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Authors: Joann Fletcher

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332 Alexandria replacing Rome in Suetonius,
49, Graves trans., p.173; Caligula ‘turned to Cleopatra's Alexandria for a sense of courtly life as it was never lived in the days of the first citizen of the restored Republic'. Walker 2003.(b) p.85.

332 Obelisk for Antonius in Habachi p.131; Caligula's attitude to Isis in Walker and Higgs (eds) 2001, p.286, 288, and to ‘Moon goddess' in Suetonius,
22, Graves trans., p.159.

332 ‘mensa Isiaca' in Tiradritti 1998, fig.23; priest of Isis and Serapis in Witt 1971, p.317, note 17; Poppaea's embalmment in Tacitus,
XVI.6 in Toynbee 1971, p.41.

332 ‘would not be allowed to publish a free and unvarnished report on the intervening period'. Suetonius,
41. 2, Graves trans., p.205.

333 ‘totally her mother's daughter'. Roller 2003, p.90.

333 ‘brought them up no less tenderly than if they had been members of his own family, and gave them the education their rank deserved'. Suetonius,
17, Graves trans., p.59.

333 Fates of Ptolemy and Alexander Helios in Roller 2003, p. 84 and Hamer 1993, p.21.

333 ‘before military and marriageable age'. Roller 2003, p.84.

334 Statue of Tuthmosis I, Cherchel Museum S.74 in Roller 2002, p.142; Tuthmosis III in Scott 1933, p.175; uraeus Cherchel Museum S.86 in Roller 2003, p.142; Amun/Amnion, Cherchel Museum 66 in Roller 2002, p. 142.

334 ‘gallery of ancestors'. Holbl 2001, p.251.

334 Images of Juba II, e.g. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek 1591, in Roller 2002, fig.19, p.147; Cherchel Museum S.166 in Sennequier and Colonna (eds) 2003, no.165, p.148.

334 ‘the marks of her devotion and love for her mother country'. Walker and Higgs (eds) 2001, p.219 referring to Cherchel S.66; see also Louvre MA.3500 in Higgs and Walker 2003, p.71.

334 Statue of Ptolemy I, Cherchel Museum 50 in Roller 2002, p.142; statue of Petubastis III, Cherchel S.75 in Roller 2002, p.143.

334 ‘the veiled head shows perhaps a different portrait type of Cleopatra VII'. Cherchel Museum S.65 (28), in Higgs in Walker and Higgs (eds) 2001, p.208; see also Grant 1968, p.172; Brogan 1966, p.242.

334 Alexander the Great bust from second-century AD North Africa, National Museum of Denmark Inv.ABb97, in Chugg 2004, p.56.

334 ‘prominent but beautiful nose'. Brogan 1966, p.242; claim head is male by Ferroukhi in Walker and Higgs (eds) 2001, p.242.

335 ‘arranged in no recognizable coiffure'. Walker and Higgs (eds) 2001, p.312, in reference to silver dish Louvre Bj.1969.

335 ‘inherited her mother's strong prominent nose but leave us with the impression that she was probably prettier than Cleopatra VII'. Whitehorne 2001, p.199.

335 ‘even more distinguished for his renown as a student than for his royal sovereignty'. Pliny,
Natural History
V.16, in Loeb trans, p.231.

336 ‘Canaria'. Roller 2002, p.197; discussion of Egyptian-style mummification in Prahl 2004, pp.80-92 and Fletcher 2004, p.136.

336 ‘so far as Kingjuba was able to ascertain'. Pliny,
Natural History
V.51-53, in Loeb trans., p.257.

336 ‘the Nile above the 3rd cataract, together with its tributary, the Atbara, can indeed be envisaged as dividing Ethiopia from Egypt'. Braund 1984, p.177.

336 ‘Great neighbour regions of the world, which the full stream of Nile separates from the black Aethiopians, you have made common kings for both by marriage, making a single race of Egyptians and Libyans. May the king's children hold from their fathers in their turn firm dominion over both mainlands'.
235, in Braund 1984, p.175.

336 ‘the unusually elevated status of women at Caesaraea in the centuries following her death'. Roller 2003, p.257.

336 ‘when she rose the moon herself grew dark, veiling her grief in night, for she saw her lovely namesake Selene bereft of life and going down to gloomy Hades. With her she had shared her light's beauty, and with her death she mingled her own darkness. Crinagoras 18/
Anth. Pal.
7.633 in Whitehorne 2001, p.201.

337 ‘the public memorial of the royal family'. Pomponius Mela in Scott 1933, p.169; Sennequier and Colonna (eds) 2003, p.109.

337 ‘which could have held only two or three inhumation burials'. Toynbee 1971, p.159, with remains of looted contents in Scott 1933, p.173.

337 ‘toga picta'. Barrett 1989, p.116.

337 Statue of Ptolemy of Mauretania Louvre MA.1887 in Roller 2003, p.149; Sennequier and Colonna 2003, pp.143, 149.

337 ‘Regma Urania'. Roller 2003, p.252, note 41.

338 ‘son of Kingjuba and descendant of King Ptolemy'. Braund 1984, p.178.

338 ‘attracted universal admiration'. Suetonius, Gaius Caligula 35.2, Graves trans., p.166-67; Cassius Dio 59.21 in Barrett 1989, pp.116-18; possibility ‘he hoped for an enlarged kingdom in North Africa, even including mighty Egypt itself in Braund 1984, p.178.

339 ‘Drusilla, granddaughter of Cleopatra and Antonius'. Tacitus,
5.9-10, Wellesley trans., p.285; see also Roller 2003, pp.251-2.

339 ‘the Dioscuri'. Acts 28.11 in Witt 1971, p.293, note.5. 339 ‘made saviours'. Witt 1971, p.70.

339 ‘the one with beautiful long hair'. Scarre 1995, p.182; Zenobia claiming descent from Cleopatra in Roller 2003, p.255, note 65; ‘New Cleopatra' in Holbl 2001, p.310.

340 ‘set us free from Zenobia'.
Historia Augusta
, Claud. 4.4 in Zahran 2003, p.i.

340 ‘walls were torn down and it lost the greater part of the area known as the Brucheion'. Ammianus Marcellinus in MacLeod (ed.) 2002, pp.72-73.

340 ‘bi-yadi la bi-yad ‘Amr ... ‘I die by my own hand, not that of Amr'. El-Daly 2005, p.136; Zahran 2003, p.16.

340 Cleopatra ‘appears in gold in the temple of Venus'. Cassius Dio 51.22.3, Scott-Kilvert trans., p.83; claim Egypt praised ‘her Cleopatra' by Ammianus Marcellinus,
Roman History
XXVIII.4.9, in Bowersock 1969, p.254; Cleopatra's cult sites in Holbl 2001, p.310, el-Daly 2005, p.137.

340 ‘I overlaid the figure of Cleopatra with gold'. Holbl 2001, p.310; treaty and festival in Witt 1971, pp.62, 165 and Bowman 1986, p.51.

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