Read Color Her Red Online

Authors: Crystal Shaw

Color Her Red (10 page)

BOOK: Color Her Red
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“I agree.”  I scoot close to him and give him a
small kiss on his jawline.  “Thank you for telling me,” I whisper, although I am not thankful at all. 

I lean back in the seat, pushing my body into the leather and let out a long sigh.  I rest my head
while I glance out of the window and realize we are not driving home.  We’ve already driven passed the exit. “Where are we going?”  I look at him questioningly.

“I’d like you to come to work with me today.  I want you with me.”

I think about objecting, I open my mouth to speak and then close my lips tight.  If this is what he wants, he’ll get it.  He’s always had this controlling, possessive way about him.  Usually it’s an immediate turn on, not so much today.  I lie back in the seat again looking out the window, feeling like a child.  He places his hand on my inner thigh and rubs his thumb along the seam on my jeans.  I close my eyes and rest my head on his shoulder.  Truthfully, I want to be with him too.  I’m glad I have my laptop with me so I can work on my novel.  Even though I don’t see how I could possibly continue a romance comedy given my current emotions.  Maybe I’ll start a new novel, about a psycho bitch who gets her head blown off.  I huff and look back out the window. 
If only.

“Thank you for not figh
ting with me,” he whispers and my cheek gently.





I THINK BACK TO THE FIRST NIGHT we were together.  We had been seeing each other nearly every other day for a month, even though he hadn’t made a move to
sleep with me yet.  I felt a surge of excitement each time he called.  Every day that passed was like a small triumph, easing my insecurity about his intentions.  Kate was starting to let up on him, although she still didn’t believe he had given up his reputation.  She worried about me, maintaining her position as the overly protective friend.  She’d call me after every date if I hadn’t text her by eleven.   She really relaxed when he finally agreed to go out in a group setting with a few friends at a bar, even though he had to pick the venue, it was one of several that he owned.  I didn’t know it at the time; I just thought it was his favorite bar.  In fact, at the time I had no idea about the insane number of properties and businesses he owned.  Thomas is much more comfortable in public when he owns the building.

I remember how jealous I was, watching how the women reacted to his striking physique.  He was in a pair of dark denim jeans and a simple white T-shirt, but he looked s
o fucking hot.  The smuts were there in herds and they were doing everything they could to get his attention, even though he was obviously there with me. Some of them were really gorgeous.  It made me so self-conscious although he didn’t seem to pay much attention to them.  After a bit of alcohol, I loosened up.  I tried to get him on the dance floor, but he insisted he only wanted to enjoy the view.  It made me blush.  The night went great, other than his drooling admirers.  Shots and dancing, more drinks, everything in good fun. 

We went back to his apartment, his unbelievably spacious and amazingly decorated apartment.  I hadn’t been there before that night.  I was right about the maid and incredible artwork.  I was wearing expensive lingerie for the occasion; I wanted him so bad. 
I had planned on making my move at my apartment at the end of the night.  I was pleasantly surprised when he invited me back to his place.  I sat down on his massive sofa and waited for him to dismiss Michael. 

“Good night Miss-.”

“Emma.”  I corrected him before he could finish with a huge grin on my face.

“Good night
, Emma.”  I was still trying to get him to loosen up.  I don’t think Thomas liked that very much, but he never said anything about it. 

, Michael.”  I smiled at him as he left; he returned a small smile and nodded at Thomas.

Thomas stood at the end of the sofa; he casually took his watch off while keeping his eyes
on me.  I was squirming on the sofa, waiting for him to make a move.  I wanted him so badly; I was considering just jumping on him.  It was embarrassing really.  Looking back on it, I’m glad I can say at least I was tipsy.  He looked up at me, tossing his watch on the side table.  His gaze lingered, making me squirm even more.

“Would you like a drink?”  He asked politely. 
Still refusing to take my eyes off him, I shook my head and bit my lip.  I was doing my best to be the sexiest version of myself that I could manage. 

“Did you have fun tonight?”  He was still standing, unzipping his jacket.

“Yes,” I responded sweetly.  “Did you?”  For a second I worried. 
Maybe he didn’t have a good time. 
He had an unnerving sense for knowing when I was worried. 

“Of course
.”  He sat next to me, smoothing the hem of my dress with his hand, his thumb caressing my skin.  I instantly felt heated in all the right places.  “Did you enjoy shaking your ass for all of those men?”  His voice was forceful without even the slightest hit of humor.  I was stunned by his question. 
Way to put a damper on the mood. 
I sat up a bit and then smiled shyly. 

“Yes, I did,” I answered in my sultry voice,
keeping my lips slightly parted and meeting his gaze.  His eyes widened.  He was completely taken aback, making me quite happy with my ability to shock him.  I’d never felt so in control and sexy.  “I enjoyed myself very much.” He made an awful attempt to restrain his amusement, forcing me to giggle.

“You know Emma, I don’t like people looking
at what’s mine.”  His eyes went dark and his serious tone returned. 
I’m his?  Yes! 
I immediately desired his touch.  I bit my lip again and moved my thighs tighter together, feeling a throbbing ache to be touched. 

“Oh yeah,” I batted my lashes, “and what do you plan on doing about it?”  I was shocked at my response.
I think he was too.  I have a feeling no one ever talked back to him before.  He didn’t restrain his smile this time and he left out a small gasp. Thank God for the confidence that alcohol provides for me.

“I would enjoy it, Emma,” he said as he started moving his fingers slowly up my dress, almost tickling my leg.  “I would very much enjoy it
, if you would stay the night with me.” 

I was shocked.  From what Kate had told me, no one ever stayed the night with him.  It was one of his womanizing rules.  M
y smile disappeared and I stared back at his calm blue eyes in disbelief.  He stopped moving his hand immediately and the small grin on his face vanished.

“I’m sorry if I-” He pulled his hand away and I quickly grabbed it. 
Shit!  Why did I have to ruin this?

“No.  I’m sorry.  I’m just shocked.  I didn’t think you let anyone stay here.”  My sexy facade was gone.
  His body immediately relaxed and he placed his hand just above my knee, but his face look quizzical.  He shifted in his seat, leaning back into the sofa with his body directed towards me.

“I’ve never let anyone stay here.  That’s true.
”  His arm was firmly planted on the back of the sofa with his head resting on his fist.  His other hand was caressing the skin above my knee, flirting with the hem of my dress.  He watched the hem move as his hand made me squirm.   “I’ve also never gone out with a woman’s group of friends and watched her tease a crowd of men.”  He hesitated, his hand stopped and his blue eyes searched mine, “there are a lot of things I have never done with anyone that I’ve already done with you.” 

I raised
my eyes to him in shock.  We’d gone on typical dates; I didn’t know what he was referring to. 

“And I have to say, I’ve enjoyed them.”  He
leaned in and kissed my neck and then my throat up to my lips.  “I like you very much, Emma, and I would like to keep seeing you.”  He took a deep breath, again his blue eyes looked deep into mine, searching for something.  My mouth was parted just slightly but I didn’t speak.  I was mesmerized by his confession. 

“Is that alright with you?” 
He was asking my permission?  As if I would say no?

Yes, of course it is.”  I grinned and felt my sultry side return. 
He’s really into me. 
“What else would you like to do?”  He smiled his handsome perfect grin and his eyes lit up.

“Oh Emma, I thought you’
d never ask.”  His hand returned to my inner thigh, grazing the skin below the hem of my dress. “There is a matter I would like to discuss.” 

“Go on.”  I tried to make my voice low and sensual.  I was so hot and wet for him. 

“If you are going to be mine, then I don’t want to be jealous.  I don’t want to worry.  I want you there for me, always.” 
It got a bit more serious than I anticipated. 

“And would you be mine?  And not make me jealous or worry?”  I again shocked myself at my response.  His eyebrows raise
d; apparently I shocked him too. 
Why didn’t you just say yes; don’t lose him! 
Before I could worry that I had ruined it he answered me.

“Yes,” he answered softly kissing my neck.  His br
eath was hot and made me inhale deep. He kissed me, biting gently on my bottom lip.

“Then make me yours
, Thomas,” I whispered in his ear, gently nipping his earlobe.  I started to wonder if he had told anyone else this, if it was his line to get a girl in bed, but I shrugged off the concern.  I didn’t want to think about it, not in the heat of the moment.  I wanted him so badly; I honestly didn’t care if it was a line.

“Emma, if you’
re mine,” he stopped kissing me and smiled, “then I am going to have to punish you.”  I jolted back and his smile dimmed. 
Whoa, slow down.  What kind of punishment are we talking about here?
He let out a small laugh in response to my reaction and gently rested his head on my chest shaking it from side to side.

“I didn
’t mean to startle you.”  He lifted his head up and looked at me, soft blue eyes meeting mine.  “I just want to fuck you.”  My eyes widened.  “Hard.” 

He waited for my response
, but I wasn’t sure how I should answer.  I was speechless.  My breathing quickened.
Fuck me… hard? 

“If it’s alright with you
, I would like to
fuck the shit out of you
for making me jealous.”  My smile reappeared. 
Oh God Yes!  Fuck me as hard as you want.

“Could we make love first?” 
The words left my mouth unconsciously. 
I couldn’t believe I just asked him to make love.  For the third time in a ten-minute interval I thought I blew it.  As soon as I realized what I asked my heart sank. 
Why couldn’t you just be happy with fucking? 
Before I could get too upset and overthink the situation, he answered me.

If that’s what you want.”  He kissed me with unbelievable passion, wrapped his arms around my upper thighs and lifted me off of the sofa; I wrapped my legs around him and my arms around his broad masculine shoulders.  He carried me with one arm to his bedroom while taking off his shirt and carelessly throwing it on the floor.  My heart raced and I felt an erotic thrill course through my body.  Every touch, kiss, thrust, and moan was better than I had imagined. 

That night, as I lay in his arms,
after several rounds, I reminded him that he hadn’t punished me. 

Not tonight.  I think I caught you off guard,” he kissed me gently on the forehead.  “But now you’ve been warned.  When you make me unhappy,” he smiled, “I’ll make sure you know.”  His blue eyes looked devilish, “You’ll make it up to me in bed.” 

s kept his promise.  And I have very much enjoyed it. 




REMEMBERING THE DETAILS of that night makes me smile.  My entire body relaxes and I imagine myself sexy and powerful.  I feel restless, wanting him to touch me again.  Not here, not with an audience. 
Especially not Michael, he’s already seen too much.

Thomas tilts his head in curiosity; I
meet his gaze, staring into his blue eyes and bite my lip.  He smiles that big, gorgeous, perfect smile, “What are you thinking?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” 

His eyes widen at my response.  I give him a small grin and lean my head back looking out the window and batting my eyes in the sexiest way I know how.  I hear his breathing pick up.


I can’t wait for tonight. 

Chapter 7


el stops the car in front of Thomas’ building; my heart quickens and I feel sick to my stomach instantly.  I no longer feel hot and sexy.  There are at least twelve reporters waiting on the sidewalk.

“Should we go in the back?” I ask
, even though it’s more of a plea.  I’m not in the mood for this.  I hope he isn’t either. 

“Elizabeth said I should make a statement.”  He holds my hand gently.  “If you wouldn’t mind, she suggested that you be with me.”  I give him a dreadful look.  His expression changes, as though I have slapped him in the face.

BOOK: Color Her Red
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