Clarity (The Admiral's Elite Book 3) (13 page)

BOOK: Clarity (The Admiral's Elite Book 3)
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“We have a problem.”


Everyone at the table went wired.


“There are few who know exactly what we are or what it is we do for our kind, and theirs for that matter. Of those select few, most of those see us as an essential service and fund us accordingly.” Pausing, he let everyone absorb that uncontested fact. “However, there have been some personnel shakeups and, as an unforeseen complication, our budget has caught the attention of some uninitiated oversight members.”


“So initiate them.” Ryan shrugged.


Black eyed him patiently. “That was our initial response. Contain an
, if you will.” He made eye contact with Michael over the long expanse of the dark table. No one present missed it, nor did they miss the grim set of either man’s features. “It went a bit unexpectedly, you could say.”


The notion of Admiral Black sitting down and explaining anything to a normal human being, even a member of Congress, was ludicrous.


“Unexpectedly?” Gabrielle leaned in, her eyes searching the men’s faces. “What do you mean unexpectedly? Are we catching heat?”


“Afghanistan. Those wer
guns. Were they our guys?” Ryan’s quiet words raised the hairs on the back of Becca’s neck.


All eyes turned to Black. Becca held her breath, all of them praying they hadn’t killed any of their own in the raid.


Admiral Black’s lips were pressed together. Only the thinnest of white needles protruded from his tight upper lip, the glow of the overhead light shone on his obsidian eyes. The only sound to be heard was the hum coming from the computers. No one breathed. “The shooter on the hill was holding you for reinforcements. Ours.”


“Jesus Christ,” Ryan muttered, only partially relieved to have narrowly avoided a friendly fire incident.


“Shit,” Gabrielle leaned back in her chair.


Kenneth giggled.


Panic rising at the clear insanity beside her and ominous feeling emanating from her team, Becca had eyes only for Michael. His gaze met hers looking oddly relieved. This was what he’d been forced to keep from her. This and the return from exile of the mad hatter tittering beside her. Becca found herself smiling weakly at him.


Giving her a tight smile in return, Michael stood. “Obviously facing our own troops is more than troubling, it’s also a waste of energy and lives on both sides. What we’re dealing with is at least one politician looking to win votes by cutting budgets. In his defense, the one we spoke to was unaware of us specifically; he is targeting any and all covert operations he sees as unnecessary. Our efforts to educate him on our validity had less than optimal results.”


Kenneth snickered. “You scared the shit out of the old guy, didn’t you?” Michael’s silence confirmed his assumption. “Then, when you brain wiped him, you figured you couldn’t risk doing it again without leaving him a complete window licker.”


“We did do it again.” All heads turned to Black. “We tried to make our point, then had to erase his memory three separate times. We don’t dare do it again without risking lasting effects.”


Kenneth guffawed. “It’s not like anyone would notice another idiot on Capitol Hill.”


“They would when that idiot was a former Rhodes Scholar, the chair of the Senate subcommittee on budget reform, and a regular visitor to our troops abroad.”


Becca didn’t spend a lot of time watching the news outlets but even she knew who they were talking about. “Senator Chris Reese is the one you freaked out? Then wiped?”


Michael nodded and Ryan groaned.

“That guy’s squeaky clean.” The big wolf rubbed his hands over his face. “He’s all about family and God and our soldiers. We don’t have anything to hold over him, do we? Shit, should we?”


Black let the table murmur for another moment before calling them back. “His mind will not allow him to believe in our existence without declaring a holy war. He believes we are demons and our presence marks the end of days. Therefore, we cannot allow him to know what we truly are. However, we must have our funding in order to operat
we must rid ourselves of the burden of any further internal policing that draws the focus of the NSA and CIA to our operations.” He let his eyes wander to Becca and Kenneth. “Which brings us to the two of you.”


Finally getting why Becca was on board, Kenneth squeaked. “You replaced me with a human?” He sounded genuinely hurt. And pissed. “


Yep, definitely pissed. Becca turned to see his fangs had descended and his eyes bled to black. The angry vampire was leaning into her space looking way bigger, and vastly more frightening than he had an hour ago. The minor menace in the wakeup visit was nothing to the serious animosity rippling off the vampire at that moment, a bite away from ending her life. Becca knew she would be no match, less even than a month ago when Michael’s blood still offered her enhanced strength and speed. Now she had her sight and that was it. And all that little warning system was giving her was a major case of cramps and occasional increasing blindness.


“Stand down, Williams.” A firm
cold voice commanded. When Michael received no immediate response, his tone went frigid. “Stand. Down. Now.”


Kenneth snarled and looked like he was going to push the issue. Something Becca knew Michael couldn’t handle. Not in the condition he was after last night, and she had no idea what state that arm of his was in. She calculated how long it would take her to get to the weapons supply on the far wall.




All faces turned to their leader. The look on his face was enough to make Becca wet herself were it directed her way. Thank God it wasn’t.


“In case you have forgotten how this unit is run, let me remind you. I am your Commanding Officer. Michael is my second, an
superior. Michael speaks for me. Never do you question a direct command from either one of us.”


The mad or incredibly stupid Kenneth opened his mouth to argue.


do you question one of us,” the admiral restated in the same clear, calm voice. “Is that clear? Or would you like to have a discussion in private so that I might further clarify the meaning of chain of command for you?”


Kenneth’s deliberate head shake seemed to satisfy the admiral, the nasty little vampire was backing down. For now. Becca didn’t breathe any easier. She wondered if she could swipe one of those little whatchacalit weapons that popped out a big ass silver needle at the push of a button from lockup and sleep with it under her pillow. She’d never gotten to use one, but there was always at least one in her bag on each mission. That sort of thing was one hundred percent lethal to a vampire, no matter how much bigger and stronger they were.

“As I was saying, we are currently moving on to another plan of attack given our initial efforts’ failure.” Admiral Black let his dark stare shift from Kenneth to Becca, as if he was speaking only to the two of them. “Both of you were recruited because of your sight. Although visions of possible future outcomes are helpful, they are not our primary requirements from you on this occasion.” He paused, though it was without need. No one was going to interrupt; they were all waiting silently to hear what was expected of the two witches. “Kenneth, when you turned, your nature altered your sight so that you could hear a man’s thoughts in that moment with only a touch.”


Becca tried to catch a glimpse of Michael out of the corner of her eye but couldn’t. When she turned her head, Black caught it and raised his voice minutely, speaking her name as a summons.


“Rebecca, your witch’s nature allows for you to enter another’s mind, see through their eyes. Thus far it’s been limited, but should you succeed in expanding your hosts, we have far greater use for you. Either one of you is the perfect spy.” Black eyes pinned her to her seat. “Provided your talents can be used on command.”


His threat was clear. Only Michael knew she could not only jump into one mind, but into two at once. Michael had kept it from him by not thinking about it. In that moment she knew what she must do. Michael would be furious. She couldn’t think about that. The alternative was nothing but pain and possibly death for him. It wasn’t a choice anymore. It wasn’t enough that he’d asked her to deny it when Black insisted she learn to jump into any head. It was time to end the wait.


Becca kept her expression mildly interested, giving nothing away. Again, she thought she saw a hint of a friendly smile in the admiral’s ghostly face. Did he know? Did he know and was pitting more than just Kenneth and her against each other? This time, she had no trouble keeping the lid on her temper. There was too much happening she didn’t understand.


“We will meet with a senator who is a staunch ally. He was formerly a colonel and still has high level clearance, which will allow you access to those we need to bring into the fold.” He let his gaze take in all five parties in a long, slow sweep. “Is everyone clear on our mission?”


“Sir,” was the answer from five mouths.


“Excellent. Wheels up at nineteen hundred. Any information on members of the committee including those of special interest will be available on the plane. Everyone has a weakness. Find theirs. I will determine what to do with Senator Reese.”





















Chapter 10


The last to rise, Becca forced her body up from her chair. All but Michael were already halfway to the stairs. Feet stopped. Michael, a few feet behind the rest, lagging for her, froze.

“Sir, can I have a word?”

“Of course, Rebecca,” Black didn’t look surprised at her request.

Becca cleared her throat. “In private.”


No comment, Black moved toward the door to his office. Avoiding the glare she could feel coming from Michael and the curious silence of the others, she followed in their leader’s wake.


“Don’t.” The whisper was so faint it could have been imagined.


Aside from a stutter in her step, Becca effectively hid what his request did to her. Only she could know how it tore her apart knowing she would betray him, make his sacrifices for nothing. The image of him blood covered and unconscious in the parking lot flashed through her mind
I’m doing this for you
Becca entered the dark office.




“Close the door.” The quiet command came from the area of his desk. At least that was her guess, her eyes had yet to adjust. Hands shaking, she did as she was told, though her flight instinct beat on her to whip open and get the hell out of there.


“You requested this meeting, Rebecca. I would assume you have something to share.”

Straightening her spine, she turned and took two strides in to stand in front of the desk. A large desk she already knew was there, she could make out the shape and creamy complexion hovering behind it. From the height she knew he was sitting. “Sir, the request you made regarding my ability.” She cleared her throat again, afraid what he’d do when he learned of her duplicity
Michael has taken a lot more for me
She threw back her shoulders. “I’ve been successful. I can do it.”


Her announcement was met with silence. Nervous, she shifted her feet. “Um, I’ve been able to jump into more than just Captain Rossi.”


“When did you make this discovery, Rebecca?” His response was quiet. Too quiet. Where was the interest? The surprise?


He knew. All along he’s known
The increase in her heart rate was impossible to stop. “Sir?”


“I would assume this breakthrough has some source, some specific occurrence when you discovered you were able to jump into a mind other than Michael’s.” There was a sound, fabric rustling as he shifted.


Please don’t get up
“It’s been a progression, Sir.”


“A progression?” His tone almost sounded amused. That was good. Amused wasn’t pissed.


“Yes, Sir. I’ve been making progress but recently I was able to do it and stay for several minutes. The jump was just like it is when it’s Captain Rossi, just as solid.” The conversation was best turned away from anything more specific. Becca wasn’t a great liar and Black, like the predator he was, could tell if she was hiding something. “I’ll be able to do whatever you need me to in Washington.”


“That is good to hear, Rebecca.” Black sounded genuinely pleased.


Sighing in relief, Becca felt the danger passing. Black was probably contented with the fact that she’d become a better tool for him to use. Her next hope was that Michael would be as happy that she’d declared herself useful. After he was over being mad for her breaking his silence.


“Is that all, Rebecca?”


“Yes, Sir.” Turning to leave, she reached for the door handle.


Fabric rustled again and a whoosh of air moved her ponytail off her neck. She shivered.


“One more thing, Rebecca.” His voice was in her ear.


Squeaking before she could stop herself, she clamped her lips shut and willed her pulse to slow.


“What type of creature were you able to ‘jump’ into? I would like to know.”


“What type? I’ve, uh, been working with humans and the werewolves, Sir.”


“And this serendipitous occurrence, would it have anything to do with Michael betraying my trust?”


“Sir?” The back of her throat tightened, bile creeping up.

A long fingered, freezing cold hand clamped her throat, his other spun her shoulder and threw her back against the door with a resounding thud. Pinned against the door, her toes stretched for the ground, barely able to touch. The pale, glowing fangs were inches from her face, transfixing her. She couldn’t let her eyes move to his or she’d be unable to keep anything from him.


“Did you honestly believe I would miss the timing of this special announcement? Do you think I have failed to notice the way Michael avoids the subject of your progress,” he lowered his voice, “no matter what pain he suffered?”


Tears pricked her eyes. She tried to swallow, to speak, but the bony appendage wrapped around her fragile flesh wouldn’t allow it
A tear escaped, running down her cheek.


“Sir.” Michael’s muffled voice came through the door.


“You may not agree with my methods, however, they have proven effective in the past. Michael is different; special to me. Because of that, I have made certain allowances. You being one of them.” A minor movement and she lost contact with the floor, instantly cutting off what little air she’d been able to suck in. Instinct took over and her feet sought purchase on the door, pushing against his hand to bring some relief.


“Is there a problem, Sir?” Michael’s apprehension was impossible to hide.


“I need information. You have a choice. Either you tell me what creature you jumped into and when or I will ask Michael again. This time,” Leaning in, he nearly touched her nose with his. Those eyes burned through her and Becca smelled death. His influence rolled through her and she felt her will crumble. “I won’t accept anything but the truth. No matter what I have to do to get it.”


Spots danced behind her eyes from lack of oxygen, not her sight. Or maybe it was both, control over that part of herself was fading with her consciousness and his pull.


A bang on the door behind her. Becca pictured Michael trying to come in
Black will kill him
A pained cry confirmed Black would not let him come. More tears spilled over. “Please.” She mouthed the one word, praying he would hear.


Feet returned to the floor and air rushed back into her burning lungs. Black’s hand remained fitted to her throat, reminding her she lived at his discretion. Another sound, a moan mixed with a growl
We all do.


“Please what, Rebecca?” At least he didn’t gloat, his question was posed as plain as if they were back in the war room. “Do you wish to tell me what I need to know?”


Uncertain her ability to speak, she nodded.


“I am not a patient master.” The prompt was combined with a minor tightening of his fingers. A reminder.


Swallowing, she spoke in a broken whisper. “A demon.” She closed her eyes. “In Wisconsin.”


When he didn’t respond right away, Becca forced her eyes open. And regretted it. White skin pulled parchment thin across his prominent bones lent him a skeletal appearance. The ever prominent fangs grew to below his chin. The admiral under normal circumstances was scary; angry at her, he was like facing a wild animal. Equally unpredictable. This time, as their eyes met, he used his influence to dig into her mind. She felt him sift through her thoughts, not making any efforts to be gentle; it felt like he was combing through her brain with a rake. There was no stopping the hoarse groan that rattled through her clenched teeth. Her insides were equal parts rolling and burning
I’m going to die right here.


Michael banged on the door again, she heard his snarl through the thick wood. At least Black was no longer tormenting him.


The twirling of her guts like flaming spaghetti stopped. Panting, Becca focused on the deadly creature in front of her.


“You have threatened the stability of a unit I took great care to assemble. You can be replaced, do not assume greater importance than is warranted.”


Becca could only nod, waiting for him to squeeze that hand and end her. Her actions certainly justified it. Afraid for what missions he might send her on, what he would expose her to they’d hid her increased ability. It was stupid. And selfish. If she lived she vowed never to do it again.


Another bang on the door. Harder. The wood moved behind her.


Black blinked.


Her body trembled as pure animal fear took over.


“You will not interfere with my command again. Do you understand?” He didn’t wait for her to answer, acceptance was assumed. “Any changes to your abilities will be reported directly to me, they will not go through Michael. You serve me, is that understood?”


This time he waited so she nodded, offering a faint, “Yes, Sir.”




The hand at her throat disappeared and another rush of air marked his movement as he returned to his desk.


Becca clutched at her swollen neck.




Resisting the urge to tear open the door and run from the room, Becca’s shaking hand twisted the knob and she came face to face with a haunted Michael. Fresh blood marked his upper and lower lips, his shirt bathed in it. She knew he tried to get to her, but seeing the evidence of what he’d endured sickened her. Opening her mouth, she tried to speak.


“Don’t.” He reached for her hand and, taking a very firm hold, they strode rapidly from the monster’s den.




Reaching the stairs Becca faltered, physically and emotionally at her end. Without pause, Michael twisted his upper body, wrapped an arm under her legs, the other around her back and swept her up into an embrace. Relying solely upon his power, they took the stairs two at a time and were in the kitchen only long enough for a quick raid and locked themselves in the relative safety of his room. Only when the door was closed and she was sitting down bed, Michael kneeling between her knees, did she feel she could finally breathe.

“I thought he was going to kill you.” Tears choked her words, snot clogged her throat; she knew she looked terrible, was crossing into hysteria. It didn’t matter. She couldn’t stop. “I thought he was going to kill me.”


“Shh, my love, I know.” He dug in the pile he’d thrown on the bed next to her. “Try not to talk, your throat’s bruised.” Producing an ice pack, he wrapped it in her pajama shirt at the foot of the bed and pressed it against her swelling throat.


“What about you?” she croaked. “Can’t we have a night with no blood? One night with no more blood.” Focused on the drying blood on his lip, she rubbed at it. The need to be rid of the physical evidence of admiral’s presence in the room, between them, the lines blurred. Cleanliness turned to obsession as she scrubbed. “No more blood, please, no more blood,” her muttered mantra.


“It’s off,” Michael spoke softly, his hands covering hers. Stilling them. “There’s no more, Becca.”


Tears clouded her eyes as she looked up from his raw face. “There’s always going to be blood, Michael. Until one of us dies there’s always going to be blood.”














Chapter 11


“What the fuck is he thinking? A human, he replaced me with

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