Club Destiny 1 Conviction (32 page)

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Authors: Nicole Edwards

BOOK: Club Destiny 1 Conviction
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Lying in her bed alone, even if
he would be back shortly, was the most lonesome she’d been since she met him.
Having just had him buried deep inside of her, looking at her as though she
could somehow make everything right in the world, had been both exquisite and
unnerving at the same time.

He was right about what he said
earlier, they’d both been burned, and they had a lot to learn when it came to
love. Logan wanted her unconditional trust, and Sam wanted to give it to him.
He’d carried her to new heights, pushed her to limits she hadn’t known she
could reach, and in turn, she wanted to do the same for him.

The shower water turned off, and
Sam knew he’d be back any second, so she turned onto her side, staring at the
wall, hoping he’d slide up under the covers and cuddle with her. She needed to
feel his warmth, his strength, at least through tonight. Tomorrow she’d have to
worry about the rest.


Logan showered, letting his mind
reel from what just happened. Whatever it was, he didn’t want the feeling to
ever end. They’d made love with a ferocity that rivaled his darkest desires.

After the night when he and Luke
shared her, being only the two of them tonight, Logan expected the sex to be
good, but honestly, he hadn’t expected phenomenal.

Logan admitted his desires, those
things that pushed his sexuality and extended his pleasure. He accepted them.

Then, tonight, with Sam, Logan
realized he didn’t have to have those things. Sex had always been sex, and
without a third, or some other carnal activity, Logan struggled. Not tonight.
Not in Sam’s arms. She alone brought out a tender side of him he hadn’t known

Sam was salacious, seductive,
even when she wasn’t trying, and Logan found he couldn’t keep his hands off of
her. Even after the cold shower, standing in the middle of her bathroom, drying
his body, Logan’s dick was hard again. He wanted to be inside of her, hell, he
wanted to
inside of her.

They’d made love, but when she’d
come, there had been a connection so strong, so forceful, he’d been lost in the
throes of an orgasm so powerful, he didn’t think he’d survive. And yet, here he
was, alone in the bathroom, while she probably slept in the very next room.

He needed a moment to get his head
on straight. This was foreign to him, and until tonight, Logan had known his
feelings for her were deep, even bordered on love. But now, there was no
border. He was, beyond any doubt, in love with her. She owned him. And that
scared the living hell out of him.

Realizing he truly did have a lot
to learn when it came to love, he decided to table his thoughts for another
day. Right now he was missing out on being with Sam. Grabbing a washcloth from
the small shelf by the sink, Logan let the water get warm. Hanging his towel
back on the hook on the door, he flipped off the light and went back to the

Seeing the beautiful woman lying
peacefully on the bed, nearly waylaid him. Her eyes were closed, and she was
breathing softly, sleeping soundly. He’d wanted her to fall asleep on top of
him after they’d made love, but he had wanted to give her a moment of space,
and take one of his own.

Cleaning her gently with the
washcloth, Logan let his eyes travel the length of her, gliding over her soft,
supple curves. After tossing the washcloth back in the bathroom, he slid into
bed beside her, pulling the blankets up over them both. Once she was up against
him, her body tucked warmly against his, he was able to close his eyes.

This was exactly where he wanted
to be. Next to the woman he loved. It wasn’t a revelation because he knew he
had fallen for her and though he had some concerns over how they would move
forward, what exactly that meant, he wasn’t scared. He just had to convince her
she didn’t need to be scared either.

That was going to be the hard


The next three weeks went by
without incident… well mostly.

Sam either spent the night with
Logan, or he spent the night with her, with the exception of the weekend her
parents came down. That weekend had been a long one, though Logan enjoyed

He offered to take the three of
them out on the boat and not surprisingly, her father was the first one to jump
at the opportunity. He picked up on Sam’s reluctance to spend the day with both
him and her parents, but the end of the day, they were getting along easily.

Since the night of their
argument, Logan offered Sam little time to brood, or dwell on her thoughts. He
made sure to see her every day, even convincing her to go to lunch at least
three times a week. Now, he just wondered what the next step in the
relationship was. Taking things one day at a time was much easier said than
done, and Logan never considered himself an impatient man.

He half expected some of the
newness to wear off of the relationship. So far, it hadn’t. Each morning when
he woke up, Sam beside him, his body still hardened at the mere sight of her.

When he heard her voice outside
of his office door, usually speaking to Deanna, he couldn’t help but smile, or
try to sneak a glance. There was an easiness to the way they were when they
were together, though still intense.

Oh, and the sex was still off the

Realizing the time, Logan opened
his IM, so he could check in with her to see what time she’d be finished.

 [McCoy, Logan – 4:43pm]
What are your plans for tonight?

[Kielty, Samantha – 4:43pm]
At this point, I don’t have any.
Why, what’s up?

[McCoy, Logan – 4:43pm]
I was thinking dinner and a
movie. After all, our last movie date was ruined.

[Kielty, Samantha – 4:44pm]
Sounds good. What time? I only
have a few more things to finish up and I’ll be ready to go.

Logan had driven them to the
office that morning since Sam had stayed the night. For the last couple of
weekends, they hadn’t made any plans; they simply spent the time together and
did whatever came to mind.

[McCoy, Logan – 4:44pm]
Give me about thirty minutes and
I’ll be ready.

[Kielty, Samantha – 4:45pm]
Ok, just let me know.


Once his report was finished,
Logan logged off of his computer, grabbing his cell phone on the way out the
door. He dialed the last number on his missed call list, and it was quickly

“Xavier, I noticed you called
earlier. Just wanted to give you a call back. What’s up?” Logan listened
intently as Xavier told him that he needed to meet with him.

“Are you in the building?” He
waited briefly for his boss’ confirmation, and once given, he replied with a
quick, “See you in ten”, then hung up the phone.

It was highly unusual for Xavier
to meet Logan at his office this late in the day, but Xavier was on his way.

According to his boss, he had
something urgent to discuss, which meant only one thing. Whatever he had to say
would probably pertain to his relationship with Sam.

A couple of his V.P.’s had made
offhanded comments in passing a couple of times, so he knew their relationship
hadn’t gone unnoticed like they’d hoped. Since he hadn’t let them bait him,
they must have gone to Xavier with their grievances.

Stopping at Sam’s office, he
pushed open her door and forced a smile.

“Hey.” Her smile brightened her
face, and he hated what he had to tell her next.

“Hey back. Are you already done?”
She asked, her attention back on her computer.

“Not quite. Xavier wants to talk
to me.”

Sam jerked her head in his
direction, her eyes wide, her face pale. “About?”

He had already told Sam about
Larry and Abigail’s comments regarding their relationship, and he knew she
suspected the same thing he did.

“I’m not sure just yet. He’s on
his way now. Wait for me.” His lips turned upward, but he knew the smile didn’t
quite reach his eyes.

“I’ll be here. I don’t have
anywhere else to go.”

Remembering that he had driven
her to work that day, Logan almost offered her to take his car. Selfishly, he
opted not to, wanting to see her as soon as this conversation was over.

As soon as he’d shut her office
door behind him, Logan saw Xavier and Alex walking his way.
. This
definitely couldn’t be good if Xavier had brought Alex along.

Since Alex wasn’t exactly
employed by XTX, rather his company was contracted by XTX to provide security,
Logan didn’t know what the other man might be able to contribute.

Xavier greeted when he and Alex
fell into step with Logan on the way to his office. Thankfully Deanna had
already left for the day. His sweet, spunky admin would probably panic at the
sight the three of them probably made.

“Thanks for meeting me this
late.” Xavier said when the office door finally shut behind them.

“Sure thing. Please have a seat.”
Nodding at Alex, Logan greeted his friend, wondering what the other man was
doing there. “Alex.”

Without hesitation, Xavier took
one of the spare chairs in Logan’s office and directed his attention at him.
“I’m going to get straight down to business since I know you probably have
plans for the evening.”

Logan didn’t say anything; he
simply sat down and looked back at the other two men.

“It seems we have a problem.
Well, not quite a problem in my book, but it seems to be a problem with a
couple of your employees.”

Unsurprised by his comment, Logan
nodded his understanding. Despite Xavier’s laid back appearance, Alex looked a
bit more concerned by where the conversation was headed.

“Abigail and Larry came to me
this week in regards to you and your apparent relationship with Sam. It seems
they have an issue with the fact that you’re dating one of your vice
presidents, and they fear it will impact their jobs.”

“Sure. I spoke with both of them
earlier in the week.” This wasn’t news to him, but, figuring Abigail’s original
disapproval of Sam, he expected as much. Abigail had been rooting for Tricia
Shoenrock for the position, and had been disappointed when Logan didn’t even
consider the less tenured project manager for the role.

“Why didn’t you come to me?”
Xavier asked, concerned.

“I didn’t think it would continue
to be an issue, but I should have known. What do I need to do? Hand in my
resignation?” Logan immediately jumped to the conclusion that the only answer
would be to leave the company. It was instinct.

He was going to protect Sam at
all costs. That was certainly a new and strange feeling for him, but for some
reason, it no longer scared him. He had finally come to terms with his feelings
for Sam and just short of telling her that he loved her, Logan had all but
admitted how he felt.

“Hell no. That isn’t the answer.”
Xavier exclaimed, using his hands to punctuate the statement. “That’s why we’re
here, actually. Alex has come up with an idea that we think will work for all

Xavier looked to Alex and then
back to Logan, apparently uncomfortable with the conversation. And what could
Alex possibly do about the situation? He was the head of security, not exactly
the career path either of them were leaning toward.

“It might sound strange, but it
makes sense, and above all else, I think it’ll actually benefit everyone involved.”
Alex contributed.

“How big is this problem, Xavier?
Does it truly require change?” Logan questioned. He wanted to get Xavier’s

“Well, since they’ve both
threatened to engage HR or walk, and I’m not exactly good with either of those choices,
I think it does.”

Interesting. He knew Abigail
pretty well, and he was actually surprised his tenured vice president would
threaten to leave the company. He didn’t put it past Larry though since the man
had always been aggressive when it came to his position.

“Alright. I’m listening.”

“As you and I previously
discussed, I really don’t have a problem with you and Sam dating. Actually, I’m
a little relieved you pulled the stick out of your ass and actually went after
her.” Xavier responded, just as politically correct as always, making Logan

Logan noticed Alex’s grin. It
definitely wasn’t the first time Xavier had come to the forefront with his
honesty. The two of them shared that sort of relationship, and it was one Logan
had come to appreciate.

“Alex’s idea involves Sam though.
I wanted to run it by you before we presented her with the option.”

Option? What the hell?

“You have my attention.” Logan
stated, uncomfortable now.

“The situation seems to stem from
the fact that Sam is your employee, and you and she are… together.” Alex stated
flatly. “It doesn’t appear to be going away, so we had to come up with a plan.
Unless you tell me the two of you are calling it quits, I think this is our
only option.”

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