Read Collision Force Online

Authors: C.A. Szarek

Collision Force (14 page)

BOOK: Collision Force
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Andi shook her head, her stomach fluttering at the scowl on Cole’s face. “Nah, he’s just efficient.”

Jared didn’t disagree, but his expression said it all.

“I don’t care where we send it,” Cole said, standing much too close for the second time that day. Andi shifted on her feet but didn’t scoot away. The radiating heat from his body warmed her.

The flow of Jared’s and Cole’s deep voices faded as they chatted about the case.

Physical attraction alone had never been enough for Andi, no matter what they’d shared the night before and how he’d made her feel. And with Cole, no matter how much she wanted him, she could never have more than a hop in the sack.

She’d never been so turned on in her life as she had last night. Guilt washed over her in a wave, almost as strong as it had then, and she swayed.
What was wrong with her, thinking about Cole like that?
Cole. Sex with Cole. Making love to him—whatever she called it.

Iain had never melted her like Cole had. If she closed her eyes, she could feel the burn of his touch against her skin…taste his kiss on her tongue. Iain…
Andi would
compare them. That was wrong on every level. She shook her head.

“Andi, you all right?” Cole’s warm hand settled on her forearm, steadying her. His heat spread up her arm and across her chest and she almost shivered.

She looked into his steel gaze and ignored the jump of her stomach. “Yes.” She tried to discreetly tug away, but he didn’t release her, and Jared watched them. A blush rushed her cheeks.
Not here. Work. Work. Work.
“I’m great. We’ll go to the lab.” Andi stepped away, and his hand fell to his side.

Cole nodded and headed to the Challenger’s driver door.

Andi’s forearm tingled from Cole’s touch. She needed to get away from him.

Being with him the rest of the day was going to be a test her resolve wouldn’t pass.


Chapter Twelve




Andi’s resolve definitely was beyond
over the next two days. Avoiding Cole’s touch was a mission. She’d failed miserably as far as wanting him—his kiss, the feel of him against her—was concerned. She’d ventured into
some time ago.

Resisting his draw was killing her. Every time she saw him with Ethan she melted a little more. Every time they accomplished something on the case, no matter how small, she saw him in an ever clearing light.

Cole Lucas was a good man.

He did care about something other than himself. Maybe he cared about Ethan…and her?

She was starting to like him. No, she
liked him—maybe even cared about him. Andi shook her head. She couldn’t think like that. That would only lead to temptation.

“Hey, Andi. I was just talking to Manning. Someone called in the black Beemer. It was in a grocery store parking lot, no damage. Looks like he just parked it there,” Cole said, striding over to her work area. “And he was smart enough not to jack something from the same location. So who knows what he’s driving now.”

Andi jumped, cursing when she jammed her knee into her top drawer. Cole stopped in his tracks. Heat crept up her neck.

“You okay?”

“Yeah, you just startled me.” She made a dismissive gesture with her hand. She ploughed on before he had a chance to answer her. “We need to head over there?”

Cole paused, giving her a long look before he spoke. “Nah, it was wiped clean. Manning processed it. Not so much as a print, but I
it was Maldonado. Now we just have to be on the lookout for that truck, and keep an eye on the stolen reports.”

“Yeah, the rodeo parking attendant said it was a late model, tan, Texas Edition Chevy. Hope he didn’t damage it.”

“Texans get sticky about their trucks,” Cole said, flashing dimples.

Despite his stereotype, Andi’s heart skipped a beat and she smiled back. The owner of the truck had been frantic when he’d reported it stolen—like he’d lost his child.

“Looks like our rash of stolen vehicles is all your guy. At last count, what are we at, four? Five?”

“Sounds right, according to your lieutenant. Maldonado has a bad habit of shooting up the crime rate wherever he lays his head.”

“I suppose we could thank him for not wrecking or ruining the cars.”

Cole shrugged, settling on the edge of her desk. He was close enough to touch. Andi averted her gaze. If she looked at him, she was likely to move closer and beg him to put his hands on her.
Damn, so much for remembering I’m at work.

“Did Berto’s phone records give you anything?” Cole asked, leaning down to look at her computer screen.

Oh, right.
That’s what she’d been doing. Andi took a breath and ignored his scent—clean, masculine spice—as it tickled her nose.

“Uh, no. Nothing.” Damn, had her voice shaken? She was a mess.

He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. Andi wanted to reach out to him but managed to control herself.

“Oh, well. It was worth a shot,” he said.

“Yeah, bummer. I was hoping something would jump out at me.”

“I hate dead ends,” Cole said, shaking his head.

“Me too.” Andi gave a sigh of her own, glancing at the clock on the wall. Her stomach growled.

“Wanna grab some lunch?” Cole asked as he followed her gaze.

“Sure.” Andi stood and stretched. She’d been sitting at her desk for longer than planned.

She jumped as Cole’s warm hand settled at the small of her back to guide her from the CID room, but she didn’t pull away. She wanted to burrow into him, to beg him to hold her, kiss her. She groaned.

“You all right?” Cole asked, for the third or fourth time that day.

needed to get it together. “I’m fine, just hungry.”

“Me, too. Breakfast seems like days ago.”

Andi refused to think of their morning meal. Together, with Ethan. How
it was. Sharing their morning with him had worked its way into her
routine in such a short time, it was hard to imagine a time before him.

She shivered. Cole felt it and rubbed her back. It was automatic comfort and she leaned closer to him without thought. Did he know what he was doing to her? Heat from his hand and his side next to hers radiated into her, warming her in more than one way. Desire settled over her and she bit her bottom lip as a slow burn settled low in her belly.

“Cold?” he asked.

“No. I’m good.” Andi stepped away from him. Her body screamed a protest. “Thanks, though. Let’s go to Dixie’s.” His gaze was hot when it met hers. Cole Lucas could see right through her.

“Dixie’s is good for me. I checked it out the night I got into town. I like that place.”

Nodding, she widened the gap between them as they walked down the hall. The locally famous mom and pop restaurant was a popular lunch stop for the force. Hopefully, some of the guys—anyone would be acceptable—would be there and they wouldn’t be able to avoid company for lunch. God knew she needed some distance from him.

Andi spared one last look at him and her heart sped up. He was looking right back at her.
I’m so screwed.


Chapter Thirteen




“He’s down. I tucked him in. Do you need to check on him?” Cole asked as he slid onto the couch next to her.

Andi smiled and shook her head. “No. Thanks for indulging him, I appreciate it. Especially since he didn’t want me in there.”

She trusted him with Ethan. His heart thumped. Cole wanted to pull her to him and kiss her. “I enjoyed myself, but he didn’t make it through the whole book.”

Shaking her head, Andi reached for the remote. “He rarely does.”

Cole grabbed her hand and tugged. “Andi,” he whispered.

It was a while before she met his gaze. “Cole, I—”

He ignored her words and leaned in. He needed to kiss her again.

Andi’s phone sounding from the coffee table made them both jump. Cole cursed when she yanked her hand away and grabbed the cell.

Son of a bitch.
That was the second time that stupid phone had stopped him from kissing her. He needed to toss it into the dishwasher or something.

“MacLaren,” she said as she hopped off the couch. She started to pace in front of the fireplace.

Cole tracked her with his gaze and forced a breath. Was she constantly going to run from him? The day had gone okay, even though she’d shot away from him like he was a leper every time he’d touched her. He’d seen something hot and aching in her eyes before they’d headed to lunch, but it had been fleeting, much to his chagrin. How much longer could Andi avoid what was between them?

“Pete, hi!” she said, a bit too loudly.

The hum of Pete’s voice was steady, but Cole couldn’t make out the words. She rubbed her neck as she walked back and forth, not looking his way once. It was as if she were alone in the room.

“That’s great,” Andi said. “Yeah, I agree. It’s been too long. Dinner tomorrow night? Sure. Yeah, I can cook.” She finally glanced Cole’s way, but her gaze didn’t linger. “I’d say about seven. Yeah, Pete, I miss you too.”

Miss him? She missed him and he missed her? She was going to cook for him? What the hell? Cole scowled. Despite what she’d told him, he had a niggling doubt that Pete was just a friend.

“Yeah, we can sure have a tell-all about the case. That’s the real reason you want to see us, huh?” A pause, then she laughed. It sounded like heaven.

Cole’s scowl deepened. He crossed the room in two strides, folding his arms as he stood in front of her. She shot him a look, eyes wide.

Ripping the phone from her hand would be rude, and she’d get mad at him, but he was tempted.

“How’s the little guy?” Pete asked.

At least proximity would let him eavesdrop.

“Uh, he’s good. Asleep.”

So, Pete wanted to chit-chat. Cole didn’t have time for that. He reached out and caressed her cheek. Her eyes went even wider and she stepped away from him.

Undeterred, he flashed a smile and leaned in, pressing his mouth to hers in a quick kiss. Andi gasped.

“Andi? Everything okay?” Pete’s voice held concern.

“Yes…it’s fine… I’m fine, I mean.”

“You sure? You sound like you’re out of breath.”

She cleared her throat and pushed Cole away, a hand to his chest. He grinned. Let her shove him from her, it wouldn’t last.

“I’m good. Gonna shower and hit the sack.”

Not alone, she wasn’t. Cole itched to touch her, but he stayed where he was, their gazes locked.

Pete continued to talk about everything and nothing, and the more Andi answered, the steadier her voice got, and she squared her shoulders. Then, with a final look that could have killed him, she turned on her heel.

“Will do. Do you need a ride home from the hospital?”

“Nah, Nate’s gonna pick me up. You know my mom, she insisted,” Pete told her, his voice fading as Andi headed away from Cole.

“Ah, tell your brother I said hello. See you tomorrow, looking forward to it.”

Her bedroom door closed without sound, but it was like a shout to him. She’d shut him out. Cole sighed. Tonight was supposed to be different—she was supposed to finally let herself go.

When would he get through to her?

She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

They’d shared a meal, played with Ethan…together. It had been
and…normal. Then the little boy had requested Cole read to him before bed. Cuddling with a child on a toddler bed, a book in his lap, was like nothing he’d experienced, not even with his nieces. He…wanted more.

Why didn’t that unsettle him? He should be rejecting that desire, not embracing it, aching for it. What the hell was wrong with him…and just how many times would he have to ask himself

There was no
for him in Antioch
He’d work this case then move on. He still had Caselli to bag. Nothing would force him off that course, especially unobtainables.

The only acceptable desire was to be between Andi’s legs, her naked body beneath him while he plunged into her.

He cursed and flopped onto the couch. Cole looked at the TV and whipped the remote off the coffee table.

Flipping through channels held no desire. Nothing caught his eye, even the news. Two-hundred-options-and-nothing-on syndrome. He switched off the television and lay down, staring at the ceiling. Silence descended.

Images of them together, the other night in her room, plagued him. Her feel, the taste of her kiss, it was too much. His cock stirred with interest and Cole’s hand drifted down his stomach, then slid into his sweats, brushing under the waistband of his boxer briefs. Just as he gripped himself, he sat up, shaking his head.

Jacking off in her shower was one thing. But on her
with her kid asleep down the hallway? Damn, he was a bastard.

“Screw it,” Cole muttered. He swung his legs over the edge of the couch and stood. He slipped his hand into the pocket of his grey sweats, fingering the condom he’d grabbed from his wallet earlier.

His bare feet padded soundlessly on the carpet. Cole paused at Ethan’s room and peered inside. The little boy was as he’d left him, sleeping deeply. His copper curls were prominent against the pale dinosaur-print sheets. The matching comforter was pulled up to his shoulder, his little arm over the top as he lay on his side. God, he was cute. And smart. Andi’s son had already staked a claim on a sizable chunk of his heart.

When he reached the end of the hallway, he tapped on her bedroom door and waited. “Andi?” he called as loudly as he risked.

No answer.

Cole waited a few more moments then knocked a second time.

There was no way she was asleep already. She’d told him she was a light sleeper ever since she’d had Ethan, and besides, it’d only been about fifteen minutes since she’d left him, still on the phone with her partner.

He listened at the door, letting his police instincts kick in. He couldn’t hear anything, not her voice, not even the water running in the shower—she’d told Pete she was going to take one…

BOOK: Collision Force
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