“Watch your language,” Specca scolded the elf with her hands at her hips while she sat at the edge of the bed. She had her petal skirt on however she had stopped changing into her shirt after the elf’s outburst just as the other girls had as well.

“There’s a little kid in here,” Triska snapped while holding her hands over Complica’s ears. The young butterfly was hugging Triska close and watching the intimidating elf with fearful eyes while Triska was only wearing her yellow shirt and underwear so far as she sat on the bed with the princess.

“For the record she pees when she gets scared,” Alyssa pointed out as she put on her stockings, her skirt being loosely fastened around her waist while her shirt was lying next to her on the bed. “And if she does you’re cleaning it up, it’s too early in the morning for us.”

Squeak merely squeaked something with a stern expression while pointing to the elf then to Luna. She was wearing her tunic and boots while sitting on the bed next to Alyssa where she had been putting on her boots before being interrupted by the elf’s loud language.

“She was just looking at it,” Falla dryly said while sitting in bed still with the covers over her lap. “Besides you left it there. If it’s so precious to you then don’t leave it lying around like that. In case you didn’t know we have a child and a Luna in here with us, they’re bound to find it out in the open.”

“She shouldn’t have been getting her grubby hands all over it in the first place!” Clover yelled as she marched over towards Luna, the butterfly girl shaking fearfully as she stumbled back onto the couch and leaned as far back into it as she could away from the elf. “The next time you touch it you’re dead! You got that?”

“I’m sorry,” Luna whined with tears forming in her eyes.

“Clover!” Daniel shouted out. All the girls looked to him as he walked towards the elf with a stern expression. “Don’t you
yell at Luna like that. She was just curious, she wasn’t hurting anything.”

“It’s not hers!” Clover yelled out at him. “She shouldn’t have-”

“Enough!” Daniel ordered. Clover glared at him with bared teeth while Luna quickly darted around her and raced behind Daniel, holding onto his back and hiding her face with a whimper. “There is a young girl in this room right now, which alone is reason enough for you to watch your tongue, but if you ever threaten any of these girls again for any reason I will not forgive you. If you want us to give you a ride home and to offer our food to you, then you will apologize to Luna right now along with all of them for your behavior.”

“I don’t need to apologize to her,” Clover snapped.

“You made her cry,” Daniel scorned. “That is something I will not stand for. Now, apologize or get out. I’m not going to tolerate this behavior in our home.”

Clover growled with frustration then grabbed her bow and stormed off past him and Luna towards the entryway. She got to it and stopped as Kroanette quickly backed away outside, the elf then glancing back to Daniel with a scowl as he crossed his arms with a firm expression and Luna peeked over his shoulder at the abrasive girl.

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