Complete Works of Fyodor Dostoyevsky (553 page)

BOOK: Complete Works of Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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“Vassin!” I cried, “you rejoice my heart!  It’s not your intelligence I wonder at; I am astonished that you, a man of such a lofty nature and so far above me, can walk with me and talk to me as simply and courteously as though nothing had happened!”

Vassin smiled.

“You are too flattering, and all that has happened is that you have shown a weakness for abstract conversation.  You have probably been through a long period of silence.”

“For three years I have been silent; for three years I have been preparing to speak . . . You couldn’t of course have thought me a fool, you’re so extraordinarily clever, though no one could have behaved more stupidly; but you must have thought me a scoundrel.”

“A scoundrel!”

“Yes, certainly!  Tell me, don’t you secretly despise me for saying I was Versilov’s illegitimate son. . . .  Boasting I was the son of a serf?”

“You worry yourself too much.  If you think you did wrong in saying so you’ve only to avoid saying it again.  You have fifty years before you.”

“Oh, I know that I ought to be very silent with other people.  This throwing oneself on people’s necks is the lowest of all vices; I told them so just now, and here I am doing it to you!  But there is a difference, isn’t there?  If you realize that difference, if you are capable of realizing it, then I bless this moment!”

Vassin smiled again.

“Come and see me if you care to,” he said.  “I have work now and am busy, but I shall be pleased to see you.”

“I thought from your face just now that you were too hard and uncommunicative.”

“That may very well be true.  I saw something of your sister Lizaveta Makarovna at Luga, last year. . . .  Kraft has stopped and I believe is waiting for you.  He has to turn here.”

I pressed Vassin’s hand warmly, and ran up to Kraft, who had walked on ahead all the while I talked to Vassin.  We walked in silence to his lodgings.  I could not speak to him and did not want to.  One of the strongest traits in Kraft’s character was delicacy.



Kraft had been somewhere in the service, and at the same time had been a paid assistant of Andronikov’s in the management of the private business which the deceased gentleman had always carried on in addition to his official duties.  What mattered to me was, that from his close association with Andronikov, Kraft might well know a great deal of what interested me.  But Marie Ivanovna, the wife of Nikolay Semyonovitch, with whom I had boarded so many years while I was at the grammar school in Moscow, was a favourite niece of Andronikov and was brought up by him, and from her I learnt that Kraft had actually been “commissioned” to give me something.  I had been expecting him for a whole month.

He lived in a little flat of two rooms quite apart from the rest of the house, and at the moment, having only just returned, he had no servant.  His trunk stood open, not yet unpacked.  His belongings lay about on the chairs, and were spread out on the table in front of the sofa: his travelling bag, his cashbox, his revolver and so on.  As we went in, Kraft seemed lost in thought, as though he had altogether forgotten me.  He had perhaps not noticed that I had not spoken to him on the way.  He began looking for something at once, but happening to catch a glimpse of himself in the looking-glass he stood still for a full minute gazing at his own face.  Though I noticed this peculiar action, and recalled it all afterwards, I was depressed and disturbed.  I was not feeling equal to concentrating my mind.  For a moment I had a sudden impulse to go straight away and to give it all up for ever.  And after all what did all these things amount to in reality?  Was it not simply an unnecessary worry I had taken upon myself?  I sank into despair at the thought that I was wasting so much energy perhaps on worthless trifles from mere sentimentality, while I had facing me a task that called for all my powers.  And meanwhile my incapacity for any real work was clearly obvious from what had happened at Dergatchev’s.

“Kraft, shall you go to them again?” I asked him suddenly.

He turned slowly to me as though hardly understanding me.  I sat down on a chair.

“Forgive them,” said Kraft suddenly.

I fancied, of course, that this was a sneer, but looking attentively at him, I saw such a strange and even wonderful ingenuousness in his face that I positively wondered at his asking me so earnestly to “forgive” them.  He brought up a chair and sat down beside me.

“I know that I am perhaps a medley of all sorts of vanities and nothing more,” I began, “but I’m not apologizing.”

“And you’ve no need to apologize to anyone,” he said, quietly and earnestly.  He talked all the time quietly and very slowly.

“I may be guilty in my own eyes. . . .  I like being guilty in my own eyes. . . .  Kraft, forgive me for talking nonsense.  Tell me, surely you don’t belong to that circle?  That’s what I wanted to ask.”

“They are no sillier than other people and no wiser; they are mad like every one else. . . .”

“Why, is every one mad?” I asked, turning towards him with involuntary curiosity.

“All the best people are mad nowadays; it’s the carnival of mediocrity and ineptitude and nothing else. . . .  But it’s not worth talking about.”

As he talked he looked away into the air and began sentences and broke off without finishing them.  I was particularly struck by a note of despondency in his voice.

“Surely Vassin is not one of them, Vassin has a mind, Vassin has a moral idea!” I cried.

“There are no moral ideas now.  It suddenly appears that there is not one left and, what’s worse, that there never have been any.”

“Never have been any in the past?”

“Let us leave that!” he brought out with unmistakable weariness.

I was touched by his sorrowful earnestness.  Ashamed of my own egoism I began to drop into his tone.

“The present day,” he began after a pause lasting two minutes, looking away into space, “the present day is the golden age of mediocrity and callousness, of a passion for ignorance, idleness, inefficiency, a craving for everything ready-made.  No one thinks; it’s rare for anyone to work out an idea for himself.”

He broke off again and paused for a while; I listened.  “Nowadays they are stripping Russia of her forests, and exhausting her natural wealth, turning the country into a waste and making it only fit for the Kalmucks.  If a man looks forward and plants a tree every one laughs at him, and tells him he won’t live to enjoy it.  On the other hand those with aspirations discuss nothing but what will be in a thousand years.  The idea that sustained men has utterly gone.  It’s as though they were all at an hotel and were leaving Russia to-morrow.  They are alive if they could only. . . .”

“Excuse me, Kraft, you said they worried their heads about what would happen in a thousand years.  But you despair about the future of Russia . . . isn’t that an anxiety of the same sort?”

“It — it’s the most essential question in the world!” he said irritably, and jumped up quickly from his seat.

“Ah, yes!  I forgot,” he said suddenly in quite a different voice, looking at me in perplexity.  “I asked you to come for something special and meanwhile . . . for heaven’s sake excuse me.”

He seemed suddenly to wake up from a sort of dream, and was almost disconcerted; he took a letter out of a portfolio on the table and gave it to me.

“This is what I have to give you.  It’s a document of some importance,” he began, speaking collectedly and with a businesslike air.  Long afterwards, when I recalled it, I was struck by this faculty in him (at an hour such as this was — for him!) of turning such wholehearted attention on another person’s affairs and going into them with such firmness and composure.

“It is a letter of Stolbyeev’s, that is of the man whose will gave rise to Versilov’s lawsuit with the Princes Sokolsky.  The case is just being decided in the court, and will certainly be decided in Versilov’s favour; the law is on his side.  Meanwhile, in this letter, a private letter written two years ago, the deceased sets forth his real dispositions, or more accurately his desires, and expresses them rather in favour of the Sokolskys than of Versilov.  At any rate the points on which the Sokolskys rest their case in contesting the will are materially strengthened by this letter.  Versilov’s opponents would give a great deal for this letter, though it really has no positive legal value.  Alexey Nikanoritch (Andronikov), who managed Versilov’s affairs, kept this letter and not long before his death gave it to me, telling me to ‘take care of it’; perhaps he had a presentiment that he was dying and was anxious about his papers.  I was unwilling to judge of Alexey Nikanoritch’s intentions in the case, and I must confess that at his death I found myself in disagreeable uncertainty what to do with this document, especially as the case was so soon to be concluded.  But Marie Ivanovna, in whom Alexey Nikanoritch seems to have put great confidence in his lifetime, helped me out of the difficulty.  She wrote to me three weeks ago telling me that I was to give the letter to you, as this would, she BELIEVED (her own expression) be in accordance with the wishes of the deceased, and I am very glad that I can at last give it to you.”

“Tell me,” I said, dumbfoundered at this new and unexpected information, “what am I to do with this letter now?  How am I to act?”

“That’s for you to decide.”

“Impossible; my hands are tied, you must admit that!  Versilov is so reckoning on this fortune . . . and, you know, he’ll be utterly lost without it; and it suddenly appears that a document like this exists!”

“It only exists here in this room.”

“Is that really so?”  I looked at him attentively.

“If you can’t decide how to act in this case, what can I advise you?”

“But I can’t give it to the Sokolskys either.  I should ruin all Versilov’s hopes, and be a traitor to him besides. . . .  On the other hand if I give it to Versilov I plunge the innocent into poverty, and I should put Versilov in a hopeless dilemma too; he would either have to give up the fortune or become a thief.”

“You exaggerate the importance of the matter.”

“Tell me one thing: is this letter decisive, conclusive?”

“No, it isn’t.  I’m not much of a lawyer.  A lawyer on the other side would, no doubt, know how to make use of such a document and to turn it to account; but Alexey Nikanoritch considered positively that if this letter were put forward it would have no great legal value, so that Versilov’s case might be won all the same.  This letter is more a matter of conscience, so to say. . . .”

“But that’s what matters most of all,” I interrupted, “just because it would put Versilov in a hopeless dilemma.”

“He may on the contrary destroy the document, and so escape all danger.”

“Have you any grounds for supposing such a thing of him, Kraft?  That’s what I want to know; that’s why I’m here.”

“I believe every one would do the same in his place.”

“Would you behave so, yourself?”

“I’m not going to receive a fortune, so I can’t tell about myself.”

“Very well,” I said, putting the letter in my pocket.  “The matter’s settled for the present.  Listen, Kraft.  Marie Ivanovna, who has, I assure you, told me a great deal, said to me that you and only you could tell me the truth of what happened at Ems a year and a half ago between Versilov and Mme. Ahmakov.  I’ve been looking forward to seeing you as a sun that would throw light on everything.  You don’t know my position, Kraft.  I beseech you to tell me the whole truth.  What I want to know is what kind of man He is, and now — now I need to know it more than ever.”

“I wonder Marie Ivanovna did not tell you all about it herself; she might have heard it all from Andronikov, and of course she has heard it and very likely knows more than I do.”

“Andronikov was not clear about it himself, so Marie Ivanovna told me.  It seems a maze to which no one has the clue.  The devil himself would be lost in it.  I know that you were at Ems yourself at the time.”

“I never knew the whole of it, but what I do know I will willingly tell you if you like, though I doubt whether I shall satisfy you.”


I won’t reproduce his story word for word, but will only give a brief summary of it.

A year and a half before, Versilov (through the old prince) became a constant visitor at the Ahmakovs’ (they were all abroad then, at Ems) and made a great impression on the general himself, a man who had during three years of marriage squandered all his wife’s large dowry over cards, and as a result of his irregular life had already had a paralytic stroke, though he was not an old man.  He had recovered from it before going abroad, and was staying at Ems for the sake of his daughter by his first wife.  She was a girl of seventeen, in delicate health — consumptive — and said to be extremely beautiful, but at the same time very fantastical.  She had no dowry; but they rested their hopes, as usual, on the old prince.  Mme. Ahmakov was said to be a good stepmother, but the girl, for some reason, became particularly attached to Versilov.  He was preaching at that time “something impassioned,” as Kraft expressed it, some sort of new life; “was in a state of religious fervour of the most exalted kind,” in the strange and perhaps ironical phrase of Andronikov, which was repeated to me.  But it was noticeable that they all soon began to dislike him.  The general was positively afraid of him.  Kraft did not altogether deny the rumour that Versilov succeeded in instilling into the invalid husband’s mind the suspicion that his wife, Katerina Nikolaevna, was not indifferent to the young Prince Sokolsky (who had left Ems and was at that time in Paris).  He did this not directly, but “after his usual fashion” — by hints, inferences, and all sorts of roundabout ways, “at which he is a great master,” said Kraft.  I may say that Kraft considered him, and preferred to consider him, altogether rather as an impostor and an inveterate intriguer than as a man genuinely possessed by some exalted, or at least original, idea.  I knew, apart from Kraft, that Versilov, who had at first had an extraordinary influence on Katerina Nikolaevna, had by degrees come to an open rupture with her.  What lay behind all this I could not find out from Kraft, but every one confirmed the story of the mutual hatred that had sprung up between them after their friendship.  Then came a strange circumstance: Katerina Nikolaevna’s invalid stepdaughter apparently fell in love with Versilov, or was struck by something in him, or was inflamed by his eloquence or I don’t know what; but it is known that at one time Versilov spent almost every day at her side.  It ended by the young lady’s suddenly announcing to her father that she wanted to marry Versilov.  That this actually had happened was confirmed by every one — by Kraft, by Andronikov, and by Marie Ivanovna, and even Tatyana Pavlovna once spoke about it before me.  They asserted also that Versilov not only desired it himself but positively insisted on a marriage with this girl, and that these two creatures of such different species, one old and the other young, were in complete agreement about it.  But the father was alarmed at the idea.  As he became more estranged from Katerina Nikolaevna, whom he had been very fond of, he now began almost to idolize his daughter, especially after his stroke.  But the bitterest opposition to the idea of such a marriage came from Katerina Nikolaevna.  There followed a great number of secret and extremely unpleasant family wrangles, disputes, mortifying and in fact revolting scenes.  At last the father began to give way before the persistence of the love-sick girl who was, as Kraft expressed it, “fanaticized” by Versilov.  But Katerina Nikolaevna still resisted it with implacable hatred.  And it is at this stage that the muddle begins which no one can understand.  But this was Kraft’s conjecture based on the facts — only a conjecture, however.

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