Clash Of Worlds (12 page)

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Authors: Philip Mcclennan

BOOK: Clash Of Worlds
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“Never leave an enemies stronghold intact right? The professor has said as much in his lessons,” Chad replied.

“That’s only when ordered to do so by your superior, not something to take upon yourself”, said Professor Milton, who had remained silent up until now.

“I’m clearly the best fighter you have here, you know it as well as I do!” Chad snorted back.

The sergeant lost his temper at Chad’s big headedness. “Your arrogance is your downfall. You are reckless and foolish, needless to say, you haven’t got what it takes to join our organisation.”

Chad stormed out of the room past Rick, Rachel and Jade, who were standing outside. Sergeant Cooper and Professor Milton remained inside. They discussed in depth about what to do with Chad. The Professor tried to get Sergeant Cooper to change his mind about failing Chad on the exam. The truth was the sergeant had no intention of failing him, he simply wished to see how he would react to criticism in order to test his temperament. Both he and Professor Milton had talked at length about both Chad and James. They had talked about their amazing fighting skills, stamina and speed amongst other things. The professor had also told Sergeant Cooper about Chad’s short temper and unwillingness to follow instructions. The sergeant wanted to see the boys temper first hand and the way to bring it out was to relentlessly criticize him.

The sergeant was pleased with Chad’s performance, although he did feel his actions were a little rash, especially blowing up the tower. His action’s destroyed any possibility of them sending more agents back to fully investigate the tower. However, he didn’t dwell on this too much for Chad and James’ actions had led to them gaining possession of the mysterious dagger that the trainee’s had taken from the tower. Although they had no idea of the dagger’s true potential, they were conducting tests on it at the organisation’s headquarters.

Sergeant Cooper eventually revealed to Chad and the other members of his squad that all of them had passed the exam. Chad passed by the skin of his teeth due to his rash actions, but his rescue of the full members had convinced him that Chad had potential. In fact, he and the Professor had big plans for Chad and for James too.

So with the exam results now known, everyone on the camp prepared for the graduation party. A huge ceremony was to be held that night for the students who had become full members of the government’s secret force. It was similar to that of a university graduation party. It was being held in a huge dining facility on the training camp and the whole room had been turned into a large dance floor. Everyone prepared for the party. This was their farewell to the training camp and it would be unlikely they would ever visit this place again, so everybody intended to go out with a bang. They all began to get ready; the men wearing their smartest suits and the girls wearing their finest dresses, not to mention putting on their best fragrances. The party had almost arrived.


Deep within the heart of the realm of Alexandria, a huge buzz of excitement was in the air. The reason for this was today was a joyous day. This particular day was the anniversary of the ending of the Great War between Alexandria and Underworld, and the day peace was finally brought to both kingdoms. On this day every year, the whole realm would take part in a celebration. For twenty-four hours straight the Alexandrian’s enjoyed feasts beyond their wildest dreams. The people would flock from all corners of the realm to the royal palace. The female amazons of Ardenor, located in the western lands of the realm were already traveling on horse back to the castle. The race of serpent men of the east had travelled up from their city deep within the sea to join in the festivities. The amazons and the serpent men were not the best of allies, but relations had improved somewhat to more civilized terms since the Great War had ended. They were once sworn enemies, but they had formed an alliance in order to aid the king in his battle against Underworld when the fighting took a turn for the worse. They were now on talking terms but by no means friends.

Kara prepared for the ceremony from within her chambers in the castle. She was sat on a stool in front of a large mirror, which was bigger in size that even her. Kara was the Princess of Alexandria and as such had to dress in royal attire for the occasion, which she hated. She made little fuss over it though as she knew how much this day meant to the Alexandrian people.
They look to me for strength. I am the hope for a better future in their eyes,
she thought. Kara was being fitted into a long dress and her maid tied stitches into the back of it with a needle and cotton. The maid tightened a string on the dress and Kara gasped for breath.
Do they always have to tie these things so tight?

The maid must have realised this because she began to panic slightly. “I am sorry your highness,” she said nervously.

Kara did her best to put the lady at ease. “It is ok, do not worry sweet maid,” she said, reassuring the woman. Her words were spoken so softly that the maid no longer felt uneasy.

The maid finished tightening the dress and took her leave of Kara. The princess sat in front of the mirror and gazed upon herself in it. She was wearing a gold pendant around her neck that had engraved within it the symbol of Alexandria, which was a cross, only with three circles that formed around it. She put her right hand around the pendant and gazed closely into the mirror, almost as if she was looking upon someone else. Kara had gained the ability of telepathy as she matured into a young woman. It was a skill that ran within her bloodline. She was able to read the thoughts of some but not all of the people whom she encountered. However, as she gazed into the mirror, she felt something different.
I am not alone.
She felt the presence of a young man, someone who felt close but yet far away. She felt his thoughts and feelings and felt a deep connection with this person even though she have never met him. However, she felt as if he were part of her in some strange way.
You’re nervous about something, aren’t you?
She thought as she gazed into the mirror.


At the same time, James was in his dormitory room in the training complex. He was preparing for the graduation party for the newly appointed government agents of which he was one. He stood in front of the mirror in his room and was putting on a shirt. James had never felt nerves like this before. It really was going to be a big night; in fact, it was going to be the biggest night of his life. As James fastened the buttons of his shirt he felt words touch him from somewhere far away. He didn’t know where they were coming from, but it felt like a voice from deep inside his soul. “
Don’t be nervous, everything is going to be ok.”
The words gave James strength. He reached inside his pocket and pulled out his hand, revealing a gold pendant. The pendant was identical to that which Kara had around her neck. He always felt at peace when he looked at the object though he could not say why. It was like a lucky charm to him. When he arrived at the orphanage all those years ago as a young boy, he had the pendant around his neck. He had always kept it hidden when he was small for he knew if any of the orphanage staff found out about its existence they would have taken it away from him. He knew nothing of his parents, nor had any memory of anything prior to him being in the orphanage. However, this pendant was from before that time, something from a childhood long forgotten to him. He put the chain of the pendant around his neck and tied up his shirt.


Kara looked even harder at the mirror.
Strange boy, who are you?
A knock on the door of her chambers broke the princesses concentration.

“My lady the ceremony shall begin shortly. His grace has sent for you,” said a maid from outside the room.

“Tell the king I’m on my way,” replied Kara. She stood up and took one final glance at the mirror before heading out to the ceremony.

A group of female amazon’s approached the palace walls on horseback. They had travelled from the kingdom of Ardenor, a selection of small islands to the western region of Alexandria. It was there that the amazon women had ruled since the dawn of time. The drawbridge had already been lowered for them and Rokk, the great Warlock of Alexandria was there to greet them. Rokk had been loyal to the king for many years and he too, along with Auron, lived within the castle. Rokk was around fifty years old and was relatively short in appearance, around 5ft 5ins to be exact. To those who didn’t know him, he would seem like a small timid man. There were not many people who didn’t know him in the realm however for his powers were legendary and feared by all. He was Alexandria’s answer to the sorceress Harriet of Underworld and the two had fought in many fierce battles in the past. Both the warlock and the sorceress nullified each other, meaning both realms were safe from the threat of magic.

Bremusa, the leader of the Amazon race marched with her group of eighty-five honour guards over the wooden drawbridge and entered the castle’s courtyard. The amazon’s walked through the centre of a large number of Alexandrian soldiers who had lined up to bid the women welcome.

“All hail Zeris!” Bremusa cried out.

The amazon’s and the Alexandrian soldiers called out the same phrase together directly after her. Rokk walked side by side with Bremusa and the two began to talk.

“It is good to see you again Warlock,” she said to Rokk. She was ever indebted to him for it was he that had saved the lands of Ardenor, home to her people during the Great War.

“It is a pleasure to see you again lady Bresmusa. the king has long looked forward to your return.”

Although Bremusa was the leader of the amazon people, she still answered to Zeris who was recognised as the ruler of the entire realm. She was more than happy for this to be the case though. Zeris had been good to her people and the amazons held him in high esteem. The amazon leader looked around. “Where is Auron? I would like to speak with him at the earliest opportunity.”

“Master Auron is overseeing final security measures for the ceremony my lady,” Rokk replied.

“Still paranoid as ever? The years have not changed him I see. He should know that we have been at peace for decades. Today of all days,” said Bermusa referring to the fact that this day was an anniversary of peace.

Rokk chuckled a little, agreeing with the amazon. “You know Master Auron, he never leaves anything to chance. Do you want me to pass on a message to him?”

“That won’t be necessary my friend, I’ll relay my message in person.”

“As you wish my lady,” replied Rokk. The amazon’s disembarked from their horses and they entered the gates of the palace.

Inside, Auron was checking the perimeter of the throne room in which the ceremony would take place. Festivities were fast approaching and guests had started to gather inside the room. The throne room was the biggest inside the castle. It could house several thousand guests if needed and Auron was trying to calculate where the biggest risk might come from. There was no actual danger of course. The Alexandrian lands were a realm of peace these days and had been for many years but still, Auron watched all the guests. He was hawk-like in his examination of them as they entered. All of the guests entered through the main doors of the throne room, which stood over one fifty feet tall. All around the room was statues of past kings and important people in Alexandrian history. Near the entrance to the room stood a huge white statue of the current king Zeris, and next to that another statue of Zeris’s father Kiefer, who had reigned before his death. Tapestries and paintings filled the room in all corners. The throne room was truly a thing of beauty.

Auron’s eye caught the sight of an old friend entering the room and suddenly his whole posture changed. It was Kaltor, the Lord of the serpent men. The serpent men were from the Enchanted River in the Eastern Lands of Alexandria. They were around one hundred in number and were dressed in nimble clothing, which enabled them to swim the oceans of the realm with relative ease. Kaltor was the tallest of all his men, at around six feet five inches. While the rest of his men wielded spears; Kaltor wielded the trident spear, which was held by the person in command. The Trident possessed great shielding and healing abilities and Zeris had given the trident to Kaltor and his people as a gift for their efforts during the Great War. Kaltor’s forces had saved Alexandria from certain destruction; driving Underworld’s forces back as they were about to breach the castle gates.

Auron had close ties with the serpent’s and he and Kaltor were old friends. The pair embraced each other with a hug as they met. “My friend, I am glad you could make it,” said Auron.

“It’s been too long Master Auron,” replied Kaltor.

The Alexandrian general frowned a little when he addressed him with his full title. They meant more to each other than that.

“Master Auron?” he said, sounding a little annoyed. “We shall have less of that!”

Laughter broke out between the pair.

“As you wish,” Kaltor responded in good humour.

The pair walked together and talked about old times. They had fought side-by-side many times in battle before the peaceful times and Auron had saved Kaltor’s life in several of those battles. The pair joked about this fact and Auron had no problem reminding Kaltor about it.

“Once the ceremony is finished we will feast for seven days and seven nights, the same amount of times I have saved your foolish soul!” Auron joked.

“I’d be glad to my friend, but you must remember, whilst you may be the best fighter in the land, I am the best drinker in the land!”

Auron laughed, agreeing with Kaltor. “Indeed you are,” he said as the pair continued on through the throne room.

Through the main doors walked Rokk, Bremusa and the amazons. Alexandrian soldiers heads turned as they admired the beauty of the women, who now caught the attention of Auron and Kaltor. Auron was pleased to see them, however, the same could not be said for Kaltor. It was well known within the Alexandrian realm that the amazons and the serpent men had never seen eye to eye, on a great deal of things. The two were now on talking terms after forming an alliance during the Great War to aid Zeris in his fight against Underworld, but they had tried to avoid each other whenever possible since then. Indeed, this was the first time the two races’ had come into contact with each other since the same ceremony a year earlier.

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