Coercion (The Cassano Series Book 3) (18 page)

BOOK: Coercion (The Cassano Series Book 3)
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Sitting at my kitchen table, I eat a mixed salad and grin between every bite. That wasn’t the case when I awoke
this morning. I was hurt and furious with Zev.

Then, around ten-thirty a knock at the door fixed everything. A flower delivery man stood before me with a bouquet of daisies. After graciously accepting them, I pulled free the tucked away card.



I apologize for leaving. I needed to close up the clubs at Submission. I enjoyed “hanging out” with you, but the foreplay was definitely lacking this visit. Maybe we need to try again next weekend.



I couldn’t believe he had someone write that on a card. Silly man. Needless to say, the smile has not vacated my cheeks. My phone rings, so I swipe it off the counter.

“Hi,” I say.

“Tara, how are you?” Victoria asks.

“I’m great. How are you?”

“Hmm … you’re always chipper, but you sound extra happy today.”

“Zev was here last night, and he’s already sent me flowers today.”

“What are you going to do about working in the lounge?”

“Can’t you be happy for me for one minute before you bring up the negatives?”

“Sorry, but I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“How do you know I’ll get hurt?”

“Um, I don’t know.”

“Why do I think you
know something?”

“I’m only being a concerned friend, Tara. Speaking of which, do you want to get manicures today? My treat.”

I swirl my fork in my salad as I think about my day.

“Oh, I can’t. I’m working at Submission tonight, and Marcy and I are supposed to go out for drinks after.”

“Uh, isn’t Marcy a server in Royal?”

“Yes, do you know her?”

“Tara, you need to cancel.”


“I can’t tell you why, but you absolutely need to make up something to cancel.”

“Is this official police business again?”

“Something like that.”

Frustrated, I let out a heavy sigh. “OK. I’ve been trying not to be nosy, but this is perplexing, especially when you’re concerned about Zev and me spending time together.”

“I need you to trust me.” Victoria sounds a bit anxious, and this cop behavior of hers is beginning to get on my nerves. I want to know who she’s investigating.

“Fine, I’ll cancel.” I make the irritation in my voice known.

“Thank you, and let’s get together soon.”

“Next week should work.”

“I’ll see you at the lounge tonight, too. You’re doing great not blowing my cover.”

“Sure, see ya.” As I hang up the phone, I’m exhibiting the first frown since receiving my flowers. Who is she investigating? I think back to our various conversations and the ones I’ve had with Zev. Then, the talk I had with Adrian pops into my head.

Could she be investigating Noah Sanders? I mean, she dates Adrian, and he even personally told me to stay away from the guy. Zev is adamant I do, too. I will have to watch to see if I pick up on that tonight when she plays in Royal.

Chapter Twenty-One



It’s evident from the noise that the Royal lounge is busy tonight, so I inhale a deep, relaxing breath as I step through the door. It’s a Sunday. Don’t any of these men spend time with family?

I’ve avoided coming here for a few days to lighten Adrian’s frustrations a little. I couldn’t wait any longer. I needed to get back here if I’m going to build any sort of relationship with Noah.

Thankfully, Sanders is not a holy man, and he’s here tonight. The guy must never spend time at home. He’s either making drug deals, going to college, abusing and fucking women, or gambling. That can’t leave time for much else.

I have to find a way to take him down. Things are getting extremely complicated, so it needs to happen speedily. Sadie is now dating Simon.

I wasn’t too worried about it lasting until I found out from Adrian that she’s in New Jersey meeting his mother. That means Simon is serious about her.

Then, to make matters worse, Tara is hitting things off with Zev. Although, if that lasts I will be shocked. I don’t see him opening up to any woman.

Adrian says he’s extremely bitter and closed off. I was shocked he shared as much as he did with me about Sonny.

Regardless, I can’t sit by and watch the guys be sent to prison. I also don’t want to witness the hurt it would cause the women in their lives.

Perfect. Noah is sitting at the bar, likely waiting for the games to begin, so I take the stool next to him.

“Good evening, Noah.”

Turning his head, he takes in the sight of me.

“The queen returns.” He sucks a piece of ice into his mouth from his almost empty glass and chews it up.

“Hmm … I don’t have a castle yet, but I’m working on it.”

He stares directly into my eyes, and I want to look away. His are so light grey, they’re hard to read at times. It’s as if they’re a prop, lifeless and void of emotion.

“Maybe you need a king to help you.”

He’s right. I do need my king, but he sure as hell is not that man.

“Maybe I only need soldiers.”

He smirks. “Vicky, you intrigue me more every time we speak. Tonight is the night I beat you at the table. I hope you’re ready.”

“Let’s make our own wager. If you win, I will serve you a drink at my condo. Maybe then we can discuss what we do in our spare time.”

Shit, that might be taken the wrong way.

Noah rubs his chin and boasts a cocky grin.

“If I didn’t know any better, I would think you’re hitting on me, Ms. Stuart.”

Stepping off my stool, I pat his back. “Mmm, good thing you know better.”

“What if you win?” he asks.

“You can take me to dinner.”

“That doesn’t sound like a fair trade.”

“Then you better win,” I whisper in his ear before I slip away.

Lord, Adrian could’ve never survived hearing that conversation, and I pray he didn’t see that play out on the cameras.



I’m exhausted as I ride home at midnight. It’s going to be hard to drag myself out of bed in the morning for my day job, but I have a meeting at eight a.m. Thankfully, I can split after that since I’m putting hours of detective work in at night.

I think about calling Adrian, but he’s probably sleeping by now. Once I’ve put in the code to the gate at the condo community, I pull through and find a parking space.

It’s dark and quiet as I climb out. The only sound is coming from my heels as they strike the pavement.

Once inside, I drop my purse to the floor. A light comes on, and I throw my hand to my chest.

“Adrian, what are you doing here?”

“Do you think you’re the only one who would have a goddamn key to this place?” He’s in a chair next to a table, and his eyes are as dark as the night sky.

I can see a hint of color glimmering in them from the lights of the Vegas Strip, but it sure isn’t from his light mood.

I’ve only seen this look in Adrian’s eyes one other time, and it was when I told him about the drug dealer I stripped down in front of and almost did a line of coke with.

“What’s wrong?”

“Do you honestly need to ask me that?” His fists are clenched as he stands and stalks toward me.

I look to the ground. “I’m guessing you saw the cameras.”

“Damn straight I saw the cameras.” One of his hands shove up into my hair, and he jerks my head back, exposing my throat. “I don’t know what sort of agreement you thought we had going into this, but I sure as hell didn’t agree to what I watched tonight.” His open mouth grazes the thin skin along my throat.

“Adrian, it’s my job—”

“Like hell it is! There are other ways.” His shadowy eyes pierce me as his hand lifts the skirt of my silky dress, revealing all of my thigh. “This outfit is too fucking sexy, and you can practically see right through it.”

Letting my hair go, he grabs my breast and begins kneading it ardently. I know this Adrian all too well. He’s planning to “claim what’s his” since he believes I need reminding.

“Your tits are practically falling out for the world to see. Every man in the Royal lounge got to view them.”

“Adrian, you’re being—”

“Don’t speak! You need to rein in your seductive behavior immediately. I saw the way you looked at Noah and whispered in his ear. Act or not, I can’t take it. You fucking know that.”

Fingers latch onto the top of my thong before Adrian rips it off. I heave for air, caught off-guard by his aggressive behavior.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t think until after it happened.” His fingers drift between my thighs and skim my delicate flesh. Tauntingly, he pushes them into me.

His forehead presses to mine, his breathing erratic and taxing. “No, you obviously didn’t think. I believe you need a punishment for being reckless with someone besides me. You’re fucking wet as ever. You like it when I’m rough. Say it.”

“I like it when you’re rough with me.” Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pull the back of his hair and kiss him.

Our tongues faintly twirl, and the ferocious sexual tension between us is almost excruciating as his fingers work in and out of me, making a sound from all the juices my arousal is creating.

Holy fuck
, I need to take you right here, right now.”

Upon undoing his belt, he yanks down his dress pants and boxers. My arms are jerked free from around his neck before he wraps his strong hand around my wrists. They’re placed above my head, and I’m picked up and propelled against the closed door.

He’s going to use me to rid himself of the haunting jealousy. Voracious brown eyes are consumed with it as his engorged cock thrusts into me. Fingers from his free hand dig into my ass cheek, and god, I need a release as bad as he does.

“You’re–fucking–mine–Victoria.” My head slams against the door, and I arch to give him room to go deeper. Clutching my ass, he slams into me violently over and over again.

My arms are pinned above me, and my head and back continue to pound forcefully against the door, but I don’t care.

Like the other times, it’s thrilling to give him control and become imprisoned by his unrestrained desire. I surrender to his carnal needs until our erotic longing drives us to the moment of ecstasy.

Roaring through his orgasm, he pushes me firmly against the door, his body sizzling and flush against mine. The air is rushing in and out of our lungs, the sound crashing against the silence of the night.

Slowly letting my wrists go, it’s then I realize how tightly he’d been holding them. His lips tenderly press to my neck, his forehead damp against it.

We couldn’t be more intimate, and he shouldn’t fear that I would ever want to share this with anyone other than him.

Allowing my body to slide downward, his erection slips from me. As he pulls up his pants, I squeeze around him and head to the bathroom.

Once I’ve cleaned and straightened myself up, I exit and discover Adrian in my bed. “I take it you’re staying?”

“I’m still pissed, but I’ve also missed you. Right now, I only want to have your warm body against me while we sleep.”

I strip off my clothes and climb into bed next to him. It’s soothing to nuzzle against his chest. His dark hairs tickle my skin, and his powerful arms pull me into a snug embrace. It feels comforting and safe.

“I’m sorry. I love you, and I’m glad you’re here.”

Adrian kisses my hair. “I love you, too, you stubborn-ass woman.”

I smile against his chest before a long yawn leaves my lips and I close my eyes. Wherever we are together is home.



After pulling on some jeans I brought and making a cup of coffee, I sit at Victoria’s dining room table and open my laptop. I have a message to my private email account from Boone.

It’s vague for security reasons, but it tells me that Victor Larios’s ambush against Don Esquival’s cartel was a success. That means it will be on the news soon, and another drug lord is out of the picture. Another drug lord who helps move terrorists into this country.

The only thing that concerns me is it sounds as if Hammond or Dominic, my two guys undercover in Larios’s cartel, could’ve been injured. I will need to call Boone from a disposable phone when I’m back at the office.

Since Victoria informed me she could return to her condo by ten this morning, I wasn’t about to leave. I know it will be a while before she wants me back here, especially with her getting all chummy with Sanders. I want so badly to kick his ass.

I try to sequester the thought, so I can accomplish some work. Theo will be back in Vegas tonight, but for now, I’m still on my own to handle Hotel Submission.

Opening up emails from Blanca, I sort through what is important and begin the wait for Victoria’s return. We have much to discuss.



“Hi,” Victoria says as she steps through the front door of her condo.


Dropping her purse, she strolls over to me and forces her way into my lap. I chuckle and scoot away from the table, so I can cradle her.

“You’re extra sexy in only a pair of jeans.” Her lips press to my neck, and I pull her closer.

“Are you buttering me up?”

“Do you need buttering up?”

“I’m still angry, Victoria.”

Leaning back, she gazes up at me, her eyes innocent and tender. She’s so manipulative, but I love her like crazy.

“It’s all an act with Sanders. You have to know that.”

My head falls back, and I stare at the ceiling.

“Juice Box, he doesn’t know that. And if I had been him on that stool next to you last night, I would’ve thought you were hitting on me.” I swallow and keep my eyes focused above me. “You and I got together while you were investigating me.”

“Holy shit, that’s what this is about. Damn, Adrian, you have to believe I would never want to be with someone as evil as Sanders. I’m not going to fall for him or anyone else I investigate.”

Grabbing my face, Victoria pulls it toward her. “Look at me. You’re nothing like him.”

“I order to have people killed.”

“The terrorists are monsters, and you are an incredible human being. I love you and will only ever want to be with you. Stop analyzing our astounding relationship, and let me do my job.”

“OK, but that point aside, what if he hurts you?”

“He won’t.”

I frame her face and give her a kiss. “Loving someone as tough and strong-willed as you is trying.”

“I know, and I’m sorry. If it helps to hear it, I feel safer when I’m with you.”

I grin broadly at her. “You do?”

“Yes. I feel safe, comfortable and at home. I never feel as strong as I do when I’m with you.”

“What’s happening next with Noah?”

“OK, don’t freak out. We made a bet that if he won at the table, I would serve him a drink here at the condo, and he won.”

I blow out a lengthy breath and look to the ceiling again.

“Let me guess; this was your idea.”

Her mouth goes back to kissing my neck.

“Let me do my job, and in the meantime, why don’t you do yours, which is to make me feel absolutely incredible.”

“Oh, my manipulative pearl.”

“It’s only the truth with you, Adrian. Now, touch me.”

BOOK: Coercion (The Cassano Series Book 3)
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