City of Sin (8 page)

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Authors: Ivy Smoak

BOOK: City of Sin
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Chapter 21


What the fuck?
No one ever hung up on me. I shoved my
phone back into my pocket.
This isn't good
. If her ex-fiancé worked for
my dad, then I had definitely met him.

I put my hand in the air to signal a nearby taxi. The cab
pulled to a stop in front of me. I climbed in and gave him Carter's address. No
girl had ever blue balled me. I had already made up my mind to have her, and
have her I would. Bee was mine. I'd have her today and anything I had done
wouldn't matter. She wouldn't care after I gave her the best night of her life.
I was getting hard all over again just thinking about her tight ass and those
luscious red lips.

I closed my eyes and let my head fall back against the seat.
the hell is her ex?
I tried to go through all the men that reported to my
father. None of them seemed like Bee's type. They all acted like a bunch of
pussies. A girl like that shouldn't have been with one of them anyway. As far
as I was concerned, I had done her a favor. She should be thanking me.

But she knew. She knew who I was. Whoever that little shit
was had told her all about me. And she probably thought it was my fault that he
had cheated on her.

I punched the back of the passenger's seat.

"Watch it!" the cabbie yelled at me.

I leaned back in my seat.
What am I going to tell her?
Temptation and opportunity were different than action. But she didn't want to
hear that. It depended on what she already knew about me. I could skirt around
the truth. It was one of my specialties. I stared out my window at the passing
buildings. We were getting close.

Chapter 22


Marie and Kendra were staring at me.

I turned away from them and looked down at Carter's phone. He
had eight missed calls from Mason. I put the phone down on the coffee table.
Why did Mason even care about clearing the air with me? He was a rich,
eligible, sexy bachelor. He could have any woman that he wanted. Just not me. I
tried to think about what Patrick had said. Company perks he had called them.

"Bee, I had no idea." Marie sat down across from
me. "If I had known, I obviously wouldn't have set you up with him."

"I know." I looked down at my lap. "He said he
was coming over. I can't see him."

"I'll take care of him," Kendra said.

"You never really told me that much about what happened
with Patrick. I didn't even know that his boss' son was taking him to strip
clubs," Marie said.

"Well it's awkward to talk about. And it wasn't really
strip clubs. Patrick made it seem like his boss' son was showing him around the
city with the other new hires. And that he had all these weird connections. I
didn't realize he was going to underground clubs and stuff. I thought he was
seeing the top of the empire state building. But when I eventually realized,
Patrick made it seem like you could just tell Mason your fantasy and he'd
figure out a way to make it happen. Like he knew every person with weird
fetishes in the whole city."



"I don't get it though. Mason seems like such a nice guy
at work. And he makes a decent salary. I don't know why he'd be doing that. It
doesn't make any sense. Maybe his father is just a bad guy? Or maybe it's Max's
other son?"

"It's definitely Mason. And I don't know why he did it,
but he did. They're both disgusting."

"You can't really blame him for the things that Patrick
did though. Just because he introduced Patrick to other women doesn't mean he
made him cheat on you."

"That's a fine line."

"Maybe you should hear him out."

"I don't want anything to do with guys like him."

Kendra cleared her throat.

Marie glanced at Kendra and that back at me. "I need to
tell you something, but you have to promise you won't get mad at me."


"You promise you won't be mad?"

"I'm not going to get mad at you. Just tell me."

"Mason is known as a bit of a playboy. I just thought he
might help you get over Patrick and I didn't think..."

"You knew what kind of guy he was?"

"I didn't know about the underground clubs or any of
that. I didn't even know he knew Patrick."

"But you knew he was a womanizing asshole?"

"He always seems so nice at work. I thought maybe they
were just rumors. And you did have a good time. You blushed when you were
talking about him."

"How could you, Marie?"

"I was just trying to help you get over Patrick. You
need to move on. You've been moping around for months. It's not healthy."

"But you picked the worst possible guy."

"I picked a handsome, successful..."

"Oh, come on, Marie," Kendra cut in. "Give it
a rest. You screwed up."

"I know." Marie turned back to me and grabbed my
hand. "I just wanted you to know where I was coming from. But I'm so, so
sorry, Bee."

The buzzer sounded through the apartment.

"I can't see him again," I said. "Kendra, can

"Yup. I've got you." She left the apartment.

Chapter 23


A tall woman with skin the color of hot chocolate came out of
the building. She stared at me with her deep brown eyes. I instantly felt a
little less cold. I turned back to the speaker system and pressed the number
for Carter's apartment again. Bee had crawled under my skin. And right now, she
was the only girl I could think about. I wasn't used to feeling like this. She
liked making me wait. I never waited for anyone. I needed to fuck her and move

The woman tapped me on the shoulder.

Fuck, not right now.
"What can I do for you,

"Sugar? Wow. Innovative."

I laughed. "Can I help you? I'm kind of in the middle of
something right now."

"The pictures don't do you justice. I'm Kendra."


"You're Max Caldwell's son right? The infamous Mason
Caldwell? I've heard a lot about you."

I looked down at her. I didn't have time to play games right
now. "What exactly are you referring to?"

"Your side business? See, I have certain needs. And I
was hoping you could help me out?"

I didn't want to talk business right now. "My services
aren't free, sugar." I pressed the button on the call box again.
"Fuck, is this thing even working?"

"God, it's true? You're disgusting."

"What?" I turned around and looked at the woman
again. "Oh, fuck, are you friends with Bee or something? Did she send you
down here to talk to me? Just let me up to see her."

"It killed her when she found out her fiancé was
cheating on her. And you helped that happen." She poked me in the middle
of my chest.

"I don't even know who her ex-fiancé is. All I know is
that I need to talk to Bee. In private. So what do I need to do to make that
happen? I can get you whatever you want. Just name it."

"What is wrong with you? She's been through enough. She
doesn't need someone like you in her life right now. Just leave her

I can't leave her alone. I can't stop thinking about her.
I ran my hand through my hair. "This whole thing is just a

"Do you or do you not give your father's new employees certain
perks for signing with MAC International?"

I laughed. That was an interesting spin on it. "I don't
work for my father. I work for an ad agency across town. Finance isn't really
my thing. Come on, sugar, just let me up to see Bee."

"That doesn't answer my question."

"Look, I like her, okay? We had an amazing date until
she just ran off in a taxi without any explanation. I'm not trying to mess with
her life. I just want to talk to her."

She stared at me for a second. "She doesn't want to see
you. I'm sorry."

"Okay. I respect that." I stood there, staring at

"If you respect that, then why aren't you walking

Because I'm going to follow you back into the building.
This woman was infuriating. "Do you work at Blue Media too? You look

"No. I work at Kruger Advertising with Bee."

"Oh. Never mind." I turned away and smiled. That's
all I needed to know. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contact
list. I pressed the call button and held my phone to my ear as I hailed down a


"Hey, Vargas. It's Mason. I'm calling about that favor
you owe me."

"Whatever you need, man."

"I need you to find out the last name of an employee at
Kruger Advertising. Her first name is Bridget and she works as a secretary

"That's all you need?"

"Run her name through the system too. I want to know
everything about her. And the name of her ex-fiancé. He works at MAC
International but that's all I know about him."

"He works for your father?"


"What's this all about? Something juicy I hope?"

"Just run the name, Vargas." I hung up the phone.
If Bee wanted chivalrous, I'd give her chivalrous. No one ever refused to talk
to me. I was used to getting what I wanted. And right now, all I wanted was

Chapter 24


I poured myself a cup of coffee and leaned against the
counter in the break room. It was a new week, so it was time for a fresh start.
I just needed to stop dwelling on the past so much. One stupid date and one
very bad day at work wasn't enough to make me give up on the life I had made
for myself here. I had stuck it out after Patrick had left me. And that was the
worst thing that was going to happen. It could only get better from here.

Just because Mr. Ellington said I didn't have thick skin and
Mason Caldwell said I was soft, didn't mean those things were true. I was going
to make it in advertising. And I was going to find a guy that was worthy of my
time. I wanted to prove everyone wrong.

Thinking about Mason made me so angry but at the same time it
made my skin tingle. I walked back toward my desk and froze. There was a huge
bouquet of roses on the middle of my desk. I pulled out the card that was
attached to them.



I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to keep calling you
that. I had an amazing time with you on Friday. I can't stop thinking about
you. And I don't want to stop. I'm sorry about what happened with you and your
fiancé. Let me help you get your mind off him. I'm taking you to dinner



He couldn't come here! How did he even know
where I worked? God, my mom was right.
He's a serial killer.
I pushed
the vase to the side and sat down in my chair.

"Wow, nice flowers," Kendra said and perched
herself on the side of my desk. "Who are they from?" She arched her

"They're from Mason."

"How romantic."

"No. He's not romantic."

"I know I already told you this after I talked to him,
but I think he really likes you. He was pretty persistent about talking to you.
What kind of guy goes through all this trouble for a hook up?"

"A lunatic."

Kendra laughed. "Those roses are beautiful."

"They're okay."

"So, what did you mean when you said you didn't exactly
have sex with him?"

"I meant I didn't have sex with him. Don't you have work
to do?"

"Well, maybe whatever weird non-sex thing you did is
what has him hooked? You'll have to tell me sometime. Because I never get
roses. And you're welcome. While I was talking to him, I may have let it slip
that you work at Kruger Advertising." She smiled at me.


 She walked back to her desk without responding.




Each minute that passed made me more and more nervous.
isn't seriously coming here, is he?
He can't just show up at my work. I
tried to focus on the document I was editing, but my mind was scattered. I
couldn't stop thinking about the spark I felt when he touched me. I wasn't sure
if I could control myself around him.

It was almost 5 o'clock. As soon as it was time to go, I was
going to race out of here as quickly as possible. Maybe I'd miss him.

"Jenkins! Good to see you, man."

Oh my God, it's him.
And of course he knows Jenkins.
He probably set up all the men here with prostitutes too.

"You too, Caldwell. What are you doing here? Trying to
spy on the competition?"

"At Kruger? I don't think so."

They both laughed.

"I'm actually here for pleasure, not business. If you'll
excuse me," Mason said.

Pleasure? Gross.
Who talks like that? There was no way
I was going to dinner with him. I ducked down behind my desk.
What the hell
am I doing?
But it was too late. I could already hear footsteps approaching
my desk. Maybe he'd think I had left for the day.
My coat was
still on my chair. The footsteps stopped right in front of me. I leaned down
farther to peer under the desk. He had really big feet.
Feet really must be
a sign of endowment.
I had always thought that was a rumor.

I could smell his cologne from where I was. Just the smell of
him made me slightly aroused.
What is happening to me?

Mason began to walk around my desk. I closed my eyes, hoping
that if I couldn't see him, he couldn't see me.

"As much as I like you on your knees, how about we have
dinner first?" Mason said.

I slowly opened my eyes. His hand was in front of my face.

"Oh, yeah, I was just looking for a pen I dropped. I
can't find the darn thing anywhere. Slippery devil."
What did I just

He laughed.

It was deep and sexy.
I got to my feet without
taking his hand.

"You look beautiful tonight, Bee."

"Thanks. I'm sorry, though, I'm really busy. I don't
have time to go to dinner. I have to stay late. I would have called you, but I
didn't have your number."

"Are you asking for my number?" He flashed me his
jaw dropping smile.


"Mhm. After dinner I promise that you'll want it."

"I just said I can't. So if you'll excuse me." I
tried to walk past him, but he sidestepped, blocking my path, so that I ended
up just a few inches in front of him. He smelled amazing.

"Are you saying no to me?"

Am I?

"So, it's a yes?" he said.

"What? No."

"Bee," he said and picked up my jacket. "You
have a lot to learn. For one, you should never say no to me." He grabbed
my hand.

I felt the same electricity shoot through my body. I quickly
pulled my hand out of his. "I'm sorry, Mason. But I'm not interested in
pursuing whatever this is."

He bent down so that his lips were by my ear. "I promise
you that tonight will be worth your time, Bee."

I pressed my thighs together.

"Bridget, do you have those papers I asked for?"
Mr. Ellington came out of his office. He frowned when he saw Mason.

Maybe this was exactly what I needed to get Mr. Ellington to stop
hitting on me.

"Stop, Mason, not at the office." I giggled and
pushed on his chest. I internally rolled my eyes at myself.

Mr. Ellington's frown deepened.

"Yes, Mr. Ellington." I smoothed down my skirt even
thought it didn't need it. I picked up a folder off my desk and handed it to
him. "Is there anything else I can do for you tonight?"

"Not tonight, no."

"Okay, great. Let's get going, baby," I said and
put my arm through Mason's. I tried not to look at either him or Mr. Ellington.
What was I doing? Getting away from one snake and into bed with another.

Mr. Ellington turned and walked back into this office.

Thank God.
I sighed and tried to take a step away from
Mason, but he held me in place.

"I'd like to know what that was about," he said. He
kept his hand on my arm. "I think you owe me an explanation."

"I owe
an explanation? You're the one that
owes me an explanation."

"Let's discuss it over dinner then. My treat."

What if Kendra was right? Maybe I should hear him out. Guys
like him didn't need to do stuff like this. Maybe Patrick had made the whole
thing up. All he did the last few months of our relationship was lie to me. I
grabbed my jacket out of Mason's hand and walked past him. "We'll split
the cost," I said over my shoulder.

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