Colters' Gift (29 page)

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Authors: Maya Banks

BOOK: Colters' Gift
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“That shit’s got to stop,” Liam said bluntly. “Starting now.”

Noah nodded his agreement.

“How about you come into town this afternoon and fill out an application at the sheriff’s office?” Seth said to Liam. “There will be a town council meeting in a few days to announce Jim’s retirement. He’ll be happy that I found a replacement so soon, because he promised to stay on until I hired someone else, but he wants out now. And the council will listen to my recommendation. As long as you don’t have any skeletons in your closet, you’ll be a shoo-in. With your military background and your experience in personal security, the town will feel safe in your hands.”

“I don’t know what to say,” Liam said. “Noah and I appreciate this. More than you could possibly know.”

“You’re family,” Dillon said with a grin. “One of us now. Which means you’ll have the dads breathing down your neck, making sure you stay on your toes. Mom will smother you with hugs and take over your lives. And of course babysitting the new niece or nephew will keep you occupied from time to time.”

“That goes both ways,” Liam said, a gleam in his eyes. “I’m planning to have a few munchkins myself, and I can’t think of a better place to leave them than with their aunt and

Wonder seeped into Noah’s heart. How easily they sat talking about the future. A future with Lauren. And their children. The families spending time together and babysitting.

But first . . . First they had to ease Lauren’s fears and make sure she knew that there was nothing in the world they wouldn’t do to have her with them forever.


brushed out her hair and strained her ear toward the door, trying to figure out if Seth and Dillon were still here. She wasn’t sure what they’d wanted to discuss with Liam and Noah, but she didn’t want to intrude.

Her hand shook slightly as she laid the brush down and stared back at her reflection. She needed no one to point out the fact that she still had shadows in her eyes. She could see that herself. And no matter what she did, she couldn’t seem to shake the residual fear, shame and worry from her heart.

She sighed. It was senseless, all of it. Joel couldn’t hurt her. His sidekick couldn’t hurt her. He was going to rot in jail, of that she had no doubt. And even now, the district attorney in New York was cleaning house. The scandal had already been blasted across the media.

She’d been terrified that somehow her name would be linked to it all. That there was nowhere she could escape her past. She’d watched the news for four straight nights, glued to the television, despite Liam’s and Noah’s objections. They hadn’t wanted her to see it, to dwell on it. They wanted her to put it behind her. But she’d needed to know if she was somehow linked to it all.

But no, the news had been full of the resulting arrests and the splashing about of prominent names on the screens. All involved in a prostitution ring.

She shivered, more grateful than ever that the D.A. hadn’t involved her. That he hadn’t needed to. She would have likely been a target for a lot of people if it had been known she was the one who turned over the information to the authorities.


Lauren picked her head up, startled by the soft endearment Liam whispered. He was standing behind her, in the doorway of the bedroom, watching her intently. Concern was bright in his eyes, and she hastily smiled to reassure him. She didn’t want them worrying. They worried far too much and had lost as much sleep as she had since they’d come home.

One day . . . One day it would all be behind them. Not so fresh in her memories or in her mind. Until then, all she could do was take it one day at a time, knowing that each day that passed was one day closer to redemption. Forgiveness.

Liam walked over and slid his hands over her shoulders, squeezing gently before gathering the strands of hair in his hand and allowing them to slide over his fingers.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said. “Have I told you today that I love you?”

Her smile grew bigger and her chest tightened.

“Yeah, you have, but that’s one thing I’ll never grow tired of hearing.”

He leaned down, sweeping her hair aside so he could kiss her neck. A shiver overtook her, prickling her skin as chill bumps popped and danced their way across her flesh.

“It’s a good thing,” he murmured. “Because I’m never going to get tired of telling you.”

He kissed her again before righting himself.

“Come into the living room. Noah and I have some things we’d like to talk to you about.”

Worry hit her square in the chest. Knotted her throat. Her gaze flew upward, searching his expression for any sign of . . . Of what? Discontent? Unhappiness?

“Don’t look like that, baby,” he said, his voice calm and reassuring. “You worry far too much, and after we have this talk, I intend to make sure you don’t worry again.”

Her brow furrowed as she took in his words. Whatever did they want to talk about?

He helped her to her feet, tucked her into his side and then led her out of the bedroom and into the living room, where Noah was pacing back and forth in front of the fireplace.

Noah stopped when he saw her, and love warmed his eyes. There was a softness in his expression that hadn’t been there before. He held out his hand to her and she left Liam, moving quickly across the room to stand next to Noah.

He pulled her into his arms and pressed his lips to her forehead.

“Need to talk to you, sweetheart. Me and Liam. We’ve got a lot to say. And we want you to listen.”

She sucked in her breath, ignoring Liam’s earlier command not to worry. Something was going on. Dread settled over her. Worry crowded her mind.

Noah cursed softly before pulling her toward the couch. He settled her down, and then he and Liam promptly took seats on either side of her.

“Look at me, Lauren,” Noah said.

She glanced between him and Liam, but she wanted to see them both. Wanted to be able to look at them both. So she slid from the couch, onto her knees in front of them, and turned to face them. Needing reassurance, she slipped her hands into theirs, lacing their fingers tightly.

Liam pulled her hand to his mouth and pressed a kiss into her palm. That more than anything soothed her concerns. There was love and warmth in both their eyes. And worry. It struck her that while she was busy being so worried—about many things—that they had been every bit as worried. If not more.

Her heart softened. She was going to get through this difficult time, damn it. She wanted them to be happy. She wanted herself to be happy. And she wanted them all to be happy together.

“We’ve been offered jobs here,” Noah said.

Her eyebrows went up. She hadn’t even realized they’d been looking. She’d been scared because they’d
shown no sign of making this their permanent home. She’d wondered if they were having second thoughts.

“When? How?” she asked.

Liam smiled. “Seth wants me to replace a retiring deputy.”

“And Dillon wants me to take over and run his businesses here. He owns many. Far more than I’d imagined. Hell, he owns almost the whole damn town of Clyde, including the building the city rents as the sheriff’s department.”

Lauren frowned. “But what will he do?”

“He’s going to be with Lily,” Noah explained. “They don’t want her to ever go through what she did with her first baby. It nearly destroyed her, and they’re all determined to be with her every minute of the day. Dillon wants to pull back. Have me run his businesses. He’s proposed a partnership. He’ll still own everything, but I get a percentage plus a salary.”

Hope flared, warm and dizzying. Her breath sped up as she imagined her life. Here. With the two men she loved more than anything. Them happy. Surrounded by friends and family. It was more than she could bear to dream about.

“And what do you and Liam think about those jobs?” she asked quietly.

“Baby, I’d dig fucking ditches if it meant having a life with you,” Liam said.

She turned her troubled gaze on him. “But don’t you see? I want you and Noah to be
. I don’t want you to sacrifice—”

Noah held up his hand. “I’ve heard about enough of that word today. Wouldn’t care if I never heard it again. There is no sacrifice I wouldn’t make for you, Lauren. Nothing I wouldn’t do to have a life with you. But honey, this is no sacrifice. Liam will make a great cop, and I’ll be a damn good business manager. But even if we were flipping burgers . . . Honey, you don’t get it. We’d be happy doing
if it meant being with you.”

Her eyes widened and she stared up at them, transfixed by the determination on their faces. “You mean that, don’t you?”

Liam sighed. “Baby, I don’t know how we can make ourselves any clearer.”

She threw an arm around each of them, hugging them to her as she huddled between them.

“Oh God, I’ve been so scared,” she whispered. “So worried and so afraid. I want this so much. But I want you both to be happy. It wasn’t fair that you had to make all the sacrifices.”

Noah interrupted her with a displeased growl.

She giggled and then said, “Okay. Not sacrifices, but your lives were the ones that changed. You moved away from everything you’ve worked so hard to achieve, further away from your family. All for me. And what did I give up? Nothing. It wasn’t

“At the risk of pissing Noah off for using the S word again, love is about sacrifice, Lauren. Love is giving, not taking. Love is what you do for the person you can’t live without. And don’t tell me you’ve made no sacrifices. That’s bullshit. What about when you sacrificed the most precious thing in the world to us? Your
, Lauren. You put yourself in harm’s way to keep me and Noah safe. I’ll never forget it. I go to sleep at night dreaming about it. That you were taken by that bastard because you saved me and Noah. What the hell are we doing that even comes close to that?”

She didn’t have an answer for that.

“Hell, we get to work with people we like. We’ve been adopted into a huge-ass, wonderful family. And we have
. What more could we possibly ask for?”

“This is really going to work,” she breathed. “Oh my God. All my dreams. They’re coming true.”

“Except one, honey. And don’t think Liam and I aren’t going to deliver that one as well.”

Puzzled, she cocked her head to the side, not knowing what he was talking about.

“Your own home,” Liam said quietly. “On your own piece of land. Seth and Dillon also informed us that their parents are sectioning off ten acres across the meadow from Max and Callie. It’s a wedding gift to us. And then we’re going to build your dream home right there in the middle of your family.”

Tears swam in her eyes, making everything go glossy and shiny in front of her. Unable to call them back, she wiped at the damp trail marking her cheeks.

“I don’t know what to say,” she choked out. “I’ll live right there by my brother. Callie. And Holly and the dads. I don’t know of anything more perfect.”

Noah smiled gently at her. “I do.”

“What’s that?” she asked softly.

“The day you give birth to our first child in that home, on that mountain, surrounded by your family.”

“Oh Noah,” she said, her voice cracking. “I don’t know what I’d do without you and Liam. You are my very heart. My soul. I love you both so much. Do we have to wait a long time to have children? I can’t think of anything more terrific than to provide Lily’s child with a playmate close in age. And other babies. Oh Liam. Just think of all the fun we’ll have with so many children. A whole new generation to grow up free and loved on this mountain.”

Both men’s eyes softened with love and anticipation. Noah caressed her back, smoothing his hand up and down as she hugged them again.

“And I know Max and Callie are waiting a bit. They both agree that Callie is young and they want to see so much of the world, but I just know that when we have our children, they’ll want their own.”

Liam chuckled. “You’re a year younger than Callie, baby. Are you sure you want children so soon? We have all the time in the world.”

She smiled, so big that her cheeks ached from the strain. Joy was bursting from her soul. After so many weeks of worrying, of trying to forget her past, she was getting a glimpse of a future brighter than the sun.

“I’ve always wanted a big family. And I don’t want to be too old to enjoy them nor do I want to be old and gray when they finally leave the nest. But if you two want to wait, until we’re more settled that is . . .”

Noah put his finger over her lips. “We want children, Lauren. Just as soon as you’re ready for them. But maybe we should wait just a little while. At least until you’re more comfortable making love to us.”

Heat flushed her cheeks and she dropped her gaze guiltily.

“Don’t look like that, baby,” Liam said in an aching voice. “We aren’t pressuring you. We’d wait forever and that’s a fact. It was just a matter-of fact-statement, one that I agree with, that perhaps we need a little time together so you’re certain of our love and commitment, and you have time to deal with what you’ve been through before we take that leap.”

“I want to make love to you,” she whispered. “I ache at night. I want it more than anything.”

Liam brushed a kiss over her forehead. “And we want to make love to you. But only when you’re ready. Until then, we’re quite content to hold you. To love you. To spend each day with you just as we are.”

She smiled again, giddy over the talk of the future. “It’s happening. It’s really happening. Our life here. A home. Children. Family. Oh I don’t even know what to say. I feel like bursting!”

Noah chuckled. “One day at a time, honey. We’ll get there.”

“Feel like running into town with us?” Liam asked. “Seth wants me to go down and fill out an application so he can expedite my hiring. Thought we’d run you by Lily’s while we do our business in town.”

“Oh, I’d love that,” she said. “It’s been a few days since I saw her last, and I know she’s going stir-crazy. She texted me all day yesterday. Me and Callie.”

“Then what do you say we pack up and head into town. After we’re done, we’ll buy you dinner,” Noah offered.

She kissed them both, letting her lips linger over theirs, tasting them, inhaling their scents. “I can’t think of a better way to spend the evening.”

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