City of Sin (13 page)

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Authors: Ivy Smoak

BOOK: City of Sin
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Chapter 35


I woke up with a pounding headache. Last night came flooding
back to me. My apartment was freezing. I missed Mason's warm arms wrapped
around me. I pulled my comforter up to my chin, but I was still shivering. And
it definitely didn't help my head at all. I climbed out of bed, pulled on
another pair of pajama bottoms, and downed some aspirin.

My apartment was a mess. I had put away the clothes I had ripped
out of my closet but my apartment still looked dirty and old. And sad. I had
decided to stay. So it was time to transform my apartment into what I wanted it
to be. Not just remnants of what it used to be with Patrick.

I opened up the cabinet under the sink and pulled out a bunch
of cleaning supplies. I was finally ready to move on. The first step was to rid
my apartment of all things Patrick.




I rested the broom against the wall and leaned down to pick
up a slip of paper that was on the floor. I unfolded it and let my eyes dart
across the words.


I'm holding a package for you because it wouldn't fit in your
mailbox. Stop by anytime after 8.



Mason's words from last night came back to me. He had said
that the super had a package for me.
He sent me something?
I opened up
my door and quickly walked downstairs. I wished I had seen the note earlier.
Naomi was usually more agreeable earlier in the day. And I still needed to bug
her about fixing my heater. I knocked on her door.

After a minute she opened it, keeping the chain lock on.
"You look a mess," she said through the small gap in the door.

"Oh." I touched the side of my head. My hair was in
a ponytail and my face was probably greasy. Or maybe she was just referring to
the fact that I was wearing two pairs of pajama bottoms.

"Tsk. And you wonder why you can't keep a man.

I hated that noise she always made. I took a deep breath so I
wouldn't snap at her. "I was cleaning and found the note you left." I
held up the piece of paper. "You said there was a package for me?"

She closed the door.

What the hell?
I knocked on the
door again.

"You can add patience to the list," she said as she
opened up the door again. "I had to unlock the door. Tsk."

Growing up in the suburbs meant no chain locks. When someone
stopped by, we welcomed them in and offered them tea and crumpets. Well, maybe
not exactly, but we were friendlier than this. "Sorry, Naomi."

"Your rent is due soon. Are you going to be late

"No. I won't be. Actually, there was something else I
wanted to talk to you about. The heater in my apartment seems to shut off every
night and..."

"It's already on my list."

I bit the inside of my lip. "I know, Naomi, but it's
been on your list since November. The winter will be over before..."

"Your problem isn't any more important than anyone

"But it's freezing up there."

"It's a New York winter. You'll get used to it."
She grabbed a package off the floor and shoved it into my arms.

"Maybe my rent can be a little less then, since I'm
saving money on heat?"

She squinted her eyes as if she was just really seeing me for
the first time. "I'll think about it," she said and slammed the door
in my face.

I'd take her thinking about it. If I was going to freeze to
death, at least I could save a little bit of money in the process. I looked
down at the box in my hands. It was wrapped in brown paper and there was a
silky green ribbon around it. There was no address anywhere on the package. My
name was just scrawled on the side. And it looked like Naomi's handwriting.

Had Mason hand delivered this? That would mean that he had
seen my apartment building and met Naomi. I knew I was financially beneath him.
But he hadn't written me off after seeing where I lived. He had still left the
package. Maybe he didn't care about stuff like that. I still felt a little
embarrassed though. He lived in a freaking hotel. And I lived

I opened up the door to my apartment. At least it was clean
now. I put the package down on my bed and stared at it. What on earth was in
there? Mason and I still barely knew each other. Maybe it was a hangover kit or

He had sent me this before I had even drunk texted
him. Which meant he had been thinking about me since our lunch date. And not
just thinking about me, but buying me something. I had wanted him to come up
last night. I had been pretty surprised that he hadn't said yes. But it made me
like him even more. He was respectful. He thought I was too drunk to make that
decision. But I wasn't. And I remembered every part of our conversation last

I sat down on my bed and untied the green ribbon. I pushed it
out of the way and ripped the brown paper. There was a white box with a small
envelope on top of it. I opened up the envelope and pulled out the card.



I'll be picking you up at 7. I can't wait to see you again.


P.S. I ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch
today. You're rubbing off on me.


I ran my finger across his words. I liked that he never
asked. There was no uncertainty on his part. He wanted to see me, so he was
going to see me. Every time we talked I liked him more and more. I couldn't
deny the fact that I had a huge crush on him. That was the best way to put it,
because for some reason it felt like I could never really have him. He was out
of my league. But it made me want him even more.

I looked back down at the package. Had he sent me a peanut
butter and jelly sandwich? Or maybe something for our date? I slowly lifted off
the lid and pushed aside the tissue paper.

Oh my God.
I picked up the dress and stood up so that
I could see the whole thing. It was a deep red, mermaid style dress with a
plunging neckline. It was simple but elegant at the same time.
So elegant.
He hadn't just been thinking about me, he had been buying me the most beautiful
dress I had ever seen. It was like something one of the contestants from Miss
America would wear. There was something different about the fabric of this
dress. I wanted to say it was almost heavy, but that didn't explain it right.
It wasn't like other dresses I had. It was well made. The fabric was luxurious.
And somehow it looked like it might fit me. Mason was a good guesser.

7 o'clock.
I grabbed my phone and looked down at the
time. I still had a few hours. But I somehow needed to look worthy of this
dress. I laid it down on my bed and ran into the bathroom.




I took the last of the hot curlers out of my hair and ran my
fingers through the curls to loosen them. My makeup and hair were done. Now I
just needed to see if the dress fit me.

I put on my nicest bra and pulled the dress over my head. It
was the perfect fit. I never would have chosen something that accented my
breasts so much, but it was beautiful. I took a step back from the mirror. It
hugged my curves like it was made for my body. I didn't really want anyone to
stare at my cleavage all night though. Maybe I had something that would draw
attention toward my face. I pulled out my box of earrings and picked up a pair
of dangling earrings with diamonds. Patrick had bought them for me a few months
before I found out that he was cheating. It was probably because he felt
guilty. I hadn't worn them since our breakup. But when I looked at them now, I
didn't want to cry. They were the nicest jewelry I had aside from the
engagement ring I once wore. And I wanted to look nice for Mason.

Marie was right. Mason was a perfect choice to help me get
over Patrick. It was already working. And maybe I was what he needed to. If I
wasn't, why would he have bought me this dress? This was too elaborate of a
scheme for a one night stand. He liked me. The thought gave me butterflies in
my stomach. This was more than a rebound for me. Maybe this was why I had wound
up in New York. Mason had said he wanted to be the reason I stayed in the city.
And I didn't realize it before, but he already was. I was actually happy. I was
happier than I had been in months. I put on the earrings and looked at my
reflection in the mirror. It was like they were made for this dress.

I picked up my phone to look at the time. There was a message
from Marie: "Kendra and I are dying to know how the sex was. Text me

I laughed. "Still don't know that yet," I texted
back. But maybe I would soon. I looked at my reflection in the mirror again.
Tonight could be the night. If he could resist me in this dress, maybe he was
gay or something. The thought made me laugh again. If there was anything I was
sure about regarding Mason Caldwell, it was that he was straight. And right
now, for some reason, he wanted me.

There were still a few minutes before he was supposed to be
here. I grabbed my notebook and flipped to a blank page. It was like I was
living in a fairytale. This was how every girl desired to feel at some point in
their lives. Something that captured this would make a great advertisement. For
what I wasn't sure. But it was a good idea. Hopefully it wouldn't be an idea
that just sat there forever without anyone hearing it.

A buzzing noise sounded through my apartment. Mason was
downstairs, waiting to come up. But I didn't want him to see my place. It was
bad enough that he had seen the inside of the building. I set my notebook down
on my nightstand and grabbed my nicest jacket out of the closet.

I locked my door behind me and walked down the stairs as
quickly as I could in my heels.

Chapter 36


I pressed the button again.
I should have called her.
She was drunk last night. She probably didn't even remember that I told her she
had a package.

I leaned against the wall next to the call box. She had
wanted me to come up last night. And for some reason I hadn't. I kept telling
myself it was because she hadn't begged me yet. But that wasn't it. I wanted
her to remember our first time. I wanted her to dream about. I wanted her to
crave me as much as I was craving her.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. There was a text from my
friend, James: "Please tell me you're coming to this thing. I'm pretty
sure Penny and I are the youngest ones here right now."

I was excited to show Bee off. "My date and I will be
arriving shortly. We'll help spice things up, don't worry." I pressed

"Spice things up? Like the Caldwell Christmas party 2012
spicy? This will be an interesting evening."

I laughed. I had brought a prostitute to my family's annual
Christmas party that year. It did not end well. Well, actually, she did give me
a happy ending. But my family wasn't happy. "Nope, I have an actual date
this time. And I think Penny and her are going to hit it off."
If Bee's
actually coming.
I pressed the button on the call box again.

James' response came right away. "I'm not even sure what
you mean by an actual date."

"Don't embarrass me, asshole." I shoved my phone
into my pocket as I heard the click of the front door opening. Bee emerged from
her apartment building.

I had never seen her look more beautiful. Her cheeks were
flushed from the sudden burst of cold. And her lips were the same color as the
dress. The dress looked like it was made for her. Her long coat hid her round
ass but her tits looked amazing. "Bee." My voice sounded weird. I
quickly cleared my throat. "You're breathtaking."

She smiled shyly. "Mason. No one has didn't
need to..." her voice trailed off. "Thank you for the dress. I love

I wanted to walk over to her and kiss her. But I had already
planned out how this evening was going to go. And it definitely didn't start
with a kiss. I wouldn't get her to the gala if I gave in to that urge. We'd end
up in her bed in just a few minutes. I wanted to show her everything I had to

"You look beautiful in it. We better go. We're already

"Where are we going?"

I walked over to the town car I had rented for the evening.
The driver hopped out and immediately opened the door.

Bee walked over to me and looked up at me expectantly.

"You'll see. Get in the car." I nodded to the open

She climbed in and I walked around to the other side. When I
got in, she was already in the middle seat. She wanted our bodies to be pressed
together. I certainly wasn't going to complain.

"You're in a tux," Bee said.

"I am."

"You look very handsome."

I smiled down at her. "Where do you think we're

"I have no idea. Somewhere fancy?"

I laughed. She didn't even know about the most anticipated
event of the winter. Women would die for tickets to the Silver Gala. All the
city's most prestigious young professionals were going to be there. I had
gotten laid every night of the Silver Gala since I graduated from college.
Tonight wouldn't be any different. "We're going to the Silver Gala."

"Oh, of course." She pressed her lips together and
turned to look out the window as the car started.

"Do you even know what that is?" I put my arm
around her back. Touching her wasn't on the list of things I couldn't do.
Actually, I was going to be touching her a lot. I could see what it did to her.
She'd be begging me before the night was even half over.

"No." She looked embarrassed. "But it does
sound fancy, so I was kind of right."

"Mhm." I shifted slightly so that our thighs would
be touching. "The Silver Gala is held every year to raise money for St.
Sabela's Children's Hospital."

"I knew you were a good guy."

"I never said I wasn't." There was a fine line
between her wanting me and wanting more from me. I needed to make sure I didn't
cross that line. But it was just too easy to tell her whatever she wanted to

"You implied it."

"I'd be happy to remind you about all the bad things I'm
into. I'm no saint, Bee."

"I know." I could see it in her eyes. She liked
that I wasn't a good guy. She liked that I was forward and brash. It took all
my willpower to not kiss her.

"I'm happy to remind you tonight," I said.

"Maybe you should."

"Baby, I'm planning on it."

"Don't call me that," she said. But for the first
time, it didn't sound like she meant it.

"We're here," the driver said as he pulled to a
stop in front of The Plaza Hotel.

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