Closer to the Heart (The Heart Trilogy Book 3)

BOOK: Closer to the Heart (The Heart Trilogy Book 3)
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Closer to the Heart


By Audrina Lane



This book is entirely a work of fiction.

The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.


Copyright @ Audrina Lane 2015



Once more I’d like to thank my fiancé Steve for all his patience and also assistance with my website.


To all my family and friends who have bought, promoted, read and waited for this final novel.


Special thanks go to the following friends who have been there from the very first book, Miriam, Lynn, Jo, Justine, Louise and Sue. You have made this writing journey such a special one and I’m still blown away about the way you feel and identify with the characters.


Finally big thanks to all the other authors who are sharing the journey with me as I am with them. It’s so great to find such a support network now and for the future, Valda DeDieu, Louise Scoular, Alison Ward and Rita Ames. A special mention to Sarah Michelle Lynch for her fabulous support and a great book trailer for the series, you rock!



Chapter 1


The clock ticked the hour
the food came out but went cold and was put away for another day. I watched my daughters hope fade as she alternated between looking through the window and then back at her phone. After an hour she sent the first text, then another then another. It was only an hour to go before we were into Christmas Day. The snow covered the ground like a thick, downy duvet cover but it bought no comfort.

“Where is he” she asked us all, her voice struggled plaintively as she tried to dam up her tears of despair.

“Perhaps the weather has made him turn back” I said.

“And he's forgotten to charge his phone and it has run out before he could let you know” James joined in.


I walked the short distance that separated us and enfolded her into my arms. I prayed that we were right and that nothing had happened to him on his journey home. Pam and Peter took this as a sign to leave and shuffled through the snow back to their bungalow, Darren and Sophie followed as they were sleeping in their spare room whilst Sarah and Chris climbed the stairs to Darren's old room.


“I'll phone and text him one last time” she murmured. I stroked my hand through her soft hair. It was almost blond again since she had forgotten to apply her hair colour.

“Ok, we'll just tidy up and let Jester out” I replied, turning away and following James into the hallway.

“I could phone her” he whispered. I nodded and watched as he went into his office and clicked the door shut. A few minutes later I heard footsteps on the stairs.

I was just pressing start on the dishwasher when James snuck up behind me and pulled me close.


His fingers swept the hair off the nape of my neck and he brushed a shower of tender kisses there before I turned. I looked up into his face and saw the same heart-breaking look I had seen on m

“She says he is still there at the party and she didn't know anything about his plan to come home this evening” he said “Then she wished me Merry Christmas and put the phone down”

He bent his head onto my shoulder, the hunch of defeat so telling.


I ran my fingers through his soft, silky strands and lent my chin there as we held each other tight. The evil bitch must have sent the text to Charlotte from Mitchell's phone. Why didn't that idea shock me? Jester's bark broke us from our silent stance and James let him in. His mournfu
face matched his owner's as he settled into his bed.

worry about this later” I soothed, taking his hand. The festive period had always been a difficult one for me and this year was now, no exception.


Whilst James made his way upstairs I slipped back into the lounge to turn off the fairy lights on the tree. Once more the glass baubles twinkled in the bright lights as the red haze of painful memories dripped through me. I sank down onto the soft carpet, my heart cracking again but this time for my daughter. Why now? Why us? WHY!


Sarah found me a few moments later, the tears spilling down my cheeks as I stared at the Christma

“Steph, come on its time for bed” she said, kneeling down so that I could cling to her instead of the carpet pile.

“I want to hurt her like she hurt me, I want to kill her for doing this to James and Charlotte” I declared.

Sarah nodded and helped me up.

“They both need you to be strong
you can do it Stephanie I know you can”


At the top of the stairs I hugged Sarah tightly.

“What would I do without you, my best friend in th

“The same as me without you” she whispered. Parting for our rooms we both looked at each other and realised the true depth of our friendship. It was the best feeling in the world and I knew that I could face things knowing she ha

“You can be my wingman” I whispered to myself, an image from Top Gun inspired me as I crept through the door of my room.


Trying to giggle quietly at my last thought I pulled the door closed and left my clothes on the floor. Slipping into bed James opened his arms to my warm, naked body.

“I need you” he pleaded, his lips seeking out mine. With every kiss I poured my love into him, trying hard to stifle the corrosive anger in my belly for Felicity. His fingertips took their usual trail down my spine as I sat astride, poised to mount. I looked down into his eyes and felt the connection between us, strong with love.

“My angel” he breathed, as I leant down and brushed my lips to his. Then I sank down and took control. I rode him as if I was heading for the last hurdle in a horse race.


James seemed surprised by my vigour but as his hips bucked to meet mine I saw the naughty sparkle lighting up his face. When my orgasm consumed me I kept moving until James filled me with his searing heat. My body slid against his due to the sweat as I rested on his chest in stupefied slumber. His finger
up and down my back until he went limp inside and I rolled off, snuggling into his side.

“You were amazing” he whispered.

“Only because you are” I sighed, turning my head so our lips touched. Then the darkness claimed James to sleep, whilst I lay there worrying about Charlotte across the hallway.


In the vastness of her double bed Charlie was awake, her phone still clasped in her hand, ready in case he called or texted. But as the adrenaline rush of earlier faded her eyes grew heavy and she slept a fitful sleep, plagued by dreams of Mitchell hurt in some awful accident. Or worse still he had changed his mind and stayed with the bitch instead of coming home to her open arms.



Chapter 2


Mitchell drained his glass and turned to his mother

“I'm not staying for the party, in fact I'm not staying here ever again” he declared, backing towards the door he saw her eyes narrow. He was waiting for a reaction, anger....tears but instead she remained stock still. Taking another few steps he felt a pounding in his temples. He closed his eyes and when he opened them again the room swam in and out of focus. Taking a further step backwards his legs turned to jelly and just before he lost consciousness he felt strong arms catch him and lower him onto the floor.

In his final moment of lucidity he saw his mother loom over him, grinning at his helplessness.

“I don't think you're going anywhere son”


When he came round Mitchell was laying on his bed, he tried to move, to speak but nothing seemed to be functioning. Felicity and Daniel stood by the bed talking.

“The Rohypnol has worked then” Felicity asked.

“Yes” Daniel replied, “I
won't wear off for hours so we don't need to check on him until the end of the party”

“I'll lock the door, I have his key and I think you need to execute the second part of the plan as from his phone messages James will be expecting him home tonight”


Mitchell heard their footsteps on the stairs and then the door being locked from the outside, he just couldn't move. She must have found out about his access of the computer, the email issue was just a ruse to get him into the house and downing that drink. He was fucked for the moment, now all he could do was wait for the right moment to escape and pray that Charlotte and his Dad would get suspicious.

In the silence he heard an engine start up outside. It sounded like his bike leaving the driveway, but he couldn't see and he wasn't sure as his head was in a fog.


Outside Felicity turned to Daniel.

“Have you checked his bik

“Yes, just some clothes and his laptop computer”

“Leave the clothes but bring the laptop in, I need to see what he found out. Then make sure his mobile is in there” she tossed the phone and Daniel caught it, slipping it into his jeans pocket
He nodded as he squeezed into Mitchell's leathers and helmet, then handing her the laptop he swung his leg over the machine. Turning the key he fired it up and took off down the drive. Felicity went into the kitchen and then upstairs out of ear shot of the many staff buzzing around she gave Keith a call.


He picked up on the second ring.

“Yes” he answered

“The plan is in operation you need to be at that bridge in twenty minutes to help Daniel and then bring him back here”


Keith put the phone down and pulled his coat and gloves on.

“Where are you going in this weather?” His wife asked.

“Just a bit of work I've forgotten, it won't take me long and it has stopped snowing now”

He didn't stay to hear her moans as he rushed out and jumped in his car.


The snow ploughs were doing a good job in keeping the roads clear as he drove out towards the smaller lane and the bridge over the river. Keith was a few minutes late so Daniel was already waiting, a substantial skid in the snow leading directly to the lower parapet of the bridge.

get this over with before anyone comes round that bend” Keith muttered. The two of them hauled the bike over the stonework of the bridge, Daniel slashed the tyres and they watched it tumble convincingly down the bank and into the fast flowing river.


Daniel shrugged out of the leathers, ripping them with his knife before coating them in mud and snow. They followed the bike into the river and finally the helmet. Daniel still didn't know how Felicity had discovered his blood type was the same as Mitchell's. He winced as Keith drew the knife over his arm so that they could leave drops on the bridge and helmet. Bashing it against the stonework it cracked and dented on its journey before coming to rest just on the edge of the bank.

“Fuck, it was supposed to go in the river” Daniel said.

“We can't go and get it now, we'll leave footprints in the snow” Keith reasoned.


Scuffing out their prints on the road they jumped into Keith's car.

“You never know if there's more snow no one will notice tonight” Daniel said, shivering without the leathers for protection. He felt sick to the stomach at what they had done and what Felicity had planned. In his mind he saw the image of Charlotte, tears staining her pale cheeks.


In the lights of the driveway he could just make out the first few cars of the party guests.

“Go round the back way” he motioned to Keith “It will avoid everyone going in through the front door”

Keith nodded as he slowed down and went round to stop at the back. As Daniel got out he realised he still had Mitchell's phone in his jeans pocket. He turned to Keith.

“I forgot to put this in the pocket of the jacket”

“Give it to me” he barked, before he slowly drove away.


Putting it in th
of the car he steadily made his way home along the longer route on the motorway. He didn't want to go back past the scene just in case someone had seen anything. On the way he called in at a petrol station and filled up his car and at the same time picked up a box of chocolates for his wife. Back at home he hid the phone in his inner jacket pocket turning it to silent. Glancing at the screen he saw all the text messages Charlotte had sent, each getting a little more urgent and distressing.


Felicity was paying him extremely well for this work but would it be enough if the shit really did hit the fan. Perhaps having this phone would be his insurance policy should he need it? Closing his eyes he took a couple of deep breaths, composing his breathing as an image of the beautiful dancing girl and her friend materialised in front of the lids. He shook it away and got out the car, a folder in one hand and the chocolates in the other. Opening the door he felt a cold flake on his cheek, it was snowing.


Felicity slipped into her favourite black dress and accessorised with sparkling diamonds at her throat. She brushed her hair through and then clipped it up, letting just a few strands frame her face. The bright red lipstick and dramatic black and silve
completed the look. Hearing the first few cars arriving she slipped into her stilettos with a flourish and sashayed down the wide staircase. Her first friends had arrived and she greeted them with kisses that marked their cold cheeks.


From the corner of her eye she noticed Daniel walk from the kitchen and scurry upstairs to change. Fifteen minutes later and he was by her side. Felicity breathed in his pungent aftershave as he touched his cheek to hers both as a sign of affection and so he could whisper in her ear.

“Everything is done” he said.

“Good” she replied “Let’
enjoy tonight as we will have work to do over the next few days before the police will undoubtedly turn up”

She kissed him quickly and then they mingled with their numerous guests. Food and drink were consumed, the music pounded and Christmas Day arrived with a flourish of fireworks in the grounds.


From the roof window above him Mitchell watched the rockets explode and die amid the falling snowflakes. A single tear trickled down hi
it would be the only one shed for his mother.

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