Club Nova Vol. 4 (Brad Grayson) (9 page)

BOOK: Club Nova Vol. 4 (Brad Grayson)
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“I know. But I still don’t have a good feeling about this.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in to kiss him. “This entire situation has me on edge.”

“I know, baby. But it’s almost over.”

She nodded even though, in her gut, she had a feeling this was far from over. No matter what she said, Brad wouldn’t be convinced.



“I was surprised when you called this evening.” Peyton unfolded her napkin and set it in her lap. “I figured whatever caused you to run out of the meeting this morning would keep you pretty busy.”

Brad smiled and sipped his wine. He was so preoccupied with thoughts of Victoria, and of Philip, who should be snatching Victoria’s kidnapper within the next thirty minutes. Brad prayed everything went smoothly and according to plan because if it didn’t . . . Well, he didn’t even want to consider that possibility. Not now with his face so visible to Peyton.

“Brad?” Peyton reached across the table and placed her hand over his.

His first instinct was to jerk his hand away, but he knew his role. He was here to keep her entertained, to distract her while his team did what they had to do to stop the madness. He smiled again. “Sorry.”

“Is everything all right?”

“Fine. There was a rather urgent family issue this morning.”

“I hope nothing serious.”

“It’s since been resolved, but I guess it’s still on my mind.”

“Do you want to talk about it? Sometimes it can help.”

He slowly shook his head. “No. But thanks. I’m sure Adrian would have my head if he found out I was discussing him in such a manner.” Brad forced a laugh.

“Ah, so it was your brother. Siblings can be the worst, can’t they?” She gave his hand a firm squeeze before pulling hers away and reaching for her glass of wine.

“You have any siblings?”

She nodded. “I have a brother. That’s how I know they can be such a pain in the ass.” She laughed. “He’s much younger than I am. I think he was my mother’s solution to empty nest syndrome.” Peyton laughed again. “Seth is a good kid though.”

“How old is he?” Brad leaned forward and folded his arms on the table, giving the impression he was interested in what she had to say. In a way, he was. Anything he could learn about her and her family would only give him an advantage—provided she was telling the truth, of course, which by now could really go either way. But, truth or lie, he might be on to something here.


Brad’s heart raced. That’s how old her son was, too.
Could it be possible?
“Is he in college?” Brad grinned. “I remember my time in college. Some of the best years of my life.”

“Yeah?” She raised a brow. “I bet you were a frat boy, huh?”

Brad laughed and held up his hands. “You got me.”

Peyton sighed. “I wish Seth was in college. He deserves to experience that, but unfortunately, no, he’s not. He was born with some pretty serious development issues.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

Peyton pointed toward her head and scrunched her face, indicating it was mental issues he was suffering from. “My mother had him homeschooled, and then sent off to a special school in Texas, which is where he is right now. I mean, he does well there, but it’s just sad, really.”

Brad nodded. “That can’t be easy. I’m sorry he’s dealing with that.”

“Yeah, me too.” She shrugged her shoulders.

“He’s lucky to have you and your mother. It sounds like you both only want the best for him.”

She nodded.

“I’m sure he knows that, too.”

“I’m planning to go visit him as soon as we close this deal.”

Brad nodded and took a sip of his wine.

“That is, if we close this deal.” She gave him a coy smile.

“Don’t worry about that. It’s just taking a little longer than planned.” Brad leaned back in his seat and looked around the restaurant, anxious to get this night over with.

“Well, I’m free tomorrow, if you’d like to reschedule for then.”

“Didn’t Eric reschedule with you already? I told him to.”

“No, he said he would feel more comfortable waiting until he heard from you before making another appointment.”

Brad shook his head with frustration. For as much damn money as he paid that attorney, he should do whatever Brad asked without question. He leaned forward. “All right, I’ll be sure to call him first thing in the morning.”

Peyton smiled. “Then I’ll be sure to keep my schedule clear.”

“Good. Would you excuse me for a moment?” He smiled, and then made his way toward the restrooms. He needed an update. Just before the restrooms he veered left and slipped out the side door. He quickly phoned Victoria and she answered immediately.

“Brad? What’s wrong? Did something go wrong?”

He chuckled. “No, baby, everything’s fine. I just wanted to call and see how you’re doing. Is Philip back yet?”

“No, but he just checked in to say he was at the rendezvous point, but there was no sign of our guy yet. He’s early, though.”

“And how are you doing? What are you doing?”

“I’m going crazy.” She sighed. “I’ll be so glad when this is all over.”

“I know. So will I, and we’re almost there. Just another hour or so, and this whole nightmare will be behind us.”

There was a moment of silence and then Victoria asked, “How’s dinner?”

“Not where I want to be.” He laughed. “I’m waiting for the text so I can get the hell out of here.”

“I’m looking forward to that, too.”

“I know, baby. I know. One thing.”


“Will you have the guys check into something?”

“Yeah. Of course. What is it?”

Brad gave her the quick version of Peyton’s story about having a mentally disabled brother in school in Texas. “I have no idea if she’s being honest or just blowing smoke up my ass, but it can’t hurt to check it out.”

“Okay, I’ll tell them to look into it.”

“Thanks. All right, well . . .”

“Yeah, I know. Peyton’s waiting.” Victoria’s words were laced with sadness and contempt.

Brad rested his head on the side of the building and closed his eyes. He hated knowing he was hurting Victoria like this, but he hoped she believed him when he said this would soon be over. There was only one woman he wanted in his life, and she sure as hell wasn’t the one sitting inside this restaurant waiting for him.

“You be good now.” He straightened, preparing himself to go back in and face Peyton.



“I love you.” He could hear the smile in her tone. “Now, go take care of business and get back here safely.”

He smiled. “Yes ma’am.” Ending the call, he returned to his table. Peyton looked up from the menu and gave him a tight smile.

“All done checking in with Victoria?”

Brad froze for half a second before taking his seat. “You’re paranoia will kill you, you know.” He couldn’t help but think, maybe somehow Peyton had bugged his phone.

She laughed. “Perhaps you’re right. But I’m I wrong?”

Brad smiled and shrugged.

“Because you’re fucking her, Brad, and you’re out with me. I’m sure she’s not all that pleased about that. I assume you called her to assure her everything was all right.”

His eyes narrowed and he folded his arms on the table again.

“Or at least that’s what you should have done if you didn’t.”

“Enlighten me, Peyton, what is it with you and Victoria? Why do you two hate each other so much?”

“It’s simple, really.”

Brad raised an eyebrow.

“We both want the same man.” She shrugged as if it were the clearest thing in the world. “And we can’t both have him, so it’s only natural it’ll lead to some hard feelings.”

“Hard feelings?” he said incredulously. “You gassed my house because she was there with me and I wouldn’t hand her over. I think that goes well beyond hard feelings.”

Peyton closed her menu and set it on the table. “I’ll admit, that was a little harsh.”

“A little?”

“I know. I probably took things a little too far, and I’m deeply sorry about that. Really, I am. But you made a promise to me, Brad, and I was simply protecting my interests.”

He took a deep, calming breath. The more he talked to her, the more he was convinced she was a psychopath, just like her brother, or son, or whoever the fuck he was. “Just because I’ve fucked her a few times doesn’t mean I won’t keep my word to you.”

Peyton smiled and straightened her spine with his words.

“In fact, you of all people should know I’m not the kind of guy to make commitments to any woman.”

She gave a small nod. “That’s what makes you such a big catch.”

“You haven’t caught me yet.” He smiled.

“True, but what I’m having trouble understanding is, why seek . . . relief from her when I’ve been willing and waiting all this time?”

“You’re only speaking on assumptions.”

“Perhaps. But it makes me question what your true motives are. Not to mention, you did tell me at one point that you’d never go to bed with me.”

“I was angry and frustrated when I said that. I think my track record of successful business deals speaks volumes about my ability to keep my word. I made you a promise, and I do intend to keep it,” he lied.

“Then I think you need to prove it, because quite frankly, I don’t believe you anymore.” Her playful, flirtatious demeanor vanished and was replaced with a cold, calculating anger.

Shit. He was backing himself into a corner and he wasn’t sure how to get out of it without getting physical. He licked his lips. “And how do you propose I do that?”

“Kiss me,” she said, “right now, right here. I want you to kiss me like you mean it, like I’m the only woman in the world who can satisfy you.”

Fuck. He didn’t want to even be sitting across from her let alone kissing her. He swallowed hard. If he said no, she’d know he was lying about everything else. But if he said yes, he’d be cheating himself a future with Victoria. There was no way he couldn’t come clean about what he was about to do. God, he couldn’t do that to Victoria. She trusted him, loved him. He couldn’t betray her like that. But what other choice did he have? They were too close to the finish line to fuck it all up now. If only, Philip would text him it was all over.

He took a deep breath. Fuck it. He would do anything to stop this. All he had to do was close his eyes and imagine something other than reality.

Standing, Brad walked around to Peyton’s side of the table and slipped his hand along the side of her neck. His heart was in his throat and his stomach churned. God, he really didn’t want to do this. Tilting her head, he tugged on her earlobe, then kissed her neck. Her skin was clammy and reeked of lavender perfume. He closed his eyes, forced the image of Victoria’s beautiful face to the front of his mind and held it there as he kissed along Peyton’s jaw and over to her lips.

She sighed and welcomed his kisses. He felt like the asshole he was. He kept reminding himself this was all just an act, a façade, a means to an end—an end that was moments away. This wasn’t the first time he’d kissed Peyton, but it would most certainly be the last.

Her tongue slipped into his mouth and he indulged her for a brief second before breaking the kiss and returning to his seat, leaving her panting for more.

He watched her lick her lips, watched her chest heave as she fought to catch her breath. Grabbing his wine glass, he drank from it, needing to get the taste of her out of his mouth. “Satisfied?” He raised a brow and smirked. At the risk of sounding like a total arrogant schmuck, he knew he was a damn good kisser, knew the effect he had on women when he kissed them. Clearly the effect was the same on Peyton this time as well as the first.

“Wow,” she breathed out, laughing. “Are you sure we can’t sign these papers tonight, right now? Then we can go back to my place to finish what you started.”

Brad laughed. “Haven’t you ever heard the saying, good things come to those who wait?”

“I’ve been waiting too long already. I’m done, Brad. I want this deal signed, and I want what you promised me. Tonight.”

Brad casually glanced at his watch. It was just after ten o’clock. Philip should’ve snagged the guy by now, which meant Victoria would be safe and all Brad had to do was get the deal signed so they could move on. “Then allow me to make a call.” He excused himself under the guise of calling his attorney and stepped outside again. The first person he called was Philip, who reported they’d successfully caught the guy.

Brad smiled from ear to ear. Finally. “It’s over, Brad.” Philip’s words echoed over and over inside his mind.

Next, he called Eric and arranged for him to meet Brad and Peyton at the office. Eric understood the circumstances and quickly agreed once Brad offered him a substantial incentive.

Lastly, he called Adrian. “Hey, I need your help.”

“With what?” Adrian asked.

Brad gave Adrian details of everything going on and the plan they’d put in place. “So in about an hour, I need Hilary to call me and make up some story about something happening to you so I have a reason to leave.”

Adrian laughed. “Since when did you become such a pussy? Just fuck her and leave. Isn’t that what you normally do anyway?”

“Just do it, will you?”

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