City of Sin (7 page)

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Authors: Ivy Smoak

BOOK: City of Sin
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Chapter 17


She was staring at me innocently from under her long lashes
again. I'd need to call Carter and thank him in the morning. I owed him for
this one.

I leaned back in my seat. Trump International was the only
good thing I still had. Just telling girls I lived there made their panties
drop. It would be hard to walk away from that. But enough was enough. It was
time to go off on my own. Besides, I'd completely crush dickweed Darren when I
started a competing advertising agency. I'd be back in Trump International in
no time, maybe in the penthouse.

I put my hand on Bee's leg. I didn't want to think of my
fucked up boss or my shitty job. All I wanted was to lose myself inside of her.

She crossed her legs, pushing my hand away.

She was losing her nerve. I needed to get her attention back.
I put my hand on the back of her neck and gently rubbed my thumb up and down
the top of her spine. She shivered under my touch.
That's right, baby
"Nervous for the main event, are you?"

"Should I be? What are you planning on doing to
me?" Her voice was wispy with desire.

"What do you want me to do to you? What's your wildest

She bit her lip in thought. Her wildest fantasy was me. It
was written all over her face. Soon it would be my cum dripping down that
pretty face.

"Tell me more about yourself, Mason."

I scowled at her.

"We have a few more minutes to get to know each

"What do you want to know?"

"Do you have any siblings?"

"I don't see why that's important. But yes, I have a
younger brother."

"Does he live here too?"

"You mean in the city?"

She nodded.


"What about your parents?"

"What about them?"
What's with the rapid fire

"Do they live near you?"

"They live closer to you, actually. On the upper west

"Are you close with your family?"

"Close enough."

"You don't like answering questions do you? So

"There won't be many secrets between us soon. By the end
of the night I'm going to know every curve of your body and everything that
makes you tick. And that's all I need to keep you crawling back for more."

"That's all superficial. Maybe I'm ugly on the

"I don't think so. You're quite charitable with those
lips, Bee." I smiled as her face turned crimson.

"You know what I mean," she continued.

Damn it, what is taking so long?
This had to be the
slowest taxi I'd ever been in. I glanced in the rearview mirror. The cabby was
staring at Bee's tits. I gave him a fuck off look and put my arm across her

I leaned over to whisper in her ear. "You worry too
much, Bee. Maybe I can make you relax." I lightly bit her earlobe. A soft
moan escaped from her lips. I licked the inside of her ear, caressing her

She grabbed my knee.

"You liked my fingers, driving you insane."

"Yes," she whispered.

"Better than any dick that's been inside of you."


"And my tongue, driving you over the edge."

"Mmm." Her whole body seemed to quiver.

I moved my tongue behind her ear and she tilted her head to
the side.

"Are you wet for me, Bee? Ready for my cock to spread
you wide?"

She moaned.

"I'm going to claim every inch of you. You'll never want
anything but my cock inside of you."

Her fingers dug into my skin.

"I'll show you how close the line is between pleasure
and pain. You have no idea what you've been missing all these years." I
bit her earlobe once more and leaned back in my seat.

She looked up at me with pleading eyes.

"We're almost there, Bee." I pointed out the

Bee's jaw dropped as soon as my place came in view.
right, I'll be fucking you with views of Central Park.

"That's where the mysterious Mason Caldwell lives?"
She smiled, but her smile vanished almost as quickly as it had appeared. She
turned away from me and looked out the window.

"Wait till you see inside, Bee."
Wait until you
see what I'm going to do to you inside.

Chapter 18


It felt like my heart sunk in my chest.
. I
knew I had recognized that name. I stared at the towering building as the cab
came to a stop outside.
Why me?

"The wait is over. I'm going to fuck you so hard you
won't be able to walk for days," he whispered in my ear.

I pushed my thighs together. My heart was beating so fast.

He slid over to the side and stepped out of the taxi. He
closed the door and began to walk around the cab.
Mason fucking Caldwell

I pushed the lock down on my door. "West 96th

The driver just looked back at me.

"Go, now."

"Ma'am are you sure..."

"Please! Just go!"

Mason reached for the door handle just as the taxi driver
stepped on the gas. Mason slapped the window with his palm.

"Bee!" he yelled at the top of his lungs.

As soon as the taxi pulled away from the curb, I regretted
it. I was still wet from Mason's naughty words. Was he really as good as he
said he was? I turned around and looked out the back window. Mason was standing
in the middle of the street, staring at the taxi as I drove away.

Chapter 19


My phone was buzzing in my pocket. Marie was calling me. I
let it go to voicemail. I was so mad at her. If I talked to her now, I'd just
say something I regretted. There was already one missed call from Kendra. My
rescue call. I should have taken it. I felt so dirty. Of all the guys in New
York, why had Marie set me up with Mason Caldwell?

The taxi pulled to a stop outside my apartment building. I
paid the driver and stepped onto the sidewalk. I ran into my building, up the
stairs, and into my apartment.

I began to pull my clothes out of my closet and throw them
into a box. Fuck New York. Fuck Mr. Ellington. Fuck Patrick. And fuck Mason
Caldwell. Enough was enough. I had given it my best shot. Now I just needed to
get out of New York. There was nothing left for me here.

When I got to the back of my closet I stopped. My wedding
dress was hanging there. I pulled it out and placed it on top of the box.
Patrick and I were supposed to get married in the fall. The bridal store had
called a few weeks after Patrick and I had split up. The alterations were
already done, and they wouldn't take it back. I should have been married right
now. To the boy that I fell in love with freshman year.

Instead, I was alone in a dingy apartment and I had just
sucked Mason Caldwell's dirty cock. I sat down in front of the box and started
to cry. How could this have happened? Where had I gone wrong?




I slowly opened my eyes. Someone was knocking on my door. I
had fallen asleep on the floor.
My whole body ached. It looked like
I had blown my nose on the train of my wedding dress.
I yawned
and got up.

Whoever was outside my door knocked again. I looked out the
peephole. It was Kendra. She looked really upset.
I never called
her back. She probably thought I had been abducted. I opened up the door.

"Oh my God, you're alive." She threw her arms
around me.

"Hi, Kendra."

"You're alive." Now she sounded mad. She let go of
me and pushed my shoulder. "Do you know how worried I was? I've only
called you a million times! I thought you were dead in a ditch." She
stared at me.

I was still wearing her dress. I looked down. It was wrinkled
and slightly stretched out.

She looked past me at the box of clothes on the floor.
"We'll talk about my dress later. What are you doing?" She gestured
toward the box.

"I'm moving, Kendra. I'm done."

"The date was that bad?"

I sat down on the edge of my bed. I felt my face blush.
"I actually had a really good time. Until I figured out who he was."

"What do you mean?" She sat down next to me.

"It was something that Patrick said to me."

"What? I thought you were done thinking about Patrick?
Please don't revert back just because of one bad date."

"I'm not. I..." I let my voice trail off.
"There's more to the story of Patrick cheating on me. I didn't tell you


I swallowed hard. This was so embarrassing. I hadn't told
anyone that Patrick had cheated on me with more than one woman. I still wasn't
even sure how many other women he had slept with while we were together. And I
really didn't want to know. "When I confronted Patrick, he told me that he
was just doing what was expected of him. That women were like an employee perk
or something."

"That's a pretty lame excuse. Men are disgusting."

 "He used to go to these, like, underground clubs or
something? I don't know. I don't really want to talk about that part. But he
said that it was the boss' son that had taken him to all those sleazy places.
Almost like an introduction to the city or something ridiculous like that.
Patrick said that his boss' son could get you anything you wanted." I
scrunched up my face. "Like any weird sexual fantasy you had, he could
find the person to help make it happen."

"I don't understand why this has anything to do with

"The founder of MAC International is Max Caldwell. I
think Mason is his son."

"Wait, seriously?" Kendra laughed. "That's a
pretty far leap."

"Mason seemed...I don't know. It was him. You should
have heard the way he talked. He said his hobby was fucking women. He was a
tool. And it's his fault that Patrick cheated on me."

"Bee, that's ridiculous. I bet he isn't even Max
Caldwell's son. Caldwell is a common name. And so is Mason." She pulled out
her phone and opened up Google. A few seconds later she frowned. "Okay,
well maybe he does have a son named Mason. Is this him?" She put her phone
in my face.

"Yeah, that's him."

"Wow, he's so sexy. Damn. Why doesn't Marie ever set me
up with anyone?"

"Kendra, he's a dick."

"Well Max Caldwell has another son. Matthew. Maybe he's
the one that helped entertain Max's new hires?" She showed me a picture of
Matthew. He didn't look much like his brother. He was handsome, but in a more
sophisticated way. I couldn't really explain it, but he looked tight-laced. He
didn't look like he frequented underground clubs and had connections with all
sorts of weird loose women.

"No. It's Mason. It's definitely Mason. He talked like
he had sex all the time. And he was...experienced."

"Shit, did you have sex with him?"

"No. Not exactly."

"What does that mean?"

"It doesn't matter. He's a man whore. And I'm

"Come on. Let's go talk to Marie. I'm sure she can clear
this up for you. Besides, if he is Max Caldwell's son, then he's loaded. And
you shouldn't write him off so easily. You could use a few nice things."

"Kendra! Don't be gross. I don't want his money. I don't
want anything to do with a guy like that. He's worse than Patrick."

She looked around my apartment. "Why is it again that
you won't move in with me? We could split the rent and my apartment is a lot
nicer than this."

She had asked me a few times to move in with her. It was
another step that I wasn't quite ready to make. My last good memories of
Patrick were in this apartment. It was like changing my relationship status on
Facebook. It just seemed so final. I didn't want to have a conversation about
moving right now. Besides, if I was moving anywhere, it was back to Wilmington.

"I'm not ready."

"But you're ready to move back to Wilmington? Come on,
let's go. And change out of my dress." She picked up a pair of jeans and
tossed them at me.

Chapter 20


Kendra held down the button on the call box. "Marie,
it's Kendra and Bee!" When no answer came through the speaker system, she
pressed the button again. "You have a lot of explaining to do, Marie! Wake

"I doubt she knew." I said. "She even told me
that Mason and Patrick didn't know each other."

"Still. She set you up with the guy that taught Patrick
how to be a cheating piece of shit. And thought he was a good match for you. If
you ask me, that's pretty fucked up."

Marie was probably asleep. This was ridiculous. All I really
wanted was to be curled up in bed, pretending last night had never happened. I
shook my head.
How will I ever forget his touch?
The way Mason had
possessed me had made me feel so alive, so amped up. I needed to calm down and
get some more sleep.
I need to dream of him
. I shook my head. He was

The door buzzed. Kendra ran over, grabbed the handle, and
held the door open for me. As soon as we stepped onto the elevator, Kendra
crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"You know, I could have set you up with someone,"
she said. "Someone who isn't worse than Patrick."

"Maybe next time."

She sighed as we got off the elevator. We stopped in front of
Marie and Carter's door and Kendra knocked loudly. A second later Marie opened

"Bee, Kendra, what are you guys doing here?" Marie
asked groggily. Her hair was matted on one side and she was wearing a silk
robe. But I was too agitated to care that I had woken her. Seeing her made me
upset all over again.

"You didn't tell me that you were setting me up with
Mason Caldwell!"

"What are you talking about? I did. I told you his name,
Bee. What are you doing here?" Marie repeated and rubbed her eyes.

"Mason Caldwell?! How could you, Marie?" I walked
past her and into her apartment. I sat down on the couch and put my face in my

"Oh my God, he stood you up? Carter! Carter get out of
bed right this instant! I can't believe Mason would do this, Bee. I told him
how important you were to me. Carter promised this wouldn't happen." She
tilted her head toward her bedroom. "Damn it, Carter! Get out of

"No, Marie, that's not it," Kendra said and sat
down next to me.

Carter stumbled out of their bedroom, yawning. "Oh, hey,
Bee. Hey, Kendra. Geez, it's a little early, isn't it?"

"Bee, what happened? What did he do?" Marie said.

"It's not what he did. We actually had an okay
time." I felt myself blushing. This was ridiculous. "He's an asshole,

I heard a buzzing noise and Carter pulled his cell phone out
of his robe pocket. "Geez, I have a ton of missed calls." He put the
phone to his ear. "Hey, man, what's up?" He paused. "Oh, no
need. Bee's actually right here."

I glared at him. Marie started to shake her head back and
forth and wave her arms.

Carter put the phone down and held his hand over the
receiver. "I already told him you were here. Sorry, Bee."

"I don't want to talk to him," I said.

Carter looked over at Marie, but she just glared back at him.
He lifted the phone back up to his ear. "Mason, she doesn't want to talk
to you right now."

"Damn it, Carter! You weren't supposed to tell him
that!" I shrieked.

"What was I supposed to say? You are here, and you don't
want to talk to him. Don't look at me that way, Marie."

"It's fine, I'll talk to him."

Carter walked over and handed me the phone. "I'm going
back to bed."

I looked down at Carter's phone in my hand.

"Were going to give you some privacy," Marie said
and grabbed Kendra's arm. Kendra followed her into the kitchen. It wasn't that
much privacy. The kitchen was open to the family room.

I sighed and put the phone to my ear. "Hello,

"Bee, what the hell?"

"What the hell yourself, Mason."

"Stay where you are. I'm coming to get you."

"Don't you dare."
Who does this guy think he is?

"I do dare."

"Mason, I can't see you again."

"And why not?"

"Because you're Mason Caldwell. Which means that your
father is Max Caldwell."

"What does this have to do with my father?"

I swallowed hard. "My ex-fiancé worked for him."

"Stay where you are."

"Just tell me, Mason. Did you introduce my fiancé to a
bunch of sleazy women?"

"You don't understand. Just let me explain..."

"Go to hell, Mason."

"Bee, if you would..."

"Bridget. Only my friends call me Bee." I hung up
the phone.

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