Complete Works of Rudyard Kipling (Illustrated) (1234 page)

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FROM AUGUST 16, 1915


Hon. L. J. P. Butler, C.M.G., D.S.O
P. L. Reid, O.B.E.
E. B. Greer, M.C
R. H. Ferguson
H. R. Alexander, D.S.O., M.C
A. F. L. Gordon, D.S.O., M.C.
To return to



Appendix A


The compiler gives below as many of the accounts of acts of bravery that won decoration, as he understands were published in the London Gazette on various dates. These are what were known as “immediate rewards.” The details of services acknowledged by decorations which did not come under this category were not given in the Gazette.
10th March 1915
. M.C. to Second Lieutenant A. C. W. Innes, 1st Battalion, Irish Guards: “For conspicuous gallantry and ability at Cuinchy on 1st February 1915. When all the officers of the attacking company had been put out of action, this officer was sent forward to take command. Leading his men he captured the enemy’s post, and then advancing a further 60 yards captured another.”
10th March 1915
. M.C. to Lieutenant R. St. J. Blacker-Douglass, late 1st Battalion, Irish Guards: “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in continuing to lead an attack after he had been wounded. He was killed in this attack.”
6th September 1915
. M.C. to Lieutenant (Temp. Captain) Montague Vernon Gore-Langton, 1st Battalion, Irish Guards: “For conspicuous gallantry on the night of 10th August 1915, at Cuinchy, when with an orderly and one bomber, he carried out a successful and daring reconnaissance. He crawled out across a crater and discovered another crater reaching to within a few yards of the enemy’s trenches. Here he was seen by a German on patrol, who came within 8 yards, when he was killed by the orderly. He still lay out, aided by Very’s pistol lights fired from his own trenches for the purpose; he examined carefully the whole of the enemy’s wire entanglements and trenches hidden behind the craters.”
31st May 1916
. M.C. to Temporary Captain Philip Randal Woodhouse, M.B., R.A.M.C. (attached 1st Battalion, Irish Guards) “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He tended the wounded under heavy shell fire, and, though himself wounded, continued his work. On another occasion he went across the open under shell fire to attend to the wounded.”
24th June 1916
. M.C. to Lieutenant Charles Richard Tisdall, Special Reserve (attached 1st Battalion, Irish Guards): “For conspicuous gallantry. When on patrol with two men he discovered a strong enemy patrol, who evidently intended to rush an isolated post. With great determination he dispersed the enemy patrol with one of his men, after sending the other for reinforcements. His promptness in all probability saved the post.”
20th October 1916
. D.S.O. to Captain the Hon. Harold Rupert Leofric George Alexander, M.C., 2nd Battalion, Irish Guards: “For conspicuous gallantry in action. He was the life and soul of the attack, and throughout the day led forward not only his own men but men of all regiments. He held the trenches gained in spite of heavy machine-gun fire.”
11th May 1917
. M.C. to Lieutenant Edward Budd. Irish Guards, Special Reserve (attached 1st Battalion): “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He carried out a dangerous reconnaissance under very heavy fire, and brought back most valuable information. He has on many occasions done fine work.”
8th January 1918
. D.S.O. to Lieutenant (Acting Captain) the Hon. William Sigismund Patrick Alexander, Irish Guards: “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. Whilst leading his company in an attack he came under heavy machine-gun fire from a concrete emplacement. He immediately led a successful attack through a gap in our barrage, and outflanked three gun positions, capturing three machine-guns and fourteen men. He then continued the attack, and seized his objective within the scheduled time, in spite of having to pass through our own barrage as well as that of the enemy. He set a splendid example of fearlessness and resource.”
8th January 1918
. Bar to M.C. to Lieutenant Edward Budd, M.C., Irish Guards, Special Reserve: “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. After a personal reconnaissance of an enemy blockhouse which was harassing his front line, he made sound and skilful disposition for its capture which was effectively carried out. The capture of the blockhouse not only relieved the front line from annoyance and loss, but enabled the whole line in this vicinity to be advanced about 200 yards. He showed very great initiative and military skill.” (M.C. gazetted 11th May 1917).
8th January 1918
. M.C. to Lieutenant Reginald Ellice Sassoon, Irish Guards, Special Reserve: “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. During an attack, when his company was held up by hostile machine-gun fire, he organised and led a party to the capture of a concrete strong point and of a machine-gun and trench mortar. He was then subjected to machine-gun fire from another strong point, which he promptly and successfully attacked from the flank, capturing another machine-gun and killing and capturing several of the enemy. His dash and initiative at a critical moment were worthy of the highest praise.”
7th March 1918
. D.S.O. to Captain William Archer Redmond, Irish Guards, Special Reserve: “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when in command of a company holding a line of posts. When, following a heavy barrage, the enemy attacked in strength and a bomb fell in his post, knocking out half the occupants, he immediately led the survivors out and drove the enemy back, which enabled him to establish a new defensive line and to hold it against repeated attacks until day broke.”
6th April 1918
. M.C. to Lieutenant Arthur Ronald Stansmore Nutting, Irish Guards: “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. In spite of heavy shell fire at night he brought up the rations to Battalion Headquarters in the second objective, and remained there until his duty was finished. He has never failed to supply his battalion with rations in most dangerous situations.”
6th April 1918
. M.C. to Second Lieutenant Eric Edwin Anderson, Irish Guards, Special Reserve: “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when in command of his platoon. He attacked a machine-gun position, capturing the two guns, and killed all the garrison. He was responsible for capturing two more machine-guns at the first objective. He had previously carried out a very valuable reconnaissance.”
6th April 1918
. M.C. to Lieutenant James Black, Irish Guards, Special Reserve: “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty as Adjutant during three days’ operations. When the trenches of one of the support companies were being blown to pieces he went from Battalion Headquarters and led the company forward into a new position.”
23rd April 1918
. M.C. to Second Lieutenant Ronald Hubert Mungo Park, Irish Guards, Special Reserve, attached M.G. Corps “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when in charge of a section of machine-guns which he established in a well-chosen position from which to bring in direct fire upon the enemy’s approaches. He worked untiringly to establish a large reserve of ammunition, and when the enemy counter-attacked they were twice subjected to a heavy fire from his guns.”
23rd April 1918
. M.C. to Lieutenant (Acting Captain) Robert Bruce Stephen Reford, Irish Guards: “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He was in command of the right flank company in an attack, and maintained the direction of the Battalion under very difficult conditions. Though encountering many ‘pillboxes’ and strong points, he reached his final objective.”
23rd April 1918
. M.C. to Second Lieutenant Edward Murray Harvey, Irish Guards, Special Reserve: “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when in charge of the platoon guides and the marking out of the assembly areas, which he successfully carried out under shell fire and the most trying weather conditions. He led his platoon with skill and judgment in the attack, until wounded at the final objective.”
5th July 1918
. M.C. to Lieutenant Stewart Sandbach Harrison. Irish Guards, Special Reserve, attached M.G. Corps: “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in an attack. Whilst he was in charge of a section of forward machine-guns the right flank of the line was held up by a party of enemy with several machine-guns. He rushed forward with one of his guns in front of the leading infantry under very heavy rifle and machine-gun fire and enfiladed the enemy, thus enabling the line to go forward again.”
5th July 1918
. M.C. to Second Lieutenant Donald Arthur Birbeck Moodie, Irish Guards, Special Reserve: “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. On the company commander becoming a casualty, he took command and successfully checked several enemy attempts to get round the flank of his company, which was for some hours critically situated. Later, when the trenches held by his company were attacked and entered by the enemy, he directed his men with great skill and judgment, and himself fought with splendid courage and determination.”
5th July 1918
. Second Bar to M.C. to Lieutenant (Acting Captain) Edward Budd, M.C., Irish Guards, Special Reserve: “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He led his company with great skill and judgment, and during the subsequent consolidation displayed marked ability and disregard of danger, reorganising his own company and rendering great assistance to neighbouring company commanders. Later, when, during an enemy attack, all communications were cut, he volunteered to go up to the front line and clear up the situation. He successfully accomplished this task, in spite of continuous sniping and machinegun fire. Throughout the operations his coolness was most marked, and his sound judgment was of the greatest help to his battalion commander.”
5th July 1918
. M.C. to Second Lieutenant Cyril Elmore Hammond, Irish Guards, Special Reserve: “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. During an attack, at a time when the position was most obscure, he was sent forward on patrol. Though under fire for the whole time, and in spite of suffering several casualties, he kept his battalion commander in touch with the situation, furnishing accurate and valuable information.”
18th July 1918
. M.C. to Captain the Hon. Harold Alfred Vyvyan St. George Harmsworth, Irish Guards, Special Reserve: “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in an attack. He led his company forward under heavy fire, and himself put out of action two enemy machine-guns. It was entirely due to his splendid example that his company reached their objective.”
26th July 1918
. M.C. to Captain the Hon. Henry Barnaby O’Brien, 2nd Battalion, Irish Guards: “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When the enemy broke the line on the right, this officer, collecting all the available men, formed a defensive bank under heavy machine-gun and rifle fire, saving the situation.”
26th July 1918
. M.C. to Lieutenant Frederick Sydney Leslie Smith, 2nd Battalion, Irish Guards: “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. Whilst in process of relief the enemy broke through on his right. Promptly realising the situation, this officer formed a defensive flank, supervising the placing of his men under heavy machine-gun fire.”
26th July 1918
. M.C. to Second Lieutenant John Augustin Stephano Gatti, 2nd Battalion, Irish Guards: “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. After an attack by his platoon, this officer walked along the line within 200 yards of the enemy, encouraging his men in their work of consolidation, under very heavy fire, until he was wounded.”
26th July 1918
. M.C. to Lieutenant Robert Henry Warren Heard, 2nd Battalion, Irish Guards: “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. Whilst he was relieving another unit in the front line, the enemy attacked and broke through on the right, leaving the flank of this officer’s company exposed. He immediately placed the men himself, under heavy machine-gun fire, to form a defensive flank, and rectified the situation.”
26th July 1918
. M.C. to Captain Joseph Illingworth Lawson, R.A.M.C. (Scottish Rifles), attached 2nd Battalion, Irish Guards: “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in bringing in wounded under heavy shell-fire, with no one between him and the enemy, thereby saving them from being made prisoners.”
16th September 1918
. M.C. to 2nd Lieutenant Theobald Mathew, Irish Guards: “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. This officer led a raid with dash and ability, its success being largely due to his leadership and example. When one of his sections was held up by a machine-gun he rushed it from a flank, putting the gun out of action and killing the gunner.”
16th September 1918
. M.C. to Lieutenant (Acting Captain) George Louis St. Clair Bambridge, Irish Guards, Special Reserve: “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When the enemy, attacking in great strength, succeeded in driving a wedge into our line, this officer immediately led a counter-attack which was entirely successful, the enemy being driven back with loss and the line re-established. It was entirely due to his initiative and dash that the line was maintained.”

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