Clarity (The Admiral's Elite Book 3) (15 page)

BOOK: Clarity (The Admiral's Elite Book 3)
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“Shit,” she whispered as the first tear fell.

































Chapter 12


“Are you sure you’re okay?”


“I told you, I’m fine.” Michael forced a tight smile. She meant well but Becca’s paranoia that Black had caused permanent damage was getting on his nerves. It didn’t help that the skull fractures left a banging headache in their wake. Draining five bags before takeoff in addition to the four that morning had him mostly healed, but the pressurizing of the cabin as they reached altitude sure didn’t feel great on freshly knit bones. Rolling his shoulder, he tested the arm Black had been kind enough to break. No residual pain. Great. At least he wasn’t physically handicapped anymore. Though the message remained, much as the human president could say to any of his minions: “You serve at my pleasure.” And that’s all Michael or any of his team were to the admiral. Minions.


Feeling the tension emanating from the woman beside him, he reached out and took her hand. Squeezing, he offered a small smile and watched her return it, catching the thinning of her lips before she twisted to look out the window at the pinking clouds below them.


A few rows up, Ryan slouched, elbow on the armrest, head in hand, long legs stretched out in front of him. Kenneth insisted on taking the farthest seat away in the back, keeping eyes on everyone. Real trusting.


At least Gabrielle could get away. Piloting their aircraft not only kept her mind occupied, it allowed her physical distance from the rest of their team.


That wasn’t a half bad idea.


“Hey, any of you look at your briefs yet?”


Becca shook her head.


Twisting in his seat, Ryan gave him a look.


Kenneth’s lips twisted in a half sneer.


“Didn’t think so.” He nabbed his from the bag he kept at his seat complete with music, headphones, phone; the usual. “This isn’t a typical op, it’s political,” he spoke to the sour look Ryan aimed his way. “And we’re on their home turf. This could go a hundred different ways of wrong and we have to know all the players by sight and how they vote. Alliances are no different on The Hill than they are anywhere else. They’re all looking for an angle. We can’t seem to go straight at this guy like we usually do, so we have to find another way.”


“We could kill him.” Kenneth suggested with a straight face.


Michael shook his head. “Not a good idea. He’s got a lot of support. We could take him out but there are at least three more on his committee ready to step into his spot and four deaths in the same committee is asking for an investigation.”


Horrified, Becca gasped and leaned back, turning her torso and facing him straight on. “Are you seriously telling me you’ve considered murdering US citizens? Elected officials? That’s political assassination. We don’t do that. Do we?”


Kenneth made a rude noise.


Ryan continued to look stony.

Michael let his features soften. “No, we don’t.” He ignored Kenneth’s muttering. “W
,” he emphasized for Kenneth’s benefit. “Kill American citizens. Our sole goal is to protect them. We are still soldiers. We did, at one point, take an oath to protect this country and that includes the people in it.”


“Thanks for the reminder, Captain America,” Ryan stood to face the others, leaning a big shoulder against one of the overhead bins, head nearly scraping the ceiling. “But I’m at a bit of a loss here. Why is Black sending all of us in on this one? Seems like he just needs the witch portion of the team and maybe you to write the report.”


Ryan’s unusually biting sarcasm was worrisome. Something to keep an eye on.


“Black wants us all in on this because we all have something to offer here, not just Becca and Kenneth.” He let the weight of his stare rest on Ryan. They were friends, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t still to be obeyed whether in a war fought with bullets or one fueled by words and votes.


“But if you can’t manipulate Reese’s mind, then what good are our,” Becca’s finger waved between herself and where Kenneth sat glaring, “abilities? Even if we hear something, we can’t scare them into backing off or voting differently. We can’t stop them from persecuting us. We certainly can’t come straight at them, you’ve proved that. Black wants us to listen in regardless, so what’s he not telling us?” Her eyes drifted to his torso, seeing the scars she knew Black had given him. “What’s really at play here?”


Ryan straightened, crossing his arms. Curiosity pushed out the bitterness that had pinched his features. “Yeah, Mike, what are we walking into here? It doesn’t feel like we’re getting the whole story.”


Gabrielle’s profile came into view as she turned an ear to their conversation.


Kenneth continued to glower, arms crossed like a spoiled child.


Michael wished he could throw him off the plane. It might not kill him but it would hurt like hell and it would make Michael feel better.


“Is it not enough that we’re facing a committee intent upon shutting us down as ‘unnecessary research and development’? If they cut our funds we won’t be able to have these fancy planes and special weapons that let us go to all corners of the world and maintain the precarious peace our kind honors while keeping humans in the dark. If that’s not enough of a reason to call all hands on deck, then I don’t know what is.

And I wouldn’t tell you if the bastard would let me. Some things are better left unknown.


Becca nodded, but her eyes said she wasn’t buying it.


Ryan gave a slow nod, leaning back against the overhead.


Gabrielle’s profile disappeared and he saw only the back of her head again.


Kenneth gave a weird little laugh. Michael’s skin prickled in a vampire’s version of a shudder. Was Black certain the creep could only read thoughts if he was touching someone? Another eerie titter from the back row.

Seeing as he had everyone on the same page and mostly back to somewhat normal, Michael opened his file.


“Take a look at these particular individuals, they’re closest to Senator Reese and tend to vote with him.”




They checked into their hotel, taking three rooms at the far end of the top floor. Ryan was first off the elevator, shifting his black duffel on one shoulder and striding out fast. His door clicked shut, deadbolt swinging into place with a loud clang just as the other four reached their rooms.


“If you need anything, Gabs, let me know.” Michael stopped and faced her as she and Kenneth prepared to enter their room. He didn’t question Black’s “request” that Kenneth not be alone. Ever. It just was a bad deal for Gabrielle that she had to room with the wild card. Michael’s cohabitation with Becca was partly due to their relationship status and also to keep an eye on her, and, to make sure she didn’t faint and hit her head or something in her weakened state. The vampire inside him chafed at the thought of losing her. On this rare occasion the man agreed with the monster. He wished there was more he could do for her
But there is
Quickly, he let song lyrics run through his mind. No need for that to get back to Black.


“Thanks, Michael.” Gabrielle offered him a tight smile, though none of her usual attitude. Hopefully she wasn’t feeling the strain of the added responsibility as Kenneth’s keeper. The factors pointing toward this whole thing going bad were starting to pile up. Michael considered advising the admira
that this was “ill advised.” More accurately defined as a shit show.

“No problem, Gabs.” Drifting from hers, he let his blue eyes find Kenneth’s pale greens and reiterated Black’s directive he’d introduced on the plane. The asshole had been busy pouting so Michael wanted to make doubly sure he heard. “Lay low. We’re settling in tonight then we meet our man in the morning. He knows me and the rest of you are former military contractors. You’re not going to have to do more than listen for now. Okay? We’re going to get the lay of the land, see what’s changed and where they’re all at, then we pick a few people and start listening in. Maybe we luck out and find a weak link or a chink in Reese’s armor and we have our in.” He raised an eyebrow. “Don’t give Gabs a hard time and don’t be a pain in the ass.” Leaning back, he caught Gabrielle’s eye. “Be ready to roll at oh-nine hundred.”


She gave a nod and turned to open their door. There was a click and she swung it open.


Kenneth lifted his chin, lips twisted in a sneer. “You plan on feeding me or is it more of this McBlood you have in these coolers for me?”


In a heartbeat Michael had a hand to Kenneth’s chest and had pushed him inside the room and shoved him backward. The smaller vampire rushed to keep his feet under him.


One foot wrapped around the back of Kenneth’s heel and down he went, Kenneth landing with a grunt and Michael doing nothing to stop it.


“You trying to fuck me, Rossi?” Kenneth spat in Michael’s face as he leaned over him.


“Only person fucking you is you, asshole,” Michael hissed. “Keep in mind who holds your leash, Williams. If you get out of line, I’ll be forced to put you down like I would any rabid dog.”


“Who hold
leash, Captain?” Green eyes flicking to the space over his shoulder, Kenneth’s snarl turned to a twisted grin. “Or are you more concerned about who holds your balls?” He gave an air kiss over Michael’s shoulder where the vampire could smell his mate, her scent mixed with Gabrielle’s behind him. “I might let her hold mine while I suck her dry.” The tip of his pink tongue barely got out to swipe suggestively across his lip before Michael’s fist smashed into it. The sound of cartilage shifting followed by a high pitched wail broke him from his rage. Kenneth’s pained cry turned into broken laughter. Hands dropping, fangs flashing, the vampire licked at the stream of blood flowing from his freshly broken nose. Hysterical laughter erupted, shaking the smaller man’s shoulders. A sharp pain shot through Michael’s brain as the admiral warned him to control himself.


In a flash, he was off and standing by the foot of the far bed, looking around the room and taking in the scene around him. He’d been so focused on Kenneth’s taunts he was oblivious to the rest of his team.


Ryan must have heard the commotion or smelled the blood; he stood beside Gabrielle, arms crossed looking supremely annoyed.


Gabs had her arms around Becca, struggling to get to him. From what he could see, it didn’t look like Gabrielle had to try very hard. Becca looked pale. Kenneth’s threatening to harm his mate snapped his last nerve.


He reminded himself. He might not want to have to train a new second in command, but Black would not hesitate to take him out should he prove unstable. And if he went down, that would sign Becca’s death warrant.

His vampire howled in frustration but Michael straightened his shirt and addressed the team. “Oh nine hundred. No one leaves their rooms before then.” He spun on his heel and walked to the door. “Becca,” he barked, and walked out of the room.


Michael was still struggling with himself when he heard the door click and soft footsteps behind him.


“I get that you’re dealing with a lot and you can’t tell me much.”


“Becca.” He turned to see her standing, hip cocked, arms crossed. Universal picture of pissed off female. Michael raised his hands in supplication.


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