Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (280 page)

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Glevum ware
The process whereby the iron in soils and sediments is bacterially reduced under anaerobic conditions and concentrated in a restricted horizon within the soil profile. Gleying usually occurs where there is a high water table or where an iron pan forms low down in the soil profile and prevents run-off, with the result that the upper horizons remain wet. Gleyed soils are typically green, blue, or grey in colour.
Glob , Peter Vilhelm
Danish archaeologist well known for his work on bog bodies and the Danish Bronze Age. He was Director General of Museums and Antiquities in Denmark. He published many papers and books, amongst them
The bog people
(1969, London: Faber and Faber) and
The mound people
(1974, London: Faber and Faber).
The Times
, 27 July 1985]
Global Positioning System
A means of accurately locating the position of any point on the surface of the earth by using a network of geostationary orbiting satellites to coordinate in three dimensions the position of a mobile receiver. Various grades of equipment are available, from the hand-held systems to survey-grade instruments that can take and log several readings per second. For archaeology the system offers tremendous potential, especially in areas where there are few topographic reference points and limited or no mapping. The availability of satellite cover is the main constraint, and for optimum operation it is sometimes necessary to work strange hours to get the best configurations for the task in hand.
Globular Amphora Culture
Late Neolithic communities of the later second millennium
occupying the Vistula, Oder, and Bug river systems in north central Europe. They are distinguished by their bulbous pots with a narrow neck and perforated lugs or small handles for suspension. Cord impressed decoration is usual. Burial is in single graves, usually with a stone-lined cist. Grave goods include their distinctive pots and also axes made from banded flint obtained from the Holy Cross Mountains. The Globular Amphora Culture is contemporary with the
and the

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