Cognac & Couture (The Passport Series Book 2) (12 page)

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I set aside my confusion and aligned myself with him. “Thank
you,” I said and kissed his cheek.

Charlotte and Liam joined the group. “Kathleen, I want to
have a closer look at the gowns. Come with me?” she asked.

I looked at Sébastien and received a reassuring smile.
“Sure.” She didn’t need me; she was Bethany’s friend. Something was up. As we
dodged people, I heard Marian and Tiziana talking behind us; clearly, they were
interested in whatever was on Charlotte’s mind.

When we were on the other side of the room, having grabbed
drinks along the way, and were safely out of view, Marian peppered me with
comments. “Sébastien got his knickers twisted. I was watching, and Aksel
Pedersen is totally into you. Jean-Victor seemed quite interested—all that
twirling business? Interested in either? Not as handsome as Sébastien. Nice to
have options though, eh?”

I was about to tell her she was delusional when Charlotte
butted in. “Liam and I saw Sébastien’s expression when he saw you talking to
Aksel, and he was not happy. What’s the story there? He’s not some crazy
jealous lunatic, is he?” Her eyes flitted between me and Tiziana.

I defended him. “Of course not, but something set him off,
and it isn’t about me.”

I looked at Tiziana for support. She immediately rallied.
“He’s lovely, bella. Don’t let them worry you. He wouldn’t harm a moth.”

“Fly,” I corrected her. I needed to talk to him alone. “And
Marian, to answer you, Jean-Victor? No! And Aksel Pedersen was just being

The three of them looked at me as if I were an idiot. Marian
rolled her eyes and said, “If a man looked like that at me, I’d climb him like
a pole.”

“I only want to climb Sébastien,” I admitted, chuckling at
the image Marian painted.

Marian pounced on that. “So, a one-man woman? Not playing
the field?”

I rolled my eyes. “Not playing the field.”

Nor did I want to discuss my feelings for him further, so I
said to Charlotte, “Feeling all right?”

She nodded. “I’m so fed up with being pregnant. Let’s not
talk about that. How was Hotel Costes?”

“Excellent!” I relayed the details of Sébastien’s fact-finding
mission. “We were seated next to a huge group of good-looking American men.
Marian, you and Hillary should have come along.”

Tiziana snorted. “And let you skip the opportunity of being
alone with Sébastien?”

My thoughts turned to last night’s passionate explorations
on my couch, and I felt my breath quicken. “We’ll have alone time when you’ve
gone home.”

“That doesn’t sound very romantic,” Hillary said.

I was about to defend myself when Charlotte rubbed her belly
and drew in a sharp breath. “What’s going on?” I asked.
This can’t be good.

“Braxton Hicks.”

“What or who are those?” I was completely confused.

She grunted, “Contractions.”

“You mean, like, labor? When did they start?” I yelped.

She blew out a long, deep breath. “Last night. Consider them
practice for the real deal.”

Marian announced, “I need another drink. Jaysus! If this is
only practice, I’m not coming within ten miles of an unsheathed penis. More of
you screaming will be the nail in the coffin of my having children.”

I shushed Marian, annoyed with her. “Are you all right?” I
asked Charlotte, who released another deep breath.

“Yes, I’m fine.” While she spoke, Marian and Tiziana shook
their heads no.

What the hell
? I texted Liam.

I saw him read my text and search the crowd and waved to
him. Concern was painted across his face. When he reached us, he knelt beside
his wife, who was now sitting with her feet up on a chair, looking very
uncomfortable. “All right, my love?”

She shook her head yes and no.

“We’re going back to the apartment. Text Ted and Sébastien.
They were wondering where you lot had disappeared to. We’ll see you later.”

Charlotte protested, “It’ll pass. I want to go to dinner.
I’m hungry.”

Liam examined her closely, felt her belly, and looked at us.
“A light meal only.”

She nodded, while I tried to think of somewhere Charlotte
would be comfortable, which left out most restaurants in Paris. Liam jokingly
suggested, “Maybe somewhere near a hospital?” We nodded in agreement. None of
us wanted to be responsible for delivering a baby.

Sébastien arrived, not realizing what was happening. Like
Jean-Victor, he took my hand and twirled me in a wide arc. “You are… I don’t
think the words ‘exquisite’ or ‘incredible’ are sufficient. Perhaps you belong
to another time. I can imagine you in a salon with Mies Van Der Rohe, Madeleine
Vionnet, or Gertrude Stein. Tell me, is there anything you cannot do?”

“Cook or deliver a baby!”

Sébastien chuckled. “Fortunately, we live in Paris.” Then he
noticed Charlotte’s demeanor. “
Mon Dieu.

Call Me

While the
others made their way to Tiziana and Ted’s apartment at Parc Monceau, I changed
out of my gown. In my curtained-off area, I found a fitted dress that Bethany
had designed as a “thank you.” With the 1930s still in mind, it had sheer cap
sleeves and a sheath dress made of chevron-patterned tulle that became a bold
diamond pattern at mid-thigh. I loved everything about it, from its complete
layers of pattern to the black heels she’d found in a vintage shop that had
crisscrossing straps repeating the skirt’s diamond motif and crystal buttons on
the straps.

When I stepped out from the
changing area,
Sébastien was leaning against the wall. Seeing me, he
quickly stood upright, t
ugged the crisp white cuff of
his shirt, and complimented my outfit. “Always

I was about to respond when
Messieurs Meyers and Pedersen approached us. “You look lovely. Leaving already?”

I inclined my head, and, before I
could answer, Monsieur Pedersen took my hand and said, “It was a pleasure
meeting you. I hope our paths cross again soon.”

Speechless, I nodded and chanced a
glance at
Sébastien to see what he’d made of the situation.
I saw a storm roll through
his eyes. Wanting to get
out of there, I thanked Monsieur Meyers. “Your confidence is very much
appreciated.” I nodded at Aksel Pedersen.

hall we go?”
asked rhetorically. He was confident, that much I could
say for him, because, while he asked, he wove our arms so that my hand rested
on the crook of his elbow. “
revoir, messieurs.

As we stepped outside, I bided my
time and asked, “Models aside, what did you think of Bethany’s collection?” I
found myself hoping he’d loved it as much as I did.

He looked at me carefully before
reticently admitting, “I barely remember the other models or the music. I was
thinking of how beautiful you looked. How you stood out amongst the crowd. You
are truly unique.”

I beamed at his praise. “I don’t
think I’m unique, and I sure hope I didn’t stand out. It was everyone’s night to

“Bethany must think so, too. She
singled you out.”

Confused, I stopped walking.

“The color of your gown. Her
speech.” I stepped in beside him as he resumed walking.

I pictured my gown amongst the

“The color was… the color of a sunny
winter sky. Icy and refreshing. Distinctive.”


“Surely you realized you were the
only one wearing that color.”

“No, I didn’t.” I thought about it
and decided to make light of it. “Regardless, I now have a lovely, custom-made
dress.” Looking down at the gift I wore, I continued, “Two, actually. I love
this.” He complimented both gowns and Bethany and me, letting the subject

“What are the plans for dinner?”

“I believe Ted is spending a small
fortune and having dinner prepared and delivered to their apartment.”

My phone chirped. After reading
the text, I asked, “Which do you like better, Mexican or Thai?”

“I’ve never had Mexican food. I’m
not sure I’ve ever seen a Mexican restaurant in Paris. Earlier, Charlotte wanted
Lebanese, but Thai is fine.”

“I’m guessing we are going with
the impulses of a pregnant woman whose been having Braxton Hicks contractions
all day.”

Shaking his head, he asked, “Is
she sure they are only Braxton Hicks? When is her due date? Spicy food and contractions
are a poor combination, unless she wants to have the baby early.” His concern
for my friend endeared me to him. It also made me wonder if this was bringing
back memories for him.

Squeezing his hand, I said, “Don’t
worry. She’s about four weeks out. I’m sure everything is fine. I’ll tell them
something not spicy.”


The second
we walked through the door, I knew something was wrong. Hillary was pacing the
long hall from the entry to the back of the apartment. “What’s happening?”

Her answer was interrupted by Liam
shouting, “For fuck’s sake!”

I shot
Sébastien a worried
glance before rushing down the hallway.

Des Bannerman stood next to the couch where Charlotte lay,
holding her ankles in the air, while Liam stood beside him, brooding. Ted and
Tiziana stood off to one side, barely suppressing laughter. Marian wasn’t even
trying to pretend the situation wasn’t ridiculous. She was bent over, laughing
so hard not a single sound escaped her.

Charlotte had tucked a light throw blanket around her waist,
trying to be modest, and reassured Liam, “He’s right. I read it in one of the
baby books.”

“So, I’m not allowed to touch you. Meanwhile…” Here he
paused to give Des a disparaging look. “…an actor who played a doctor
gets to help you.”

“I received an Oscar for it,” Des interrupted.

Liam shot him a look that told him to shut up. Des wisely
lowered his eyes and assumed a submissive posture.

“Charlotte, what is going on?” I asked.

“I was just having some more Braxton Hicks. Liam was
massaging my feet—they ache so bad—when Des just reminded us that that can
actually induce labor. So, Des is elevating my feet, Liam is pissed, and the
rest of us are hungry.”

I nodded. “Got it. What are we having for dinner?” I looked
at my watch; it was almost eleven o’clock.

“Ted ordered food,” Tiziana answered as she got back to
setting the table.

At that moment, Sébastien wondered, “How is it that
is here, Kathleen?”

Des rescued me by stretching out his hand to Sébastien.
“Long story, mate. Ted and I are friends. A friend of his is a friend of mine.”
Then he cast me a surprisingly pensive glance and added, “As long as Kathleen’s
happy.” I watched Sébastien process this much-abbreviated explanation while
they shook hands.

Des, whose attention span was that of a gnat, swung his gaze
to Liam and Charlotte. “So, really?
is the godfather? I’d make
an excellent one.”

I watched Sébastien. He was amused by Des’s antics, once he absorbed
the odd reality of having an international movie star lounging around the
living room, behaving like a normal person. I would fill him in on the details

The doorbell rang. “Shall I get it?” I called to our hosts,
who were whizzing around the kitchen.

Ted poked his head through the doorway. “Doorbell? No. I’ve
got it.”

Moments later, a parade of doormen, taxi drivers, and a
couple of employees wearing black suits, white shirts, and black bow ties,
monogrammed on the left breast of their coat, made their way down the
parquet hallway and into the kitchen. I still couldn’t get over the fact that
none of us flinched.
How much had this cost?
Five years ago, we were
just girls with big dreams. Now we were women living our dreams in the proximity
of a billionaire, an international celebrity, and two very successful
a baby was on the way. I couldn’t forget the baby.
Literally, I couldn’t.

“What is the American saying? Go big or go home?” Liam asked
as he stood beside us, watching them disappear into the kitchen.

Hearing a wheezing sound, the three of us turned to
Charlotte and saw her panting, her face squinched in pain. Des once again
elevated her ankles but had a wild look about his eyes. “I swear to god, I
didn’t touch her feet.”

Liam shot to her side. “Shall I get a doctor?”

She pushed out a few breaths that sounded like, “Who, who,
hee, hee, hee,” while nodding. “I’m sorry, but I think so.”

Liam quickly scrambled to his feet, whirling around as he tried
to figure out what to do. “Fecking hell,” he muttered none too softly.

Sébastien stepped in. “Don’t worry. I know someone. She’s
excellent.” He quickly tapped the numbers on the screen of his phone, and when
answered his questions, he gave her the address. When he hung up, he announced,
“A doctor’s on the way.”

“Dinner’s ready!” Tiziana calmly announced, walking out of
the kitchen.

To Sébastien I whispered, “Bummer! I was pretty excited
about the food.”

“Don’t worry, chérie. We’ll still get to eat. This could be
a long night.”

While I thought about the fact that I possibly sounded like
a terrible friend, I was happy to find out I wasn’t the only one who wanted
food. “Maybe a bread roll. Until the doctors come and tell us what’s up,” I

All of us, save Liam and Charlotte, made our way into the
kitchen, to give them privacy.

Sébastien whispered to me, “Is it always this crazy?”

I nodded.

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