Cleats in Clay (31 page)

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Authors: Jackson Cordd

Tags: #Fiction, #Gay, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Erotica

BOOK: Cleats in Clay
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slipped inside. He nestled back down with his eyes closed, just enjoying
the residual pulses and that feeling of fullness from the foreign object
inside him. “Shit,” he moaned with a wide grin. “If I knew it was like
I’da bought a dildo years ago.”
Tuck laughed warmly. “I think we found another bottom.” “Looks that way,” Bobby agreed with a chuckle.
Looking down at Odis, then over at Bobby, Tuck couldn’t help but
grin. This was what sex was supposed to be like. Instead of power games
or nervous tension or desperation to get off, it should be sharing and fun.
Just like this. Sex, for him, hadn’t felt this way in years, probably not since
his early twenties, when the world was new and all full of excitement. Still wearing the silly grin, Tuck gazed over at Bobby. “Think we
need a break now. You want some dinner?” He shifted as if he was getting
ready to crawl off the bed.
Bobby grinned back. “Hm, need to think on that a minute.” “Hey, boneheads,” Odis yelled. “What about me? Still have a stick
up my butt.”
Tuck and Bobby both laughed. Tuck smiled down at him. “I’m not
even gonna take the bait on that one.
too easy.”
“Actually,” Bobby said when he stopped laughing, “you can do the
extraction yourself, Odie. You can either reach back and pull it out, or you
could try to expel each bead one at a time and practice some refined
muscle control.”
“Expel?” Odis asked.
Tuck chuckled again. “Basically, just poop it out.”
“Oh,” Odis said, feeling utterly stupid when he realized how easy
that would be.
“Or,” Bobby offered, “I could pull it out for you.”
Odis shook his head. “No, let me try
it myself,” he said,
thinking “expel” was a much nicer word than “poop.” He closed his eyes,
relaxed his sphincter, and pushed with his rectal muscles. The bead caused
the now familiar stretching and tingling as it emerged past the muscular
ring and suddenly popped out. Odis quickly clamped down again before
the next bead escaped.
“Keep going,” Tuck urged.
Odis did the next few beads the same way, but the warmth lessened
each time as the beads reduced in size. He didn’t have enough control at
the end and the last three beads all expelled at once. “Oops,” Odis said in
an almost defeated tone.
“That was great,” Bobby complimented him. “It takes
a lot
practice to control the really small ones, so don’t feel bad.”
Odis sat up and grabbed the stick, actually seeing the beads for the
first time. “That’s all?” he wondered aloud. “That last one felt like a tennis
Bobby and Tuck laughed. “No,” Bobby said. “Lots of sensitive
nerves down there make things
bigger than they really are.” “Yeah,” Tuck agreed. “If ya did do a tennis ball, it would feel like a
Odis stared over at Tuck quizzically. “You did a tennis ball?” Tuck smiled and shrugged.
Tuck crawled to the end of the bed. “You guys ready for that dinner
“Hey,” Odis nearly yelled, “we just got started here, I hope. Don’t
go runnin’ off now.” The pleasure he felt from the stick left him itching
for more. He wanted the real thing now.
Tuck frowned. “That’s not enough?”
“I thought,” Odis said with a smirk, “one of you
was gonna
screw me, but now I’m wonderin’….”
“Hey,” Bobby called back defensively.
Tuck bristled. “That’s a cheap blow. And
the way to get on my
good side.”
Odis huffed under his breath. “Well, wasn’t this just supposed to be
a warm-up?”
“Okay,” Tuck said with his hands up in defeat. “Decide who ya
Odis looked from Tuck to Bobby. “Bobby’s smaller. Maybe start
with him.”
Tuck crawled off the bed and retrieved a small hand towel from the
top drawer of the nightstand. He handed the towel to Odis to clean up the
Ben Wa stick before continuing to the living room.
Bobby went to the nightstand and checked the toy drawer. “Maybe
one more stretching first?”
“Okay,” Odis said with a resigned sigh.
Tuck brought back the bottle of Garrison Brothers whiskey and their
glasses. He poured a couple of fingers in each glass and handed them
around before leaving the bottle on the nightstand. “Liquid courage,” he
said in a half-assed toast.
Bobby downed his glass and set it on the nightstand before he got
one of the larger anal plugs from the drawer. “If you can handle this first,
then okay.”
Odis eyed the purple silicone plug that started with a small taper but
widened to nearly the size of a golf ball at its largest point. “That’s not
bad,” he said, nodding and taking another sip of his glass. “I don’t
understand why ya guys are bein’ so reluctant.”
“’Cause,” Tuck said as he finished his glass and climbed back onto
the bed, “we don’t wanna hurt ya, bonehead.” He looked over at Bobby.
“We’ll stop anytime you say. You don’t hafta do this to prove something.” Shaking his head, Odis reclined onto his side. “Not tryin’ to prove
anything. I just want to feel yer dicks in me.” He pulled his knees up. “So
let’s get on with it.”

Chapter 28


being very liberal with the lube, Bobby inserted the end of the anal plug just inside Odis. Odis closed his eyes and enjoyed that sensation of stretching again. As Bobby pushed it in farther, the warmth joined the stretch, almost making Odis sigh in pleasure. More widening led to more intense pulsing. It felt like his sphincter was open to the same point as that last Ben Wa bead, and a tiny moan escaped him.

After a brief hesitation to wriggle the plug a little, Bobby gently pushed it in farther.
Tuck felt another boner growing as he watched Odis. That look of slackened bliss on Odis’s face and the tiny little moans he made quickly had Tuck solidly hard and leaking. This scene really turned him on, which surprised Tuck a little. He’d never thought of himself as a voyeur. He reached down and stroked Odis’s cheek. “You really like this,” he said in an almost teasing tone.

Odis nodded.
This plug feels nice, but it also feels—what?
Odis struggled in his mind for the word.
was the word that finally surfaced.
It feels dead and unyielding.
That thought made Odis even more determined for the feeling of live flesh.

As more spreading continued, the nerve signals intensified further, then changed into something less pleasant. Tuck must have seen something on his face, because Odis heard his voice aimed at Bobby, saying, “Hold on.” The plug stopped moving.

Tuck stroked his cheek again. “Hurt?”
“No,” Odis told him. “Just kinda—uncomfortable.”
“Take a breath,” Tuck said.

Odis inhaled, feeling Bobby remove the plug a little, then wriggle it a bit. Odis opened his eyes and looked up at Tuck. “How much more?” “Almost there,” Bobby answered. “A quarter inch more, about.” Tuck gazed down at Odis and stroked his jaw. He didn’t bother to

ask if Odis wanted to stop, because Tuck saw that look of determination in his brow.


Odis closed his eyes again when the tingles lessened, and nodded. “Okay,” he said as he concentrated on relaxing his sphincter.

Bobby squirted a little lube onto the plug, then twirled it around to spread it evenly before pushing in slowly again. Odis felt the stretch and very intense tingles, but they didn’t pass the point of pleasure this time. The movement paused, then resumed, opening the sphincter even more and more. If Odis hadn’t seen the plug beforehand, he’d have sworn it was as big as a grapefruit. The nerve signals intensified again, growing into a sharp prickly sensation before the plug seemed to suddenly leap forward as his sphincter closed around the end of the bulge.

“Oh my God,” Odis said with a moan.

Bobby leaned down and shared a warm kiss with Odis before saying, “Now, see if you can expel it.”
Odis relaxed and bore down, but the plug seemed to be firmly planted. He couldn’t get it to move.

Seeing the frustration on Odis’s face, Tuck leaned down. “It’s okay.” He looked over to Bobby. “Help him with it.”
Bobby took hold of the large, circular flange bottom of the plug and slowly pulled. The plug popped out, leaving Odis feeling suddenly empty. “I want
now, stud,” Odis told him.

Jacking himself, Bobby stiffened his erection and applied some lube to his cock. “Okay, then you’ll get me,” he said with a touch of excitement in his voice.

Tuck started to scoot down for a better view, but Odis put his hand on Tuck’s thigh. “Don’t go anywhere,” Odis said before leaning forward and licking the end of Tuck’s leaking dick. The precome tasted salty and kind of starchy, making Odis think of potato chips.

Bobby reclined on his side and spooned in behind Odis. He positioned his cock. “You ready?”
Odis nodded as he licked Tuck’s dick again. “Oh,” he exclaimed with a moan as Bobby’s dick stretched its way into him. Just like the anal plug, it kept stretching and spreading to that tingling point. “Lord have mercy,” Odis muttered.
Bobby stopped. “Too much?”
“No. Keep going,” Odis almost whined. This felt so different from those silicone things. This was Bobby’s flesh, which felt so alive. The stretching stopped, but the tingles continued as Bobby entered farther and filled him up.
“Odie, you are
tight,” Bobby said as he pushed farther in. He hadn’t topped in so long, he’d nearly forgotten that feeling of the warm fleshy glove engulfing his cock. Bobby slowly slid forward until he was fully inside.
Odis couldn’t believe how incredible this felt. Live flesh, with a heartbeat, buried inside him. When Bobby stopped, he practiced relaxing and tightening his sphincter. “All the way,” Odis said.
“Greedy bitch.” Bobby chuckled. “I’m in to the balls already,” he said, shifting and giving one final nudge up against Odis’s butt.
Just from watching Bobby and having Odis lick his prick, Tuck felt near an orgasmic climax. “You guys are
fuckin’ hot.”
“We are?” Odis asked as he leaned forward a bit more and slurped in the head of Tuck’s dick.
“Fuck yeah,” Tuck muttered.
Odis pulled back from Tuck’s dick and tried to glance around at Bobby. “Well?” he asked, wondering why he wasn’t moving.
“Give me a minute,” Bobby said softly. “Or this is gonna end real fast.”
Odis chuckled, feeling Bobby’s hug tighten as he did so. “Now ya know how
felt the other night.”
“Hush,” Bobby said. He used only his hips to pull out about an inch and slip back in. “Better?”
“Oh,” Odis said under his breath. “Holy fuck, yes.”
Odis was too distracted to keep working on Tuck’s prick, but strangely, Tuck didn’t feel at all neglected. Just watching those pleasured expressions on Odis’s face as Bobby impaled him was enough satisfaction. “Gods afire,” he muttered.
Feeling Bobby move out again, Odis relaxed. He clamped down his sphincter when Bobby changed direction and slid back in.
“Shit, Odie,” Bobby hissed. “So fuckin’ tight.” A little faster this time, Bobby slid out and back in again.
Bobby’s dick inside him felt so wonderful all on its own, but it seemed there was something missing. As Bobby moved again, Odis asked, “What about that G-spot thing?”
“You ready for that?” Bobby asked rhetorically as he adjusted his angle to push his cock farther forward and slid out about four inches. He pushed forward and in, but Odis didn’t really respond. Bobby slid out a bit farther and tried again. He knew he found it that time from the strangled moan that escaped Odis’s throat.
“Oh fuck,” Odis muttered as his dick jumped. It had been at about half-mast, but that little maneuver woke it up.
“Like that?” Bobby asked as he pushed forward again.
“Oh yes.”
Tuck scooted down to Odis’s hard and pulsing prick and stroked it lightly.
Odis looked down at him. “Don’t make me come yet.”
Tuck frowned. “Why not?”
“Because you’re next, bonehead,” Odis said with a chuckle.
Bobby stopped moving. “You want him too?”
Odis nodded.
“Okay, then, slow down, stud,” Tuck said as he climbed off the bed. He retrieved something from the toy drawer and returned to the bed. He lubed up a bright-orange anal plug and inserted it into himself.
Odis shook his head. “No, I want
to fuck
,” he told Tuck.
“I get it,” Tuck answered. “But while I do that, Bobby can take
“Oh,” Odis muttered as Bobby adjusted the angle again. “Shit,” Odis spat in frustration when he realized they would be behind him.
“What?” Bobby asked and stopped moving.
“Nothing, really. I just won’t be able to see it. We need some mirrors or somethin’ in here.”
Tuck chuckled in agreement. “Yeah, that
be hot, wouldn’t it?”
“If we’re changing out, better do it now,” Bobby said as he withdrew himself from Odis. He scooted farther over on the bed, making room for Tuck to get between them.
After lubing himself up, Tuck hugged in behind Odis and kissed his ear. “You are so fuckin’ hot. I don’t think this will take very long.” He positioned his prick and entered Odis. He’d been prepared to move slow, but Odis opened up and more than half of him slid in with the first push. “Fuck, Odie,” Tuck said with a chuckle. “You
a greedy bitch.”
Odis chuckled. “Lots of years to make up for, I guess.”
Tuck bit his lip as the sphincter around his prick clenched with spasms while Odis laughed. He was already so close to the edge, he could feel his prick start the final swelling before ejaculation. Tuck pushed farther in.
“Oh, holy fuckin’ shit,” Odis muttered with a moan. Tuck’s flesh was even more of a presence than Bobby’s. He worked on relaxing, wanting it all.
Tuck pushed all the way in, then brought his knees up behind Odis’s, creating a sort of fetal spoon. He reached back and popped the plug from his butt like a cork. He waited while Bobby lubed up and got behind him. Tuck had fantasized about this sort of thing but had never actually experienced it before. He felt himself agreeing with Odis. They definitely needed some mirrors so he could appreciate the full view.
Bobby got behind Tuck and pushed into him. He nearly gasped at the feeling. Odis had been like a warm glove, but Tuck surrounded him like a hot, tight fist. Bobby had to fight a climax just from pushing inside. He gave his all and then hugged behind Tuck.
No man said a word for a moment. They enjoyed the feeling of each other’s bodies. Tuck finally asked, “How do we do this?”
Bobby adjusted and scooted back a little. “I guess you’ll have to be the one to move, mostly.”
Tuck nodded and then slowly pulled out of Odis, moving back onto Bobby as he did so. “Oh shit,” he said. He pulled away from Bobby and leaned forward into Odis again. “Oh shit. I can’t even describe this,” he told them. “But it’s not working very well. I don’t think either of you is really getting serviced right.”
Bobby withdrew. “Then maybe you should take care of Odis. Then I can come back while you’re still in him.”
“Sound good to you?” Tuck asked into Odis’s ear.
“Whatever works,” Odis agreed.
Tuck scooted back and adjusted his angle, then drove more firmly into Odis.
Feeling shivers in his groin from the new angle of Tuck’s dick, Odis moaned and muttered, “Holy Christ.” Tuck’s dick felt so different from Bobby’s. Another movement and Tuck bumped into his prostate again. Odis felt a strange tingling in his balls as Tuck hit against the gland once more, causing his dick to swell so hard, his head emerged from within its foreskin sheath.
Increasing the pace, Tuck angled more toward the back for some faster thrusts, then moved forward again, hitting at the gland twice in quick succession. The bumps set Odis’s groin into climax, and he nearly screamed as Tuck bumped the gland again as his body started pumping the semen forward. It felt as if Odis’s orgasm started at his navel and traveled quickly downward inside. His dick jumped again from another prostate poke. “Jesus, I’m fuckin’ coming,” he managed to squeal out before his dick spurted gobs of ejaculate all over the bedsheets in front of him.
The clenching of Odis’s anal sphincter was all Tuck needed. He withdrew himself until only the head of his prick was inside and let the spasms work him into climax. “Fuck, Odie, I’m so clos—”
He suddenly felt Bobby enter him again, that talented prick of his going right for Tuck’s G-spot. Bobby slammed his spot three times in quick succession, and Tuck yelled out, “Valhalla!” as he exploded inside of Odis, eliciting huge moans from the little man.
He felt Bobby’s prick swell before Bobby moaned out, “Oh shit.”
Bobby came, pulsing and throbbing inside Tuck before falling on top of his back. With his own knees weak, Tuck nearly collapsed onto Odis, but he managed to kind of roll sideways a little and fall onto the bed.
The three men lay silently on the bed a few minutes, panting and breathing heavily from their physical efforts. Tuck finally broke the silence. “Can we have some dinner now? I’m still starving.”
Odis chuckled as he rolled over. “Geez, Tuck, you blow my mind with the best sex I
have ever
had, and all you want is food?”
“Hey, I’ve been on that hospital shit they called food for two days. I need some fried chicken.”
Bobby nodded as he sat up. “Fried chicken sounds damn good to me. With lots of those home-style french fries.”
“And some okra too,” Odis added. He glanced over at the sweat glistening on Tuck. “But we need showers first. And we ain’t all three gonna fit in yer little excuse for a tub.”
“Oh, definitely not,” Tuck agreed.
“How about,” Odis suggested, “Bobby hop in first, then he can run get the food while we clean up?”
Tuck looked over at Bobby. “You know where it is?”
Bobby crawled off the bed. “Yeah, went for chicken the other day,” he said over his shoulder as he headed for the bathroom.

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