Close Quarters: The Forbidden Billionaire (Part One) (BDSM And Domination Erotic Romance Novelette)

BOOK: Close Quarters: The Forbidden Billionaire (Part One) (BDSM And Domination Erotic Romance Novelette)
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Close Quarters: The Forbidden Billionaire



Ana Meadows


Copyright 2013 by Forbidden Fruit Press


All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part by any means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the explicit written permission of the author.


Published by Forbidden Fruit Press


All characters depicted in this fictional work are consenting adults. Any resemblance to persons living or deceased, particular businesses, events, or exact locations are entirely coincidental.




A taste of things to come:


Cal picked up the dress and draped it over the back of a chair. “Don’t want to ruin this, do we?” he said.


“No, of course not,” Alice said. Then she licked her lips and added, “Sir.”


Car raised an eyebrow, his face registering pleasure. “So,” he said. “I understand you are interested in the company?”


“Yes, sir,” Alice answered, arching her back a bit and slowly rotating her hips, thrusting them outward. She could feel the gentle sea breeze tickling her bush, which was as red as her fiery hair. “What positions do you have available?”


He reached out and ran a finger from her collar bone to her pubic bone. It was as if a ribbon of electricity ran down her body. “How about - my personal - my very personal assistant?”


“Of course,” Alice whispered. “Sir.”





Chapter One



Alice was bored. More than bored, she was restless. She sat out in the commons, watching other students dragging by, looking just as bored and restless as she did. It sucked taking summer classes, but she’d been so close to graduating with her business degree, she’d thought it would be a good idea. She looked down at her Principles of Marketing text and cringed. The thought of being cooped up in a stuffy classroom for the afternoon was suddenly more than she could bear, especially in this bustling water town of Hollister, rife with gorgeous sandy beaches and busy harbors full of pleasure boats. Alice jumped up, brushing the grass off her short, denim skirt and long, tanned legs.


She stuffed her books and papers carelessly into her book bag and shouldered the whole mess. Screw class, she thought. She was going to have some fun. She thought about her sister and cousins. They were off on a jaunt at some beach house somewhere, probably stoned out of their minds by now, their long, golden bodies scantily clad in tiny bikinis, making out with some good-looking guys, partying. She was always the good one, the responsible one. Well, she was tired of it! All work and no play made Alice a very dull girl indeed. She threw her books into the back seat of her car and peeled out of the school parking lot, rolling down her windows all the way, forgoing the air conditioning, letting the wind blow her long, red hair back behind her. She looked at the road ahead of her and smiled. She headed for the harbor.


Being a weekday, the lot at the harbor was fairly empty. Along with the usual skiffs and boats, a huge hundred-foot Heysea luxury yacht was moored in the harbor. It dwarfed the rest of the boats, its gleaming start white aluminum sides reflecting the sun. It was custom painted with arctic blue piping, and from where Alice stood, shading the sun from her face with her hand, she could see a pool and hot tub top deck.
Now, that looks interesting
, she thought, a wicked smile playing on her lips. She took a surreptitious glance around, and not seeing any habitation, she made her way down the long dock to the yacht. At the rear of the boat, the name FORBIDDEN was emblazoned.
Forbidden, eh
, Alice thought to herself,
we shall see about that
! She scanned the decks for any sign of movement and finding none, she boarded the beautiful boat without thinking twice.


Everything was still and silent, but for the small tinkling of a set of tiny wind chimes hanging on the lower deck. The yacht was spectacularly appointed, with a bar and eating area. She climbed the stairs to the upper deck to find the captain’s quarters, the pool and hot tub, and another small bar. Alice dipped her hand in the pool. The water was warm and inviting, the sun hot on her skin, and the balmy breeze blew off the harbor. It was too inviting to not take advantage of. She walked to the rail and scanned the nearly deserted harbor and dock once more, and seeing no one paying attention to her, she slipped off her skirt and tee shirt and lowered herself into the pool in her scanty underpants and bra.


The water was so fine on her skin. She swam a couple of short laps, slowly, letting the warm liquid caress her hot skin. Then throwing caution to the wind, Alice removed her bra and panties and floated naked in the pool, the tips of her nipples rising to meet the sun. She imagined owning the yacht, or better yet, being the wife of the owner of the yacht, not having a care in the world, not worrying about money, or work or school, just floating in this pool, sailing from harbor to harbor, entertaining their friends. It was a delicious thought.


It was early; only about eleven a.m. and Alice figured whoever owned the yacht was probably a nine-to-fiver and she could have this beauty to herself most of the day. She climbed out of the pool and walked to the well-stocked bar, poured herself a Chivas neat and headed below to find the bath. She was going to take a luxurious soak, then lie naked on the top deck and get some sun. It was turning out to be a red-letter day.


She made her way down the hall below deck, passing a couple of small suites, all nicely furnished. There was a small sitting area with a gas fireplace, lush carpeting and deep leather chairs. She tiptoed in, enjoying the feeling of the expensive carpeting on her feet. What a way to live! She wandered to the window and glanced out toward the dock. Two men in white uniforms were walking toward the yacht. A third in white cotton pants and white tee shirt followed behind, carrying several tote bags. Alice’s stomach clenched. They couldn’t be headed for the yacht, could they? She looked down at her naked body. She’d left her clothing top deck by the pool!


She watched as they passed all the other vessels, almost definitely headed for the yacht. She backed away from the window and had made it to the hall when she heard them climb aboard. At the end of the hall, she ducked into a large bathroom. There was a maid’s uniform hanging on the back of the door- a very tiny maid’s uniform at that. Alice snatched it down from the hook and zipped herself into the short black dress, quickly tying the white apron around her waist and tousseling her damp, red hair. She glanced in the mirror in distress. Her hair was so wet- it looked ridiculous! She quietly began pulling drawers open on the vanity. In the bottom of one drawer were a few hair pins. Alice wound her hair into a rough chignon and pinned it in place.


Upstairs she could hear the men walking around and then, unbelievably, the sound of the ship’s engine starting. What now? She glanced in the mirror. She looked passable as the maid- she was just going to have to make the best of it. She looked toward the hall door. She didn’t feel quite ready to face those men just yet. She would hide out for a while longer and get her story straight. There was another door on the opposite side of the bathroom, probably opening into a bedroom, she figured, the master suite. She put her hand on the knob and slowly opened the door, peeking through as she did.


On the bed, a man was sleeping. Alice sucked in her breath. He’d been on the ship all along! His chest rose and fell as he slept, and a fine chest it was, too. He was classically handsome, with a Roman nose, deeply tanned skin, a fine jaw line. His blonde hair was slightly wavy, longish, and fell over one eye. He had large hands and finely muscled arms. Alice flushed, a wave of desire flooding her limbs. He was gorgeous. Alice slipped further into the room, as if drawn, staring at him, childhood stories of a sleeping prince suddenly coming to mind. She took a step forward, and he stirred. Alice held her breath, holding completely still. A tingling grew in her, and she looked down to see that beneath the polyester uniform, her nipples had risen against the rough fabric. She wet her lips and the man’s eyelids fluttered.


Alice stood stock still as he opened his eyes and stretched his finely muscled arms. Mid-stretch, he saw her and took in her slightly frightened look.


“Well,” he said slowly, “Who are you? What are you doing here?” He had a slight accent that Alice could not quite place. It was arousing.


Alice sucked in her breath. She took a step toward the bed. “I’m – the new maid,” she said, a naughty idea coming into her head. She smiled, thinking that just a short time ago she’d been contemplating sitting in a muggy classroom for hours. Beneath her feet, she felt the ship begin to move, making its way out of the harbor.


“No, you’re not,” he said, sitting up, the sheets falling away revealing more of his gorgeous, hard body.


Alice’s eyes lingered on it for a moment, then she stepped forward boldly, her hand going to the zipper on the back of her dress. “Be quiet!” she ordered.


A smile played on his lips. “Well,” he said. “Yes- m’am.”


Alice pulled the zipper down slowly, keeping her eyes on the blonde man. His eyes watched her hungrily, and she could see the sheets stirring as his cock began to harden. She smiled, dropping the dress and stepping deftly out of it. Beneath she was naked, her plump breasts falling lusciously out, nipples standing at attention. She reached up, her eyes still holding his, and took the pins out of her hair, and the red mass fell around her shoulders like molten lava.


The man began to rise up from the bed, but Alice held out a hand. “Don’t move,” she said. He froze in place, waiting for her word. “Lie down.”


Alice stood over his prone figure on the bed. She reached down and grasped the black, silk sheet in her hand and began to pull it slowly away. He moaned as the sheet slid over his hard cock like slippery water. Alice smiled, reaching down and began to stroke him through the silk, her hand sliding down the thick shaft as if it were oiled. “You’re going to do everything I tell you. Do you understand?”


“Yes. Oh, yes,” he whispered.


Alice sat on the bed beside him. “Hmm,” she said. “You must have a name. What shall I call you?” She looked intently at him, her hand continuing to slide up and down his manhood. She regarded his rakish hair, his ice blue eyes. They reminded her of the actor, Paul Newman, when he was a young man, and beautiful. “Paul,” she said. “I think I shall call you Paul.”


“Of course,” he responded, his breath hitching with desire.


Alice slowed her pace and then stopped stroking him. She stood up. “Sit on the edge of the bed,” she said, and Paul complied. She stood admiring him, his wide chest, his muscled legs, and his huge, erect cock, thick and ropey, the head shiny and dark with desire. She stood between his legs and cupped her breasts, lifting them to his face, but not touching him. “Kiss them,” she said, and Paul leaned forward obediently and kissed each breast softly. His lips were dry and soft. He flicked his tongue over one nipple and Alice sighed, a jolt of electricity shooting through her. He took the nipple in his mouth and it came alive, rising to meet his tongue. Alice began to roll her other nipple between her fingers, an ache rising deep in her belly, her pussy becoming wet and hot.


Paul stopped his ministrations for a moment. “Allow me, madam,” he said, reaching up and working both nipples. Alice cried out and arched her back at the pain and pleasure of it. His hands slid down to her hips and he gently turned her around. He slid his knees between her legs and worked his hands up her thighs, cupping her mons, his thumb flicking the budding head of her clit, causing another jolt to wash through her. His hands slid up her flat belly, once again cupping her breasts, his fingers working over her nipples. “Harder,” she breathed.


“Of course,” Paul said, pinching and rolling them mercilessly. Alice moaned, her honey moistening her vulva and the inside of her thigh.


Beneath them, the boat motor rumbled. Suddenly, the vessel accelerated, throwing Alice off balance, backward onto Paul’s lap, his hot, stiff cock sliding between the juicy lips of her pussy, the head teasing her clit. Alice began to slide backward and forward over the hard shaft, Paul working her nipples. Her clitoris raised up, the little nub peeking from between her reddening lips. Alice was throbbing inside, wanting to be filled up. She raised herself up until she could feel the knob of his cock at her opening and then she pushed herself down over him, his ropey rod sliding up into her and they both cried out. She used him for her own pleasure, then, riding him, forcing herself on his fine cock, feeling it slide deep up into her over and over until she shuddered, crying out, her pussy contracting over his shaft, spilling her honey down over it.

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