Cloud Riders (Lord of the Planets) (17 page)

BOOK: Cloud Riders (Lord of the Planets)
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‘What name? I’m here only to serve the master, radar.’ She giggled and moved away from him, holding on to Jason.

‘Don’t hide behind me, princess. Man, he is so going to get you for that.’

Ethan came towards her and she playfully squealed and held on tight to Jason, making him laugh and protect her.

Ethan leaned real close this time. ‘Big bro is not always going to be around. You’re going down, girl,’ he said as he strode off in front of them, catching up with Conor.

‘He’s fun,’ Cassie whispered to Jason.

Jason just laughed and let her hang off him as they followed Conor and Ethan through the grounds. They strolled past the gardens, if you could call them that. Here she took time to take in her surroundings. In place of grass there were mirrored mosaic tiles that reflected the soft pastels of the trees. In the centre of the area, large crystal sculptures of the Three Sisters stood proudly. At the statues’ feet, crystal-shaped stars and moons formed their constellation as seen from above. On the other side of the path, glistening figurines of a mystical creature towered high above her, with the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle. Running around the entire castle was a lake or maybe an illusion of one. As they moved closer it looked as if the water was actually made up of thousands of diamonds or quartz crystals, glittering in the moonlight.

The bridge leading to the entrance of the castle, also a mixture of the glass and crystal, was held together with what looked like gold pillars and ropes. The colourful little critters running around the grounds stood out against the softness and calmness of the setting. Further into the grounds there were trees and plants, nothing like the trees on earth. The trunks were pure white and the leaves were multicoloured pastel. The shrubs that surrounded them were the colours of the critters that ran around, and brightened up the surrounds beautifully. The light from the two full moons that circled the star above suddenly hit the grounds at different angles, causing the colours to reflect against the glass and crystal and sending an array of colours shooting around them. It was a truly spectacular sight.

Finally Cassie felt as if she belonged somewhere. Amongst all the freakishness in this new magical world she was not an outsider anymore. There were plenty of weirder things going on here than she could even dream up. Cassie was sure destiny had played a big hand in getting her this far and she was thrilled that it had led her to Kayden and all of this.

Woody and Kayden caught up to them. Jason released his hold on Cassie so she could be with her man and turned to tell Woody how she had stirred up their boy Ethan.

Kayden thought it was funny. ‘Little troublemaker. You know you’ve just made up a new game and he’ll make you play it out.’

Cassie shrugged. ‘I have an advantage.’

He grinned. ‘Spill.’

She giggled. ‘I’m sleeping with the boss.’

Woody nudged her. ‘Don’t think I won’t kidnap your arse, young lady, if you stir up my boys too much,’ he said in fun.

Laughter helped Cassie loosen up; being part of a team felt good. The men were entertaining and it was nice to have some fun for a change.

Kayden stopped walking and kissed her hands, holding them as if they might break.

‘Okay, you two.’ Woody broke up Kayden’s efforts to woo Cassie further.

‘Goddamn it, Woody, can’t you give me a minute?’

‘Did, and it’s up,’ he smirked, putting out his arm to Cassie. ‘It’s time to show our newest member how to party with the stars.’

She slipped one of her arms through his and the other through her man’s.

Woody patted her hand, brother-like. ‘Promise me if we lead you astray and get you into trouble that you won’t blow us up until we get home. There we’ll have somewhere to run and hide,’ he said and smirked.

Kayden scowled. ‘There will be no leading the new girl astray, Woody. Don’t even think about it or you know what’ll happen.’

‘Okay, boss, I give. Please no stuffing around with my horse on the way back. I can already feel a hangover of massive proportions and will need my horse to be steady,’ he said, putting his hands up and giving in.

As they walked through the castle, Cassie was enchanted by yet more mirrors and crystals that reflected light around the rooms. Golden moons, planets and star shapes were embossed in the blue tiles on the floor. The mystical-creature theme continued, carved into huge golden pillars that supported the roof as well as into the gold frames of all the furniture. Soft, plush, light-blue cushioning of all shapes, trimmed in gold, were placed on the dining chairs and used as scatter cushions on the lounge suites.

Walking around she let her fingers glide admiringly along the soft silks and the feathery cushions before continuing along the grooves of the furniture as she traced the creatures carved on them.

Kayden was leaning against one of the pillars watching her. ‘The creature is a griffin. On earth the legendary monsters build nests up in the mountains of India. Instead of laying a normal egg they lay an agate one, a coloured semi-precious decorative form of quartz, hence the pastels you see outside, a symbol of the beauty they create. The griffin’s instincts are to collect pure gold from the mountains where they live and will guard their treasure to the death. Their talons are so big that after they die the wealthy pay much for them, using them as cups to hold ambrosia—known as the wine of the gods. This world is the home of the griffins and the creatures are worshipped and adored by the Three Sisters who still control the majority of them. The griffins bring the gold they collect here and the sisters get it made into all the beautiful pieces you see before you.’

He pointed to a scroll hanging on one of the walls telling a story of old. ‘The only menace to the griffins was the one-eyed Arimaspians. They would kill the griffins and seize the gold for their own greed. The Arimaspians are the purple, one-eyed critters you see outside. For their crime the sisters had them captured and brought here where they will live out the remainder of their lives, turning the gold they tried to steal into what you see around you. That is their punishment for killing so many of the winged griffins on earth.’

Listening intently, Cassie had unconsciously sat down. She quickly stood up, smoothing out the cushions when the Three Sisters made their entrance. She couldn’t take her eyes off the women. They seemed to float into the room, their movements languid and elusive. Their evening gowns, although dissimilar in design, were all in a delicately spun sheer-gold material that flowed around them like lustrous silk. Gold jewellery dripped off their exposed skin and they even wore exquisite gold and quartz tiaras. They were the worshippers of the gold-loving griffins and were proud to wear the gifts the creatures bestowed on them for the love they received in return.

Kayden was by their sides within a couple of strides. The redhead was holding his arm possessively as he brought her over to Cassie, followed closely by the two other sisters.

‘Adora, Kewana and Dyna, I would like you to meet Cassie Wyatt, my newest warrior.’

Adora was the one she had glimpsed today with the incredibly long, red hair. Now looking at them, she doubted if they had ever been to a hairdresser. All three had unusually long hair. Kewana’s hair was straight like her sister Adora’s but Dyna’s hair was white and curly and fell in ringlets. It was the first time she had ever seen Kayden with another woman on his arm and she had to admit there was a part of her eager to pull that long, long hair and maybe even scratch those golden eyes out. She smiled as the thought popped into her head.
As if I would.

Up here Kayden was her boss and had spent centuries forming bonds with these celestial rulers. She had to come to terms with stunning females hanging off him as he also had to get used to sharing her with the Cloud Riders who to him, were probably just as threatening: all bulked-up, handsome and very attentive to their newest member. His little comment, while in combat, laid testament to the fact that he was maybe a little on the jealous side. Good, a bit of payback, she thought as Adora dropped Kayden’s arm and the Three Sisters stood in front of her, bowing to Cassie as if she was their queen.

‘Cassie Wyatt, we are blessed by your presence and we are honoured you could join us.’ Adora’s harmonic voice pierced her guilty thoughts.

Well, maybe I might have been a bit judgemental.
She grinned at them. These gals really are quite sweet, she thought as she decided to change her mind on the whole scratching and hair-pulling thing. ‘Thank you, I’m flattered but really I’m nobody special. I’m just one of the team and to tell you the truth, just winging it until they teach me. I still have so much to learn.’

Adora took Kayden’s arm again. ‘K, sweetie, you neglected to tell me how honest and delightful she is.’

Kewana and Dyna each slipped an arm through Cassie’s and giggled. ‘You sound just like us, Cassie. Let’s go get you a drink so you can tell us all about yourself. You are our hero, cloud girl,’ they said, giggling and dragging her into the dining room.

Woody went straight over to Cassie with a shot of rum that she drank straight down to help her relax as she followed him to the table. Kayden had already pulled a chair out that she gratefully took. The last thing she wanted to do was have to make up a story about herself. There was not much to tell and these chicks looked like they wanted to settle into a real girly gasbag. Woody sat on the other side of her and she breathed easier. Saved by my team, she thought and she watched as Woody poured them another shot each. He passed it to her.       Kayden took it from Cassie and sculled it. ‘Easy mate,’ he said to Woody. ‘She’s not used to drinking like you men.’

‘If she’s going to be one of us we have to initiate her,’ he grumbled.

Cassie patted Woody’s arm. ‘Maybe one to every three of yours and we’ll see how I go.’

Woody grinned. ‘Atta girl, Cass. You’ve just fought with us and we want to drink with you.’

Kayden leant over towards her. ‘You’re a good sport, honey. I promise we won’t let anything happen to you if you decide to let your hair down, okay?’

Cassie nodded and grinned. ‘In that case, line them up, Woody.’ She giggled, throwing caution to the wind.
If I die tomorrow, I’ll leave this world knowing that I had the best day ever
. She smiled at her thoughts.
Jeez, I even think differently up here

Zoren turned up just as dinner was being announced. His overpowering appearance almost made time stand still for her as he glided in.

‘Does he have wings?’ Cassie whispered to Woody and he laughed.

‘Yes, but not when in this form.’

‘Wow, he is so over-the-top gorgeous,’ she gushed and giggled.

Kayden took her drink. ‘That’s it for you, princess.’ He grinned and shook his finger at her. ‘Behave or you’ll have me all jealous and there is no way to kick an angel’s arse,’ he whispered teasingly.

Talk about an archangel! He was the epiphany of one, perfect in every way. He was tall, with large shoulders, a thin waist, blond hair, long blond lashes and fair, flawless skin. His pale blue eyes were to die for: intense, faultless and fascinating.

He went around to the sisters, taking their hands and kissing them. Then coming around to Cassie, he took her hand and with no will of her own, she stood up to face him. He took both her hands and kissed them, whispering in a language she had never heard before.

His thoughts ran through her.
You are truly a gift from the gods. Welcome to our kingdom in the heavens, goddess of light.

As he spoke, there was an air around him that drew her in by the musical tone in his voice. It was spellbinding and a feeling of bliss wrapped around her, relaxing her and making her feel enlightened. It was as if there was no one else around them: just him and her alone, floating inside a light in space. Cassie answered his questions with honesty, her mind unable to hold anything back. When he finished speaking to her she could hear everyone in the room again and she looked at Kayden, confused.

He talked to my mind,
she said to Kayden and under the angel’s spell her voice was only a thought as well.

He does that, honey, but your response to everything he asked was perfect. It’s okay; no one else heard other than me. He captured you with his magic and talked telepathically to you as I am now. Your secrets are safe with us.

Cassie grinned shyly back up at Zoren, his smile back was charming as he pulled her out of the trance she was in. The air suddenly filling with music that floated around them. She closed her eyes, listening to the delicate melody. He was so enchanting she wondered how long she had been with him. For hours? Maybe she had. Time seemed to have no consequence at this moment. The music finished and Cassie opened her eyes. As he kissed her hands again, it broke the spell he held over her. She shook her head and giggled. ‘You are
eno toh legna
, Zoren.’

He glanced over at Kayden with a curious look.

‘She called you “one hot angel” but don’t let it go to your head. She’s taken, man,’ he said, standing up and waiting for Zoren to release his woman.

Zoren smiled. ‘And you, my fair lady are one
roirepus elamef, a sseddog ni yreve yaw,
and it is an honour to have you think so highly of me.’

Cassie started giggling while sliding one of her hands from his. Showing respect, she curtseyed. ‘Thank you, kind sir.’

‘What did he say to her, K?’ Jason asked.

Kayden chuckled. ‘He said she was a superior female, a goddess in every way.’

Zoren bowed and then placed her hand in Kayden’s. ‘Delightful.’ He smiled at Kayden as he went around to the other side of the table between Adora and Dyna where the sisters had laid a place for him.

Kayden seated Cassie as well, bending over to her and talking quietly. ‘You have earned his respect for what you were able to achieve in battle and Zoren is beholden to you. Now just try to relax, let your guard down a little and enjoy the rest of your night, honey. Let them see the woman who I have fallen so helplessly in love with.’

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