Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (3 page)

BOOK: Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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“I am hungry. Thank you.”

He leaned forward. “I am, too, but for you, not food.”

His words and touch increased her already-tumultuous feelings. “Stop,” she whispered back. “I need space and time.”

“No you don’t. You need a good loving.” Desire shone in his golden eyes.

“Are you challenging me?”

“No, I’m telling you.”

“I don’t take orders from anyone but my brothers and only when we’re on assignment.” She looked around and was glad to see Mitch, Daren, and Sara had moved far enough away to not hear their conversation. “I don’t know you and I’m not sure yet if I want to be involved with you,” she added.

He stepped closer into her space. “Your body knows me and you want to whether you admit it or not. We will become better acquainted and that includes intimately.”

His words taunted her to deny them. She couldn’t and be honest. She feared, in spite of her conscious mind saying no to him, her weaker body, and subconscious mind were yelling yes. If she could only resist him tonight, then hopefully during her trip to Oregon she’d regain her equilibrium and her familiar life. But his scent made her want to move closer to him, and his sensuous lips would tempt the devil.

Chapter Three


What seemed hours later, Cad took her home. They had spoken very little the rest of the evening. Others talked with them. Cad kept his hand on her arm or back, his nearness a constant reminder he was there and waiting.

The drive home was quick and silent. Cad walked her to the door and put his hand out for her key. Rae hesitated and then handed it to him.

She looked at his hand as he slid the key into the lock. A fine sprinkle of black hair brushed across the top. His fingers were long. For a second, she imagined his fingers lightly touching her body. Heat flushed under her skin.

Cad held the door open for her to enter. Rae put her small purse on the kitchen table and walked into the living room. She reached to turn on the lamp. Cad stopped her.

“All we need is the moonlight.” With one arm he drew her closer and turned her back to him. His fingers gradually pulled the zipper down the silver dress. Her heart beat faster. Her thoughts shouted at her to stop him.

He’s practically a stranger.

But my body craves his touch
Just for tonight I’ll let him make love to me. He’ll help me forget. It won’t mean anything.

He stepped back, and pushed the fancy dress off her shoulders and let it slip to the floor. Silvery moonlight beamed into the room and shone on her skin. Cad turned her to face him.

“You don’t need this.” He unfastened her lacy bra and threw it to the side. Then he knelt at her feet and took off one shoe at a time. “Hold on to me.”

Rae grabbed his head and his soft hair. He massaged her toes, the arch of her foot, and then the whole foot. A soothing pleasure built in her lower abdomen. When he was done, he started on the other side.

Her body trembled as tiny waves of desire stroked her. All resistant thought melted in the heat of her hunger.

His hands caressed her lower legs. He kissed the tender spot behind her knees. Taking his time he worked his way to her throbbing pussy. His nose brushed across her bikini panties, and her scent surrounded them. With a quick twist of his hand he tore the fragile lace panties off, separated her folds, and licked her juices. His tongue rubbed across her clit. Rae couldn’t stifle the moan that came up through her body and out. Cad flicked his tongue into the opening to her wet pussy.

“Take me,” she said. His silent chuckle against her sensitive folds heightened her hunger.

He looked at her. His eyes glinted in the moonlight, stark with desire.

“In time, my love, when I’ve finished exploring every spot on your body.” He straightened and cupped her full, lush breasts. His tongue licked her quivering flesh, and his teeth nibbled against her rosy nipples.

Her pussy clenched and throbbed with her need for him to fill her. Her breathing quickened, and she thought her heart would pound right out of her chest.

He continued his exploration to her shoulder and neck. Finally he held her face between his hands.

“You are perfectly beautiful.” His lips brushed across hers, and she tasted the mixture of him and her.

He swung her into his arms. “Which way?”

She pointed to the hall and to her bedroom. He strode down the short hall and stood her by the bed. He reached around her. First the comforter was pulled back and then the upper sheet.

When Cad straightened, he was right in front of her.

Her fingers began to undo the buttons on his white shirt. She spread the shirt apart and pushed it off. Leaning forward she kissed his nipples and across his wide shoulders. His scent heightened her arousal.

“It’s my turn now.” Her mouth touched over his heart, and the beat increased. She unfastened the narrow, black belt and undid the button on his suit pants. Her mouth roamed across his tight abs and flat belly as her hand slipped between the band on his shorts and closed around his hard cock. This time he groaned, and she flashed him a triumphant smile.

She pushed his shorts and pants down, and he stepped out of them and his shoes. Rae looked from his wide, large cock up to him.

A grin quirked up at the corner of his mouth. “Don’t worry. I’ll have you ready for me. We’ll fit fine. I’ll go slow.”

His warm, caring eyes reassured her. She moved her mouth up and down his length, licked the crown, and tasted his salty flavor. She ran her tongue up the ridge along the underside of his cock. Then her mouth covered him as far as she could go down.

“Ah, love, my head almost blew off that felt so good.” Cad’s hands ran through her long hair where she knelt in front of him.

Rae started to suck and he stopped her.

“I want to be inside your tight, wet pussy, right now.”

“Are you sure?”

“Absolutely.” He pulled her up and lifted her onto the bed. Then reached in his pants pocket and pulled out his wallet. Inside was a condom package. He laid it on the bedside table and climbed onto the bed.

For a minute, he lay on his side, staring at her. Rae wanted to cross her arms over what she felt was fat on her waist and hips. She was not a dainty woman.

“You are perfect for me and for my cousin who you’ll meet soon. We want to marry you and have a family. Don’t ever think you aren’t beautiful. Your curves and lush breasts are a temptation to drive any man crazy.”

“Wait. You mentioned a cousin.” Her mind had snapped back to work.

“Don’t worry about that now. We’ll talk later.”

He kissed her mouth. His tongue slipped inside and caressed the interior while his hands stroked her breasts and his fingers gently pinched the peaks.

Rae’s desire swirled inside her, and all thought of questions or stopping were gone. Her body hungered to feel him inside her pussy. She moved restlessly underneath him.

Cad raised his head and stared into her eyes. He reached for the condom package and tore it open, then he handed the condom to Rae. She rolled it onto his cock and positioned him at her pussy opening, where he slowly entered.

Rae spread her legs wider and pulled on his buttocks when he hesitated. “I’m all right. It’s tight, but don’t stop.” She moved her hips upward. He nodded and slid the rest of the way in.

“Ah.” She closed her eyes to let the feeling ripple across her body.

“Are you all right, Rae?”

“I will be when you start moving.” She clenched her inner muscles to better feel his rock-hard dick.

“My pleasure, my lovely.” Cad began to move slowly and gradually increased his pace. Rae met his every stroke and pushed hard against the top of his dick.

Cad leaned down and licked her tight nipples, then suckled on her breast. Rae tightened her hands on his buttocks, encouraging him to take her harder and faster.

A swell of pure euphoria rushed through her. Her body bowed, and light sparkled behind her closed eyelids.

Cad plunged deep and hard one more time, creating an orgasm like she’d never experienced before. She heard his yell of completion as she tumbled into space.

He kissed her eyelids, her cheeks, and her mouth before rolling to the side.

She snuggled close and felt his heart pound under her palm. Cad struggled to catch his breath. Her heartbeat matched his, and a thin sheen of perspiration covered their skin.

“Are you all right?” Cad asked her again. His caring tone and his smile made her feel warm all over.

“I am. I should be asking you that question.”

“If I was any better I’m not sure I could handle it.” A glint of mischief sparked in his gold eyes.

Rae snuggled into his shoulder and shut her eyes.


* * * *


Cad had heard that making love with your mate was completely different. They were right. He’d never been so attuned to a woman’s body. When her soft hands had touched his dick as she rolled the condom on him, he shook inside. Then when he’d entered her tight pussy, every stroke took him higher, and his desire had shot out of sight. But he’d tried to stay aware enough so he didn’t hurt her with his eager, demanding body.

He had no doubt when she awoke all her defenses would go back up. Rae was a strong woman. It would take time to convince her he and Garth were her mates. Emotionally her body recognized him, but mentally her mind was fighting the idea.

Cad didn’t mind. He loved a challenge. Now Garth was a different type. He had little patience when he wanted something badly. And he was going to feel the same draw to Rae as Cad had. If Garth caused her to bring up the walls of her stubborn resistance, it would take longer to make her theirs completely.

He planned to call Garth when he left here and have him go to Oregon. He didn’t want her unprotected. Of course they’d have to do it secretly. Otherwise she’d rebel. Cad slipped out of the bed. He’d like to stay, but he had to make that call and get them on their way.

When he was dressed and ready to leave, he bent and kissed her. Rae opened her eyes.

“You’re leaving.”

“I have to get back to my home, but I’ll return soon. This isn’t over. We’re only starting.”

Still groggy, she didn’t deny what he said. “Have a good trip.”

“I’m going to return to New Mexico. But as I said, I’ll be back to talk with your brothers and to see you.” He took hold of her chin and kissed her again, a soft kiss that stirred his cock.

He was tempted to stay. Taking a deep breath, he moved back and smiled. “Remember me.” Then he hurried from the room before he weakened and went back to bed.


* * * *


In the kitchen, Rae put on the coffee and popped bread into the toaster. She’d gotten up early to call Jewel to make sure she didn’t mind her visiting. When Linda asked her to have lunch with her one day, visiting Jewel was the first thing she’d thought of, but it was a good idea. She wanted to get away from the ranch and have time to think and adjust to the sudden changes in her life. For years, she’d imagined Nate returning to marry her. He’d been her dream, or had he been her protection? She shook her head. Where had that crazy idea come from?

The smell of fresh-brewed coffee scented the room. Her toast popped up, and she slathered it with jelly. As she took her fresh sip of hot coffee, she dialed Jewel.


“Jewel, this is Rae.”

“I was thinking about calling you. We haven’t talked for a while. But I never know when you’re off on assignments.”

“I haven’t been good about keeping in touch either. Would you mind having a guest for a week or two? We’d have plenty of time to catch up on any news.”

“That sounds wonderful. How soon can you get here?”

“How about later today?”

“No problem. I’ll have the guest room ready. Call me before you land and I’ll pick you up at the airport. You will be arriving at the same private landing strip, I suppose.”

“Yes. I’m sure Mitch will let me travel in the smaller jet.”

“See you soon then. Can’t wait for you to get here.”

While Rae finished her toast and coffee, she thought about Cad and last night. She’d been determined they’d have fun sex to take her mind off her problems, and then she’d forget him.

Funny woman, I knew my reaction to him was much stronger than normal. But I wanted to prove I could handle it and him. That didn’t work very well. And he mentioned his cousin and I forgot all about the questions I wanted to ask.

Thank goodness, Jewel agreed for me to visit. My head is totally messed up. What to do next?

First, she’d talk with Mitch about her travel plans, and then she’d let Cassie know she’d be on her own with the business for a week or two.

Rae’s spirits rose at the idea of a vacation. She hadn’t been on one for over a year, much too long. But as she crossed the road walking to Mitch and Daren’s home, she wondered what the real reason was for the invitation from Linda. Maybe she did want to get to know Rae better or perhaps she knew of Rae and Nate’s true relationship.

And maybe I’m becoming paranoid from seeing the worst in people on assignments. I do need a rest.

The morning went quickly. Rae closed her suitcase and glanced at the clock, one p.m. It was time to get to the airport.

“Hello, anyone home?” Daren’s voice came from the direction of her back door.

“Come on in. I just finished my packing. I’m ready.”

Daren sauntered into her bedroom. “That’s all you’re taking, one suitcase and that other small bag?”

“I don’t need a lot.”

“Amazing.” He grinned. Then his expression sobered.

“Do you want us to send one or two of our men to keep an eye on you and Jewel?”

“What?” Rae stared at him. “When have I needed protection when visiting a close friend?”

“Sara has an uneasy feeling about this trip and so do Mitch and I.” He shrugged. “And even though you’re a psychic, you’re too close to this situation for your powers to be reliable.”

“What situation?”

“We don’t know. All I can tell you is Sara didn’t sleep well last night. She kept having dreams of you and a dark forest and then one where you were frightened by a white leopard.”

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