Coercion (The Cassano Series Book 3) (19 page)

BOOK: Coercion (The Cassano Series Book 3)
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Chapter Twenty-Two



Tara greets me at her door at noon. I’ve dragged my butt out of bed earlier than usual to see her. I can’t continue to neglect my job at night, so I’m taking her on a date during daylight hours. I can’t believe we’re on date number three. That’s a “never” for me.

It took great restraint to allow her to do actual administrative work for me this past week, but I managed to pull it off.

There were a few
expeditions, but I didn’t fuck her in my office, which I felt showed great restraint on my part.

“Oh, my gosh, this is your car?” she asks as she exits her condo.

“Yeah, it’s one of mine.” She’s referring to my red Ferrari 458 Italia. “It’s a little older model, but it’s my baby.”

“Wow, I’ve ridden in some nice rides, but never anything like this.”

“Well, there’s a first for everything,” I say as I open the door for her. I want to roll my eyes. I’m experiencing a lot of firsts lately, too.

“Where are we going?”

“I have a surprise lunch planned for you.”

“Sounds exciting.”

We talk on the way to Lagasse’s Stadium. It’s what I would call an upscale sports bar. Emeril Lagasse serves tailgating food like no other.

It seemed the perfect place to take Tara. I’ve never dined with a woman who would appreciate it until now. It could only be more perfect if it were football season.

The valet takes the Ferrari at The Palazzo hotel. We enter, and as soon as Tara eyes the restaurant, she lights up. I’m beginning to live for those moments, and you get them frequently from her.

She’s becoming dangerous to my heart, but I’m struggling to stay away from her. I’ve definitely tried.

I speak to the host, and we’re escorted to a luxury box room. “Zev, you rented this?” she asks in a keen yet low voice.

I chuckle. “Yes, it will be fun. I hope you play pool.”

“I love it.”

“Oh, no. You’re not going to beat me at it are you?”

“Maybe.” She takes my hand into hers and squeezes. Hand holding. I don’t know about this. We’re left alone, and she’s taking in every inch of the room. “I didn’t need all this, Zev.”

It is way too much space for us. There are several seating areas, arcade games, a massive television and a billiard table.

“Maybe I did.” I take hold of her waist and lower my head to her neck. I breathe in her floral, fruity scent and kiss a trail down her tender skin. “I might want to feel you up.” Lifting my head, I give her a mischievous grin.

“As long as you feed me first. I’m starved.”

While we wait for our food, we play a game of pool. She’s a great player, but I’m in the lead. I debate on letting her win, so I can see that vibrant expression of hers, but I believe she would figure it out at this point in the game.

The cleavage that springs forth when she shoots has me discretely shifting my dick in my jeans. I can’t stop looking at her mouth today, either. Her lips are painted a sensual pink to match her shirt, and they’re naturally plump.

I want to taste it, but it’s too personal to me. I fell hard for a girl in high school once I kissed her. It created sparks like nothing I had felt before. Of course, some of that was probably my teenage hormones.

Nevertheless, I was hurt when she dumped me, and I declared then that kissing leads to heartache. Why break the rule now? Kissing Tara would bring forth feelings, and I’m fighting them.

I’m all for having some fun with her, but she deserves everything her heart desires. She deserves the things my money can’t buy. Daisy deserves someone who’s happier.

Our food arrives, and she giggles over the quantity. I ordered about every stadium dish imaginable. We have hot wings, nachos, and chili cheese fries. I added some extras like burgers, shrimp and ribs.

Since I work out a lot, I can put away the food, and I’m surprised when Tara keeps up with me. We joke around through lunch, and she has barbecue sauce on her cute face.

She’s like no other woman I’ve ever met. She’s down to earth and easy to please. She’s definitely special.



Zev is staring at me intently. He reaches out his thumb and wipes my chin with it. “Barbecue sauce.” He doesn’t smile, his gaze intense and libidinous. He’s luscious today in his low rise faded jeans and snug, black t-shirt.

“Kiss me.” My voice is quiet but resolute.

“You deserve a kiss from a man who will sweep you off your feet, Tara. Someone who can give you everything you want and need.”

“You don’t know what I want or need.”

“I have a pretty good idea.”

“I believe you like me, so why are you trying to deny yourself happiness?”

Zev suddenly seems frustrated and leans back away from me. “Don’t you ever get upset about your parents dying or the fact that you have few people in your life?”

I bite my lip to ward off tears. “Of course, but I suffered enough after I lost my parents. If I dwell on those things, I’m not living in the present or dreaming about the future. It would be self-inflicted punishment, Zev. Is that what you want for yourself?”

“Maybe it’s all I deserve.”

I move closer and grasp his hands. “Why do you think that about yourself? I see someone amazing in front of me.”

“There are things that go on at Hotel Submission that you aren’t aware of, and it needs to stay that way. They make my life complicated and leave relationships unfeasible.”

“Your brothers have relationships. Victoria told me so.”

“Yeah, and under the circumstances, I believe that’s a mistake on their part.”

I shake my head, wishing something he said made sense. I believe he’s making excuses.

“Please give me back that smile of yours,” he says.

“Why? You don’t plan on seeing it for long.”

“I have a blast with you. Can we continue with that fun and see what happens?”

I drop my shoulders. “Sure. I guess I fear you’re going to suddenly shut me out.”

He cups my cheek and smiles. “I haven’t been able to yet.”

Feeling exposed, I lightly smack his knee and stand.

“You have to at least talk to me until football season because I want to come back here to watch a game with you. For now, let’s play another round of pool.”

“You’re too cool, Daisy.”

“You won’t say that after I kick your ass in this game. I went easy on you last time.” Zev stands, and I’m surprised when he pulls me into a hug. I don’t want him to let go, and I hope our date isn’t over any time soon.



Staring at Tara sleeping in her bed, I move fine strands of blonde hair from her porcelain face. She’s young, so her skin is flawless. Her soft high cheeks are flushed from sex, and her nose whistles a little as she breathes. I smile from the sound.

We returned to her apartment around four, and I ravished her extraordinary body until I exhausted her. It’s seven, and I should already be at Submission, but I’m unable to pull my eyes from her.

She’s off work tonight, and that makes me happy. The male members of the club observe and touch her, and I’m aware of their perverted thoughts.

I’m reminded of how I thought about women and their bodies before I got to know Tara. She’s not only a means to my pleasure. She has penetrated my heart, and it’s something I never believed a woman could do.

It’s scaring the shit out of me, and that thought alone has me climbing quietly out of her bed.

She opens her eyes and yawns. “Zev.”

“Yes, sweetheart.” I pull up my jeans and zip them.

“Come back to my bed in the morning when you leave Submission. I’ll stay up tonight, so we can sleep in together.”

She gives me a lazy smile that is fucking adorable. The swell of her tits peek out above the sheets. Tara is irresistible, directing my every move. I lean over and kiss her forehead.

“OK, I’ll come back.”

Her faint smile blooms into a full-blown grin.

“Thank you.”



I’m working in my office at Caged when Simon storms in and plops down in a chair across from my desk.

“You need to knock from now on. You never know what you could walk in on.”

“Hmm … still keeping Tara held up in your office?”

“I wish I had never told you about that, but you were such a pest about it, I didn’t have much choice.” I grimace at him.

“You’re going to end up in the same mess I’m in if you keep spending time with her.”

“What mess is that?”

Simon’s elbow is on his knee as he braces his forehead with his fingers. His suit jacket is missing, and his black tie is loosened way too far over his white shirt that’s barely tucked in. His hair is a fucking disarray, too.

“It’s Sadie. I can’t keep our secrets from her any longer. The anxiety of it is eating me alive.”

“Yeah, I see that.”

“I need a fucking cigarette, but I promised her I wouldn’t smoke anymore.” His foot is tapping noisily against the floor.

“If you want a damn cigarette have a cigarette.”

“You don’t get it. I love her and don’t want to disappoint her.”

I won’t tell him, but I am starting to get it. I hate when something I say or do makes Tara frown. I don’t want to disappoint her, and the longer we’re together the more often it’s going to happen.

“OK, so tell her what we’re doing and what could happen to us, but she better not share it with anyone.” I point at him with a look of warning.

“I’m afraid of her reaction. She’s so damn sweet and worries. It’s going to kill her.”

“You look like a fucking train wreck tonight. Get it over with and tell her, so you can get it together here at work.”

“You’re right. I need to do it and deal with the consequences. Maybe she’ll handle the news better than I’m expecting.”

“There you go. There is someone I have to break some bad news to, as well.”


“I have to end things with Tara eventually, but right now, it’s Adrian I need to talk to. It seems Noah has taken an interest in Victoria. I mean a physical interest.

“He’s twisted. He said he is going to fill his free time with Victoria until I hand over the golden prize, which is Tara.

“He won’t do a big deal with me until I do. You would think he would want the payout. He is a sick bastard.”

“Shit, I’d let Victoria break that news to Ace.”

“I know she won’t. She told me she can handle Noah on her own. She’s a hard-ass. He is supposedly going over to her place tomorrow night for a drink. I’m sure he’ll make a pass at her.”

“Shit, man. Yeah, I wouldn’t want to give Ace that news, either. Good luck.”

“Thanks, and good luck with Sadie. It’s crazy that you love her.”

Stopping at the door, Simon turns to me.

“You can’t fight it once you find the one woman who was made especially for you, bro.”


Chapter Twenty-Three



There is a knock on my penthouse door. I answer it and find Zev before me. He usually doesn’t visit me at night when he’s busy handling things at Caged and Royal, so I panic.

“Has something happened in Royal with Victoria?” I feel the tightness to my chest as I wait for his response.

“Sort of, but she’s fine.”

My forehead and fists tighten next as I step aside for him to enter.

“What is it?” I ask as I follow him to the living room.

“Don’t flip like you usually do, but tomorrow night is when Noah is going over to Victoria’s place.”

“Thanks for the heads-up. I figured she wouldn’t tell me until after the fact.”

Zev’s gaze shifts away from me. “Let’s have a drink.”

“There’s more you want to tell me.” He doesn’t answer, so I stroll over to the bar and pour us both a scotch. I hand Zev his glass. “Come on, man. Spit it out.”

“Drink up first.” I take a gulp and let out an arduous breath as I stare at my brother. “Noah is going to make a pass at Victoria. It seems he’s attracted to her, unless it’s a power trip. You know, another woman to conquer.”

I battle the urge to break my glass in my hand.

“Why haven’t you scheduled the buy with him? I told you to give him whatever the hell he wanted to make it happen.”

“Yeah, about that … he wants a server of mine. That friend of Victoria’s, Tara. He wants a night with her.”

“Fuck.” I take another drink of my scotch. “Encourage her to go out with him. It’s one date.”

“Hell no. I–I like her. Besides, he doesn’t only want a dinner date. He would fuck her, and God only knows what else. I feel it.”

Setting down my glass, I glide my hands down my face.

“So, it’s Tara or Victoria.”

“Basically, but I believe Victoria has a better shot at getting out of his advances. She’s ten years older than he is. She could play that hand, make a joke of it, and throw some power of her own around.”

I sink onto the sofa. “Do you have feelings for Tara?”

His eyes flash across the room. “I do, but I’m not going to keep seeing her. I haven’t had the heart to tell her, and I’m a selfish fucker.”

“Maybe you can’t let her go because you really don’t want to. Maybe you shouldn’t.”

“Look, I didn’t come up here to discuss this with you, but I don’t want Noah hurting her, so please, let Victoria meet with Noah.”

Leaning my head back against the sofa, I weigh the two options. I will do about anything for my brothers, and this is the first girl Zev has cared about since he was a teenager. But I have to keep Victoria safe, too. Maybe she could handle Noah on her own.

“Alright. We’ll give it a little more time to see if Victoria can get something on Noah. The FBI is on me bad. We have to do something soon, so talk to Noah in the meantime. Convince him that Tara isn’t worth losing this deal.”



Victoria enters her condo, and I turn on the lamp next to me, startling her. “Fuck, Adrian, you can’t keep doing this. You’re going to blow my cover.”

“You obviously feel you can do whatever the hell you want, so why shouldn’t I?”

Her shoulders slouch as she lets her purse fall to the floor. “Dammit, Xavier told, didn’t he?”

“It seems you are due for a punishment. Another session of being bound is in your future, so you will remember that you can trust me.”

“If you didn’t become raging jealous and trusted
, I would be able to share things with you.” Her hand is on her hip, and she’s giving me her sassy attitude. God, it only makes me want to fuck her harder.

“You haven’t witnessed raging jealousy. I warned you in the beginning that the trait doesn’t set well with me.”

“I’m seeing that.”

“Now, back to your punishment …”

Victoria’s eyes are anchored to mine, and I watch as she breathes in the oxygen feeding the fire of lust between us, her chest rising and falling faster.

“Come.” I bend my finger for her to approach me. She begins to move leisurely, her short, black skirt lifting with each sensual step. Her eyes stay imprisoned to mine as she creeps toward me.

That’s right, baby. Remember who your master is.

Once Victoria has reached me, I turn her to face sideways. My hand breezes up the back of her thighs and lifts her skirt.
, she’s wearing a black garter belt and thong.

It’s connected to her sheer thigh highs. There is a sexy bow at the top of each, and her bare ass is right there, waiting for my hand to turn it red.

This will be the ultimate test to see how much Victoria truly approves of me commanding her. We’ve come so far. Hell, she’s come so far. She’s a sensual being now, retiring her jeans for confident, sensual clothing. I loved who she was when I met her, but now, I worship her.

“Bend over and grasp your ankles.” I hear the hiss as air rushes into her lungs.

“Yes, Sir.” Slowly, she bends over, her fingers wrapping around her ankles. I shift my cock as it strains in my jeans.

“I’m going to spank you, Victoria, until your ass is crimson. From now on, you’re going to tell me what the hell you’re doing beforehand, and we’ll figure it out together. I will also work on my temper.”

“Shit, yes, Sir.” Her legs begin to tremble, and I could come right now from the sight of her. I stand and brace her by gripping her hip. Holding my other hand up, I connect it with her bare ass.

She jumps and tips forward a bit. I keep her from falling and rub her ass before I spank her again. Her control is better, and I’m itching to find out if she’s wet. I trace the lace strip of her thong that lines the crack of her ass.

Damn, I want to fuck her there, and eventually I will. Hell, maybe she’ll misbehave again, and I’ll have a damn good reason to do it.

My fingers slip inside the fabric and into her. Her legs naturally want to open for me, and she moans.

“Yes,” she whispers.

“Damn, you’re fucking sexy and so wet for me. Who knew you would like to be spanked? You’ve come a long way, baby.”

“I could only trust you to do it, Sir.”

I spank Victoria three more times, massaging her ass between each strike. She whimpers with each rub, but it’s not from pain. It’s from her longing. She wants me to fuck her, and I’m about to.

Stepping behind her, I pull her garter belt and thong down her thighs. I kick her legs apart and hold her hip as I use my other hand to free my aching shaft. Perfect. She’s just tall enough for this to work.

I thrust into her hard and fast. She begins to fall forward again as she gasps. “Yes, fuck me.”

“Shit, woman, I love you.” Gripping her hips, I pound into her slick pussy. She’s at my mercy, her body shaking below me. “What will you do if …,” I catch my breath as she strokes my dick, “if another man tries to touch you?”

“I’ll break his arm, Sir.”

“Good–answer,” I say raggedly as blood is shared between my cock and dizzying head. My pulse drums in my ear as I explode with pleasure deep inside of her. I move slowly in and out as I come down from the rush.

Slipping out of her, I brace Victoria with an arm wrapped around her waist. My fingers circle her clit until she’s crying my name and quivering, her weight falling onto me.

Like the other sexual experiences with her, this one will be burned into my brain for eternity. Lifting her up, I shift and sit in the chair, pulling her down on top of me. Her head falls back onto my shoulder, and she’s panting for air.

Nuzzling my face in her hair, I savor the comforting scent of it. “I love you, Victoria.”

“I love you, too, and that was amazing.”

“You’re amazing. I’m going to be a wreck while Noah is here. After talking to Zev, I have an idea of how you can bait Sanders to work with you.”

“Let me hear it.” I fill her in on what Zev said about Noah holding out on the drug deal for a night with Tara. We then revise our plan.

Once I feel better about her upcoming meeting, I nuzzle against her again and inhale the scent of roses and sex. I’m overcome with emotion. I’ll kill the man if he hurts her. I’ll fucking kill him.

BOOK: Coercion (The Cassano Series Book 3)
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