Cinderella's Guardian (4 page)

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Authors: Khloe Wren

BOOK: Cinderella's Guardian
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Jake sat back in his chair as he thought about it.

"Do you know her name? Maybe I can use some contacts to find out some information on her."

"Yeah, Tina Anderson. She's in a wheelchair and used to be a gymnast."

"Oh of course! I remember your mother telling me about her after the wedding. She thought you'd shown a little more interest than usual." He chuckled. "She's going to be harping on about being right for months, you know? How do you know about the gymnast thing, son?"

"After I woke from the first dream, I instantly knew it was her. I had to see her, so I tried the dream bonding thing you told me and Dom about a while back." Jake listened with interest as his son relayed the dream he'd shared with Tina. "So, don't suppose you or Mum know anything else about her?"

"Not much I'm afraid, her dad's name is Dale, I went to school with him. He married straight after final year to a real pretty popular girl. Gloria, I think her name was. Haven't spoken to him in years, but we used to be fairly friendly at school. I'll ask around and see what I can dig up for you okay?"

"Thanks, Dad. That'd be great."

Jake noted that Conner's face had lost some of its sadness, the underlying excitement now showing through. He smiled at his youngest son. Watching Conner win over Tina was going to be as much fun as watching Dominic woo Adele last year, he just knew it.

"Do you think Kelly would like to come shopping with me this morning?"

The change in topic grabbed Jake's attention.

"I don't see why not. But what on earth for?"

"It's Tina's twenty-first birthday today. I thought Kelly could help me pick something out for her, and maybe help me sneak it into her at the salon or something."

"I'm sure she'd love to help you shop, Conner. But she'll have no part of you sneaking around."

Jake grinned as Conner's eyes widened in shock at his mother's voice.

"Ah, hi Mum. Sneak up on me next time, why don't you? Gave me heart failure. Maybe Kit can join us too. Help Kelly feel more relaxed and all."

Jake couldn't stop the laugh from escaping, "Well, son, if anyone can sneak that present in to Tina, it's Kit."

~ * ~

Kit shook her head as she strolled into the jewelry shop ahead of Conner but behind Kelly. She was a snow leopard shape shifter, a firefighter, a practical woman who was strong and independent. She was not a girly-girl, certainly wasn't into shopping for anything other than necessities. Yet here she was, for the second time in so many months, helping one of the White boys buy jewelry for their mate. Mind you, she had enjoyed helping Dominic pick out Adele's engagement ring. At twenty-eight she was starting to wonder if her mate would ever show up. Kit hated that the males got to dream of their mates, but the females had to just sit back and hope their mate would get off their ass and come look for them.

Kelly's small hand slipped into hers, which pulled her from her introspection. Kit looked down at Kelly and smiled. Such a sweet kid. It didn't seem that long ago when Kit had carried the catatonic girl out of Cole's basement. Now she was a vibrant pre-teen, still painfully shy, but once she got to know you, she was a real spit fire of a girl.

"So, Kelly, what do you think Conner should give his lady love?"

"Something pretty."

Kit couldn't help but chuckle at the cute way Kelly screwed up her nose in thought.

"Silver. Silver will look nice with her hair."

"I agree, silver it is. How about a necklace?"

"I didn't realize you'd noticed her, Kelly."

Conner's voice brought Kelly's head around to focus on him.

"Of course I noticed her, Uncle Conner. When that mean lady screeched at her, she looked up and I saw her eyes. They looked really sad, like mine did before." Kelly paused a moment, "She's not happy, she's suffering where she is. You
to help her, Uncle Conner."

She'd started shaking as she spoke and Kit gathered her in close.

"It's okay, Kelly. You're safe. Cole's gone. We got you."

"But what about her? The sad lady at the salon? Who's got her?"

Conner came in close and stroked Kelly's curls behind her ear, "I've got Tina, honey. I just have to work out a way to get around that mean lady to get to her. But once I do, I'll always protect her. Now, how about we have a look at some of these pretty necklaces?"

Kit felt Kelly tighten her arms around her waist briefly before she released her and stepped toward the glass cabinets filled with necklaces and other jewelry. Kit tried to push away the oily feeling in her chest that she was helping to choose something special, a physical sign of Conner's affection for Tina, when no one had ever gone to this effort for her.

"Oh, oh, oh! I found it, Uncle Conner! Kit, come look. It's perfect."

Kit allowed Kelly's joy to rub off on her. The kid was so excited. She looked through the glass to the pendant Kelly was pointing at. It was perfect. Before they left to come shopping, Conner had confessed the dream he'd shared with Tina about Bondi Beach and his vow to never stop kissing her. The cute little necklace Kelly had found was a silver heart, outlined with diamond chips inlaid around the top right corner and the lower left edge. What made it perfect was the yellow gold paw print on the lower right edge.

"Don't think you'll get any more perfect than that, Conner. The diamonds are forever, the paw print is you and, well, the heart is pretty self-explanatory."

"Wow. Well done, Kelly. What a find! It most definitely is the perfect choice. Let me go get the sales assistant and we'll be done here."

As Conner wandered away, Kelly pulled her down to whisper to her.

"Can we keep shopping?"

"Sure, kiddo. What did you want to buy?"

"I really like your shoes."

Kit let loose a loud laugh. "They are pretty cool. Okay, shoe shop is the next stop."

Her cherry red Doc Martins had always been her favorite and had often drawn attention. They were a little pricey, but she'd spend the money without a problem to see Kelly smile like she was right now.

Half an hour later Kit sat chatting to Conner while Kelly tried on every pair of Doc Martin boots the store had.

"So, how are you planning on getting that present to Tina?"

Conner's mega-watt smile gave away his intentions. She sighed. "You want me to deliver it?"

"Well, I was hoping you'd be able to slip it to her at the salon. Robyn won't let me near the place. How else can I do it?"

"You want me to tell her who it's from? Or are you going for the secret admirer angle?"

"I was going to give you a letter to go with it. Thinking I'd go around to her house tonight. Maybe if I hang around till after Robyn turns in for the night, Tina can come out to meet me."

"Better tell her who you are then. No way will a woman in a wheelchair agree to meet a complete stranger late at night."

Conner rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, you better ask her for her address too then. I mean, I know where she lives, but I don't want her to think I'm some weird stalker."

Kit laughed. "Nah, you're not a weird stalker, just a friendly lovable one."

Conner lightly thumped her arm as he shook his head at her.

"I found them! My favorite ones. I'm going to wear them all the time just like you do."

Kelly's excited voice drew both their attention, and Conner fussed over the black boots with small purple flowers printed over the leather while Kit headed to the counter to pay for them.

~ * ~

Tina re-read the letter for the hundredth time. The only thing she'd received to mark this day as different from any other was this short note and a pair of emerald earrings from her father. She fingered the gem in her ear. Her father loved her and missed her like crazy. His letter was filled with promises of this being his last long trip working overseas. He was missing his sweet pea too much to do it again. She wiped tears from her eyes as she smiled and folded the letter up and tucked it back into the side pocket of her cargo pants.

"Happy twenty-first birthday," she quietly said to herself. Her father coming home for good was the best present she could ever get. No more Robyn. Tina looked at the Windows logo pinging around the screen saver on the computer. It was her damn birthday. She didn't want to work. Especially since she didn't get paid for it. She glanced through the curtain to see both Barbara and Robyn working with clients.


Tugging her gloves into place, she headed to the back door and wheeled herself outside. She knew she'd cop hell from Robyn for leaving but she didn't care. It was her day and she'd do whatever she wanted. And she wanted to breathe in the fresh air, to be away from the chemicals of the salon's back room.

"Hey, Tina! Have you got a minute?"

Tina twisted to look behind her up the footpath. A tall—gorgeous—red haired woman was jogging toward her.

"Do I know you?"

The woman rubbed the back of her neck. "Probably not. My name is Kit. I work at the fire station. I'm good friends with the White boys. With Conner."

Tina spun her chair around so she was facing the woman.

"You're friends with Conner? So why are you here?"

"Conner's been trying to get to you. He wants to see you, but Robyn won't let him get near you. So..." she paused to hand over a small wrapped package and an envelope, "he asked me to deliver your birthday present from him. Along with the letter. Happy twenty-first, Tina."

Tears formed unbidden in her eyes. This stranger was being so nice, the only in person "happy birthday," she'd received all day.

"Thank you. But I still don't understand."

"You will. Read the letter, and give Conner a chance. He's a good man, Tina. He'll never do you wrong."

With a gentle smile, Kit turned and strolled away, leaving Tina frozen in shock, holding her gift and letter. Snapping out of it, she rested the items in her lap before she wheeled herself down the street to the small park where she could sit in the sun and relax.

Applying her chair's brake, she opened the box. She never could resist opening the present first. The cards were always read second at her birthday parties. Her mother had hated the habit, saying it was rude and how important it was to make sure you knew who gave you what. She'd never forgotten who gave her presents, didn't matter which order she opened things.

The breath froze in her lungs as she flipped open the jewelers box. A beautiful silver and diamond heart, with a sweet little paw print. She quickly took it from the box and clasped it behind her neck. The chain hung snuggly to her so the pendant sat in the hollow at the base of her throat. It felt good against her skin. She packed the box away and opened the envelope. A single piece of crisp white paper slipped free, the writing had been done by hand. So much more personal and special than computer print. She settled back in her chair to read Conner's note.


I hope you like your present. I wish I could have given it to you in person, but I can't get near you. If you want, text me your address. I'll come over late tonight, after she goes to bed. We can just sit out in your backyard and chat.

Happy 21st Birthday, baby.



She traced her fingers over the black inked letters, large broad masculine strokes made up the words. His phone number was written under his name. Ten numbers that she somehow knew would irrevocably change her life if she chose to use them and turn to him. But would it be for the better? Thinking about how Robyn treated her, it couldn't possibly be worse.

Squaring her shoulders and taking a deep breath, she pulled her phone out and sent the most important text she'd ever written.

Luv my present.ThankU.36 Pitt Dr. After 11pm. Txt me wen u get here.

Moments later, her phone beeped that a new message had come in.

I'm glad. Can't w8 4 2nite. C U @ 11

With her heart in her throat, she wheeled back to the salon. She hadn't been this happy or excited since before her accident. Her dream from the previous night floated through her mind. Conner spinning her through the waves at Bondi.

She made it back to the salon and peeked through the curtain. Happy to see her absence hadn't been noticed, she went back to the computer and spent the afternoon working, all the while dreaming about one very sexy firefighter, Conner White.

Chapter Three

Conner's heart raced as he pulled up outside Tina's house. Grabbing his phone, he shot off a text.

I'm here.

He was meeting his mate. Albeit creeping around in the dark like teenagers, but still. He was going to be able to touch her in the flesh. Quietly exiting his car, he wiped his sweaty palms down his jeans. He silently jogged around to the back of the house, easily vaulting over the fence. He made his way over to a swing that hung from a big tree in the rear of the yard and sat. He didn't have to wait long before his beautiful mate came out the rear door, rolling silently down the ramp at the back of the house. He stayed still, allowing her to come to him.

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