Read Club Wonderland Online

Authors: Christine d'Abo

Club Wonderland (12 page)

BOOK: Club Wonderland
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Chapter Twelve

Without fully realizing how she’d gotten there, Alice now stood at the end of the alley that led to Wonderland. Vague recollections of a taxi ride and the concerned glances of the driver had melted into the haze of memories. What was important was that she’d managed to get herself here.

If luck was on her side, Gael would be in there already. She had no idea how he would react to her showing up again. They both seemed to be engaged in a game of seesaw, each of them shifting between what they wanted and the other person’s desires. But if she came to him as herself and not some submissive wannabe, he’d be there for her. If nothing else, she’d be able to vent and not feel as though he was going to judge her.

The sound of her shoes echoing as she walked sounded muted in her ears. The distant laugher and beat of music from one of the clubs in the district grated in a way that shouldn’t be possible. There was joy to be had for those people who grabbed it by the throat and took it for themselves. Alice needed to find a way to capture that for herself.

“Well, well, if it isn’t the little rabbit.”

Alice gave her head a shake, not quite registering the large man standing against the wall. “Chess?”

“The one and only.” His smile quickly fell into a frown. “Are you okay?”

“I...I’m not sure.”

“Are you hurt? Because I’d be more than happy to deal with the bastard who did it to you. Just say the word.”

Chess’s concerned face began to blur as her eyes filled with tears. “Sorry. I’m just having a bad day.”

“And you came here?” He snorted. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. A lot of subs come here looking for help. The only problem, little rabbit, is that your man isn’t here.”

Alice blinked, sending a trickle of tears down her face. “Oh. I just assumed...”

“Naw, your guy only comes once a week. Usually on Friday or Saturday. He’s a bit crazy, but a creature of habit.”

She’d heard Gael called many different things, but crazy wasn’t one of them. “I guess I’ll have to wait and see him in the office tomorrow.”

As she was turning away, Chess reached out and stopped her. “I don’t think you’re in any shape to be out on your own. Come with me.”

This time as she stepped beyond the main door, Alice didn’t feel the same trepidation as she had on her first visit. Rather than taking her into the main club, Chess stopped at a door that she hadn’t seen before. The room was small, containing a desk, two chairs and several video monitors.

“This is the security room.” He pulled out the closer of the two chairs and helped her sit. It was a large leather chair that seemed to hug her as she sunk into the padding. “We record footage for the week in case there are any problems. The tapes get recycled if there aren’t any concerns. Red likes to make sure her little kingdom is safe.”

“That’s reassuring.” But the thought of her and Gael being on tape wasn’t. “Do the members know about this?”

“It’s in their membership agreements.” He shrugged. “I doubt many of them actually read that part.”

Chess made his way over to a small bar fridge and pulled out a small loaf and a bottle of juice. “Eat and drink. It will make you feel better.”

“What is it?”

“Just apple juice and banana bread.”

Alice picked up a piece, giving Chess one final look before taking a bite. “This is really good.”

“I bake when I’m bored.” He looked down at his watch. “I need to get back outside. Wait here for a bit and I’ll come back. You look like you need the time to yourself.”

“Thank you.”

He patted her on the head as he walked past. “No problem, little rabbit.”

Alice ate and drank far faster than she normally would have if she’d stayed and eaten with her mom. Maybe the weirdness that had been building inside of her all night was nothing more than low blood sugar. Something easily fixed with banana bread and apple juice.

If only life were that easy.

With the food gone, Alice turned her attention to the screens in the room. The flicker of the black and white images gave everything a surreal feeling. It was as if she were watching one of those strange art house films Petra loved to drag her to, only this one was an odd pantomime. Naked bodies were twisted and turning this way and that as people came together.

Three people were around the cross where she’d sat and watched the man and woman. This time there was no obvious audience, just three people engaged in pleasure. A special kind that they could only achieve together.

Perhaps she’d been looking at her life in completely the wrong manner. Rather than thinking there was something wrong with her, maybe it wasn’t exactly that. It was more along the line of her missing a critical piece, the part that makes everything click together. She was broken, but not in the way she’d always assumed.

All Alice needed to do was find the missing piece and she’d be able to function.

Time got away from her as she continued to watch the screens. Slowly, she pulled her feet up so they were tucked under her and lowered her head to the arm rest. She hadn’t realized how tired she’d gotten. The whirlwind turn of events from talking to Darcy in the coffee shop, to her mom’s unexpected visit, to her arrival here, was finally starting to wear her out.

Maybe she’d close her eyes for a few minutes. Chess would be back any time and she’d have to go home.

Within seconds, Alice slipped into a fitful sleep.

* * *

Gael found the closest parking spot he could manage to Wonderland. He’d been more than a little surprised when Chess had called him, telling him he had to come fetch his frightened little rabbit. Gael had learned better than to question the enigmatic bouncer over the years, and simply grabbed his keys.

Gael turned the corner, coming face to face with the man in question. “What the hell is going on?”

“You lost something. I found it.”

He didn’t have time for cryptic bullshit. “If you’ve called me out here for nothing more than one of Red’s little games—”

“Your girl Alice is here.”

Whatever else Gael had been planning to say quickly disappeared. “Alice? Is she okay?”

“She was looking pretty shaken up about something. I brought her in to the security office. Didn’t think she was in any shape to handle Red and the club.”

Gael was moving forward automatically. “Thanks, man.”

But Chess had other thoughts. As he was standing in front of the door, there was no way Gael would be able to get past. He glared at the larger man. “Move.”

“That Dom shit doesn’t work on me and you know it.” Chess leaned down until he was well inside Gael’s personal space. “If you do anything to hurt that girl, I will personally beat your ass into pulp. And not in the good way.”

“You don’t even know her.” The thought of doing anything to intentionally hurt Alice turned his stomach. “Why do you care?”

“She reminds me of my kid sister. Don’t fuck her up.”

“I wouldn’t.” The words weren’t empty promises, either. Gael couldn’t explain why he had this uncontrollable need to get inside and wrap Alice in his arms. That wasn’t true either. He knew exactly why, and he didn’t know what that said about him.

Gael was scared he’d been the one to push her to this.

Chess still wasn’t moving, and Gael was losing what little patience he had. “I swear to God if you don’t move I’m going to show you exactly what I can do with a whip. And I guarantee you won’t like it.”

One moment the bouncer looked as if he was about to rip Gael’s head off, and the next he was chuckling. “Just making sure. You know where the office is?”

“Yes.” And without another look at the other man, Gael jerked the door open and went in search of Alice.

Gael stepped in quickly, not wanting to unexpectedly draw attention from anyone who might see him. The last thing he needed was to get pulled into the craziness that was Wonderland. Not when he had more important matters to work out.

It took his eyes a moment to adjust to the darkness of the room. The flicker from the security monitors drew his immediate attention. He’d spoken to Red about the implications of having the video footage, and had even gone so far as to draw up the waiver each member had to sign acknowledging the cameras. He’d forgotten about them over the years, as no doubt many of the members probably had. Making a mental note to follow up with Red in regard to her procedures, Gael shifted back to the reason for his visit in the first place.

Alice was curled up on a chair, her beautiful hair draped over the side. Walking around her, Gael squatted down next to her. Now eye level with her face, he could tell she’d been crying at some point during her evening. Had that been because of him? Had he pushed her too far by demanding she do what he wanted?

No, that didn’t make sense. Gael prided himself on his ability to read the tells of other people. Alice had been embarrassed when she’d handed over her panties and bra, but she’d been turned on as well. Without looking, he touched the outside pocket that held the garments in question. After leaving her home, Gael had gone directly back to the office, where he’d stayed until Chess’s call.

Fuck, she looked beautiful. Makeup a mess, hair flat, and sound asleep, but it didn’t matter. Alice was still one of the most stunning women of his acquaintance. Her appeal had to do with so much more than simply her appearance. Not many women would have been able to handle the idea of Wonderland, let alone walk into the belly of the beast. Alice had taken everything in stride, taken him in stride. For the first time in a while, he hadn’t felt judged for his sexual preferences.

If anything, she’d been more than intrigued.

Which meant Gael was in some serious trouble.

Not normally one to hesitate, Gael did so now as he reached out to brush away the hair across her cheek. Her skin was soft beneath his fingertips, reigniting that spark of possession within him. He needed to get her out of here, take her back home so she could have a proper night’s sleep. Or before he changed his mind and took her into the club.


Her eyes fluttered behind the lids, and she licked her lips before making a soft cooing noise. Gael’s cock, which had already taken a keen interest in events, pulsed as blood filled it. It had been several hours since he’d last seen her, giving her plenty of time to have put on a fresh bra and panties. It would be so easy to reach down and cup her breast to see, to know if she’d been serious about trying, about him and what they could be for each other.

Taking in a breath, Gael rose to his feet, needing to put some space between them. He gently shook her by the shoulder, ignoring the way her hair tickled his fingers as it shifted.

“Alice, you need to wake up.”

The fluttering increased before her lids slowly opened to reveal sleep-drunk eyes. She looked up at him and smiled in that way of hers that made every man feel like a god for having caught the attention of this beautiful creature.

It wouldn’t last. Her mind woke up, and it was clear from her face that she realized it was him standing there. Alice shifted quickly, stumbling to her feet far faster than was wise. Gael managed to step in and catch her before she tripped.

“Slow down. Your legs are probably asleep.”

“What are you doing here?” Blinking her eyes rapidly for a few seconds, Alice slowly regained her composure. “Chess told me you didn’t come to the club on Tuesday nights.”

“I don’t. He called me to come get you.”

Their bodies were pressed together. She was wearing a blouse and skirt that would have held her unbound breasts securely in place. Shifting his hand to the center of her back told him all he needed to know.

“You’re not wearing a bra.”

Alice flushed, the pink barely visible in the dim light of the room. “You told me not to.”

That little confession poked his inner caveman hard enough to send it screaming. Fuck, why did this have to happen now when he needed the money and this job? He wanted nothing more than to make this woman his. Now.

Ignoring her struggles, Gael kept her body pressed to his. “But are you wearing panties?”

Alice sucked in a breath as he reached down and pulled up her skirt with his free hand. “I wonder if you were able to do that. Leave your house without anything underneath. What am I going to find? Hmm? That pussy of yours? Or a charming pair of panties? Let’s see, shall we?”

He wanted to swallow her little gasp as he moved his hand closer to the object of his desire. It was Gael’s turn to groan when his fingers brushed against soft hair and warm flesh, free from their cotton barriers.

“Well, well. You were a good girl and listened to my instructions.” He leaned in until his lips were only a hair’s breadth away from hers. He circled her clit with his thumb and forefinger, relishing the way her flesh grew swollen beneath his touch. He’d never been with a woman as responsive as Alice. So beautiful and strong, willing to put herself in his hands.

“I—yes.” Her eyes closed once again. “I wanted...”

“What was that?” Increasing the pressure, he set up a steady stroking against her clit that was certain to drive her mad. “What did you want, Alice?”

She groaned and dropped her forehead to his shoulder. “Please.”

“No.” As quickly as he’d begun his seduction, Gael stepped back. “Not here. I don’t want this to be about this place and what it does to people.”


.” He was shocked by the force behind his words. Wonderland had been his safe haven for years. To suddenly have such a strong desire to flee it didn’t make sense. What was it about this woman that made him question everything he thought he wanted?

For her part, Alice didn’t look scared or annoyed. If anything, she looked concerned. “Okay. Not here.”

“Let me take you back to your place.”

“No!” Alice took her own step back. “I can’t go home.”

He’d been so wrapped up in his attraction and the eroticism of discovering she’d followed his command, he’d forgotten what had brought him here in the first place. “What happened?”

“I...” She sighed. “After you left my mom showed up. She was having some tests done today. We had a fight at supper, and I left her at the restaurant. She’s at my house waiting for me. She doesn’t like to drive on the 400 at night.”

BOOK: Club Wonderland
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