Claimed: Unchartered Territory (14 page)

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“There is?”

The other sector leaders are eager to make your acquaintance. You are… infamous here.”

She smiled at his word choice. “I think you mean famous, but I guess in certain circles infamous would also apply. I can understand why the other leaders would like to meet the alien first hand, no doubt they’re feeling a little slighted for not being a part of all this hoopla.”

“Very astute of you but the choice is yours. It will be no loss for me to decline the meeting.”

She nearly laughed at the sudden outpouring of freedom and choices. It seemed like just yesterday all her desires and wants were being usurped. Wait… it was yesterday.

“Honestly, I’m curious to meet your peers and their families.”

He frowned. “Peers? I do not know this word.”

“It’s like your… equal… someone with the same status.”

“Ah, my
that is where you are wrong. Our sector is envied by all. None of the others rival us. And none of their leaders can compare to me,” the pride oozed through his words.

She stared at him unblinkingly. “I bet you don’t even know the definition of humble, do you?”

He cocked his head at her and gave a look that reminded her of a confused puppy.

It was quite endearing.

“Forget I mentioned it.”

“I would like to discover more about your tour. Was it pleasant?”

“Yes. Thanks for that. There are so many things your engineers and scientist are working on and I just want to be a part of it all,” she answered eagerly.

“I am glad you are excited about the prospects. Although I do hope it is not your intent to work over much?”

Dallas chose her next words carefully remembering he had the power to prevent her from participating at all. “Of course not. I know this is your way of making me… comfortable here so I won’t press my luck, too much.”

He nodded in response and it only irritated her to know how much control he actually wielded over her life. One mood swing and she could be banished to a dungeon or whatever served as a prison on the planet. For several moments they ate in silence. Dallas feigned interest in the platter of morsels but was very aware of his watchful gaze. Didn’t he know how uncomfortable it made someone to be stared at or maybe he just didn’t care.

“We never got to complete our conversation last night. It seemed to me that you have some awareness of the person responsible for drugging you?”

She’d hoped he wouldn’t circle back on the topic. As upset as she was with Rabika she didn’t want to turn her in.

“No, can’t help you there. Yesterday is really just one big blur. For all I know you could have been the one to slip me the mickey,” she ended with a half laugh.

Silence ensued again but with it seemed to emerge an almost palpable tension. The source was clear. Dallas shot a curious glance across the table at Remar.

His stare was chilling.

“Do you believe I would do something like that to you?” The sincerity in his voice was moving. But it was his expression which made her regret her jest.

She opened her mouth to answer but found no words came out as Remar rose to his feet. His lengthy frame stretched far above her. Dallas followed suit, moving around the low setting table.

“I didn’t mean to insinuate that you were
responsible. It was a joke.”

“Comedy which lacks humor is not comical at all.”

“Look, I’m sorry if I offended you.”

His expression didn’t change. “As well you should be. I am not a male who needs to force a woman to bend to me for

She agreed with him there. As much as she would have liked to call foul she’d been a more than willing participant their first time together. Even without Rabika’s “assistance” she doubted he would have needed to force himself on her the second time either.

“Again, I’m sorry if I caused you any… offense.” Dallas gave a mental snort over yet another ironic moment.

His face softened slightly. “Perhaps, I need to study your spheres more to better understand

“If that’s your way of saying you want to know me better, I think it’s a great idea and should be a mutually shared sentiment,” she said jumping at the opportunity to lose the tension.

He smiled, well almost… kinda sorta. At any rate she liked the transformation.

“Are you saying you would like to know me as well, you no longer have objections to being my bond mate?”

“Whoa… let’s not jump to crazy conclusions. I’m just saying maybe I should be more open to learning about you.”

This time there was no mistaking the pearly show of teeth.

An idea came to mind. “Why don’t we try sharing with each other things we like doing for enjoyment, and just to show how fair I am. I’ll even let you go first.”

Her arm was quickly snaked in his firm hold and she stumbled forward at the swift tug towards the bed.

No surprise there. Apparently men were the same no matter the universe. The funny thing was she didn’t care one bit.






Chapter Eleven

It wasn’t exactly the good time she expected for two virile, nubile “newlyweds”, but she was determined to make it a judgment free experience.

A deep rumble of merriment escaped from Remar and it took all of her self-control not to laugh at the scene around her.

is humor,” he commented seeming unable to take his eyes off the life sized holographic images moving around them.

She admitted it was far more advanced than the Extreme Definition hybrid enhancements used for personal viewing back on earth. Still she never imagined herself plopped on an alien world and snuggled up with what amounted to her husband watching vintage

Scoppy Doppy Doo
are quite comical,” he said with joviality she hadn’t believed he was actually capable of showing.

“Yeah, hilarious.” Would he care that the cartoon antics pre-dated the term retro? From the antiquated look of the animation and cheesy one liners she guessed the episode to be from the original series, circa 1970. An era in earth’s history still riding the wave of the 60’s style of free love, rampant illegal drug use and the absence of much needed mirrors apparently.

She chose to keep her mouth close.

Maybe it was Remar’s participatory style of watching that made the program pleasing but by the end of the episode she could honestly say she enjoyed herself.

“There are other viewings should you wish to see more,” he said with unexpected enthusiasm.

“No, why don’t we save that good time for later. Ever heard of the concept of too much of a good thing?”

His responding furrowed brows suggested he hadn’t.

“Out of curiosity, exactly how many
are there?” she asked.

“Twenty, I have long given up hope that others would come through the aberration.”

His genuine disappointment was magnetic.

She shifted to look up at him as the holograms faded into oblivion.

“They stopped making the program over a century ago.”

“Surely, there are other
and their animal companions from whom they can make more anecdotal shows?”

She certainly hoped not.

“I have to say I’m a little surprised by your choice in activity.”

A look of disappointment crossed his features. “You did not enjoy the way we have spent our time?”

“It was nice,” she rushed. “Just unexpected.”

“And what were you expecting?” He pinned her with a curious gaze.

She shrugged, not sure how to honestly answer.

“Perhaps you were thinking of something more suited for our location?” he provided.

Her muffled ‘maybe’ barely made it from her lips before Dallas found herself being pulled across his lap.

“You know that wasn’t an invitation, right?” she asked weakly.



His hold on her loosened. “Then you are free to go.”

“Just like that?” The question tumbled out too quick for her to catch it.

“Aye, if that is what you want.”

Was it what she wanted?

Hadn’t she committed to making the best of her situation on Chezar? And wasn’t Remar now a large part of her current situation? It didn’t hurt that in spite of how things began for them she did find him very attractive…and the sex wasn’t too bad either. Okay, who was she kidding it was scorching whether between the sheets…against the wall…or… The point was she was pretty sure his talents extended to any venue which presented itself and she wasn’t opposed to finding out just how many there were. Besides could a man with such a childlike fondness for
really be all that bad?

Still, she mumbled a half-hearted, “I guess.”

“Perhaps, I should wait until you are less uncertain?”

Her attempt to suppress the smirk that came after his comment failed miserably.

“Exactly how long are you prepared to wait?”

“Until the end of worlds if necessary.”


Apparently her heart wasn’t immune to his sweet talking because it fluttered rapidly at his response.

“Yet I know that it will not take long,” he added with confident arrogance.

All the reasons she should slide off his lap and pretend not to want what he was so obviously offering faded. The problem was she
want him, at least sexually, even without the added push of the drug.

Dallas found herself staring at Remar for long moments as if seeing him for the first time. He was so different from any man she’d ever been with in the past, in every way. Yes, she would probably always be aware of their physical differences but beyond them he was a man, pure and simple, with a desire… a very prominent desire for her. And for some reason, she couldn’t quite place her finger on, she felt an uncanny pull towards him too.

“Until the end of the universe seems like a mighty long time to wait,” she said playfully.

He nodded his agreement. “It does.”

“It would be cruel to deny ourselves for so long,” she continued.

“It would.”

“Unless of course there are other alternatives. I’ve heard some women on Chezar have multiple partners at their disposal.”

She felt his instant tension.

“That will
be an option, for either of us.”

Satisfaction warmed her to know any abstinence would be mutually endured.

Dallas shifted in his lap and allowed her hands to snake up around his neck.

“Well if you’re my only option…”

“I am,” his voice thickened as she straddled his waist and settled herself strategically over the huge bulge nestled in the apex of his thighs.

“I guess we should just make the best of our bonding then,” her own voice hitched at the contact belying the bored tone she initially attempted.

“Perhaps we should aim for better.”

“I… think I like your suggestion,” she said undulating against his prominent erection. “In fact I think I should show you exactly how much I like it.”

His large hands settled on her hips, moving with the slow fluidity of her gyrations.

Their breaths mingled from the closeness. So intimate and definitely the hottest thing she’d ever experienced.

“As much as I like what we’re doing, I think we’d enjoy this so much more if we get rid of these barriers.”

“A very wise choice indeed,” he said setting her aside easily to push out of his clothes.”

Dallas didn’t waste time simply enjoying the view, a few tugs and a couple of pushes had her removing her own garments with equal zeal.

She positioned herself on the bed. Seeing him nude only excited her more. How was that possible, sure she had always been appreciative of a well-kept male physic, but her reaction to him was so carnal. Just the sight of him and she was creaming herself.

“What?” she asked a little too throatily when he sat back on his haunches watching her.

“Don’t move,”

His words held her in place when she attempted to sit up.

Not feeling the least bit uncomfortable she reclined, arching her back slightly, and enjoying the way his gaze leisurely roamed up and down her body.

Silently he crawled up the bed, and between her legs, his lusty eyed stare locking with hers. She opened wider to accommodate his larger form.

He growled his approval, before kissing her inner thighs.

Excited tingles shimmied their way through her.

She swallowed hard in anxious anticipation of what was to come.

Apparently, his lips weren’t enough and his tongue joined in the quest, lapping at her flesh while trailing a path to her core.

He pushed her legs further apart then used his fingers to spread her nether lips for him.

She could feel his hot breath on her.



One last look was given to her before his attention completely refocused.

The first stroke of his tongue had her toes digging into the soft coverlet, the second left her moaning.

He went from teasing swipes to ravenous pleasure giver.

Strokes, turned to sucks then back to strokes again.

He pressed harder against her nub which had swollen into a pleasure center from his devoted efforts.

The urge to come was too strong. She fisted a hand full of his pale hair between her fingers while the other pressed into the wall above her head.

“Oh yesss, yesss,” she crooned at the pleasure searing a white hot path through her nerves.

So close.

She pumped her hips for more of everything he was giving.

“Not yet,” he said pulling away and leaving her teetering on the edge of an orgasm with such promise she was speechless, a frustrated tear escaped from one eye and Dallas was torn between trying to hold him in place or pushing him onto the floor for denying her. His earlier quest began again ending with him nestled between her thighs his hard cock stretched long and heavy resting on her pubis.

Remar leaned forward placing an elbow on either side of her head to take her lips in a kiss that showed little self-restraint. She could taste the tanginess of her sex on him which only served as a reminder of what he’d just done. So distracted was she by the force of their mouth play Dallas gasped when she felt him slide in her thick and hot, without warning.

Her pussy was wet and inviting allowing him to stretch her with little difficulty. She throbbed around him with need, her already sensitized body ready for release.

Dallas slid her hands up to Remar’s shoulders and thrust upward to lodge him fully inside her.

It was his turn to gasp, he responded by withdrawing slightly and pushing back into her. Dallas had experienced him as a demanding, gentle, and considerate lover but she had to admit in that moment she fully enjoyed the forceful way he plunged into her heat.

She met his pounding thrust with her own greedy need for release.

“Frack, I’m gonna come,” she screamed seconds before the tidal wave of her released slammed into her body.

Remar continued to push into her but it wasn’t long before he moaned through his own climax while his body jack hammered into hers before going completely still above her.

As was his habit Remar rolled onto his back but pulled her onto his chest.

For long moments Dallas listened to the tandem rhythm of his twin heart beats.


“Hmm?” she could only mumble.

“I enjoy it when you… come.”

She giggled. “Me too.”

“Good, because I am ready to make you come again.”

She raised her head enough to look him in the eye. The passion in his eyes illustrated the truth of his words.

“Do you see me trying to stop you?”

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