Come Monday (9 page)

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Authors: Mari Carr

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance

BOOK: Come Monday
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“We’re going shopping,” she replied.

“What?” her sister said, laughing. “You? Shopping? What the hell for?”

“I don’t remember you having such filthy language before you headed off to culinary school.”

Riley shrugged. “So sue the school. Seriously, what are you shopping for?”

“New clothes,” Keira answered. “You saw me the other night in Teagan’s outfit. I looked like a clown.”

“I didn’t think you looked that bad. You just didn’t look like yourself.” 68

Come Monday

“Apparently I’ve never looked like myself.”

She thought Riley would question her softly muttered comment, but instead, her sister nodded. “You know, I think you’re right. I’ve never understood why you try so hard to hide your looks. I mean, if I was even half as gorgeous as you, I’d be throwing it all out there, making men drool and women pull their hair out with jealousy.”

“You’re beautiful, Riley,” Keira said, but her sister rolled her eyes.

“Nicely done, Kiki. Way to change the subject from you to me.”

“If one more person calls me Kiki this week, I swear to God, I’ll kill them. Besides, I don’t like to hear you put yourself down.”

Riley sighed. “Is Will in favor of you buying a new, hot wardrobe?”

“It was his idea.”

“Good. Then buy what he tells you.”

Sean yelled down the hall from the living room. “Keira. Will’s here.” She snuck one more worried peek at herself in the mirror.

“You’ll knock his cock off,” Riley assured her, and Keira laughed as she walked toward the living room. When she arrived, she found Will reading something on a piece of paper and Sean hovering.

“What’s that?” she asked.

Will glanced up at her arrival and she sucked in a breath at his appreciative glance.

“You look great,” Sean said.

“Thanks, squirt.” She gestured at the paper again. “What are you reading?”

“I asked Will to look at my English report. Give me his professional opinion. I suck at English.”

“You don’t suck,” Keira said.

Will spent several moments showing Sean places where he could improve his paper and Keira tried to fight back the pleasure she felt in watching him with her baby brother.


Mari Carr

“Ready?” he asked after a few minutes.

She nodded and he held her hand as he led her down through the restaurant and out to the car. “Sean was right,” he said as he opened the car door for her. “You look great.”

“Thank you,” she replied, blushing slightly at his praise.

He got in the car and they talked easily as he drove them to the shops at Hampden.

They walked around the quaint streets, stepping into any store that struck their fancy.

Will had a wonderful sense of style, choosing several lovely outfits for her to try on. She couldn’t wait to go out to dinner with him again so she could wear the little black sheath he’d talked her into buying. It was simple, comfortable and flattered her figure in ways she didn’t imagine possible.

She had just taken off her clothing in one shop’s dressing room when she heard a soft knock.

“I found another dress I think you should try on,” Will said, his voice drifting through the wooden door. The shop was larger than most they’d entered during the day. The employees had been busy at the registers and assisting customers when she’d entered and she hoped to God they still were. She couldn’t believe he’d followed her into the women’s dressing room. She opened the door a crack to take the dress from him, surprised when he pushed it open and entered.

“What are you doing?” she whispered when he locked the door behind him.

“There’s no one else in here,” he answered.

“That’s hardly the point.”

He looked at her in her bra and panties, reaching out to run his fingers along her ribs. “I couldn’t stand the thought of you being so close to me and nearly naked. It’s been driving me crazy all damn day.”

She smiled at his confession—until his next words. He leaned closer, whispering his wishes in her ear. “I want you to get on your knees and suck my cock.” 70

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She shivered at the thought of doing such a naughty thing in a public place. She licked her lips, fully aware of how badly she wanted to obey this command, but her sense of right and wrong seemed to be at definite odds. What if they got caught? Could she be arrested for this? What the hell would her father say?

“Now, Keira,” he demanded, and she dropped to her knees without another thought. She reached up and unbuttoned his pants. She was about to tackle his zipper when his hands gripped hers. “Use your teeth.”

She closed her eyes as a wave of desire rampaged through her. She wondered if it was possible to come from giving a blowjob. If anyone could provoke that response from her, she knew it was Will.

She gripped the tab between her teeth and tugged. It took several moments and a bit of help from Will, but she finally managed to pull the zipper down completely.

Keeping one hand on her head, he released his cock with his other and she bit back a small cry at the image of it. Will’s cock was thick and long and she couldn’t wait to feel it inside her. She pressed her legs together, wishing they were somewhere, anywhere with a bed. Hell, she’d take a furniture store at this point and to hell with the other customers.

He wrapped his fingers in her hair and pulled her forward, directing their play as always. She opened her mouth, taking the head of his cock between her lips and sucking lightly. He groaned softly and she increased the pressure of her pull. His fingers tightened in her hair and she was amazed by how the simple gesture drove her wild. She wrapped her fist around the base of his cock and increased the speed of her sucking. Will gripped her head with both hands, dragging her farther and farther onto his cock. She gagged once at his strong motions and he paused.

She glanced up, surprised to find him studying her face intently. “Take me all the way in, Keira. To the back of your throat. Swallow the head of my cock.” She closed her eyes, panic warring with the desire to follow his instructions. Could she do that and still breathe?


Mari Carr

“Trust me,” he whispered and she moved forward, engulfing him. She gagged several more times, but sheer determination won out as she finally figured out the timing, swallowing the head of his cock on his next pass.

He moaned and muttered something that sounded like
dear God
and if she’d been able, she would have smiled. She increased the pace as his grip on her hair tightened even more. She sensed he was getting close—and then he said, “Swallow it. Swallow my come.”

His cock erupted, hot threads of semen splashing down her throat. She swallowed it all, licking his cock clean, unwilling to give up the joy of bringing him so much pleasure.

For several moments they remained locked in place. She rested her forehead against his stomach as he breathed heavily and she could feel him trying to pull himself together. Finally, his hands reached under her arms and he lifted her.

She whimpered when his leg accidentally brushed between her thighs, touching her clit. She was poised on the edge of a tremendous explosion and she recalled his firecracker comment from the pub. Oh yeah, she was ready to blow. He looked at her flushed face before pushing her back against the wall of the dressing room.

He dragged her panties down roughly and she reveled in his lack of finesse, loving the intensity of his own needs. He lifted her right leg high, the crook of his elbow supporting her under her knee as he held her open.

Voices drifted by the door as two women entered the dressing room. They both held perfectly still, staring at each other silently. The women continued to chatter as they entered other fitting rooms, discussing what they’d found. Keira expected Will to call a halt to their game and was shocked when he captured her lips in a heated kiss at the same time he drove two fingers deep inside her pussy.

She gasped, but he swallowed the sound. Over and over, he drove his fingers into her, dragging her closer to her orgasm. She fought to remain silent, quivered with the effort of not making any noise.


Come Monday

Her climax hovered, yet she knew she couldn’t give in. His touch was relentless, hard, wonderful; his kisses endless, deep, passionate. Finally, when she felt certain she would disintegrate from the sheer pleasure, he broke the kiss for only a moment.

, he mouthed before returning to her lips. She fell headlong into the climax, her entire body shaking as she returned his kiss, using the motion of her lips on his to express without sound what her voice was dying to scream out.

He held her close to him for several moments as she attempted to regain control of her weakened body. The women in the dressing room left and still he held her.

“I can’t believe I let you…that we…” She stopped speaking, unable to find the words.

“You aren’t the only one who knows how to be bad. Finish trying on those clothes.

I’m going to take you to lunch next and then there’s a sex shop around the corner I think we should explore.”

“Sex shop?”

“I have a list of toys I want to buy you as long as your leg. So how do you like shopping now?”

“I love it,” she replied, giggling. “Can we come again tomorrow?”

“Hurry up.” He grinned and slapped her bare ass before exiting the dressing room.

“I had a lovely time today,” Keira said as they approached the entrance to the pub.

They’d shopped all day, spending over an hour in the sex shop Will had suggested. He grinned as he thought about the bag full of toys sitting in his car. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to sleep, imagining all the things he wanted to do to Keira’s sweet body.

“I wish you didn’t have to go.” She turned at the doorway to offer him another light kiss. He was making a quick trip home for his mother’s sixty-fifth birthday. He’d scheduled the trip months ago and wished he’d known back then about Keira’s arrival in his life. Had the timing worked out better he would have asked her to go with him.


Mari Carr

Unfortunately, she couldn’t leave the restaurant short-handed on such late notice and his mother would have a coronary if he sprang a last-minute guest on her.

“I’ll only be gone four days,” he said, wishing that didn’t feel like such an eternity.

Leaving Keira was only part of his disgruntlement with the trip. The other part was spending so much time with his parents. He loved them, but they wore him out with their continual health complaints—most based on the fact they were extreme hypochondriacs—and their constant bickering. “I’m driving back Monday morning.”
At the crack of dawn.

“Did you leave any clothes in the store?” Tristan asked, coming around the bar to take some of the bags from Keira’s hands as they entered the pub. Will grinned and shrugged, his own hands full of their purchases.

“Too hard to decide what to buy. Everything she tried on looked great on her,” Will said.

Keira giggled and Tristan rolled his eyes. Will decided perhaps it was time to try to call a truce with her overprotective brother. “She works damn hard. I thought she deserved a treat.”

“You bought the clothes?” Tristan asked, anger evident in his tone.

“Some of them,” Will replied. “She’s too damn stubborn or I would have bought them all.”

Keira rolled her eyes. “You’re one to talk about stubborn, Will Wallace. I didn’t want him to pay for anything,” she said to her brother, before looking at Will again and offering the same argument they’d had in the shops. “I’m a grown woman and I earn a paycheck. I can afford to buy my own clothing.”

“And as I said, the clothes were a gift.”

“You’ve only been on one date,” Tristan added.

Will shrugged. “I’ve known your sister for months and I wanted to do something nice for her. Haven’t you ever met a woman you wanted to spoil?” 74

Come Monday

Tristan fell silent and Will glanced at his face. Clearly, Tristan had.

“The last of the original heartbreakers?” Keira asked, laughing, not noticing her brother’s silence. “Not likely.”

Tristan seemed to recall himself and the sadness Will had seen in his face was quickly replaced with a smirk. “That’s me. A regular playboy.”

“How are things here?” Keira asked.

“Same shit, different day. Glad you’re back, actually. Joyce called in sick and things have been hopping over on Sunday’s Side. I know it’s your day off, but I’m getting a little worried about Pop. He looks tired.”

Will watched Keira’s entire disposition switch in an instant. The relaxed nature she’d assumed throughout the day immediately went stiff and alert. “Why didn’t you call me?” she asked.

“It’s not dire, sis. I’m just saying the old guy could probably use a break right about now.”

Will watched as Keira appeared to grit her teeth and he wondered about her sudden anger.

“Sounds like I should leave,” he said.

“I really do need to go to work,” she said stiffly.

Will was concerned about her swift about-face. He handed the rest of their purchases to Tristan. “Walk outside with me for a minute. I want to say goodbye.” He sensed her desire to refuse him for just a moment. “Keira,” he said in a firm voice.

She took a deep breath and nodded her assent, following him back into the late afternoon sunshine.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yeah. I just worry about Pop overdoing it.”


Mari Carr

He kissed her forehead lightly. “I’m sure he’s fine,” he said, hoping to soothe her anxiety.

She shrugged. He was sorry to leave her in such a state after the wonderful time they’d had during the day.

“I’ll miss you,” he whispered, kissing her lightly on the cheek.

The clouds in her face seemed to clear a bit at his admission. “I’ll miss you too. You know, I’m afraid you’ve turned something on inside me that’s not going to be so easy to shut down again.”

“What’s that?” he asked.

“My sex drive.”

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