Claimed: Unchartered Territory (11 page)

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“And our last time together, I believe, proved just how physically compatible we are.”

He didn’t need to remind her of how easily she’d given in to him. She could literally remember the feel of his hands and tongue on her skin. The way he slid in her with strong confident strokes and stretched her body until she could easily accommodate him.

The memory had a highly suggestive effect. Dallas was instantly turned on by the flashback. More than turned on actually. She smothered a groan of unsolicited desire.

“It’s getting rather warm in here, don’t you think?”  She stood abruptly and moved to stand in front of a large window that overlooked an exotic garden. It was just as beautiful as the view from her room but that mattered little to her now. She contented herself with leaning her head against the cool glass when her efforts to find a holopad to open it proved fruitless. The glassy material shimmered beneath her contact.

“Allow me.” Remar offered coming up behind her. 

Dallas jumped when his hand brushed her arm. It was like a low voltage electricity sizzling its way up her arm then blooming throughout.

She groaned unable to hold the sound at bay this time.

What was wrong with her, maybe she’d caught some alien bug and it was affecting her mind as well as her body. Another sound escaped her lips as she was assaulted by the overwhelming male aroma of Remar.

So virile.

Did virility have an actual scent?

The glass of the window, shimmered again then disappeared allowing a breeze to waft into the room. Unfortunately for Dallas it wasn’t much cooler than the ambient temperature inside. And she only seemed to heat up even more as the air caressed her tingling – yes tingling flesh. It was definitely getting hotter.

It didn’t help having Remar stand so close behind her, the heat he exuded only warmed her quicker. Just a few more inches and she would feel the press of his body against hers.

Now why did that sound positively appealing?

“Remar,” she called but it came out more as an unrecognizable whimper. She closed her eyes and breath him in deeply, wetting her lips this time at the manly scent wrapping around her.

“Dallas are you feeling unwell?” He asked the question as he turned her towards him.

She opened her eyes slowly to find him staring down at her with concern.

“I feel great.” What were supposed to be reassuring words sounded a bit on the slurred side to her.

She pressed closer to him. His body heat was like a lure. Dallas didn’t understand what was happening to her but found herself caring less with every passing second.


Remar could feel himself responding to the sensual picture she made just staring up at him with dark luminous eyes. He had thought to take things slow. Before, he’d given in to a primal drive. He wanted things to be different this time, to ease her into their joining bed. But when she rubbed up against him and made a sensual sound deep in her throat he found it hard to keep his focus.

?” he questioned when she pressed her cheek against his chest in a languid caress.

Her behavior now was so different from their last joining. While she’d been a willing participant he’d had to coax her into compliance. At least a little. But now, she was the seductress and his desire for her was so strong it only needed the slightest encouragement to have him complying with her wishes.  

“Touch me,” she begged.

“If this is a game you are playing at I recommend you change your course of action or be willing to accept the consequences.”

“Playing sounds like a lot of fun. Maybe you can teach me some new things. Why don’t we start with a kiss, I really like the way you do it,” she said throatily.

Entranced, Remar complied by dropping his arms and gathering her up closer. He dipped his head towards hers hesitating briefly, and she opened to him eagerly allowing his tongue to dive and swirl in her mouth with carnal deprivation. Her eager response had his shaft stiffening in needy arousal. He sucked her bottom lip briefly before reverting back to their torturous play.

“More,” she mumbled against his mouth allowing her hands to roam up and around his neck.

“Patience, there will be plenty more.” He said while scooping Dallas into the cradle of his arms. He was intent on having her in his
this time.

Remar faltered when she began nibbling on a sensitive section of his neck. “Stop that unless you wish to have this over with quickly,” he growled as he lay her on the bedding.  

Obviously ignoring his warning she pulled him down with her. He heard the sound of tearing fabric as he nestled between her thighs.

Neither cared.

He wanted them to take their time and savor every moment but with Dallas twirling and thrusting her hips beneath him he knew she wasn’t in for a drawn out encounter.

She ground her mons against his cock again making him hard enough to slice through the fabric of his pants.

Remar raised himself on an elbow lifting his weight from her smaller frame.  He stroked her hair trying to regain his own composure. “Take it slow.”

“Tired of waiting.  I ache.  Remar please.” She pulled frantically at the ties that held her top together surprising him with her ability to discard the item.  Her eagerness astounded him but it was the beauty of her settling back on the bed with breasts bared that took his breath away.

They were perfection, full, lush. Unable to hold back any longer he ducked his head to take one dark aureole in his mouth suckling, laving until she arched beneath him, her own breath coming in ragged gasps. Encouraged by her response, he slid one hand down her body. Unable to find the clasp holding the material together he reached for the tear in the slit of her skirt and jerked the delicate material until it split in two. It had looked lovely on her but he preferred to have her completely exposed to him. 

She made a sound of pleasure and guided his hand toward the heat of her nether region. He took the hint and allowed his fingers to seek out the hot warmth at the juncture of her thighs, delving between her intimate lips and stroking her gently. He was not surprised to find evidence of her wet readiness.

“No,” she mewled when he pulled away to make quick work of discarding his own clothes.  He too hated the momentary separation.

, look at me,” he commanded settling on his side next to her. She squirmed closer scratching her nails gently up and down his chest then circling one hardened nipple. He shuddered wondering how she knew just where to touch him. He fought the urge to spread her wide and take what she was offering.

Take what was rightfully his.

Instead he held himself still, waiting until her lust filled eyed gaze locked with his own.

Later, they would take things slow.

“From now onward you will be for me and I for you. No other shall know you as I do.”

Her response was to reach out and stroke the underside of his stiff manroot. 

Was she intentionally trying to drive him mad?
He wondered moving to secure her hands above her head in one of his. She made a sound akin to a purr that vibrated through his body.

“You. Are. Mine,” he declared with a conviction so strong it shook him to his core. If she refused to acknowledge it verbally then he would make sure she understood in the one way she’d begged from him.

He was over her. Pushing her thighs apart with his knees, while reaching beneath her with the other to raise her lower body. He only had to make little effort because she helped by digging her heels into the bedding and lifting her pelvis in invitation.

Remar growled his desire.

In one full lunge he buried himself deep inside her. Dallas’s eyes widened and she moaned as she bucked beneath him pushing him further into her tight warmth. Her enthusiasm only served to spur him on. He needed to give them both the release their bodies craved.

“More,” she crooned aloud what his total being was demanding.

He’d never felt such bliss at being inside a woman before yet as much as he wanted to savor their joining he knew he could not hold out long, he’d wanted her for so long. He realized last night had only been a taste and this was a simple appetizer before the main course.

“Oh god, oh yes, yes, yes,” she cried out as her body quaked and shuddered, but still she pumped beneath him. He matched her frenzied movements with a heightened arousal he’d never experienced before until her.

Next time would be the entire feast and he would take his time exploring every delectable inch of her. Next time, he promised himself as her core clenched around him in rapid successions in the aftermath of her release. There was no way he could resist the combination of her body’s responses. He plunged in her deeply one last time and flooded her womb with his seed.

Once his own jerky responses ceased and the last of his essence flowed into her Remar shifted on to his back taking special care to pull her on top of him.

He wanted her close.

They laid in silence but he was content to feel her singular heart slow from its feverish pace to a gentle thumping. Her head rested just beneath his chin, the curly abundance of her hair tickled his jawline but he enjoyed the feel of it. The god’s had favored him by sending his soul’s companion. It only added to his elation that she possessed a sexual appetite which rivaled his own. He traced a finger up and down her spine in a leisurely motion expecting her to give in to lethargy.

“Stop. Please,” she said weakly.

Surely he hadn’t heard right.

“What?” He frowned.

Instead of answering she made an attempt to move which he quickly thwarted by securing his arms around her waist.

“Please, I-I’m feeling hot, again.”

This time he released her and watched dumbfounded as she shied away from his touch. His
was putting far too much distance between them for his liking. He wanted to pull her back but instead watched as she pushed herself into a sitting position and drew her knees up to her chest. 

Confused, he could only stare at her and wonder what he had done wrong.


Dallas didn’t fare much better as she sat in shock at what she’d allowed to transpire.  No, she hadn’t only allowed things to happen she was the complete instigator of the entire event.  It was as if she’d lost complete control of herself, been a spectator to the sordid incident, yet she couldn’t deny the desire she’d felt nor the pleasure experienced.

Beside her she listened to Remar slip from the bed, watched as he disappeared into an adjoining room before returning in all his naked splendor as if it were a natural state of being. Surely anyone standing below the three story windows would have full view of him.

“I have prepared a bath for us.”

“You can go first,” she mumbled averting her gaze. She hoped he’d leave without putting up a fuss. A little solitude might help her clear her head and work out what had come over her.

“We will bathe together,” he said with a force that should have served as her first warning he wouldn’t budge on the matter.

She yelped when he scooped her up in his arms. Who was she kidding? The man had been aggravating since the moment she’d laid eyes on him why would he stop now?

“Do you have to have your way in everything?” she wailed as he stepped into what she quickly recognized as his bathroom. He carried her over to the large rectangular bath that looked more like a practice pool than something a person would use for cleaning purposes.

He carried her into the foaming warmth without preamble. She was surprised when he turned her loose but didn’t bother to question him, instead she waded to the end furthest from his point of entry and submerged herself until only her neck and head were visible.  All around her the water seemed to heat up.

“This is too warm,” she complained although the thought of giving him full view of her naked body kept her rooted to her position.

“I’ll cool it off for you,” he offered.

“No,” she practically yelled as he moved towards her, or more like the temperature controls she’d unknowingly settled next too.

Remar stared at her peculiarly for several silent moments, no doubt wondering where the vixen of earlier had gone. Well he wasn’t the only one confused by her odd display.  Dallas didn’t pretend to have some school girl modesty. She liked sex and a skilled partner only made the experience better. It was definitely something she’d missed on her ship. Masturbation was enough to quench the sexual urge temporarily but there was no substitute for a strong body and a thick hard dick that could-.

Dallas paused the thought trying to remember why she’d let her mind drift down that particular path. She couldn’t remember nor could she get her mind off the thought

Heat flashed through her accompanied by the gradual build-up of the tingling sensation she’d experienced before. This time she knew it was a precursor for things to come. She tried not to remember his hands and mouth on her body. But the harder she tried the worse things became. It was happening again, building inside of her. At the opposite end of the tub Dallas was acutely aware of Remar’s watchful gaze. Even that was exciting to her.

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