Club Nova Vol. 4 (Brad Grayson) (5 page)

BOOK: Club Nova Vol. 4 (Brad Grayson)
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Brad was feeling good. Really good. In fact, he was in a better mood than he had been in for weeks. He knew it was all because of Victoria and where their relationship was heading. That woman had snuck into his life, tempted him, and then stolen his heart and mind when he wasn’t paying attention. Hiring her as his personal secretary had been his best business decision as of late. He was in love and being in love was nothing short of life changing.

He stopped outside of Eric’s building and took a moment to collect himself. All he had to do was get through this meeting, and then he could focus on growing Club Nova and dedicating the rest of his time to Victoria.


He turned at the sound of his name and saw Peyton rushing toward him. She was far too excited. He refrained from rolling his eyes and plastered on a huge, fake smile. “Peyton.” He nodded. “So good to see you.”

“I was hoping I’d catch you going in.” She stopped to catch her breath. “I’d like to speak to you privately before we finalize this deal. Is that okay with you?”

He should have seen this coming.

“About?” He raised a brow, knowing if she brought up his promise to her he was going to snap.

“About what your plans are for tonight. We’re going to celebrate, right?”

“Let’s just get through the paperwork first.” He forced out a laugh.

“Yes, of course. Silly me for getting ahead of myself. But, I do have some really tempting thought on how we can celebrate.” She smiled.

Brad stared at her for a few moments. She really was clueless. Did she really not have any memory or care for what had transpired just a few days ago? She’d given him an ultimatum, a threat, and then attacked his house. How could she stand here now and act like none of that happened? Brad wanted to slap the woman for being so stupid.

He cleared his throat and opened the door for Eric’s office building. He nodded for her to go in first. “Let’s make sure this deal goes down without a problem. We’ll talk after.” Peyton gave him a tight smile and entered the building. “I will tell you, I’m really looking forward to tonight.”

“Oh, so am I.” She glanced at him over her shoulder.

He hadn’t been lying. He really was looking forward to tonight, but not because of her. He’d promised Victoria a celebration, a weekend away from everything and everyone so the two of them could finally be alone; no distractions, just the two of them. Brad’s muscles relaxed just thinking about it..

Brad and Peyton stopped at the elevator and waited for it to arrive. He stared at the numbers as they counted down to the lobby, trying to ignore Peyton’s gaze which was fixed solely on him. He could only imagine what she was thinking. He’d be so damn glad when this meeting was over and he could return to Victoria.

He knew Victoria was right. Signing this deal didn’t mean the nightmare was over. Peyton would be furious when Brad backed out on his promise. Even if he chose his words carefully, she would pounce him.

The elevator dinged, the doors slid open, and they both stepped inside. “I thought for sure your assistant would be with you today,” Peyton said as the doors slid closed.

Brad punched the number six and sighed. “Last I checked, she wasn’t a part of this deal.”

Peyton shrugged. “Must be my mistake.”

Brad turned to look at Peyton straight on. “Why did you assume she would be here?”

“Because you’re fucking her, and I guess I assumed you’d want her close. You know, with all the hard luck she’s had recently.”

The hairs on the back of Brad’s neck and arms stood on edge. Peyton was goading him, trying to get him to slip up and admit something. But what? And why? He kept his face stoic, expressionless, as he turned to look at her. “A man like me has fucked a lot of women. Would you suggest I gather all of them here, too?”

She flinched slightly and Brad knew his cold demeanor had the desired effect. He held her gaze. His gut churned at the thought of Victoria alone in his condo. She had a house full of investigators and a bodyguard for protection, yet Brad knew that Peyton was capable of great turmoil. Nothing would happen to her, he convinced himself. Still, it didn’t ease the fear inside of him.

“No, of course not,” she finally said.

He gave a curt nod and turned back to stare at the elevator doors. “There won’t be any surprises once we get up here, will there?”

“Like what?” she asked innocently.

Brad shrugged. “I just don’t want to be blindsided, that’s all. ”

“A big business man like yourself, I didn’t know.”

“Know what?”

“That you would be nervous.”

Brad laughed. “This? This isn’t nervous. Just thorough.”

“Good. And no. As long as you keep your word about everything we’ve discussed, there won’t be any surprises.”

He gave a curt nod and pulled at his jacket. Just a little while longer until he could be out of here, away from her and on to his great fortune. This business was his life, his passion. He could make a deal with the hardest negotiator out there. Surely he could keep his poker face on long enough to make a deal with the likes of Peyton Thompson.

The elevator came to a stop and he motioned Peyton to step out first. He followed. For good measure, Brad lightly placed his hand on the small of her back and guided her toward Eric’s office. Peyton sighed and slowed her steps, prolonging his touch. He almost cursed, but bit his tongue.
It’s almost over.

“Brad. Good to see you.” Eric stood and shook Brad’s hand when he entered the office.

“Eric. Thank you for accommodating us today. This is Peyton Thompson. Peyton, my attorney, Eric Wakefield.” Brad tugged at his tie and set his briefcase on top of the conference table.

“It’s a pleasure, Mrs. Thompson.” Eric smiled.

“Oh, it’s Miss. For a little while longer anyway.” She turned and winked at Brad who had to stop himself from snorting.

That woman really was fucking nuts if she thought Brad would ever marry her. “So, are we ready to get started?” Brad asked, wanting to get this over with as quickly as possible.

“I just spoke to Miss Thompson’s counsel. He’s running about ten minutes late, but as soon as he arrives we’re ready to get down to business.” Eric looked back and forth between them. “In the meantime, can I get either of you something to drink?”

“No, thank you,” Brad said. He wanted to sign the papers and get the hell out of this office.

“A water would be great.” Peyton smiled.

Eric busied himself with getting his assistant to bring drinks into the office for everyone when Brad felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out and looked at the screen. It was a message from Philip.
Got info. Urgent!
Brad’s stomach dropped and he swallowed hard, wondering what Philip had discovered. He had a feeling whatever it was wasn’t going to be good. Before he could respond, his phone rang.

“Excuse me,” he said to Eric and Peyton. “I need to take this. It’ll only be a moment.” Brad stepped out into the hallway and answered. “What’s up?”

“A lot. I can’t even begin to explain it all right now, but I suggest you get your ass back here ASAP.”

“I’m minutes away from making this deal,” Brad whispered angrily, “so why don’t you try to explain what the hell is going on?”

Philip sighed. “Apparently Victoria has had contact with her kidnapper this whole time.”

Brad’s blood ran cold and his ear prickled. “What?” He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“She’s had a way to contact him with instructions to do so should you move forward with this deal,” Philip said.

Oh, hell no. There had to be some mistake. Victoria wouldn’t betray him like that. She wouldn’t. “Did she?”

“No, she came to me with the information and we’ve located him.”

“I’ll be there in ten minutes. Don’t fucking move,” Brad snarled. He ended the call, shoved his phone back into his pocket, and stormed into Eric’s office. “Something just came up that needs my immediate attention. I’m sorry.” He grabbed his briefcase. “Let’s reschedule for tomorrow,” he said, running out the door.

Despite Eric and Peyton shouting at him, Brad moved his legs quickly. He could barely hear or understand anything they were saying. His mind was too consumed with Victoria and what Philip had said about her. Why the hell would she have contact with her kidnapper? Better yet, why would she lie to Brad about it? She knew how worried he’d been about her safety, and the whole time she knew she was never in any real danger. He couldn’t help but think how it seemed he was losing control over everything. He clenched his hands into fists.

The ten minute drive back to his condo was the longest of his life despite racing between traffic. So many thoughts ran through his mind. He was a jumbled mess by the time he stepped inside his home. Philip greeted him at the door, holding a stack of papers. Brad held up his hand to silence him. “Where’s Victoria?”

“Uh, upstairs in your room,” Philip said, pointing toward the stairs.

Brad set down his briefcase, tossed his keys on the foyer table, and headed up stairs, taking the steps two at a time. When he entered the bedroom, he found Victoria on the bed. She sat with her back against the headboard, hugging her knees to her chest, her face wet with tears.

When she saw him, she wiped at her face. “I take it the deal is done.”

“No.” He closed and locked the door, not wanting any interruptions. It had been his intention to yell, demand answers, accuse her of lying to him and everything else under the sun he could think of, but the second he saw her tears, her sweet face contorted in pain, he froze.

“No? What happened?”

“I got a call from Philip.” Brad watched the color drain from her face and he wanted nothing more than to go to her, pull her into his arms and hold her. But he was too damn angry. “You lied to me, Victoria.”

“Oh God.” She rested her forehead on her knees and her shoulders shook. She was crying again.

Brad shoved his hands into his pockets and paced the room, forcing himself to approach this situation calmly. “Why?”

“I didn’t—I mean—” She choked on her words and looked up at him, her lips trembling. “He said if I wanted help stopping this deal, I could reach out to him. But I didn’t, Brad.” Victoria got off the bed and faced him. “I never once reached out to him.”

The muscle in Brad’s jaw ticked. “That’s really not the point. You knew how worried I was about something happening to you.” He stepped toward her. “You knew how much I wanted to find this asshole so I could make sure he never hurt you again.” He took another step closer. “You knew, Victoria, and you didn’t say a god damn, fucking word!” His barely controlled anger finally snapped and he hated himself for it as he watched the woman he cared so much for recoil.

“I was hoping I wouldn’t have to,” she said in a shaky voice. “I was hoping you’d see for yourself how awful Peyton is, how bad of an idea this entire deal is. But I guess I should’ve known better.” Victoria hung her head. “The only things that truly matters to you is money and possessions and power.”

A week ago, that was true. But not anymore. Not since he’d admitted his true feelings about Victoria. Now she mattered just as much, if not more, than those other things.

He hated the fact that she had betrayed him. He should have known this would happen, right after he finally admitted how important she was to him. Now he didn’t know how he felt and what was important anymore.

He dragged a hand through his hair and shook his head. “I trusted you, Victoria.” And she knew damn well his trust didn’t come easily. “How could you sabotage me like this?”

“Sabotage you? I’ve been against this deal from day one. That’s been no secret, and I’ve never once hidden my feelings about it or Peyton.” She approached him so they were face to face, only inches separating them. “She’s the one you sabotaged you. She’s the one who had her son kidnap me. She’s the one who gassed your house and almost killed everyone.”

“What did you say?”

Victoria’s kidnapper was Peyton’s son? How was that possible? Peyton didn’t have a son. If she did, Philip’s team would have found out.

“Philip didn’t tell you?”

“No, I didn’t give him the chance. I came straight up here.” Brad moved away from her, needing space. He sat on the bed, propped his elbows on his knees, and hung his head. “What the fuck is going on around here?” he mumbled, unable to wrap his mind around everything being thrown at him.

He knew he should be focused on Peyton, figuring out her secrets, finding a way to use this knowledge to his advantage. But all he could think about was Victoria. How she’d lied to him, betrayed him. How, despite all that, he still loved her. Stupid, fucking emotions. And how the smell of her perfume was seriously messing with his ability to think and concentrate. She smelled gorgeous. Fucking gorgeous.

After several moments, Brad stood. “Why now?”


“You’ve obviously had the information to reach out to this guy for a while, so why fess up now?”

“Because I was tempted to contact him,” she said honestly. “I think this deal is a huge mistake, and I think double crossing Peyton like you plan to is only going to make things worse. So I was seriously considering contacting him, begging him to help me stop you from going through with this, but I knew it wouldn’t matter. Your mind is made up, and nothing I say is going to change it.” She shrugged. “So I gave the information to Philip.”

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