Commitment (24 page)

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Authors: Nancy Ann Healy

BOOK: Commitment
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Cheryl covered her face in her hands and mumbled an address. The threesome drove without further comment to the destination the woman had provided, and Tate grabbed her knee gently before she could exit. “You are in the middle of something, Ms. Stephens. Showing up at the bureau took guts, but it put you on the radar. Do you understand?” She nodded mutely. “All right. Agent Fallon and I will do what we can.” She offered him a weak smile and made her way out of the vehicle.

“What the hell?” Fallon asked when she closed the door.

“Drive, Fallon.”

“Where now?”

“Baltimore,” he answered. Fallon shook his head.

“What about her?” Fallon asked in concern. “You’re going to have the money withdrawn from the account; aren’t you?” There was no answer. “Jesus. He’ll be a sitting duck.” Tate still made no reply. “Tate!” Fallon snapped.

Joshua Tate just looked out his window. “Just drive, Agent Fallon.”

Alex stretched her feet out along her mother’s sofa and sipped on her Diet Coke. She smiled when she felt her phone buzz next to her, not bothering to look at the number. “I miss you,” she answered.

“That certainly improves my day,” Fallon answered.


“Yeah. Are you at your mom’s?”

“Yeah. Got a few last minute things to do in the morning before I head home.”

“Christ, Alex, tomorrow is Christmas Eve,” Fallon said.

“What are you the Elf Squad or something?” she joked.

“Sounds better than my current job,” he said warily.

“What’s going on?”

“Oh, nothing much. Had a walk in today is all,” he said.

“Anyone interesting?” she asked.

“You could say that.”

“Well, for Christ’s sake, Fallon; who was it?”

“Cheryl Stephens.”


Fallon flinched at the volume of Alex’s voice in his ear. “Tell me about it. Seems the congressman opened some accounts in her name. She’s suddenly a wealthy woman.”

Alex chuckled. “I’m not surprised she turned on him,” Alex told him. She remembered the woman’s arrival at her home months ago. Cheryl was distraught over O’Brien’s affairs, and Alex knew she wanted to even the score in some way. She could also see the genuine compassion in the woman that underlined her reasoning, even if anger was the primary motivator in the visit. “I’m surprised it took her this long.”

“Listen, I just wanted you to know. Tate’s going to drain that account. Try and tip the scale on O’Brien,” Fallon explained.

Alex pressed on her temples lightly. She could detect her friend’s trust in Joshua Tate. “All right….let me know how everything goes.”

“Sorry, not the best holiday news, huh?” he said.

“Could be worse,” she said. “No one shot me.”

Fallon laughed. “All right. Alex, enjoy your Christmas, okay? I’m on this.”

“I know. I will. You do the same.” Alex had barely disconnected the call when the phone buzzed in her hand. “What did you forget to tell me you loved me or something?” she said lightly.

“I hope not,” Cassidy’s voice answered.


“Yes? Someone else calling to profess her undying love that I should know about?” Cassidy asked teasingly.

“Yeah. His name is Fallon.”

“Should I worry?” Cassidy tried to sound wounded.

Alex burst out laughing. “I have to go to sleep soon. No disturbing images, please,” she countered. Hearing Cassidy’s soft laughter made Alex close her eyes. “How was your day? Did you finish everything you wanted?”

“If you mean wrapping your presents; yes I did,” Cassidy answered. “Although, you have to put together that racetrack you bought Dylan after he goes to bed tomorrow.”

“Yeah, yeah. What else did you do?”

Cassidy had grown to cherish these conversations. When Alex was away, even for a day, she wanted to know all the details of what she had missed. “I spent some time helping Dylan wrap his presents.”

“Really?” Alex prodded.

“Mm-hm. Seems he has been busy making Lego creations for everyone in the family. It thought it was just a couple. He kept bringing them down. One for YaYa. One for Grandma. One for Uncle Nick and Aunt Barb. One for Cat. Of course, one for Jake,” Cassidy’s voice trailed off slightly.

“He’s so sweet,” Alex said proudly.

“Yeah. They were all small ornaments. I’m not sure where he got the idea, but he was very pleased with all of it,” Cassidy said. “He had another one he wanted me to wrap.”

“For who? Does he have some girlfriend already?” Alex laughed.

“No,” Cassidy giggled. “Alex, he wanted me to wrap his Batcave up.”

“What?” Alex’s eyes flew open. “He wants to give away his Batcave? He worked on that for weeks! What did you do?”

“I helped him wrap it.”


“Alex, he wanted it to be a present for his little brother.”

Alex couldn’t help the smile that overtook her. Dylan was determined he was going to have a brother. “Oh boy. You wrapped it? What did you tell him?” Alex asked.

“I wasn’t going to, but I couldn’t resist him,” Cassidy admitted. “You should have heard him, honey. He overheard me tell your mom that if I could write to Santa, I’d ask for a baby.”

Alex felt her heart sink slightly. She knew that Cassidy was disappointed they hadn’t conceived yet. “Cass...I know…”

“It’s all right. I was so touched. He told me that he would help me write a letter to Santa.”

“I’ll bet he did,” Alex laughed. “He certainly is determined.”

“Apparently someone told him that Santa is magic,” Cassidy laughed.

“Well, he is!” Alex declared. “So, did you write it?” she asked her wife.

“Yes, I did, in fact,” Cassidy told her.

“You asked Santa for a baby?” Alex chuckled. “Did you mail it?”

“No. Dylan was very clear it was too late for that. He showed me Santa’s email. I wonder where he learned that?” Cassidy mused knowingly.

“Can’t imagine,” Alex countered. “He’s smart like his mom.”

“Nice recovery, Agent Toles.”

“I hope he’s not going to be crushed,” Alex said thoughtfully.

“Well, he knows it takes time,” Cassidy assured her.

“I know, but….”

“Alex, no one ever gets everything on their list. It will be okay,” Cassidy said.

“So, what else is on your list, Mrs. Toles?” Alex asked.

“Hmm. I suppose a nice Caribbean cruise would work.”

“I’ll bet it would,” Alex said.

“I’ll just settle for a beautiful woman to wake up with me on Christmas morning.”

“A beautiful woman, huh? Anyone particular in mind?” Alex flirted.

“No, not really. Any beautiful woman will do,” Cassidy quipped.

“Is that right?”

“Well, to be honest, I’m not sure how my wife would feel about that,” Cassidy giggled. “I miss you, Alex,” Cassidy admitted.

“I know. Me too. I’ll be home tomorrow afternoon,” Alex promised.

“I can’t wait.”

Alex closed her eyes. “You know, Santa might need a little encouragement to fill that request.”

“Oh?” Cassidy responded playfully.

“Better get some rest,” Alex suggested.

“I love you, Alex.”

“I love you too, Cass. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Wednesday, December 24th

Claire Brackett rolled over and slowly ran her hands down the form beside her. She had taken Eleana as a lover many times since high school, and she never tired of the woman. Eleana seemed to be able to anticipate Claire’s needs and Claire was always willing to submit to her friend’s touch. She kissed Eleana’s neck gently and whispered in her ear, “Merry Christmas.”

“It’s not Christmas yet, fool,” Eleana answered.

“Are you sure?” Claire asked, unwrapping the woman next to her from her silky confines. “I could swear I am unwrapping something.”

Eleana rolled to her side and pulled Claire to her. “Tell me why you’re here,” she said.

“I thought that would be clear,” Claire responded, dropping her hand to the swell of Eleana’s breasts.

Eleana grasped the redhead’s wandering hand and held it firmly. “Tell me, Claire.” Claire Brackett looked into her friend’s hazel eyes intently. Eleana sighed softly. “I thought we agreed we would always tell each other…”

“We did,” Claire said. She threw her head back on the pillow. “Strickland is sending some help to Moscow.”

“I know,” Eleana said.

“Yes, but…no one knows when.”

Eleana brushed a falling curl from the side of Claire’s face and hovered over her. “You think I know?”

“Your father…”

“I see,” Eleana said. “He doesn’t even know my involvement. You know that. He doesn’t talk shop with me. What about your father?” she asked. Claire shook her head. “That bad?” Eleana inquired. Claire remained silent. “All I know is they are set to arrive January 3
. That’s all I know.”

Claire nodded and opened her eyes. She reached up and pulled Eleana to her, kissing her deeply. “I should visit more often.”

“Something tells me you don’t have much cause these days,” Eleana smiled. Claire looked at her longingly. “Oh, Claire,” Eleana bent down into her ear. “When will you learn, love?” she whispered.

Claire smiled and gave over to her lover’s kiss. “Why don’t you teach me?” she breathed in an attempt to shift the mood and the power back in her favor.

“Another lesson in futility it is,” Eleana answered. “Be careful,” she pleaded. Claire suddenly looked vulnerable. It was an expression reserved only for the woman above her and Eleana smiled. “I can’t always protect you like when we were kids,” she wiped a single tear from the corner of her friend’s eye. “I can love you, Claire. But, I can’t protect you.”

ylan walked in the back door, took off his coat and sneakers and slid across the floor toward his mother. “Are they almost done?” he asked.

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