Coldheart Canyon (39 page)

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Authors: Clive Barker

BOOK: Coldheart Canyon
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She was no passive victim. She pushed him back with the heel of one hand, raking his features from brow to mid-cheek with the other. Blood came from the wounds, stinking faintly of bad meat. A disgusted expression crossed Valentino’s face, as he caught a whiff of his own excremental self. The shock of it made him loose his hold on her, and she quickly pulled away from him.

In life, she’d remembered, he’d always been overly sensitive to smells; a consequence, perhaps, of the fact that he’d been brought up in the stench of poverty. His hand went up his wounded face, and he sniffed his fingers, a look of profound revulsion on his face.

She laughed out loud at the sight. Valentino’s fury had suddenly lost its bite. It was as though in that moment he suddenly understood the depths to which the Devil’s Country had brought him.

And then, out of the darkness, Zeffer called: “What the hell’s going on out—”

He didn’t finish his question: he’d seen Valentino.

“Oh, Jesus Christ Almighty,” he said.

Hearing the Lord’s name taken in vain, Valentino—good Catholic boy that he was—crossed himself, and fled into the darkness.

Valentino’s vengeful prediction proved entirely accurate: in the next few weeks the haunting of Coldheart Canyon began.

At first the signs were nothing too terrible: a change in the timbre of the coyotes’ yelps; the heads torn off all the roses one night; the next all CC[001-347] 9/10/01 2:26 PM Page 289



the petals off the bougainvillea; the appearance on the lawn of a frightened deer, throwing its glassy gaze back toward the thicket in terror. It was Zeffer’s opinion that they were somehow going to need to make peace with “our unwanted guests,” as he put it, or the consequences would surely be traumatic. These were not ethereal presences, he pointed out, wafting around in a hapless daze. If they were all like Valentino (and why should they not be?), then they posed a physical threat.

“They could murder us in our beds, Katya,” he said to her.

“Valentino wouldn’t—”

“Maybe not Valentino, but there are others, plenty of others, who hated you with a vengeance. Virginia Maple for one. She was a jealous woman. Remember? And then to hang herself because of something you did to her—”

“I did
to her! I just let her play in that damn room. A room which
brought into our lives.”

Zeffer covered his face. “I knew it would come down to that eventually.

Yes, I’m responsible. I was a fool to bring it here. I just thought it would amuse you.”

She gave him a strangely ambiguous look. “Well, you know, it did.

How can I deny that? It still does. I love the feeling I get when I’m in there, touching the tiles. I feel more alive.” She walked over to him, and for a moment he thought she was going to grant him some physical contact: a stroke, a blow, a kiss. He didn’t really mind. Anything was better than her indifference. But she simply said: “You caused this, Willem. You have to solve it.”

“But how? Perhaps if I could find Father Sandru—”

“He’s not going to take the tiles
, Willem.”

“I don’t see why not.”

Because I won’t let him!
Christ, Willem! I’ve been in there every day since you gave me the key.
It’s in my blood now.
If I lose the room, it’ll be the death of me.”

“So we’ll move and we’ll take the room with us. It’s been moved before. We’ll leave the ghosts behind.”

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“Wherever the Hunt goes, they’ll follow. And sooner or later they’ll get so impatient, they’ll hurt us.”

Zeffer nodded. There was truth in all of this, bitter though it was.

“What in God’s name have we done?” he said.

“Nothing we can’t mend,” Katya replied. “You
go back to Romania, and find Sandru. Maybe there’s some defense we can put up against the ghosts.”

“Where will you stay while I’m gone?”

“I’ll stay here. I’m not afraid of Rudy Valentino, dead or alive. Nor that idiotic bitch Virginia Maple. If I don’t stay, they’ll find their way in.”

“Would that be such a bad thing? Why not let them share the place? We could make a pile of them on the lawn and—”

No. That room is mine. All of it. Every damn tile.

The quiet ferocity with which she spoke silenced him. He just stared at her for perhaps a minute, while she lit a cigarette, her fingers trembling.

Finally, he summoned up enough courage to say: “You

She stared out of the window, almost as though she hadn’t heard him.

When she spoke again her voice was as soft as it had been strident a minute ago.

“I’m not afraid of the dead, Willem. But I
afraid of what will happen to me if I lose the room.” She looked at the palm of her hand, as though she might find her future written there. But it wasn’t the lines of her hand she was admiring, it was its smoothness. “Being in the Devil’s Country has made me feel younger, Willem. It did that to everybody.

Younger. Sexier. But as soon as it’s taken away . . .”

“. . . yes. You’ll get sick.”

“I’m never going to get sick.” She allowed herself the time for a smile.

“Perhaps I’m never going to die.”

“Don’t be foolish.”

“I mean it.”

“So do I. Don’t be foolish. Whatever you think the room can do, it won’t make you immortal.”

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The wisp of a smile remained on her face. “Wouldn’t you like that, Willem?”


“Just a little bit?”

“I said
.” He shook his head, his voice dropping. “Not anymore.”

“Meaning what?”

“What do you think I mean? This life of ours . . . isn’t worth living.”

There was a silence between them. It lasted two, three, four minutes.

Rain began to hit the window; fat spots of it bursting against the glass.

“I’ll find Sandru for you,” Willem said finally. “Or if not him, somebody who knows how to deal with these things. I’ll find a solution.”

“Do that,” she said. “And if you can’t, don’t bother to come back.”

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The Devil’s Country

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Todd knew the mechanics of illusion passably well. He’d always enjoyed watching the special effects guys at work, or the stuntmen with their rigs; and now there was a new generation of illusionists who worked with tools that the old matte painters and model-makers of an earlier time could not even have imagined. He’d been in a couple of pictures in which he’d played entire scenes against blank green screens, which were later replaced with landscapes which only existed in the ticking minds of com-puters.

But the illusions at work in this room of Katya’s were of another order entirely. There was a force at work here that was both incredibly powerful and old; even venerable. It did not require electricity to fuel it, nor equations to encode it. The walls held it, with possessive caution, beguiling him by increments.

At first he could make virtually no sense of the images. It simply seemed that the walls were heavily stained. Then, as his eyes became accustomed to reading the surface, he realized he was looking at tiles, and that what he’d taken to be stains were in fact pictures, painted and baked into the ceramic. He was standing in a representation of an immense landscape, which looked more realistic the longer he studied it. There were vast expanses of dense forests; there were stretches of sun-drenched rock; there were steep cliff-walls, their crannies nested by fearless birds; there were rivulets that became streams, in turn converging into glittering rivers, which wound their way toward the horizon, dividing into silver-fringed deltas before they finally found the sea. Such was the elaboration CC[001-347] 9/10/01 2:26 PM Page 296



of the painting that it would take many hours of study, perhaps even days, to hope to discover everything that the painters had rendered. And that would only have been the case if the pictures had been static, which, as he was now astonished to see, was not the case.

There were little flickers of motion all around him. A gust of wind shook the tangle of a thicket; one of those fearless birds wheeled away from the cliff-face, three hunting dogs sniffed their way through the undergrowth, noses to the ground.

“Katya . . . ?” Todd said.

There was no reply from behind him (where he thought she’d last been standing); so he looked back. She wasn’t there. Nor was the door through which he’d stepped to come into this new world. There was just more landscape: more trees, more rocks, more birds, wheeling.

The motion multiplied with every flicker of his gaze. There were rip-ples on the rivulets and streams, there were clouds over the sea, being hurried along by the same wind that filled the sails of the ships that moved below. There were men, too, all around. Riders, moving through the forest; some solitary, some in groups of three or four; one procession of five horses mounted by richly attired men, parading solemnly between the trees. And fishermen on the banks of the streams; and on little boats, bobbing around the sandbars at the delta; and in one place, inexplicably, two men laid out naked on a rock, and in another, far more explicable, another pair hanging from a tree, while their lynchers sat in the shade of the old tree they’d put to such guilty use, and looked out at the rest of the world as they shared a flagon of beer.

Again he looked around for Katya, but she wasn’t to be seen. But she’d said she’d be close by, even if—as now—he couldn’t see her. The room, he began to understand, had control of his eyes. He found his gaze repeatedly led away from where she might be, led skyward, to gawk at some passing birds (there were tiles on the vaulted roof, he saw; he could hear the squeak of the birds’ wings as they passed overhead); led into the forest, where animals he could not name moved as if in some secret ceremony, and others fought; and others lay dead; and still others were being CC[001-347] 9/10/01 2:26 PM Page 297



born. (Though like did not spring from like in this world. In one spot an animal the size and shape of a tiger was giving birth to half a dozen white lizards; in another a hen the size of a horse was retreating from her eggs in panic, seeing that they’d cracked open and were spilling huge blue flies.)

And still he kept looking. And still he kept seeing, and though there were horrors here, to be sure, nothing in him made him want to leave off his seeing.

There was a curious calm upon his soul; a kind of dreamy indifference to his own situation. If he’d reasoned this out perhaps he would have con-cluded that he wasn’t afraid because none of this could possibly be real.

But he did not reason it out. He was beyond reasoning at that moment.

Beyond anything, indeed, but
. He had become a living instrument; a flesh-and-blood camera, recording this wonderland. He kept turning on his heel, counter-clockwise, as sights caught his attention off to his left; and left again; and left again.

Everything here had a miraculous
to it, as though whatever divinity had made it had an army of workers at His or Her command, perpetually polishing the world. Every leaf on every tree had its gloss; every hair on every mammal and every scale on every reptile had its sheen; every particle of dirt, down to the shit from the flea-infested backside of a boar, had a glamour all of its own. A rat sniffing in the carcass of a gored hound came away with drops of corruption on its whiskers as enchanting as a lover’s eyes. The earth at his feet (yes, there were tiles there too, painted with as much love as forest or cloud) was a surfeit of glories: a worm his heel had half-killed was lovely in its knotted agonies.

Nothing was inconsequential here. Except, perhaps, Todd Pickett. And if that was the case, then he wasn’t about to dispute the point. He would not wish anything here other than the way it was, including—for the first time in his life—himself.

This thought—that he was finally at peace with himself—came over him like a breaking wave, cooling a long and exhausting fever. If he was nothing here, he thought, except the eyes with which these strangenesses CC[001-347] 9/10/01 2:26 PM Page 298



could be glorified, then that suited him fine. And if in the end the witnessing burned him up, and made an end to him, that was fine too; perfectly fine, to die here, watching this shining world. It would hear no complaint from him.

“You like it?”

Ah, there was Katya. Off to his right, a little distance, staring up at the glamorous sky.

He followed her gaze, and saw something he’d missed until now: the sun was three-quarters eclipsed by the moon. That was why the light was so peculiar here; it was the light of a world in permanent semi-darkness; a murk which had inspired everything that lived here to catch its own particular fire. To snatch every last gleam of light out of the air and magnify it; to be its own exquisite advertisement.

“Yes,” he said to her, hearing something very close to tears in his voice.

“I like it very much.”

“Not everybody does, of course,” she said, glancing over at him.

“Some I brought here were so afraid that they
. And of course, that’s not a very smart thing to do here.”

“Why not?”

She wandered over to him, assessing him as she did so, as though to see if he was telling the truth, and that he really liked what he saw. Apparently satisfied, she laid a light kiss on his cheek: it almost felt as though she were congratulating him. Coming here had been a test, he realized; and he’d passed.

“You see over there, just beyond the hill? The deep forest there?”

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