Clinton, Inc.: The Audacious Rebuilding of a Political Machine (43 page)

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Authors: Daniel Halper

Tags: #Bill Clinton, #Biography & Autobiography, #Hilary Clinton, #Nonfiction, #Presidents & Heads of State, #Retail

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Dean, Howard, xxiv, 88, 115, 242–43

Decision Points
(Bush), 99

Defense of Marriage Act, 88

DeFrank, Thomas, 55

Delta Sigma Theta (sorority), 275

DeMint, Jim, 155

Dempsey, Martin, ix, 186–89

Dewey Square Group, 261

Distinguished Service Award, ix–xi

Dodd, Chris, 114

Dole, Robert, 192

Donilon, Tom, 158, 160, 162

Dorgan, Byron, 169

Dowd, Maureen, 36, 116

Dreyfuss, Robert, 48

Drudge, Matt, 149, 283

Drudge Report
, 207, 249



Edwards, Elizabeth, 138

Edwards, John, 114, 117, 134, 138

Ehrlich, Robert, 84

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 88

Elton John Foundation, 263

Emanuel, Rahm

loyalty to Clintons, xvii, 142–43

presidential aspirations, 207–8, 242

support of HRC for president, 207

WJC chief of staff, 165



Fares, Issam, 31

Feinstein, Dianne, 41

Feldman, Mike, 44

Felsenthal, Carol, 58–59

Ferguson, Charles, 246–48

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, ix, xxv

Fleischer, Ari, 32–33, 37–38, 46, 59

Flowers, Gennifer, 85–86, 192, 216

Fluke, Sandra, 222

Follieri, Raffaello, 231

“The Follieri Charade” (
Vanity Fair
), 232

Ford, Betty, 55

Ford, Gerald, 55, 58, 91

Foreign Policy
(journal), 157

Foster, Vince, 11, 14, 256–58

Franken, Bob, 123–24

Freeh, Louis, 28–31

Fulbright, J. William, xix, 70, 81–82



Gaines, Jeremy, 127, 129

Game Change
(Heilemann and Halperin), xxii

Gates, Bill (Microsoft), 59, 83, 167

Gates, Robert (Defense Secretary), x–xi, 68, 158, 160–61, 171

Gates Foundation, 59

(blog), 194,

gay rights/gay marriage, 87–88, 93, 174, 203–4, 273

Geffen, David, 116

Geico gecko (TV character), 224

Geithner, Timothy, 176–77

Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security, 112

Gershon, Gina, 55, 86

Gerth, Jeff, 46

Gillibrand, Kirsten, 266

Gingrich, Newt

“Contract with America,” 11

HRC as president, 73–74, 90, 112, 200

observations on WJC-HRC, xvi, 59, 269–70

relationship with WJC, xiv, 73

resignation over affair, 64–65

role in Clinton Foundation, 234–35

Giuliani, Rudy, 2, 16, 19

Giustra, Frank, 231

Gore, Al

1992 vice presidential selection, 266

2000 presidential campaign, xxi, 94–95, 114, 179, 204–5

2000 selection of running mate, xvi, 71, 266

2008 endorsement of Obama, 147

comparison with HRC, 239

comparison with WJC, 17

Florida vote recount, 102

New York vote count, 24

relationship with Bush, 102–3

relationship with WJC, 103–4, 120

(magazine), 132–33

Graham, Lindsey, 68

Gramm, Phil, 74

Greeley, Andrew (Fr.), 78–79

Green, Joe, 131–32

Gregory, Edgar & Vonna Jo, 35

Griffin, Phil, 124, 127, 129

Grunwald, Mandy, 44, 143

Gulf War I (1991), 30–31



Haberman, Maggie, 261, 262

Hagel, Chuck, 160

(TV program), 126, 133–34

Harriman, Pamela, 226

Hathaway, Anne, 231

Hawkins, Ronnie, 86

health issues, HRC, xi–xiv, xxiv–xxv, 241

Henry, Mike, 117

Herbert, Bob, 114

Herridge, Catherine, 231

Hicks, Gregory, 181

(newspaper), 279

(TV miniseries), 246–49

Hillary Rodham Clinton Children’s Library and Learning Center, 263

Hillary’s Choice
(Sheehy), 5, 15


Hispanics, as voting bloc, 275–76

Hitchens, Christopher, xv, 10

Holbrooke, Richard, 162–63

Holder, Eric, 33–36, 150

Howe, Rosemarie, 27

HRC: State Secrets and the Rebirth of Hillary Clinton
(Allen and Parnes), xxii, 149, 279

Hsu, Norman, 50

Hubbell, Webster, 257

Huckabee, Mike, 75–76, 125

Huffington Post
, xxiv, 221, 247–48

Human Rights Campaign, 273

Hume, Brit, 78, 82

Hurley, Elizabeth, 55

Hurricane Katrina relief efforts, 106

Hutchinson, Asa, 65, 76

Hutchison, Kay Bailey, 65

Hyde, Henry, 64



Ickes, Harold, Jr., 1–3, 5, 9, 142

Ickes, Harold, Sr., 9

Immelt, Jeffrey, 129

immigration reform, 67, 178, 276

Indonesian tsunami of 2004, 90–92

(magazine), 253

Iran, 31, 33, 175, 240, 268

Iraq/Iraq War, 30, 63, 68, 78, 104, 107, 138–40, 157, 161–62, 205, 243, 282

Isakson, Johnny, 66, 77–78

Islam/Islamic issues, 43–44, 134, 172, 182

Israel/Israeli relations, 18, 20, 33, 172, 252–53

Issa, Darrell, 183

It Takes a Village
(Clinton), 216, 284–85



Jackson, Jesse, Sr., 139, 141, 202, 211, 219, 275

Jarrett, Valerie, 151, 158, 162, 198, 212

Jefferson, Thomas, 156

Jews/Jewish relations.
Israel/Israeli relations

John Paul II (Pope), 93–94

Johnson, Tim, 144

Jon Bon Jovi (stage name), 84

Jones, Paula, 6, 38, 49, 60, 72, 128

Journal of Muslim Minority
, 43

Juffali, Walid, 31



Kagan, Robert, 164

Kaine, Tim, 151

Kane, Jeremy, 223

Karl, Jonathan, 279

Karzai, Hamid, 162

Kelly, Declan, 227–29

Kelly Alan, 227

Kennedy, Caroline, 146, 150

Kennedy, Edward M., 42, 145–47

Kennedy, John F., 7, 210–11

Kennedy, Joseph, 185

Kennedy, Patrick, 183

Kennedy, Robert F., 9, 16, 141

Kennedy, Robert, Jr., 16

Kennedy Center, 108

Kent, Muhtar, 83

Kerry, John

2004 presidential campaign, 104, 107, 271

2008 endorsement of Obama, 144, 165

comparison with HRC, 239–40

Secretary of State, 205, 240, 245

selection of HRC as VP, 88, 205

Keyes, Alan, 138

Khobar Towers bombing (1996), 28–31

Kim Jong Il, 232

King, Larry, 250

Kissinger, Henry, x, 171

Klaus, Ian, 223–24

Klein, Ed, 199

Klobuchar, Amy, 242, 266

Knox, Simmie, 105

Kornblut, Anne E., 142

Koss, Johann Olav, 87

Kroft, Steve, 193, 195

Kucinich, Dennis, 114

Kuwait, 31, 99

Kyl, Jon, 67



LaHood, Ray, 76

Lane, Diane, 246

Lasry, Marc, 220

Lavrov, Sergey, 166

Lazio, Rick, 9, 19–26

Lenzner, Terry, 32

Lewellen, Winnie, 79–81

Lewinsky, Monica

impact on 2000 election, xxi, 94–95

impact on 2008 campaign, 117–20

impact on 2016 campaign, 217–20, 246–49

impact on HRC, 1–6, 9–11

impact on WJC public opinion, xvi

infamous blue dress, 28

internship, 56

“The Monica Files,” 250–54

reaction of Barbara Bush, 110

reaction of Carter to scandal, 59–60

reaction of Gingrich to scandal, 73

reaction of Lieberman to scandal, 71

revelation of other mistresses, 49, 52, 72, 254

WJC admission of affair, 11–14, 38

WJC legal fees, 60

Lieberman, Joseph, xvi, 71, 94–95, 103, 266

Limbaugh, Rush, 69, 216, 222

Lindsey, Bruce, 198

Little Rock, AR

Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport, 263

Bill Clinton Presidential Park Bridge, 226

Clinton Presidential Center Park, 233

Clinton Presidential Library, 30–31, 33, 39, 233

Hillary Rodham Clinton Children’s Library and Learning Center, 263

See also
Clinton Foundation

Liveris, Andrew, 83

Livingston, Bob, 65

Lott, Trent, 74–75

Lowey, Nita, 6

Lurie, Bari, 235

Lyons, Jim, 96



MacGillis, Alec, 232

Mandela, Nelson, 70, 211–12

Manning, Bradley, 164

Margolies, Marjorie, 225

Marshall, George, 156

Martin, Trayvon, 275

Matalin, Mary, 51–52, 236

Matthews, Chris, 36, 126, 133–34, 149–50, 186

McAuliffe, Terry, xxiii, 18, 120, 146, 147–49

McCain, Cindy, 137

McCain, John

2008 presidential campaign, 205, 245, 271

defense of Abedin, 44

HRC as president, 197, 200

HRC as Secretary of State, 155, 160, 188–90

HRC relationship, 67–68

marital relationship, 137

observations on Bush 41-WJC relationship, 91, 109

personal attack on Chelsea, 121

reflections on Ford and Bush 41, 91

relationship with WJC, 153–54

McCall, Carl, 265

McCartney, Paul, 217

McCaskill, Claire, 149, 262–63, 266

McChrystal, Stanley, 161

McCurry, Mike, xviii, 11, 64, 216

McDonough, Denis, 162

McDougal, James & Susan, 5

McFaul, Michael, 166

McKinsey & Company, 220

McLarty, Mike, 155

Media Matters for America, 48–49, 51, 63, 130, 133–34, 248

Medved, Michael, 3, 7, 13, 63, 69, 78–79, 82

Meet the Press
, 21, 203

Merrill, Nick, 247–48

Messina, Jim, 208

Mezvinsky, Edward M., 225

Mezvinsky, Marc, 225–26, 229, 234

Michael Kors Award for Outstanding Community Service, 263

Middle East Peace process, 252–53

Mikulski, Barbara, 266

Miller, Lani, 92

Miller, Tim, 245

Miller Center (University of Virginia), 233

Mills, Cheryl, xvii, 167–71, 180–81

Modern American Queer History
(Black), 263

Mondale, Eleanor, 54

“The Monica Files.”
Lewinsky, Monica

Morell, Michael, 231

Morgan, Piers, 198–99

Morning Joe
(TV program), 124–25, 130

Morrison, Toni, 274

Moseley, Virginia, 278

Moseley Braun, Carol, 202, 68

Moynihan, Patrick, 5–7, 24, 42


Murphy, Mike, 24, 68, 118, 179

Muscatine, Lissa, 165

Islam/Islamic issues

Mutombo, Dikembe, 173

My Life
(Clinton), xxiii, 61, 81



Nasr, Vali, 158–60, 163, 165, 170

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), 233

National Review
, 43

National Security Council (NSC), x–xi, 158–60, 171


2000 HRC-Lazio debate, 20–23

covering HRC health issues, xiii–xiv

CVC contract, 224–25, 278

(TV miniseries), 246–49

“pimping out” CVC, 123–31

Nelson, Ben, 144

Netanyahu, Benjamin, 252–53

New Republic
, xxi, 57, 230, 231, 232

New York Post
, xii, xiv, 16, 25, 173, 225, 261, 264–65

Newsom, Gavin, 263

Nicholson, Jim, 66–67, 78–79, 93–98

Nides, Tom, 170–71, 278

Nixon, Richard, x, xiv, 7, 73, 100, 150, 201, 254

No One Left to Lie To: The Values of the Worst Family
(Hitchens), xv, 10

Nordin, Kees, 235

Norman, Greg, 249

Novak, Michael, 69–70, 94

Nuland, Victoria, 164



Obama, Barack

2004 Senate election, 119, 138–39

2012 reelection campaign, 176–80, 199–200

birther conspiracy, 165

national security policy, x–xi, 157–63, 171

public vs. private persona, 119–20

secret deal for HRC endorsement, 195–201

60 Minutes
interview with HRC, 192–96, 209

See also
2008 presidential campaign

Obama, Michelle, 141, 151, 195, 201, 210–12

Olbermann, Keith, 149

O’Malley, Martin, 242–43

Oppenheimer, Jerry, 15

O’Reilly, Bill, 192



Palestinian peace process, 20, 252–53

Paltrow, Gwyneth, 224

Panetta, Leon, ix–xi, 160, 186–89, 241

Parnes, Amie, 279

Paul, Rand, 249

Penn, Mark, 115, 136–37, 142–43

People United Means Action, 150

Perot, H. Ross, 99, 167

Petraeus, David, 143–44

Pitt, Harvey, 228

Plouffe, David, 206–7

Podesta, John, 48, 142, 197

(magazine), 41, 130, 132–33, 195, 247, 260–61, 278–80

Pollard, Jonathan, 33, 252–53

Pounder, Joe, 245

Powell, Colin, 100, 171

Power, Samantha, 158

Presidential Medal of Freedom, 209–11

Press, Bill, 123–24

Priebus, Reince, 244–45

Priorities USA (PAC), 208

Pryor, David, 254–55

Purdum, Todd, 142, 149



Rabin, Yitzhak, 11

Ramos, Jorge, 256, 275–76

Rangel, Charles, 6

Rashid, Nasser al-, 31

Ratzinger, Joseph (Cardinal), 97–98

Ray, Robert W., 9

Ready for Hillary (PAC), 208, 263

Reagan, Nancy, 109–10

Reagan, Ronald

age comparison with HRC, 266

age issue, 238

Holder appointment to judge, 33

post-presidential life, 58, 61

WJC comparison with, 74

Regan, Trish, 213–14

Reich, Robert, 141

Reid, Harry, 144, 261

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