Closer to the Heart (The Heart Trilogy Book 3) (9 page)

BOOK: Closer to the Heart (The Heart Trilogy Book 3)
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George Michael started to sing as all the guests that were left found their own small space on the dance floor.


Charlotte wandered back to where her drink was on the bar and felt despair. All she wanted was forMitchell to appear an
do his finge
beckon to her before they would be joined and moving together as one. Closing her eyes against the tears damned there she swallowed the rest of her drink, needing it to numb the intense pain inside. A shadow loomed on her periphery and she opened her eyes to see Zach stood in front of her.

“Shall w
I've been dying to practice after your lesson on New Year's Eve”

“I guess” she mumbled, allowing him to guide her to the edge of the dance floor.


Feeling self-conscious in his arms she tried to find her rhythm in line with his body. Zach held her tightly and let his senses enjoy her body and scent as she laid her head on his shoulder. They moved slowly to the music as each of the songs from her Mum's past pushed her mind back into the diary. That in turn bought her full circle back to thoughts of Mitchell. Zach's hand caressed her through the material of her chiffon dress, slowly going higher to find the scooped back and her bare skin. He heard the faintest of sigh escape her lips and flutter on the skin of his neck.


With the last song ending she tried to pull away from him but instead he ushered her from the dance floor and back to the bar. Her Mum and James were saying good-bye to guests in the lobby area. Shelley and Kyle wandered over.

“We're off now” Kyle said, shaking Zach's hand and then moving in to plant a kiss on Charlie's cheek.

“I'll see you on Monday” Shelley said to Zach “I hope the club will be busy like December” She hugged him before turning to Charlie.

“See you at college” then she moved in and deliberately kissed Charlotte full on the lips. Knowing that Zach was stood beside her and feeling brazen Charlie put her arms around Shelley

“I can't wait” she breathed, before kissing her back and allowing her lips to open and their tongues to touch.


Shelley gasped but enjoyed the sign that maybe they could resume their dalliance. Zach smirked and ordered another couple of drinks. Julia and Simon were next to go as she was staying at his place for the rest of the weekend.

“I'm going to call it a night” Charlie said.

“A night cap first” Zach offered her the glass. Charlotte nodded.

Her Mum appeared in the doorway looking radiant as she scanned the room to see who was left.


I walked to the bar and ordered a bottle of champagne for the bridal suite.

“Don't stay up too late Charlotte” I said, pulling her in for a hug.

“I kno
been a long hard day for you but thank you for being the best daughter ever”

“Love you Mum” Charlotte murmured softly. I straightened up and shook hands with Zach.

“Thanks for coming Mr King” I said.

“It was lovely to be invited, I hope you and James are very happy together” he replied. I turned away and saw James waiting for me in the doorway and I couldn't stop the smile from breaking on my face.


Charlotte downed the rest of her drink, aware that they were the only people in the bar apart from the staff.

“Goodnight Zach, thanks for the drink and the dance”

As she moved away Zach grabbed her arm, reeling her into his firm embrace.

“Not so fast Charlotte, you need a goodnight kiss”

She struggled in his grasp not wanting to g
not wanting to feel the physical pull that this would awaken. Her thoughts firmly belonged to the memory of Mitchell but her body was a traitor


His hand crept up to her neck as his lips touched hers. Softly at first but then as she relaxed he pushed on. His teeth gently tugging on the swell of her bottom lip, his tongue like a snake slid into her mouth and hers responded. He pushed her up against the bar as his hand slipped down and inside the back of her dress.

“Your skin is so hot” he muttered

“Your hand is cold” she gasped before their conversation ceased under the press of more kisses. His fingers just caught the swell of her breast as he slid his hand further round her back.


Her nipples peaked against the fabric, the chiffon although soft seemed to aggravate them further and she pressed in closer trying to rub them against the material of his shirt. She moved her hand so that she stroked the base of his neck and then moved her fingers around to run them over the stubble of his cheek. God she wanted him so much. Feeling bold she moved her lips from his to whisper urgently in his ear.

“I want you now”

“Pardon” he asked, pulling away.

“I want you” she repeated.

“How much”

“Come up to my room and I'll show you” she moved her lips back to his as if to press home the point of her longing.


She reached to take his hand in hers and pulling it to her lips she took his index finger into her mouth. Licking and then sucking it like she would his cock. Zach trembled and wanted to give in to he
but he needed to stay in control. Slowly he pulled his finger out and then stepped back from her grasp.

“My taxi will be here any minute” he said, straightening his shirt and at the same time loosening his tie and top button.

“Cancel it” she demanded “Stay here with me”

Her voice tugged at his resolve, but he couldn't let her win, he wanted her to beg for him and not just when she was drunk and lonely.


She reached for him but he stepped out of reach.

“Taxi for Mr King” a waiter called as he entered the room.

“Told you” he smirked, reaching to pull on the jacket that he had discarded on the chair. Charlotte stood and stared in disbelief as he wandered past her to the doorway. He turned to look back at her and his resolve nearly faltered. She walked slowly towards him and pressed against him once more, her lips grazing his for a final time. Then she turned and wandered up the large staircase, never looking back as tears stung her eyes.


Chapter 13


Opening the doors of the bridal suite James picked me up and effortlessly carried me into the room, kicking the door shut behind us.

“At last” he breathed, as still in his arms he kissed me. Then he walked towards the bed and placed me on the covers.

“So Mr Cooke, what shall we do now” I asked, my eyes could not hide the deep love I felt for him. It had lingered in my heart for twenty five years but now he was mine completely.

“I'm going to spoil you rotten, cater to your every whim and desire” he declared.


Noticing the bottle of champagne chilling in the ice bucket beside the bed he reached to pop the cork. The golden liquid splashed into the flutes and he passed one to me.


“Cheers” I replied, taking a sip and letting the cool bubbles meet the heat within.

Putting my glass dow
stood up and slipped out of my shoes and looked across at my new husband.

“Can you help with the zip” I asked, turning so that my back was to him. He found it concealed beneath the draping chiffon and as my dress slipped to the floor I turned to face him.

“Even more stunning” he exclaimed, his hands running gently down the lace of my bra and briefs. He caught the top of my stockings and unhooked the catches. Kneeling down his breath whispered over the skin he revealed as he rolled each of them off.


Standing back up I undid the buttons on his shirt as it slipped from his back. Then his trousers followed suit and slid down his muscular thighs. We stopped for a moment and even though we had been together for six months we still revelled in the sight and feel of each other.

“Love this underwear” James breathed, as he nibbled my earlobe.

“You might want to explore it a little more closely then as it includes my something blue”

I watched his puzzled look as he scanned the cream lace of my bra. Taking a moment to free my breasts he kissed each nipple as they stood erect for him.


I stepped back and sat down on the edge of the bed, dizzy with desire. He dropped to his knees as his fingertips found the edge of my panties. Lying back I opened my legs to him as he found the slit in the lace. He took a second to look up and catch my eyes as I licked my lips.

“I get it”

His fingers trailed over the lace and then delved into my wetness as I sighed and closed my eyes. His tongue darted in and started making slow deliberate circles around my clit. My juice stained his lips as he moved back up and shared it with me. Then I took my turn in slipping off his boxer shorts and I was about to make my mouth work when I had a great idea.


Sitting up I reached for my glass and took a small sip, I had never tried this before but tonight was the night. Carefully I held the cold liquid in my mouth before I pushed my lips over the head of his cock. He shivered as I let the cold liquid and bubbles break over his skin before swallowing it down, now warmed from the heat of our bodies. I watched his expression.

“Oh my god you can do that again” he exclaimed. I took another sip and repeated the move as I felt him harden even more. I was about to go for a third when he caught my hand and pulled me into his embrace.

“If you do that again then this will be over before I've had the chance to please you” he groaned.

“And that would never do” I said, pressing down onto his body as my lips caught his.


We switched places as James swept first hands and then tongue over my body getting it to the tip of desire. Then as if it was our very first time he tenderly and infinitely slowly inched inside me. I throbbed around him as he held still and just stared directly into my eyes.

“I absolutely adore you” he breathed before his lips claimed mine. As our bodies moved together I rose higher and higher with the tempo of his thrusts. It was like I was flying, swooping and gliding on the winds until the hot thermal took me to the pinnacle. It held me there for breathless minutes until I fell, spiralling back down to earth and the firm feel of James' body pressing atop of me.


For moments after we lay connected, our eyes never broke apart and it was almost as if our souls were touching. Shakily James rolled off me before I snuggled into his arms.

“I never dreamed this day would ever come”

“I always held the wild hope that it would, and all thanks to our amazing children” he said, refusing to let go of Mitchell being his son. Tears fell softly down his cheek, the loss still so close to the surface. I kissed them away my own throat too tight to speak. I had no words to comfort him with as I knew that the pain was replicated within m
heart. At least James had me beside him, my daughter was alone and struggling.


Untangling his arms I sat up and reached for my phone.

“Is everything alright?”

“Yes, just sending Charlotte a good night kiss. I'm worried about her” I said. Then I poured us both the remnants of the champagne and we toasted the start of our married life.


In her room across the hall Charlotte pulled off her dress, she was drunk, lonely and frustrated. How could Zach reject her like that! She had thrown herself at him and where had it got her. The sheets on the bed were cold as she slipped beneath them, seething with pent up desire. Closing her eyes she found Mitchell there, angry at her betrayal again as he walked out. Opening them she tossed and turned for an hour before getting up and padding across to the bathroom.


She turned the shower on and waited for it to warm up. At the same time she glanced at her reflection in the mirror. Zach was right, she had lost a shocking amount of weight and the gaunt look didn't suit her. Stepping into the shower she let the hot water kiss her sensitive nipples. Grabbing the shower head she swept it over her body, closing her eyes as the water tickled her. Then with focus she arched her hips towards the spray and foun
a quic
release it its arc. All the while she tried to imagine Mitchell but all she saw was the dark, brooding eyes of Zachary King. There and then she decided to get on with her life, practice loads and nail that audition for Mitchell's memory. Dalliances with men, any men were off the table she was determined to succeed.


The next morning Charlotte went down to breakfast with a new spring in her step and a stain of colour in her previously pallid cheeks. She saw Aunt Sarah and Uncle Chris at a table and went to join them.

“Morning Charlotte” Sarah said “You're looking bright and breezy”

“I am
wait to get home and start practicing for that audition. I'm going to do it for Mitchell”

“That's my girl” Chris said, pulling a chair out so she could sit next to him. He looked across at Sarah and saw relief wash over her features. They had both been worried about their god-daughter being alone whilst Stephanie and James were away on honeymoon.


Breakfast was self-service and Charlotte had some porridge and then a small bacon roll. Her stomach was still feeling a little dodgy after all the alcohol last night. Pam and Peter joined them, they were driving her home as her mum and James were staying another night and then going straight to the airport from here. She knew her Mum was worried about her and she didn't want her thinking sad thoughts while she was in New Zealand.


With the sun streaming in through the pale curtains I woke up and looked across to the empty side of the bed. Sitting up I heard water running and then James poked his head out through the bathroom door.

“Your bat
awaits, beautiful”

“Why thank you sir” I said, walking across the room and sliding into his awaiting arms. His body warmed from the steam in the bathroom. He ushered me through and I stepped into the large bath tub. James jumped in and cuddled up beside me, his hand dipping beneath the water to slide up my silky thigh.


We languished in the water, discussing our trip to New Zealand. James had got Chris to record the wedding ceremony on his phone so that we could email it to my parents before we got there. Then we dressed and shared breakfast in our room.

“I'd love to go back to bed with you” I sighed “But I think we need to say goodbye to our last few guests and Charlotte”

James nodded as we headed down to the bar and waited for everyone to gather.


I gasped at the colour in Charlotte's cheeks as I enfolded her in my arms.

miss you Mum” she said, kissing me “say hi t
and Grandpa from me and tell them that one day I will meet them”

I nodded and tried to stop the tears of happiness sliding down my cheek and into her hair.

“Just take care, Pam and Peter will look in on you, Sarah and Chris are only a phone call away and if you want to call us while we are away then do it” I said.

James wrapped his arms around both of us and murmured.

“Look after Jester for me, and it would make me so proud if you get that part”


His words were so heartfelt that Charlie couldn't stop her own tears for Mitchell once again staining her cheeks. Stepping aside Sarah and Chris were next in line for hugs
Pam and Peter last. We stood on the steps of the hotel and waved them all off before turning back to each other.

“Shall we go back to bed now?” James asked.

“I thin
a perfect idea Mr Cooke”

Taking his hand in mine we walked to the lift
all the way up to our floor and then ran along the corridor giggling like teenagers. How I loved married life!

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